Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1

Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1

Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1


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156 SECRET SOCIETIESTurkish promises . Those who remained had to regret theirconfidence . On the following day the Turks slaughteredthe soldiers ; the officers were carried to Silistria, and thereexecuted ; Farmakis was sent to Constantinople, where, afterhaving been cruelly racked, he was beheaded .54 2 . Final Success of the Hetairia .-Thus the real Hetairiaperished, but its overthrow was not without benefit to thecause ; for by the brutalities committed by the Turks whooccupied the Principalities, there arose a series of complicationsbetween the Cabinets of St . Petersburg and Constantinople,which at last led to an open quarrel . Ipsilantilived to see the issue of the diplomatic fencing in thebeginning of the Russo-Turkish war of 1828 and 1829,when the real Greek people, with genuine means, accomplishedto the south of the Balkans what he had vainlyattempted with artificial ones in the north . But in thisthe action of the Hetairia, still existing as a remnant,played only a secondary part, and hence we may here fitlyconclude the history of this secret society .

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