eng - World Organisation Against Torture

eng - World Organisation Against Torture

eng - World Organisation Against Torture


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high number of street children, with theaim of reducing and preventing this phenomenon;(b) Ensure that children living in thestreets are not unlawfully arrested anddetained, protect them from police brutalityand where needed, secure their accessto adequate legal services;(c) Ensure that street children arereached through trained street educatorsand counsellors and provided with adequatenutrition, clothing and shelter aswell as with social and health servicesand educational opportunities, includingvocational and life skills training, in orderto support their full development andprovide them with adequate protectionand assistance;(d) Provide street children with adequaterecovery and social reintegration servicesfor physical, sexual and substanceabuse and promote reunification withtheir families, when feasible;(e) Reduce and prevent the environmentalhealth risks faced by childrenliving in the streets, inter alia, throughraising awareness about environmentalhealth risks among these children andinstructing appropriate behaviourswhich protect them from these risks;(f) Support the efforts of street childrento organize themselves in order to enhancetheir selfesteem;(g) Collaborate with and support nongovernmentalorganizations working withand for street children.Sexual exploitation, child pornography andtrafficking85. The Committee expresses its grave concernabout the sexual exploitation ofchildren, including growing child prostitution,and the reported cases of childpornography in the State party. TheCommittee notes with concern that theprovisions of the Special Protection ofChildren against Child Abuse,Exploitation and Discrimination Act aremainly related to child prostitution anddo not adequately protect victims ofother forms of sexual exploitation.Furthermore, the Committee notes withconcern that the minimum age of sexualconsent is not clearly enough established88

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