March 31, 2010 - Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District

March 31, 2010 - Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District

March 31, 2010 - Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District


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<strong>March</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>31</strong>, , <strong>2010</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

Regular Regular MMeeting<br />

M Meeting<br />

eeting<br />

of of of the<br />

the<br />

<strong>Berne</strong> <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong> <strong>Berne</strong> <strong>Knox</strong> <strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Knox</strong> <strong>Westerlo</strong> CSD<br />

Board Board Board of of Education<br />

Education<br />

The regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the <strong>Berne</strong>-<strong>Knox</strong>-<strong>Westerlo</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

was held on <strong>March</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, in the Elementary Cafeteria.<br />

Members Present: Maureen Sikule Michelle Fusco<br />

Helen Lounsbury Sean O’Connor<br />

Carolyn Anderson<br />

Others Present: Kevin Callagy Tom McGurl<br />

Brian Corey Approximately 15 Residents<br />

Karl Griffith Jack Eisenbach<br />

Robert Bentley Mike Hagin<br />

Mike Daskalakis Honeywell Staff<br />

Robert Zordan BKW Staff<br />

Stakeholder Representatives: Peter Shunney<br />

Kimberly Audino<br />

Thomas Gagnon<br />

Dan Lim<br />

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Sikule at 6:00 p.m.<br />

Ex Executive Ex ecutive Session<br />

At 6:01 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Fusco to enter into Executive<br />

Session to discuss Recommendations from the Committee on Pre-<strong>School</strong> Special Education and the<br />

Committee on Special Education, Superintendent’s Search, Personnel, and Contract Negotiations.<br />

Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Mr.Callagy and Mrs. Martin were present during executive session.<br />

The Board requested that Mr. Callagy and Mrs. Martin leave executive session at 6:12 p.m.<br />

Mr. Robert Zordan from Capital Region BOCES entered executive session at 6:15 p.m.<br />

The four representatives from the Superintendent Search Committee Stakeholder Groups entered<br />

executive session at 6:21 p.m.<br />

The Stakeholders left executive session at 7:00 p.m.<br />

Return Return to o Public Session<br />

Session<br />

At 7:05 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Lounsbury to return to public<br />

session. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Sikule at 7:08 p.m. Mrs. Sikule welcomed all<br />

present.<br />

Pledge Pledge of of Allegiance<br />

Allegiance<br />

Board President, Mrs. Sikule led all in the pledge of allegiance.<br />

Mrs. Sikule asked for a moment of silence in memory of Freida Saddlemire who was a long time<br />

BKW Teacher; active in the PTA , after school programs, and the <strong>Berne</strong> Library. Her passing is a<br />

great loss to the entire community.<br />

Consent Consent Agenda<br />

Agenda<br />

Mrs. Sikule noted corrections to the “Dates to Remember”: remove <strong>March</strong> 29 th<br />

; add “April 7 th<br />


Special Board of Education Meeting to conduct Superintendent Interviews with executive session only;<br />

and add April 26 th<br />

– BOCES Vote at 7:30 a.m. Mrs. Lounsbury and Mrs. Fusco will not be available.<br />

Mrs. Sikule asked if there were any other changes to the Consent Agenda. There were no other<br />

changes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the minutes of the Special<br />

Meeting of the Board of Education held on <strong>March</strong> 12, <strong>2010</strong>, as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the minutes of the Special<br />

Meeting of the Board of Education held on <strong>March</strong> 16, <strong>2010</strong>, as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the minutes of the Regular<br />

Meeting of the Board of Education held on <strong>March</strong> 18, <strong>2010</strong>, as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor that the Board of Education has no<br />

objections to the recommendations of the Committee on Pre-<strong>School</strong> Special Education and the<br />

Committee on Special Education, and approves the authorization of funds to implement the Special<br />

Education programs and services consistent with such recommendations, as attached. Motion was<br />

carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the Treasurer’s Reports, as<br />

attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the Dates to Remember, as<br />

amended and attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Special Special Presentation Presentation Presentation by by Karl Karl Griffith Griffith – Ca Capital Ca<br />

ital Project/Mi Project/Mike Project/Mi<br />

ke Hagin Hagin Hagin - Honeywell<br />

<strong>School</strong> Architect, Karl Griffith, gave an overview of the Capital Project as voted upon and approved,<br />

and stated that all is now ready to go out on bid. However, he was asked to present options for the<br />

Capital Project. Option #1 has no changes; proceed as currently planned; Option #2 retains the major<br />

feature of the design, but deletes air conditioning, art rooms, new library, and moves guidance to the<br />

existing technology area; Option #3 has a redesign which meets the primary goal of achieving<br />

handicapped accessibility only; Option #4 is to cancel the project altogether. Mr. Griffith outlined the<br />

costs associated with each of the options. Discussion ensued and questions were fielded regarding the<br />

impact on the tax levy, bonding, state aid, and handicapped accessibility. Mrs. Lounsbury expressed<br />

concern over a potential that state aid would not be there, thus leaving the <strong>District</strong> “holding the bag”.<br />

A resident heard that a similar situation occurred in Middleburgh in which state aid has recently been<br />

withheld. Mr. Griffith stated that historically, State Ed has never withheld building aid, especially once<br />

approval for a project has been granted. He suggested that what may have occurred in the other<br />

district was that their project was not already approved. Mrs. Lounsbury asked if we could get a<br />

guarantee from the State. Mr. Eisenbach suggested the <strong>District</strong> contact the head of facilities at State Ed<br />

to garner such a letter.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to request that a letter be sent to<br />

the Facilities Division of the NYS Education Department on behalf of the <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, which<br />

would ask for some sort of written guarantee that the <strong>District</strong> would receive the State Aid projected for<br />

the Capital Project. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Mr. O’Connor asked what the contents of the letter should be; to verify funds? guarantee funds? Mrs.<br />

Lounsbury wants written assurance that could be relayed to the taxpayers. Mr. Kalina suggested<br />

contacting Middleburgh CSD and get the factual information regarding the alleged withholding of aid.<br />

Mr. Callagy will contact the superintendent or school business official there. Mr. Eisenbach<br />

volunteered to draft a letter and present it to either the Board of Education or Superintendent for<br />

submission to State Ed. A resident felt it irresponsible to proceed with the Capital Project, especially<br />

in light of the State’s and <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>’s fiscal crisis. Mr. Griffith noted the time line for completion<br />

of the Capital Project is five years from the date of approval (which was December <strong>31</strong>, 2009). He also<br />

noted the <strong>District</strong> has been in violation of the American Disabilities Act since 1991, and is open to<br />

potential law suits. Mrs. Lounsbury remarked that the accessibility issues apply to all entering the<br />

building, not just students. Another resident suggested delaying the project for a year in anticipation of<br />

a better financial environment. It was mentioned that construction costs are lower now, and if the<br />

project were delayed or not able to meet deadlines, state aid would definitely be affected. Mr. Callagy<br />

explained the bonding for the project and impact to the taxpayers.<br />

Engineer, Jack Eisenbach was present to answer questions concerning the proposed Energy<br />

Performance Contract. He briefly reviewed the scope of the EPC. He went on to say the <strong>District</strong><br />

would realize a savings immediately, enumerated other school districts who have already participated

in Energy Performance Contracts through Honeywell, and Honeywell’s written guarantee. There was<br />

brief discussion regarding the Solar Project Grant, and its potential as an educational tool for our<br />

students. He answered questions concerning guaranteed returns, financing, boiler types, State Ed’s<br />

and NYSERDA’s oversight of the projects. Mrs. Lounsbury asked if the State could change the<br />

Building Aid Ratio in the future. Mr. Eisenbach noted that once the <strong>District</strong> is locked into a project,<br />

the State cannot change the percentage of aid for the duration of the project. Mr. Eisenbach<br />

suggested that the <strong>District</strong> submit both plans to State Ed for approval, with the Board of Education<br />

making the final decision on which course the <strong>District</strong> would take. Mrs. Sikule noted the <strong>School</strong><br />

Attorney was awaiting an editable copy of the Energy Performance Contract from Honeywell. This<br />

will be forwarded by next week.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Fusco to award the Energy Performance<br />

Contract to Honeywell, Inc., pursuant to final approval by the <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Attorney, and authorize<br />

the Board President to sign the documents which will include submission of both options ($2M Project<br />

vs $1.4M Energy Performance Project) to be presented to NYS Education Department for approval,<br />

at no additional cost to the <strong>District</strong>. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Public Public Discussion<br />

Discussion<br />

Mrs. Sikule asked if there were questions on any items on the agenda. Mr. Corey clarified an issue<br />

regarding shared services between school districts in order to create a cost savings versus the <strong>District</strong><br />

attempting to make a profit.<br />

Program Program Focus<br />

Focus<br />

Social Studies Teacher Robert Bentley gave a verbal presentation with respect to to his Department.<br />

He spoke of the Department’s increased use of technology, curriculum mapping, Rubicon Atlas,<br />

updating of resources, especially textbooks, University in the High <strong>School</strong>, the increased number of<br />

AP level courses and how the students garner savings when attending colleges, and increased interdisciplinary<br />

activities and projects.<br />

Mr. Bentley also mentioned the food drive initiative the Key Club is conducting in conjunction with<br />

the Kiwanis to the stock the Hilltowns Food Pantry, and encouraged all to contribute.<br />

Committee ommittee ommittee Reports<br />

Reports<br />

Mr. Callagy reported the Budget Advisory Committee had met on <strong>March</strong> 22 nd<br />

. The budget process<br />

continues. Budget adoption is scheduled for April 15 th<br />

.<br />

Mrs. Sikule noted the Audit and Finance Committee had met to go over Independent Audit RFP’s<br />

received. Mr. Callagy has checked references for the Bonadio Group with other districts, which were<br />

favorable. The Banadio Group was rated highly, and was also the lowest bidder.<br />

Member Member CComments<br />

C omments<br />

Mrs. Sikule reported that seven BKW Students from Mrs. Barber’s class out of 1,442 entrants<br />

advanced to the semi-final round of the Invention Convention competition. These students will be<br />

recognized at an upcoming Awards Ceremony.<br />

Mrs. Lounsbury read a statement from a taxpayer with various suggestions to reduce budget costs,<br />

which will be added to the record.<br />

Mrs. Lounsbury also reported that at the recent Community Budget Forum, a resident questioned the<br />

legality and appropriateness of a Board Member who is also a retired teacher serving on the<br />

Negotiations Committee for the Teachers’ Contract. Although courts have ruled this to be an<br />

acceptable practice, Mrs. Lounsbury resigned her seat on the Negotiations Committee, in order to<br />

avoid any perception of conflict.<br />

Mrs. Anderson thanked those who came to the meeting tonight and the previous meetings. She stated<br />

the Board is attempting to accomplish the best course of action for the community, while ensuring a<br />

sound educational program for students. The public’s input is invaluable, and she thanked them for it,<br />

stating she is proud to be a Member of this Board.<br />

Mr. O’Connor thanked the members of the Stakeholder Groups. He is impressed with the input<br />

from the Community on the important issue of choosing a Superintendent.<br />

Mrs. Fusco announced that BKW has been awarded the <strong>2010</strong> Utica National <strong>School</strong> Safety<br />

Excellence Award for the seventh year in a row, which is a titanium award, with honors.

She also reminded all present that petitions for Member of the Board of Education are still available<br />

and encouraged those present to run for a seat on the Board. Completed petitions must be submitted<br />

to the Board Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

New New Business Business<br />

Business<br />

Mr. Callagy reported that although the Governor is threatening to withhold state aid, BKW has<br />

received it’s Spring allotment. However, there may be a delay in the May/June payments. Mr. Callagy<br />

noted his attendance (along with regional Superintendents and Business Officials) at a forum to<br />

brainstorm cost savings suggestions, held at Capital Region BOCES. The consensus for the top<br />

priority item was in connection with health insurance – to create a larger pool, perhaps Capital <strong>District</strong>wide<br />

collaboration, to reduce premiums. The second suggestion was to tackle mandates in regard to<br />

special education; to bring federal and laws and state laws together. Also discussed was the Triborough<br />

Agreement under which unsettled contracts still provide for step advancement. The group<br />

acknowledged these are not immediate changes that could be enacted, but long term goals of the<br />

group.<br />

Mrs. Sikule noted the big item of concern at the Budget Forum was whether dates for contract<br />

negotiations have be set. She noted sessions as follows: Teachers – April 12 th<br />

; CSEA April 13 th<br />

; and<br />

Support Staff – April 27 th<br />

. Mrs. Sikule also presented questions as posed by the public.<br />

Mr. McGurl distributed to the Board more information on the CTE Program, and gave an<br />

explanation on the document.<br />

The issues of reductions to the sports programs were also discussed, along with potential fund raising<br />

initiatives. Mr. Callagy explained the mechanics of accepting donations for specific purposes, to be<br />

done by Board resolution. Further discussion of the sports program ensued. Mrs. Fusco asked if it<br />

were possible to get actual operating costs broken down by sport in order to keep each team active,<br />

and then forward those figures to the parents interested in fundraising. Mrs. Fusco felt that if monies<br />

were to be reinstated, academics should be the priority, not sports. Mrs. Sikule asked that the Athletic<br />

Director canvass other school districts to find out what teams they would be offering next year. It was<br />

noted individual questions should be directed to Mr. Callagy via email. Mrs. Sikule also asked for an<br />

in-depth analysis of Clubs and Advisor costs. Mrs. Sikule also directed Mr. McGurl to explore the<br />

possibility of adding an accounting course through Distance Learning. Mrs. Fusco asked, if possible,<br />

that AIS instruction at the Elementary <strong>School</strong> be added back in. The issue of the bus fleet was<br />

discussed. It was decided to hold another meeting on April 8 th<br />

to answer the questions presented to<br />

the Board.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mrs. Lounsbury to approve the field trip request from<br />

the Art Department for a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City on April 30,<br />

<strong>2010</strong>, at no cost to the <strong>District</strong>, with the usual disclaimer, as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the <strong>2010</strong>-2-011 <strong>School</strong><br />

Calendar, as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Fusco to appoint the Greene County<br />

Commercial Bank as the Official Bank of the <strong>District</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Sikule votes yes.<br />

Mrs. Fusco votes yes.<br />

Mrs. Lounsbury votes yes.<br />

Mrs. Anderson votes yes.<br />

Mr. O’Connor abstains.<br />

Motion was carried.<br />

Motion was made by Mr. O’Connor, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to appoint the Bonadio Group as<br />

the Independent Auditors for the school years 2009-<strong>2010</strong> through 2011-1012, as attached. Motion<br />

was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Fusco to accept the monetary donation from<br />

Carol Willsey. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Personnel Personnel<br />

Personnel<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mrs. Lounsbury to appoint Phillip Sperry as a<br />

Substitute Bus Driver, provided he meets all the rules and regulations under Article 19A of the Vehicle<br />

and Traffic Laws, effective 04/01/10. Motion was carried. 5 yes.

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mr. O’Connor to approve the retirement resignation<br />

from Jeffrey Teats, Physical Education Teacher, with regrets, effective June 30, <strong>2010</strong>. Motion was<br />

carried. 5 yes.<br />

Motion was made by Mr. O’Connor, seconded by Mrs. Fusco to approve the resignation from Sarah<br />

McCarthy, Special Education Teacher, effective June 30, <strong>2010</strong>. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Business Business<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Fusco, seconded by Mrs. Lounsbury to approve Board Policy #7690 –<br />

Special Education Mediation, as attached. Motion was carried. 5 yes. (Second Motion)<br />

Public Public Discussion<br />

Discussion<br />

A parent asked how many students participate in AIS. Mr. Corey will get those figures, by grade level.<br />

Mr. Corey noted Academic Intervention Services are also administered based on teacher<br />

recommendation, in addition to test scores.<br />

Mrs. Sikule noted the Board would be meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. in the High <strong>School</strong><br />

Library to discuss superintendent candidates.<br />

Executive Executive Session<br />

Session<br />

At 10:25 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Lounsbury to enter into<br />

Executive Session to discuss Personnel and Contract Negotiations. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Mr. Callagy and Mrs. Martin were present during executive session.<br />

Return Return to to Public Public Session<br />

Session<br />

At 10:49 p.m., motion was made by Mrs. Lounsbury, seconded by Mrs. Anderson to return to public<br />

session. Motion was carried. 5 yes.<br />

Adjourn<br />

Adjourn<br />

Motion was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Connor that the meeting adjourn. Motion<br />

was carried. 5 yes.<br />

The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.<br />

Denise J. Martin<br />

<strong>District</strong> Clerk

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