June 23, 2010 (special meeting) - Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central ...

June 23, 2010 (special meeting) - Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central ...

June 23, 2010 (special meeting) - Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central ...


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MINUTES OF THE<strong>June</strong> <strong>23</strong>, , <strong>2010</strong>Special Meetingof the<strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong><strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> CSDBoard of EducationA Special Meeting of the Board of Education of the <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> School District washeld on <strong>June</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, in the District Office.Members Present: Maureen Sikule Michelle Fusco (arrived at 6:50 p.m.)Carolyn Anderson Helen LounsburySean O’Connor (arrived at 6:08 p.m.)Others Present: Brian Corey Jeff VogelNancy O’PezioCarol WillseyJim GillisMr. & Mrs. ShunneyDarlene Shrederis Tom GagnonHolly ClarkMarjorie RenkoColleen DemuthThe <strong>meeting</strong> was called to order by the President, Mrs. Sikule at 6:02 p.m.Executive SessionAt 6:03 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to enter intoExecutive Session to discuss Contract Negotiations, Retirement Incentive for Employees’ RetirementSystem and Teachers’ Retirement System, Clerk of the Works Contract Summary, Committee onSpecial Education Recommendations, and Employment of Particular Personnel. Motion was carried.3 yes.Mrs. Martin was present during executive session.Mr. O’Connor entered executive session at 6:08 p.m.Mrs. Fusco entered executive session at 6:50 p.m.Return to Public SessionAt 7:00 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to return to publicsession. Motion was carried. 5 yes.The <strong>meeting</strong> was called to order by the President, Mrs. Sikule at 7:04 p.m.Pledge of AllegianceMrs. Sikule led all in the pledge of allegiance.Consent AgendaMrs. Sikule asked if there were any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda. There were none.Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the items on theConsent Agenda. Motion was approved. 5 yes.Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the Treasurer’s Report,as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Connor that the Board of Education has noobjections to the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education, and approves theauthorization of funds to implement the Special Education programs and services consistent with suchrecommendations, as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.

Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the Dates to Remember,as enclosed. Motion was carried. 5 yes.Public DiscussionMrs. Sikule read the following statement on behalf of the Board of Education: At every Board ofEducation Meeting, there is an opportunity for visitors to participate in the regular business <strong>meeting</strong>during the portion of the <strong>meeting</strong> listed on the agenda as “Public Discussion”. Visitors are asked,upon being recognized by the Board President, to introduce themselves and identify the organizationthey’re representing (if any). Visitors may then speak to the Board on any school-related subject, withthe exception of personnel issues, which are discussed during the closed executive session.Peter Shunney, Supervisor of Operations and Maintenance, expressed his concern over the Board’sdecision to abolish the .4 Clerk I Position, and his apprehension over a new person being assigned tohis department. He indicated that two of his employees were being paid the salary of a GroundsMaintenance position, while only one is doing the job. He asked that the abolition motions pertinentto his department be tabled, and recommended that the Board explore his suggestion to reduce thesalary of one of his maintenance employees in order to keep his current part time Clerk. Mrs. Sikulecautioned that Mr. Shunney was bordering on dialogue of particular personnel, which is limited todiscussion during the closed Executive Session. Mrs. Sikule said that if the Board were to individuallypick which positions to put back into the budget, the Board was opening up something way different;that the Board made a commitment to the Community that if we found extra money, we felt the taxrate was still a little too high.Taxpayer, Carol Willsey, indicated she was in favor of the BKW Board of Education adopting the<strong>2010</strong> Early Retirement Incentives.PersonnelMotion was made by Mr. O’Connor, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to accept the RetirementResignation from Sheryl J. Danton, Foreign Language Teacher, effective <strong>June</strong> 30, <strong>2010</strong>. Motion wascarried. 5 yes.The motion to abolish the .4 Clerk I Position was tabled until further discussion can take place duringexecutive session, which will occur at the end of the <strong>meeting</strong>. Mrs. Lounsbury noted the Board musttake action before <strong>June</strong> 30th. Mrs. Sikule stated the position eliminations were incorporated into theBudget and voted upon. She further stated that the Board gave assurance during the budget processthat if extra monies were received from the State, it would be applied to reduce the tax levy.At the <strong>meeting</strong> of the <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> School District Board of Education held on <strong>June</strong><strong>23</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, upon a motion made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mrs. Anderson, it was resolved that theBoard of Education abolishes one Keyboard Specialist Position, effective <strong>June</strong> 30, <strong>2010</strong>; and it wasfurther resolved, that the Superintendent of Schools is directed to notify the Albany County CivilService Commission of this change. Motion was carried. 5 yes.At the <strong>meeting</strong> of the <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> School District Board of Education held on <strong>June</strong><strong>23</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, upon a motion made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor, it was resolved that theBoard of Education abolishes three Teacher Aide Positions, effective <strong>June</strong> 30, <strong>2010</strong>; and it was furtherresolved, that the Superintendent of Schools is directed to notify the affected Teacher Aides, andafford to them preferred eligible list rights as required by law. Motion was carried. 5 yes.At the <strong>meeting</strong> of the <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> School District Board of Education held on <strong>June</strong><strong>23</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, upon a motion made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor, it was resolved that theBoard of Education abolishes one Head Custodian Position, effective <strong>June</strong> 30, <strong>2010</strong>; and it was furtherresolved, that the Superintendent of Schools is directed to notify the Albany County Civil ServiceCommission of this change.Mrs. Lounsbury stated it appears the Board has no alternative but to take this action, e<strong>special</strong>ly sincethere are no potential retirements at this time from the Custodial Staff. Mrs. Sikule said the Boardcould revisit reinstating positions, if we have retirements. Mrs. Anderson felt the situation needs to bediscussed during executive session, and further investigated.Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Lounsbury to table the motion on the flooruntil after further discussion during Executive Session.Mrs. Sikule votes yes.Mrs. Fusco votes no.Mr. O’Connor votes yes.Mrs. Lounsbury votes yes.

Mrs. Anderson votes yes.Motion was carried.Member CommentsMrs. Sikule stated this has been a difficult budget season, during which the Board had to abolishteaching positions a few <strong>meeting</strong>s ago. It is something the Board decided upon when they passed theproposed Budget, and hope people realized the Board is not being cavalier about it; it is just part of theprocess.Mrs. Lounsbury would like to commend Mrs. Fusco for her Board Service, and hopes that this will beher last <strong>meeting</strong> before leaving office. She thanked her, and the rest of Board concurred. Mrs. Sikulepresented Mrs. Fusco with a gift on behalf of the District. She also stated there will be lightrefreshments before the Board returns to executive session, so those present can personally thankMichelle.New BusinessMotion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to approve the request from theHelderberg Soccer Club for the use of a school bus for the period July 12 through July 16, <strong>2010</strong>, totransport students to Headwaters Soccer Camp at Minekill State Park, at no cost to the District.Motion was carried. 5 yes.In regard to the ERS/TRS Early Retirement Incentives, Mrs. Sikule stated the Board has just receivedthe first estimates of costs for that. It is not in a form that the Board feels it can make a decision on.There are a number of questions that need to be answered, and analysis needs to be done by theBusiness Office. The District has posed a number of questions to TRS and ERS that need to beanswered before we can finish the calculations. At this point, not enough information is available tomake an informed decision as to whether adoption of the Incentives would be beneficial to theDistrict.Mrs. Fusco reiterated her standpoint, that if the District realizes savings through the early retirementincentives or more state aid is received, and while some funds should be allotted to the tax levy, shewould also like to see restoration of positions occur, preferably teaching positions first.Mrs. Sikule explained that the transfer of $125,000 from the 2009-10 undesignated fund balance tothe Unemployment Reserve is in anticipation of potential liability, due to position cuts in the Budget.Motion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to transfer $125,000 from the2009-<strong>2010</strong> Undesignated Fund Balance to the Unemployment Reserve Fund. Motion was carried.5 yes.Mr. O’Connor asked that the Board receive the backup material from Mr. Callagy, which justified thismotion.Mrs. Anderson reported she had reviewed the current Budget Advisory Committee document. Shewill draft a memo for consideration by the Board regarding the Committee’s charter; e<strong>special</strong>ly as itpertains to the Committee’s purpose and direction, structure/composition, and term limits. She alsosuggested the possibility of having members attend fiscal and accountability training offered byBOCES, if these services can be obtained without cost. Mrs. Lounsbury suggested that the SchoolBusiness Official should not be the Chair for this Committee. Mrs. Sikule would like to see each ofthe Department Chairs (O&M, Transportation, Building Principals) make a presentation to theBudget Advisory Committee.Unfinished BusinessMotion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to preliminarily approve Board Policy#4212 – <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> School Organizational Chart, with amendments. Motion wascarried. 5 yes. (First Motion)After discussion, it was decided changes need to be made that would reassign the Special EducationCoordinator, Special Education Teachers, and CSE Chairperson. Mrs. Lounsbury questioned whothe BOCES Communication Services Employee reports to. It was noted the Superintendentultimately oversees all contracted service providers.Mrs. Sikule noted that newly elected Board Member, Jill Norray is available on July 6 thfor theReorganizational Meeting. The time was set for 8:00 a.m. The Board Goals Setting Meeting will beheld at 6:00 p.m. on a night agreeable by all, the week of July 12 th . It was further noted that the

BOCES Communications Services will be able to provide a Facilitator for the <strong>meeting</strong>, at no additionalcharge to the District. In regard to the format, Mrs. Lounsbury suggested having stakeholder groups,similar to those used in the Superintendent’s search. It was agreed that input from the community,parents, students, and staff members is critical and should be reflected in what goals the Board sets outto accomplish. Mrs. Lounsbury was assigned to coordinate with the Superintendent and the BOCESCommunications Facilitator prior to the session to ensure organization of the <strong>meeting</strong>.Discussion of the location for the Sixth Grade for next year ensued. Elementary Principal, BrianCorey expressed that this year went well; there was good communication, although it was not withoutsome challenges, but overall was successful. Sixth Grade Teacher Jeff Vogel felt that it would takeuntil November or December to see how the current Sixth Graders transition to 7 thGrade at theSecondary Building. Mr. Corey stated the Sixth Graders had the best of both worlds, being able to bepart of both buildings. He added that he has been planning for the Sixth Graders to be in his buildingnext year, e<strong>special</strong>ly since the Secondary School Building is already crowded.Motion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to continue the Sixth Gradelocation in the Elementary Building. Motion was carried. 5 yes.Public DiscussionTaxpayer Nancy O’Pezio asked the status of a vote on a new bus proposition that was discussed two<strong>meeting</strong>s ago. Mrs. Sikule stated that the Board has not yet received another proposal from the SchoolBusiness Official, but it will be scheduled for a future agenda in July.Resident Tom Gagnon asked the status of negotiations with the various Unions. Mrs. Sikule gave abrief status report of each unit. Mr. Gagnon also noted that Board Meetings have conflicted with otherceremonies or events. Mrs. Sikule reported the Board Meetings dates were modified due toemployment change of one of its Members, but would be returning to Monday evenings for the <strong>2010</strong>-11 school year.There was a brief refreshment break to honor Mrs. Fusco. Mrs. Sikule noted the <strong>meeting</strong> would gointo executive session at approximately 8:25 p.m.Executive SessionAt 8:25 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to enter into ExecutiveSession to discuss Employment of Particular Personnel. Motion was carried. 5 yes.Mrs. Martin was present during executive session.At 8:41 p.m., the Board requested that Mrs. Martin leave executive session.Return to Public SessionAt 8:58 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to return to publicsession. Motion was carried. 5 yes.The <strong>meeting</strong> was called back to order by the President, Mrs. Sikule at 8:59 p.m.PersonnelAt the <strong>meeting</strong> of the <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> School District Board of Education held on <strong>June</strong><strong>23</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, upon a motion made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mrs. Anderson, it was resolved that theBoard of Education abolishes a .4 Clerk I Position, effective <strong>June</strong> 30, <strong>2010</strong>; and it was further resolved,that the Superintendent of Schools is directed to notify the Albany County Civil Service Commissionof this change. Motion was carried. 5 yes.At the <strong>meeting</strong> of the <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> School District Board of Education held on <strong>June</strong><strong>23</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, upon a motion made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mrs. Anderson, it was resolved that theBoard of Education abolishes one Head Custodian Position, effective <strong>June</strong> 30, <strong>2010</strong>; and it was furtherresolved, that the Superintendent of Schools is directed to notify the Albany County Civil ServiceCommission of this change. Motion was carried. 5 yes.

AdjournMotion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson that the <strong>meeting</strong> adjourn. Motionwas carried. 5 yes.The <strong>meeting</strong> adjourned at 9:00 p.m.Denise J. MartinDistrict Clerk

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