A Three day training extravaganza

A Three day training extravaganza

A Three day training extravaganza


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Fundraisingednes<strong>day</strong>Management#mayfayreFor updates & infoVolunteerManagement Development10.00-11.00 11.30-13.30 Masterclass 14.30-16.30 MasterclassEvents FundraisingWhy are some events moresuccessful than others andhow do you come up withthe next great idea for yourcharity? Get the key factorsfor success in thisworkshop.Speaker: Al BellMA16Managing for High PerformanceHow is it that some people seem to get so much morefrom their team? Same financial climate – same sort oforganisation and yet they seem to be flying. Thisworkshop will give you practical, workable tips on givingmore, getting more and achieving more. It focusses onhow to communicate in a clear way what needs to bedone, setting meaningful goals, motivating the team andindividuals to greater success, praising effective work andmanaging poor performance.Speaker: Steve PrinceMA21Assessing Impact of your CharityIn this masterclass we will provide a speciallydesigned framework to help you assess the impactof your charity. Addressing the crucial questions“What difference are we making and how do weknow?” we will explain how to use this framework,providing you with a proven example and answeryour specific questions.Speaker: Nick Smith14.30-15.30 15.45-16.45MA26Donor FundraisingThis workshop looks at theprinciples of major donorfundraising, what needs to bein place to begin a majordonor developmentprogramme, and the keystages in major donorfundraising. For those whoare new to the subject.Speaker:Tricia MonroMA17If I Could Turn Back Time –Time Management & DelegationBusy managers can often feel like time is running away.This practical workshop will provide tips, tools anddifferent ways of thinking so that you can feel more incontrol of the time that is available. Including the key stepsinvolved in effective delegation, come along to thisworkshop and start on the path to managing your timemore effectively.Speaker: Cathy ShimminMA22Strategic VolunteerManagementDoes your organisation fullyappreciate the value ofvolunteers? We will explore theskills of advocacy, influencing,analysis and research thatVolunteer Managers need todevelop in order to be effectiveat a strategic level.Speaker: Moyra WestonMA27Finance as aManagement ToolIf finance is so important why isit so difficult to understand?Why do numbers make ourhead spin and are we too busyto worry about the accounts?Learn how to use finance as amanagement tool and how tocontrol your fear of numbers.Speaker: AlbertaBoston-Mammah MA31Legacy FundraisingAre people including yourcharity in their Will, if not,why not? This workshop willhelp you focus on thisvaluable income source, tapinto it effectively and enableyou to go away with somepractical steps to take youforward.Speaker:Richard RadcliffeMA18Volunteers and the LawVolunteering is essential for the voluntary sector.There are regulations governing voluntary workers andcostly pitfalls if volunteers can establish employeestatus. In this masterclass we will examine keyregulations and recent case law.Speaker: Rebecca TullyMA23Assertive VolunteerManagementVolunteers are the life blood ofthe sector, but sometimessituations arise where people donot perform as we had hoped.This workshop will look at howto tackle difficult conversationspositively, creating a win-winoutcome for all involved.Speaker:Cathy ShimminMA28Recruiting, Managing& Retaining VolunteersWant to recruit a diverse groupof volunteers, and make sureyou all benefit? Explore bestpractice in recruitingvolunteers, share ideas aboutwhat makes a positivevolunteering experience andmake sure you have theessentials in place.Speaker:MA32Heather BrierleyMaking the AskOne of the biggest taboos –talking about money. Apractical workshop which willbreak this down and help youthink about how to ask formoney starting with what yousay, how you say it and towhom you say it.Speaker: Trudy HaydonMA19Advanced CommunicationUsing NLP PrincipleThis interactive masterclass will describe Neuro LinguisticProgramming (NLP) and how the tools and techniquesmight be used by managers to support successfulcommunication. Exploring the power of words and how touse language more effectively, you will also have theopportunity to practise some key NLP techniques such asmirroring, matching and mismatching, to build rapport andrelationships with others.Speaker: Mike PhillipsMA24Nuts and Bolts ofManaging PeopleAs a manager you mustunderstand what people need inorder to achieve positive results.This workshop looks at keyprocesses you need to lead yourteam and which approach andstyle will unite them with acommon goal and vision.Speaker:Heather Brierley MA29Effective DecisionMaking for the BoardThe Board of Trustees isresponsible for everythingthat the charity does. Thisworkshop explores thedecision making process ofthe Board, dealing withstakeholders whilst takingaccount of the best interestof the charity.Speaker:MA33Debra Allcock-TylerTrust FundraisingA great trust fundraiserknows that the difference isin the detail, both in terms ofplanning, strategy, research,writing and editing skills. Seehow you are performingagainst sector benchmarks,how you can improve andtake your applications to thenext level.Speaker: Kathy RoddyMA20Resolving Conflict and Building a TeamHow can you get the perfect team when you can’t throw moneyat it like a Premiership Football Manager? How can you get aperfect team anyway when we’re all just fallible humans? Thismasterclass will concentrate on the few simple things we can doto move our team toward being truly perfect. Debate andargument may be healthy for a team but conflict will usuallydisrupt and cause a poorer level of achievement. It’s themanager’s job to ensure that conflict is resolved early. Thismasterclass will provide you with a motivational way of dealingwith conflict so the team can return to its high performing best.Speaker: Stephenie LinhamMA25UnderstandingVolunteer MotivationsMeeting the ‘motivational paycheque’of volunteers is criticalto getting and keeping people.Understanding motivations andhow they change is a key skillfor those managing volunteers.This workshop will explore themotivations for volunteering,giving practical advice onapplying this in your own work.Speaker: Rob JacksonMA30Future Proof yourOrganisationAll organisations need tomanage themselves in a waythat maximises value to theirstakeholders whilst remainingrelevant and sustainable. Thisworkshop discusses thecharacteristics of successfulorganisations and a variety ofresources to help you beresilient.Speaker:U<strong>day</strong> ThakkarMA34

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