373rd Online Tactical Campaigns

373rd Online Tactical Campaigns

373rd Online Tactical Campaigns


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ONLINE TACTICAL CAMPAIGN ''CHAMELEON''–War StatusDespite the initial indications that Russia is capable toface a surprising attack, Georgia took the risk with the support ofthe USA.The attack begun at 06:15 with cannon shots from theGeorgian artillery at GORI and north of KASPI in combinationwith air raids. The objective of the first assaults was thebombardment of strategic installations at South Ossetia, aimingto debacle the Russian defense line.On the same time the Georgian ground forces attemptedto attack Gori from northeast as well supported by KA-50helicopters.Against the Georgian expectations on the advancementof the battle, the Russians have launched interception andsupport aircraft within very short time, with a simultaneousreinforcement of the two fronts with ground forces.Soon after the first successful missions of the Russian airforce the situation at the fronts was changed and Russia wasfound in an offensive position.Numerous allied aircraft were shot down, others on their way tohome plate, having accomplished their missions and others ontheir way to the targets. The Russian tanks seem to be winningthe battle at Gori. At this moment of the battle the allied air forceplayed and essential role, performing a well organized counterattack. The allies managed to capture Gori with the assistance ofclose air support (CAS) missions after 2-hour combats.The allied forces have hit: ammo dumps, command centers,power production units, inactive SA-10 batteries etc. However theallies suffered enormous tank losses, the majority of which weredestroyed during the Russian count attack at Gori before the finalcapture of the town by the Georgians.www.foinikas.org

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