eng - World Organisation Against Torture

eng - World Organisation Against Torture

eng - World Organisation Against Torture


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In addition, some witnesses linked three policeofficers to the DDS. It was noted that theofficers were, at one time or another, near thecrime scene. They were suspected of eitherbeing the gunmen or having served as thecontacts. The witnesses however were reluctantto provide written statements.Regardless of who is actually pulling thetriggers, it is clear that the State has madeno real attempt to investigate the killings andprosecute the perpetrators. As such, thekillers appear to be allowed to act with completeimpunity. 14OMCT strongly urges the government of thePhilippines to do everything to stop the arbitraryexecutions and bring the perpetratorsto justice.14 - The press has meanwhile closely linked Mayor Duterte tothe killings by the DDS. It is a widely held belief that themayor is linked to the killings. The Dow Jones Reuters reportdated 29.10.2001 indicates the apparent rationale behindthe killings. The report cites businessmen of the areawho claimed that the investment climate in the city improvedsignificantly, after the security situation stabilizedduring Duterte’s term in the mid-1990s, the same periodthe DDS began their campaigns. 14

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