Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1

Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1

Mackey – Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol. 1


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IRISH SOCIETIES279over the devil, and restore to us our own in our own land forever. Amen.O'Toole, hear us .From English civilisation,Front British law and order,From Anglo-Saxon cant and freedom,From the hest of the English Queen,From Rule Britannia,From the cloven hoof,From the necessity of annual rebellion,From billeted soldiery,From a pious church establishment,O'Toole, deliver us!Fenianism to be stamped out like the cattle plague !We will prove them false prophets, O'Toole .Ireland reduced to obedience,Ireland loyal to the crown,It is aIreland pacified with concessions,falsehood,Ireland to recruit the British army,O'Toole.Ireland not united in effort,Ireland never again to be dragged at the tail of any othernation !Proclaim it on high, O'Toole .668 . Events from 1865 to 187i .-In speaking of Stephens,it was mentioned that he was a spy on the Fenians, but hewas not the only informer that betrayed his confederatesto the English Government ; which latter, in consequence of"information thus received," made its first descent on theBrotherhood in 1865, at the office of the Irish People, andcaptured some of the leading Fenians . Shortly after, itseized Stephens, who, however, was allowed to make hisescape from Richmond Prison, where he had been confined,in'the night of November 24 of the above year . Furtherarrests took place in other parts of Ireland, and also atLiverpool, Manchester, and other English towns . Theprisoners were indicted for treason-felony, and sentenced tovarious degrees of punishment . Various raids into Canada,and the attempt on Chester Castle, all ending in failure,next showed that Fenianism was still alive . But it wasmore prominently again brought before the public by theattack at Manchester, in September 1867, on the police vanconveying two leaders of the Fenian conspiracy, Kelly andDeasey, to the city prison, who were enabled to make their

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