A Review of the Pennsylvania Phosphorus Index ... - PennFuture

A Review of the Pennsylvania Phosphorus Index ... - PennFuture

A Review of the Pennsylvania Phosphorus Index ... - PennFuture


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estimating available manure P using a WEP test is strong but <strong>the</strong>re is evidence that <strong>the</strong> currentanalytical procedure could be improved.The real issue with agricultural P management based upon a P-<strong>Index</strong> system is at what level <strong>the</strong>allowable P losses from farm fields are set within each P-<strong>Index</strong> ranking. The model upon which<strong>the</strong> P-<strong>Index</strong> is based seems scientifically sound. It estimates <strong>the</strong> quantity <strong>of</strong> available P andmoves that P across <strong>the</strong> landscape. However, <strong>the</strong> model end point setting <strong>of</strong> allowable P loss isindependent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> model structure. The determination <strong>of</strong> allowable P loss from farm fields is apolicy decision. However, this critical decision has instead been made by <strong>the</strong> P-<strong>Index</strong> modeldesigners. A policy discussion about <strong>the</strong> appropriate level <strong>of</strong> allowable farm field P loss shouldbe held by policy makers with stakeholder input. However, that discussion needs to be informedby <strong>the</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> how <strong>the</strong> aggregate loading <strong>of</strong> P from farm fields will be affected by <strong>the</strong>allowable farm field P loss. Currently, it is not known how much P would be loaded into awatershed from agricultural fields by <strong>the</strong> current P-<strong>Index</strong> ranking structure.Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, <strong>the</strong> scientific basis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> current P-<strong>Index</strong> ranking index is based upon sourceinput variables for manure P availability using Book value PSC’s or only adjusting manure Pavailability by loss factors for application and timing. The relationship between P-<strong>Index</strong>rankings and field edge P losses needs to be updated with current manure PSC values. It may beargued that <strong>the</strong> Book value PSC’s overestimate manure P availability but <strong>the</strong> scientific basis for<strong>the</strong> current P-<strong>Index</strong> ranking incorporates those overestimates in <strong>the</strong> formulation <strong>of</strong> itsrelationship between PI ranking and field edge P loss. If <strong>the</strong> availability <strong>of</strong> manure P is to becorrected with WEP analyses, <strong>the</strong> relationship <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> P-<strong>Index</strong> ranking to field edge P loss alsoneeds to be corrected.Recommendations1. Model <strong>the</strong> P load from farmlands in aggregate across watersheds based upon current andalternate P-<strong>Index</strong> ranking thresholds.o The allowable P loss inherent in <strong>the</strong> P-<strong>Index</strong> rankings is a policy decision that isburied within <strong>the</strong> P-<strong>Index</strong> model structure. Information is needed on <strong>the</strong> impact<strong>of</strong> setting <strong>the</strong> allowable P loss at various levels before an informed policy decisioncan be made.o The research supporting <strong>the</strong> current P-<strong>Index</strong> ranking thresholds seems to bebased upon estimates <strong>of</strong> manure P availability that are higher than likely beingused today. Therefore <strong>the</strong> relationship between manure as a source <strong>of</strong> availableP, and <strong>the</strong> P run<strong>of</strong>f from farm field edge needs to be reexamined.2. <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> should collect nutrient management information in a centralized location(with protections in place for confidential business information, if needed) so acres <strong>of</strong>farmland with P restrictions can be determined. This would also provide informationabout how much P was being applied by <strong>the</strong>se farms, <strong>the</strong> values <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> WEPmeasurementbased PSC’s, and what activities are being employed to manage manuredifferently to avoid P loss.3. All farms applying manure should calculate a P-<strong>Index</strong> value. All P-<strong>Index</strong> informationshould be ga<strong>the</strong>red at a centralized location to allow analysis.Page 13

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