Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1

Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1

Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1


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208 SECRET SOCIETIESfew persons only, it did not last long. In 1818 anothersect arose, that of " National <strong>Freemasonry</strong>," which borrowedthe rites, degrees, and language of <strong>Freemasonry</strong>, but aimedat national independence . The society was open to personsof all classes, but sought chiefly to enlist soldiers and officials,so as to turn their technical knowledge to account in the dayof the struggle . But though numerous, the society lastedonly a few years ; for disunion arose among the members,and it escaped total dissolution only by transformation . Italtered its rites and ceremonies, and henceforth called itselfthe " Scythers," in remembrance of the revolution of 1794,in which whole regiments, armed with scythes, had goneinto battle . They met in 1821 at Warsaw, and drew upa new revolutionary scheme, adopting at the same time thenew denomination of "Patriotic Society ." In the meanwhilethe students of the University of Wilna had formedthemselves into a secret society ; which, however, was discoveredby the Russian Government and dissolved . In1822 the Patriotic Society combined with the masonicrite of "Modern Templars," founded in Poland by CaptainMaiewski ; to the three rites of symbolical masonry wasadded a fourth, in which the initiated swore to do all in hispower towards the liberation of his country . These combinedsocieties brought about the insurrection of 1830 . In1834 was established the society of °Young Poland" ; oneof its most distinguished members and chiefs being SimonKonarski, who had already distinguished himself in the insurrectionof 1830. He then made his escape, and in orderbetter to conceal himself learned the art of watchmaking .Having returned to Poland and joined "Young Poland,"he was discovered in 1838, and subjected to the torture toextort from him the names of his accomplices . But norevelations could be obtained from him, and he bore hissufferings with such courage that the military governor ofWilna exclaimed, "This is a man of iron!" A Russianofficer offered to assist him in escaping, and being detected,was sent to the Caucasian army for life . Konarski wasexecuted in 1839, the people tearing his clothes to piecesto possess a relic of him . The chains he bad been loadedwith were formed into rings and worn by his admirers .Men like these redeem the sins of many so-called "Polishpatriots ."603 . Secret National Government.-Some time before theoutbreak of the Crimean war a secret national governmentwas formed in Poland, of course with the object of organising

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