eng - World Organisation Against Torture

eng - World Organisation Against Torture

eng - World Organisation Against Torture


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On 9 August 2004, acting Justice SecretaryMa. Merceditas Gutierrez visited the 6 youthoffenders sentenced to death and confined atthe Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City. Ma.Merceditas who is also Chair of the SpecialCommittee on the Protection of Children saidthat minors are exempted from capital punishment,but during the time of their trial thesix offenders have not presented any evidenceregarding their minority. The six weretransferred from the death row to the MediumSecurity Compound so they will not be mixedwith adults on death row. In addition, she assuredthat she will look into their case, butbefore the government can grant any executiveclemency, the decision of the courtmust become final. 47Although the latest developments indicatethat the situation of the 6 minors on the deathrow is about the change. OMCT urges thegovernment of the Republic of thePhilippines to take immediate action to removethe death sentence of the 6 minors currentlyon the death row. In addition, OMCTstrongly recommends the Filipino governmentto pass a law, which obliges authoritiesto formally inquire into the age of the subjectin order to prevent minors being placedon the death row in the future.4947 - http://www.doj.gov.ph/news_08-10-04.html

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