International Engagement Awards Projects funded ... - Wellcome Trust

International Engagement Awards Projects funded ... - Wellcome Trust

International Engagement Awards Projects funded ... - Wellcome Trust


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efforts in Kenya, but will serve as an entry point for developing a strategy of public engagement forthe wider research portfolio of the Public Health Group in Nairobi ( Malaria Public Health andEpidemiology Group and the KEMRI-<strong>Wellcome</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> Collaborative Programme, Nairobi) with the aimof improving dialogue between researchers, media and policy partners in Kenya.E sbrooker@nairobi.kemri-wellcome.orgE jmutheu@nairobi.kemri-wellcome.orgValerie CorfieldUniversity of Stellenbosch, South Africa'Catalysing partnerships: the role of science centres as intermediaries between the public andscientists in engagement with biomedical sciences in South Africa.'£29 121This project will build new partnerships between science centres and scientists throughout SouthAfrica and strengthen capacity to build a sustainable network of biomedical science communicatorsversed in best practice principles of public engagement.Training resources developed will beintegrated with the surveyed requirements of target audiences - senior school learners, educatorsand the general public - and the needs of science centre facilitators and scientists. To achieve this,the applicants will formally capture experience and impressions gathered during more than tenyears of involvement in public engagement by the principal applicant and the MTN Sciencentre, inorder to evaluate what works best in a South African setting.This formalised evidence will provideguidelines for workshops for facilitators of the Southern African Association of Science andTechnology Education Centres and for scientists. National experts will expound the principles ofpublic engagement relevant to local audiences at these workshops, which will be held in threegeographically distant science centres, thereby allowing maximum country coverage and supportingpartnership development.E vc1@sun.ac.zaE julie.cleverdon@mtnsciencentre.org.zaDerek FishUnizul Science Centre, South Africa'Smart Science: An HIV/AIDS education initiative aiming to prevent new infections in school goingchildren by encouraging a correct understanding of current health research through a scientificapproach.'£30 000This project will involve the design and implementation of a unique health education initiative whichstresses a correct scientific understanding of the issues surrounding the HIV/AIDS pandemic as thebasis for sensible lifestyle choices. Making use of Unizul Science Centre's well establishedrelationships with rural schools, the project will introduce a health education component intoexisting programmes. The initiative will be aimed at Grade 8 pupils (in their first year of secondaryschool) as they are all taking science, and are vulnerable to infection in the ensuing years ofsecondary school. The project will ensure two in-depth interactions with each of 4000 pupils drawnfrom 25 secondary schools. In addition, the project will work extensively with their teachers toensure that they are in a position to continue the impact long after the visit.E thefish@iafrica.comFiona FlemingActing Against Worms, c/o Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI), Imperial College London, UK'Acting Against Worms'£30 000Acting Against Worms (AAW) is a Ugandan project which aims to implement behavioural controlmeasures through engaging school children and teachers in developing their own drama productions

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