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Babalhavaeji, F. & Jafarzadeh Kermani, Z.Lou, S.J., Yang, Y. S., Shih, R.C. 2007. A study on the knowledge sharing behaviour ofinformation management instructors at technological universities in Taiwan, WorldTransactions on Engineering and Technology Education, Vol.6, no.1 :143-149Osterloh, M. and Frey, B. 2000. Motivation, knowledge transfer, and organizational forms,Organization Science, Vol.11, no. 5: 538-50.Ryu, S., Ho, S.H., and Han, I. 2003. Knowledge sharing behaviour of physicians in hospitals,Available at: www. afis.kaist.ac.kr.Sekaran, U. 2000. Research methods for business: a skill-building approach. New York: JohnWiley and Sons. Inc: 308-313.Shin, C. H., Ramayah, T. and Jahani, S.2008. Using Theory of Reasoned Action to explainintention to share knowledge among academics. Available at:www.apera.nie.edu.sg/activities/.../APERA08_Day_3_Programme.pdfSzulanski, G. 1996. Exploring internal stickiness: impediments to the transfer of bestpractice within the firm, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 17, no. 10: 27-43.Taylor, E.Z. and Murthy, U.S. 2009. Knowledge sharing among accounting academics in anelectronic network of practice , Accounting Horizons, Vol. 23, no. 2: 151-179.Vallerand, R.J., Deci, E.C. and Ryan, R.M. 2000. Self-determination theory: a view from thehierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Psychological Inquiry, Vol.11,no.4: 312–318.Van den Hoof, B. and De Ridder, J. A. 2004. Knowledge sharing in context: the influence oforganizational commitment, communication climate & CMC use on knowledgesharing. Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 8, no. 6:117-130.Wasko , M.M. and Faraj, S. 2005. Why should I share? Examining social capital andknowledge contribution in electronic networks of practice. MIS Quarterly, Vol.29,no.1: 35–57.Willem, A. 2003.The role of organization specific integration mechanisms in Inter-Unit knowledge sharing, PhD dissertation. Vlerick Leuven Gent ManagementSchool, Ghent University, Belgium. Available at: | 14

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