Winter Wheat Varieties Notes and Comments

Winter Wheat Varieties Notes and Comments

Winter Wheat Varieties Notes and Comments


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2Hatcher (CO 20 04): <strong>Winter</strong>hardiness = 2. Strong straw, medium height. Early maturity. Low p rotein. Resistant tobiotype 1 R ussian wheat aphid <strong>and</strong> Great Plains biotype H essian fly.Jagalene (AgriPro, 2002): <strong>Winter</strong>hardiness = 2. Semidwarf, stiff straw, medium coleoptile. Early maturity, 1 dayearlier than Rocky. Shatter resistant. Yield above avg, slightly less than Rocky. High test weight, higher thanRocky. Avg protein, but higher than Rocky. Good milling quality. Good disease resistance package (stem & striperust, tan spot <strong>and</strong> Septoria).Jerry (ND, 20 01): W interhardiness high (5). M edium-stiff straw, medium coleoptile. Medium-late maturity. Yieldis below average, excep t in winterkill areas where it s above average. Average pro tein. Has one of the worst sawflystem-cutting ratings. Shatter susceptible.Ledger (WestB red, 2005). BZ9W96 -788. W interhardiness = 2. Semidwarf height & stiff straw, 4 less than Rocky.Medium coleoptile. Stem solidness = 12 <strong>and</strong> highly variable & sensitive to cloudy conditions, which does notprovide a reliable level of sawfly tolerance. Early heading, 1 day later than Rocky. Above avg yield & test wt. Avgprotein <strong>and</strong> acceptable quality. Moderate stripe rust resistance.Millenium (Nebr, 1999): W interhardiness = 2 or less. H eight slightly shorter than Rocky, medium-weak straw.Short coleoptile. Early heading, average yield. Below average protein.Morgan (Sask & WPB , S89-142, 1996): Norstar/Archer. Excellent winterhardiness (5). St<strong>and</strong>ard height. Mediumstiff straw. Very short coleoptile. T hree days later to head <strong>and</strong> slightly later maturity than Rocky; heading similar toNeeley. Average yield. Test wt 1 lb less than Rocky or Tiber. Protein equal or slightly higher than Rocky, similarto Neeley, <strong>and</strong> about 1% less than Tiber <strong>and</strong> Ramp art. Milling <strong>and</strong> baking acceptable, ab out equal to Neeley.Recommended for areas needing high levels of winterhardiness. Has one of the worst sawfly stem-cutting ratings.MT1159CL (WestBred, MSU MTCL01159, 2004): Clearfield system single-gene resistance to imazamox orBeyond herbicide, (w hich controls cheatgrass, go atgrass <strong>and</strong> wild oats). Crop tolerance to Beyond herbicide isequal or superior to Above winter wheat, <strong>and</strong> approved by BASF. <strong>Winter</strong>hardiness is marginal (2-), <strong>and</strong>production should be restricted to areas where winterkill risk is moderate. Semidwarf height <strong>and</strong> good lodgingresistance. Long coleoptile. Stem solidness = 13, which does not provide a reliable level of sawfly tolerance.Medium maturity, 2 days earlier than Neeley, <strong>and</strong> 5 days later than Above. Low yield <strong>and</strong> below average testweight. Protein level is accep table. Milling <strong>and</strong> baking quality is marginal, but better than the cultivar Above .Useful in the short term as a weed management tool in prob lem fields. To be discontinued <strong>and</strong> replaced by Norris.Neeley (Idaho, 1980): W interhardiness medium (3). Med ium short straw. Medium coleoptile. M edium-latematurity. Susceptible to stem rust. Very high yielder in good years, but does poor if stressed for moisture. Goodshatter resistance. Protein & quality are erratic, ranging from low to high; apparently more sensitive to Nitrogendeficiency. Not for stripe rust areas.Norris, MTCL 0316 (MSU & WPB, 2005): Clearfield system single-gene resistance to imazamox or Beyond herbicide (which controls cheatgrass, goatgrass <strong>and</strong> wild oats). <strong>Winter</strong>hardiness = 3. Stiff straw, medium height, 3 taller than MT115 9CL. Earlier maturity (2 days) <strong>and</strong> much higher yield than MT 1159C L. High test weight. Low toaverage protein, good quality. Replaces MT1159CL.Paul (MT 9426, MSU, 2003): <strong>Winter</strong>hardiness = 4. Height 3 shorter than Big Sky. Medium-stiff straw. Mediumcoleoptile length, shorter than Tiber & Big Sky. Heading 0.5 day earlier than Big Sky. Yield similar to Neeley, <strong>and</strong>slightly higher than B ig Sky. Very low test weight. Protein 1% less than Big Sky.Promontory (Utah, 1990): Red head. <strong>Winter</strong> hardiness poor (2 or less). Medium-short, medium-strong straw, goodlodging resistance. Short coleoptile. Medium-late maturity. Excellent stripe rust & dwarf smut resistance; Stem rust

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