COMMADER 45 BRTF, C/O 56 APO (P) CHETAK - Bro.nic.in

COMMADER 45 BRTF, C/O 56 APO (P) CHETAK - Bro.nic.in

COMMADER 45 BRTF, C/O 56 APO (P) CHETAK - Bro.nic.in


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BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION<strong>COMMADER</strong> <strong>45</strong> <strong>BRTF</strong>, C/O <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong> (P) <strong>CHETAK</strong>NOTICE INVITING TENDER1. A sealed tender is <strong>in</strong>vited for “SUPPLY & STACKING OF STONE BOULDER,STONE METAL 40 MM, STONE CHIPS 20 MM AND COARSE SAND AT KM 10.00(NEAR DETT BAKASAR) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MINOR BRIDGES ON ROADBAKASAR-MAVASARI IN THE STATE OF RAJASTHAN”2. The documents may be downloaded from BRO website www.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong> orwww.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong> and pr<strong>in</strong>tout is to be taken on A4 size paper. It is advisable that thedownloaded tender document to be pr<strong>in</strong>ted through laser pr<strong>in</strong>ter only. Submission of Xeroxcopy or photo copy of tender is not permitted. (The downloaded tender form should beaccompanied by tender cost of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only). Tender notaccompanied with the cost of tender document will be rejected)3. The work is estimated to cost Rs. 20.00 Lacs approximately. This estimate, however,is not a guarantee and is merely given as a rough guide and if works cost more or less,tenderer shall have no claim on that account of what so ever nature.4. The tender shall be based on draw<strong>in</strong>g, specifications, General Conditions ofContracts IAFW-1815(Z) with schedule ‘A’ (list of works) to be priced by tenderers.5. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one contractor or one firm ofcontractors. Under no circumstances will a father or his son(s) or other close relations whohave bus<strong>in</strong>ess deal<strong>in</strong>g with one another will be allowed to tender for the same contract asseparate competitors. A breach of this condition will render the tenders of both parties liableto rejection.6. The work is to be completed with<strong>in</strong> 60 Days <strong>in</strong> accordance with the phas<strong>in</strong>g, if any,<strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> the tender form the date of hand<strong>in</strong>g over the site, which will be with<strong>in</strong> one monthfrom the date of issue of acceptance letter.7. Interested tenderer may also submit application <strong>in</strong> the office of the HQ <strong>45</strong> <strong>BRTF</strong>,C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong> so as to reach this HQ on or before 15 Feb 2010. However, <strong>in</strong>vitation forapplications for issue of tender documents does not constitute any guarantee for issue oftender to applicant even to enlisted contractors of appropriate class. Issue of tender will bedecided by the Accept<strong>in</strong>g officer based on past track records, f<strong>in</strong>ancial position andexperience of similar works of the applicants/contractor. The decision of the Accept<strong>in</strong>gOfficer for issue of tender or otherwise to the applicant/contractor shall be f<strong>in</strong>al andapplicant/contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for rejection of his application.Tender forms and conditions of contract and others necessary documents will be issued onor after 17 Feb 2010.8. The Commander, <strong>45</strong> <strong>BRTF</strong>, will be Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer here-<strong>in</strong>-after referred to as suchfor the purpose of this contract.9. Tender (<strong>in</strong> full) either downloaded from BRO web site or issued by BRO will bereceived by HQ <strong>45</strong> <strong>BRTF</strong>, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong> at 1130 Hrs on 10 Mar 2010 and will be opened at1200 Hrs on same day.10. Intend<strong>in</strong>g tenderers are advised to visit BRO website three days prior to date ofopen<strong>in</strong>g of tender for any corrigendum/addendum/amendment. Tender received after duedate shall not be considered for open<strong>in</strong>g and no reason for delay or claim whatsoever shallbe enterta<strong>in</strong>ed.

CA No. <strong>45</strong> TF/ /2009-2010 Serial Page No.NOTICE INVITING TENDER (Contd...2)11. The tender shall be accompanied with Earnest Money amount<strong>in</strong>g to Rs. 40,000/-(Rupees forty thousand only) <strong>in</strong> the form of Deposit at Call Receipt/Term DepositReceipt/Special Term Deposit Receipt issued <strong>in</strong> favour of Commander <strong>45</strong> <strong>BRTF</strong>, C/o <strong>56</strong><strong>APO</strong> by Scheduled Bank. Tenders not accompanied with earnest money will not considerfor acceptance.12. Copies of draw<strong>in</strong>gs and other documents perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to the work required to be signedfor the purpose of identification by the Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer or his accredited representative andsample of materials and stores to be supplied by the contractor will be opened for <strong>in</strong>spectionat the follow<strong>in</strong>g locations :-HQ <strong>45</strong> <strong>BRTF</strong>, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong>13. The tenderers are advised to visit the work site by mak<strong>in</strong>g prior appo<strong>in</strong>tment with the96 RCC, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong>.14. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents,samples, site etc whether he has <strong>in</strong>spected them or not.15. Any tender which stipulates any alteration to any of the conditions laid down orproposes any other conditions of any description whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.16. The Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer reserves his right to accept a tender submitted by a PublicUndertak<strong>in</strong>g, giv<strong>in</strong>g a Price preference over other tender(s) which may be lower, as areadmissible under the Govt Policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall beadmissible from such tenderer(s) whose tenders may be rejected on account of the saidpolicy.17. The submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he had read this notice andconditions of contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of thework to be done and of the conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plants etc will beissued to him and local conditions and other factors bear<strong>in</strong>g on the execution of the work.18. Applicant contractor have to attach a demand draft for Rs. 500/- (Rupees fivehundred only) <strong>in</strong> favour of Accept<strong>in</strong>g officer i.e. Commander <strong>45</strong> <strong>BRTF</strong>, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong> andpayable at Jodhpur obta<strong>in</strong>ed from any Nationalized/scheduled Bank valid for Six monthswith their application as the cost of tender form/documents. The all applicable Bank chargesshall be born by the applicant and he shall not have any claim what so ever on this accounton Govt. In case of re-tender<strong>in</strong>g, the firm which has submitted the DD <strong>in</strong> earlier calls willrequire to submit DD along with their application also. Tender not accompanied with thecost of tender document is liable to be rejected. However, public sector undertak<strong>in</strong>g/Govt undertak<strong>in</strong>g firm are exempted from the payment towards cost of tenderdocuments.19. The Demand Draft attached with the application form shall be non re-fundable if thetender documents are issued to the contractor. However, it shall be returned to theapplication by the Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer <strong>in</strong> case the tender form is not issued.20. The applicant contractor shall not become automatically entitled for issue of tender byvirtue of enclos<strong>in</strong>g DD along with the application and the Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer shall reserve theright to deny issue of tender to any applicant contractor.21. In case of selective tender<strong>in</strong>g or where <strong>in</strong> adequate applications are received suitablecontractor may be selected and they shall also be asked to forward DD towards the cost oftender. Tenders will be issued to such contractors only thereafter.

CA No. <strong>45</strong> TF/ /2009-2010 Serial Page No.NOTICE INVITING TENDER (Contd...3)22. The Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer does not b<strong>in</strong>d himself to accept the lowest or any tender or togive any reasons for not do<strong>in</strong>g so.23. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from the BRO website shall submitdeclaration alongwith tender document that I/we have downloaded the tender from BROwebsite www.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong> or www.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong> and I/we have not tempered/modified the tenderfrom <strong>in</strong> any manner. In case if the same is found to be tempered/modified <strong>in</strong> any manner,I/we understand that my/our tender will be summarily rejected and I/we are liable to bebanned from do<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess with BRO.24. For further particulars, you may refer BRO website www.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong> andwww.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong>25. This notice of tender shall form part of the contract.(Signature of Contractor)(Virender S<strong>in</strong>gh)EE (Civ) SGSWfor Accept<strong>in</strong>g OfficerFile No. 8864/ 03 /E8 Dated: 27 Jan 2010Headquarters<strong>45</strong> Border Roads Task ForceP<strong>in</strong>:- 9300<strong>45</strong>C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong>Distributions: - For <strong>in</strong>fo and wide publicity, please.1. HQ DGBR/E8 SecSeema Sadak BhawanR<strong>in</strong>g Road, Delhi Cantt.,New Delhi – 110 010.2. HQ CE (P) Chetak, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong>3. HQ 49 <strong>BRTF</strong>, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong> 4. 95 RCC, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong>5. 96 RCC, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong> 6. 101 RCC, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong>7. 141 DMC, C/o <strong>56</strong> <strong>APO</strong> 8. Divisional Eng<strong>in</strong>eer, N Rly, Jodhpur9. CE, PWD, Jodhpur (Raj) 10. CE, Indira Gandhi Canal Project,Bikaner11. CWE Project, Bikaner 12. Addl CE, Command Area Development,Bikaner13. GE, MES, Jodhpur 14. DC, Jodhpur15. DC, Barmer 16. DC, Jaisalmer17. Registered/ADM/s

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