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New Acquisitions September – December 2011 - UNESCO Institute ...

New Acquisitions September – December 2011 - UNESCO Institute ...


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Germany. National Commission for <strong>UNESCO</strong>:For life, for the future: biosphere reserves andclimate change; conference proceedings includingthe Dresden Declaration.Bonn, German Commission for <strong>UNESCO</strong>, ²⁰¹¹, ¹¹⁶p., illus.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁹⁴⁰⁷⁸⁵-³⁴-³Identifier: MAB Programme; Dresden Declarationon Biosphere Reserves and Climate Change (textin seven languages)Descriptors: biosphere reserves; climate change;nature conservation; environmental management;sustainable development; internationalinstrumentsUIL call number: ⁶.² FoGlobalization and women's vulnerabilities to HIVand AIDS.Paris, <strong>UNESCO</strong>, ²⁰¹⁰, ²⁴ p. (Gender equality series,²)Identifier: Transforming the Mainstream:Addressing Structural Gender-relatedVulnerabilities to HIV and AIDS; TRIPS: TraderelatedAspects of Intellectual PropertyAgreementDescriptors: women; disadvantaged groups; AIDS;globalization; Africa South of the Sahara;structural adjustment; trade policy; intellectualproperty; agricultural policyUIL call number: ⁶.¹ GlGogolin, Ingrid:Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mitMigrationshintergrund FÖRMIG: Bilanz undPerspektiven eines Modellprogramms.Münster, Waxmann, ²⁰¹¹, ²⁷³ p. (FörMig Edition,no. ⁷). Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁸³⁰⁹-²⁵¹⁷-⁰Identifier: Hamburg (Germany);FÖRMIG:Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mitMigrationshintergrundDescriptors: migrant education; languageinstruction; early childhood education; primaryeducation; literacy programmes; parent childrelationship; family literacy; modern languageprimary programmes; language skills; educationalprojects; pilot projects ; GermanyUIL call number: ³⁷⁰.⁴⁷⁶ GoGolding, Barry:Shedding ideas about older men's learning.In: Lifelong learning in Europe, v. ¹⁶, no. ², ²⁰¹¹, p.¹¹⁹ – ¹²⁴. Incl. bibl.Descriptors: adult learning; elderly; men; AustraliaGrotlüschen, Anke;Riekmann, Wibke:Konservative Entscheidungen: Größenordnungdes funktionalen Analphabetismus inDeutschland.In: Report: Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung,v. ³⁴, no. ³, ²⁰¹¹, p. ²⁴ – ³⁵Identifier: leo. – Level-One Studie (Germany)Descriptors: illiteracy; functional illiteracy; studentevaluation; educational theory; literacy statistics;GermanyGrünberg, Laura:From gender studies to gender IN studies: casestudies on gender-inclusive curriculum in highereducation.Bucharest, CEPES, ²⁰¹¹. ²⁵⁰ p.(Studies on higher education)ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹²-⁹⁰⁶⁹-¹⁹⁷-⁶Descriptors: gender roles; equal opportunity;womens studies; university curriculum; integratedcurriculum; curriculum development; highereducation; case studies; Eastern EuropeUIL call number: ³⁷⁴. ²¹ GrGuadalupe, Cesar; Cardoso, Manuel:Measuring the continuum of literacy skills amongadults: educational testing and the LAMPexperience.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹⁹⁹-²¹⁷.Identifier: LAMP: Literacy Assessment andMonitoring ProgrammeDescriptors: adult literacy; educational testing;literacy assessment; skills assessmentGupta, Puvvada Viswanadha:Continuing education programme: perspectives ofstakeholders and learners.Ambala City, Associated Publishers, ²⁰¹¹. ³³⁷ p.Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁸¹-⁸⁴²⁹-⁰⁶⁷-⁷Identifier: Continuing Education Programme(India)Descriptors: adult education; lifelong education;adult education programmes; new literates;student participation; educational history;community participation; literacy programmes;educational benefits; IndiUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.¹ GuHagen, Markéta von;Willems, Johanne:Gender: Schlüsselthema für Entwicklung sowieBildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung.In: ZEP: Zeitschrift für internationaleBildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, v.³⁴, no. ³, ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹¹-¹⁵.Descriptors: womens studies; gender issues;sustainable development; development educationHambuba, Carlyn; Kagoiya, Rachel:African Women's Development andCommunication Network (Kenya)Liberté d'information et droits de la femme enAfrique: recueil d'études de cas du Cameroun, duGhana, du Kenya, d'Afrique du Sud et de Zambie.Nairobi, FEMNET, ²⁰¹¹. ¹²⁷ p.Descriptors: right to information; womensparticipation; womens organizations; womensrights; communication legislation; case studies;Cameroon; Ghana; Kenya; South Africa; ZambiaUIL call number: ³.⁶¹¹ Ha– 6 –

Hamilton, Mary; Pitt, Kathy:Changing policy discourses: constructing literacyinequalities.In: International journal of educationaldevelopment, v. ³¹, no. ⁶, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁵⁹⁶ – ⁶⁰⁵.Descriptors: adult literacy; educational policy;social exclusion; UKHartnuss, Birger:Bürgergesellschaft und Bildung:Herausforderungen für die formale und nonformaleBildung.In: Journal für politische Bildung, v. ¹, no. ³, ²⁰¹¹, p.³⁷ – ⁴⁴.Descriptors: civil society; social capital;educational reform; civic education; GermanyHedtke, Reinhold:Konzepte ökonomischer Bildung.Schwalbach, Wochenschau Verlag, ²⁰¹¹. ⁹³ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁸⁹⁹⁷⁴⁶⁵⁸-⁷Descriptors: economics education; educationaltheory; teaching methods; GermanyUIL call number: ³⁷¹.⁴⁴ HeHunter, Mark Lee:Story-based inquiry: a manual for investigativejournalists.Paris, <strong>UNESCO</strong>, ²⁰¹¹. ⁸⁷ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸⁹²³¹-⁰⁴¹⁸⁹¹Descriptors: journalism; journalists; researchwork; press ethics; methodology; journalisteducation; guidesUIL call number: ⁶.⁴ HuIndonesia. Ministry of National Education:Centrality of women's literacy to inclusive andparticipative development.Jakarta, Ministry of National Education, ²⁰¹¹. ⁴³ p.Descriptors: literacy; womens education;education and development; educational policy;development plans; IndonesiaIsopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka:European Qualifications Framework and thecomparison of academically-oriented andprofessionally-oriented master's degrees.In: European journal of higher education, v. ¹, no. ¹,March ²⁰¹¹, p. ²²-³⁸.Identifier: EQF: European QualificationsFrameworkDescriptors: higher education; academicstandards; master's degrees; EuropeIvanova, Vanya; Klingenberg, Matthias:Closing the books or keeping them open?:contributions to the Bonn Conference on AdultEducation and Development (BoCAED) «Rememberfor the Future»Bonn, dvv international, ²⁰¹¹, ¹⁶³ p., illus.(International perspectives in adult education,⁶⁶). Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁹⁴²⁷⁵⁵-⁰³-⁰Descriptors: adult education; teaching methods;oral history; museum activities; story telling;peacebuilding; reconstruction; youthparticipation; educational opportunities; Europe;Colombia; Croatia; Germany; Serbia andMontenegro; Yugoslavia; ZimbabweJavate de Dios, Aurora:Global education for gender equality andsustainable human development: makingconnections.In: ZEP: Zeitschrift für internationaleBildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, v.³⁴, no. ³, ²⁰¹¹, p. ²⁰-²⁴.Identifier: Miriam College (Philippines)Descriptors: gender discrimination; universaleducation; human development; sustainabledevelopment; globalizationJenkins, Andrew:Participation in learning and wellbeing amongolder adults.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ³, May – June ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁴⁰³ – ⁴²⁰Descriptors: adult learning; student participation;elderly; mental health; UKJubas, Kaela:Everyday scholars: framing informal learning interms of academic disciplines and skills.In: Adult education quarterly, v. ⁶¹, no.³, August²⁰¹¹, p. ²²⁵ – ²⁴³.Descriptors: informal education; consumereducation; adult learning; USAJuffermans, KasperDo you want me to translate this in English or in abetter Mandinka language?: unequal literacyregimes and grassroots spelling practices in periurbanGambia.In: International journal of educationaldevelopment, v. ³¹, no. ⁶, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁶⁴³ – ⁶⁵³Descriptors: writing; spelling; ethnology; English;Mandinka; GambiaKahneman, Daniel:Thinking, fast and slow.<strong>New</strong> York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, ²⁰¹¹, ⁴⁹⁹ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁰-³⁷⁴-²⁷⁵⁶³-¹Descriptors: thinking; decision making; cognition;social behaviorUIL call number: ³.⁰¹ Ka– 7 –

Kell, Catherine:Inequalities and crossings: literacy and the spacesin-betweenIn: International journal of educationaldevelopment, v. ³¹, no. ⁶, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁶⁰⁶ – ⁶¹³.Descriptors: adult literacy; education anddevelopment; educationally disadvantaged;educational research; <strong>New</strong> Zealand; South AfricaKereselidze, MarikaOvercoming boredom, dust and decay: turningpost-Soviet museums into lifelong learningspaces.In: Lifelong learning in Europe, v. ¹⁶, no. ², ²⁰¹¹, p.⁵⁸ – ⁶³.Descriptors: lifelong learning; adult education;museum activities; museum educationalprogrammes; Caucasian States; RussiaKerr, David:Council of Europe:Strategic support for decision makers: policy toolfor education for democratic citizenship and humanrights; drawing upon the experiences of the Councilof Europe's EDC/HRE project.Strasbourg, Council of Europe, ²⁰¹⁰. ⁷⁶ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹²-⁸⁷¹-⁶⁸⁹⁶-²Descriptors: civic education; human rightseducation; educational policy; educationalcooperation; Europe; guidesUIL call number: ³⁷⁶.⁰¹ StFull TextKissami, Mohamed Abdellatif:Alphabétisation à travers l'initiative LIFE et le suivide CONFINTEA VI au Maghreb.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹⁶¹ – ¹⁷⁷.Identifier: LIFE: Literacy Initiative forEmpowermentDescriptors: illiteracy; literacy programmes;educational cooperation; Morocco; MauritaniaKlein, Rosemarie; Zisenis, Dieter:Zum unternehmerischen und individuellen Nutzenvon arbeitsbezogener Grundbildung.In: Alfa-Forum, v. ²⁴, no. ⁷⁷, Sommer ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹⁰ –¹⁵. Incl. bibl.Descriptors: adult literacy; literacy programmes;educational research; education and employment;disadvantaged groups; work based learning;workplace literacy; GermanyKlot, Jennifer; Vinh-Kim Nguyen; Social ScienceResearch Council (USA):The Fourth wave: violence, gender, culture & HIV inthe ²¹st century.Paris, <strong>UNESCO</strong>, ²⁰¹¹, ⁵³⁴ p. (Gender equalityseries)ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹²-³-¹⁰⁴¹⁵⁸-⁷Descriptors: AIDS; gender roles; cultural factors;social factors; epidemiology; womens rights;Africa South of the Sahara; Caucasian States;Caribbean; South Africa; Sierra Leone; China;Brazil; Uganda; Iran, Islamic Republic; NamibiaUIL call number: ⁶.¹ KlKreutzer, Till:Open Content Lizenzen: ein Leitfaden für die Praxis.Bonn, Deutsche <strong>UNESCO</strong>-Kommission, ²⁰¹¹, ⁷⁰ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁹⁴⁰⁷⁸⁵-³²-⁹Descriptors: information exchange; free flow ofinformation; guidesUIL call number: O.D KrKyndt, Eva:Learning in the second half of the career:stimulating and prohibiting reasons forparticipation in formal learning activities.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ⁵, Sept. – Oct. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁶⁸¹ – ⁶⁹⁹.Descriptors: adult students; ageing population;adult education programmes; vocational training;student participation; participation deterrents;participation incentives; survey analysis; UKLarson, Anne; Milana, Marcella:Professionalization of adult educators inDenmark.In: International journal of continuing educationand lifelong learning, v. ³, no. ², May ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁷⁵ –⁸⁹.Descriptors: adult educators; teacher education;teacher qualifications; lifelong learning; DenmarLauzon, Al:The Changing nature of graduate education:implications for students in the second half of life.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ³, May – June ²⁰¹¹, p. ²⁸⁷ – ³⁰⁷.Descriptors: graduates; lifelong learning;vocational training; education and development;CanadaLe Prisme de l'éducation pour le développementdurable: un outil d'analyse des politiques et despratiques;La Lente de la educación para el desarollosostenible: una herramienta para examinar laspolíticas y la práctica.Paris, <strong>UNESCO</strong>, ²⁰¹⁰, ¹⁰³ p.Identifier: United Nations Decade of Educationfor Sustainable Development, ²⁰⁰⁵-²⁰¹⁴Descriptors: environmental education; sustainabledevelopment; educational policy; integratedplanning; educational evaluation; guides;educational quality; teaching methodsUIL call number : ³⁷¹.⁴² PrLenz, Werner:Wertvolle Bildung: kritisch – skeptisch – sozial.Wien, Löcker, ²⁰¹¹, ²⁰² p. Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁸⁵⁴⁰⁹-⁵⁹¹-⁰Descriptors: educational sociology; educationaldevelopment; educational theory; value systems;social capital; democratization of educationUIL call number: ³⁷⁰.⁴³ Le– 8 –

Livingstone, D.W.:Lifelong learning in paid and unpaid work: surveyand case study finding.London, Routledge, ²⁰¹¹. ²⁴⁷ p. Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁰-⁴¹⁵-⁶¹⁹⁸³-⁷Descriptors: work based learning; lifelonglearning; informal education; electronic learning;computer uses in education; vocational training;education and employment; working class;domestic workers; volunteers; educationalresearch; research results; surveys; Canada;GermanyUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.⁰⁴ LiLuft, Helmut;Vogt, Monika:Gutes Altern: verborgene Chancen und Hindernisse.Frankfurt am Main, Brandes & Apsel, ²⁰¹¹. ²⁶² p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁸⁶⁰⁹⁹-⁷⁰⁸-⁶Descriptors: ageing; old age; elderly;physiological development; life cycleUIL call number: ¹.⁷¹ LuMalet, Régis:Frontières, traduction et politiques de ladifférence: la tâche herméneutique de l'éducationcompare.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ³¹⁹ – ³³⁵.Descriptors: comparative education; educationalphilosophy; linguisticsMalott, Curry Stephenson:Critical pedagogy and cognition: an introduction toa postformal educational psychology.Dordrecht, Springer, ²⁰¹¹. ¹⁹⁶ p.(Explorations of educational purpose, v. ¹⁵). Incl.bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹⁴-⁰⁰⁷-⁰⁶²⁹-³Descriptors: educational psychology; cognition;learning processes; behaviour; critical thinking;educational philosophyMason, Mark:What underlies the shift to a modality ofpartnership in educational developmentcooperation?In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁴⁴³ – ⁴⁵⁵.Descriptors: educational development;educational cooperation; educational philosophyMedel-Añonuevo, Carolyn ; Bernhardt, Anna:Sustaining advocacy and action on women’sparticipation and gender equality in adulteducation.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁵⁷ – ⁶⁸Identifier: CONFINTEA VIDescriptors: womens participation; adult learningMedel-Añonuevo, Carolyn; Torres, Carlos Alberto;Desjardins, Richard:CONFINTEA VI follow-up: the challenges ofmoving from rhetoric to action.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹ – ⁸.Descriptors: adult education; conferencesMeese, Andreas:Informelles Lernen und Kompetenzaneignung alskulturelle Praxis: theoretische Implikationen undempirischer Zugang informellerKompetenzaneignung am Beispiel desMaurerhandwerks in Ecuador.Baltmannsweiler, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren,²⁰¹¹. ³⁰⁸ p.(Grundlagen der Berufs- undErwachsenenbildung, Bd. ⁶⁸). Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁸³⁴⁰-⁰⁸⁵⁴-¹Descriptors: informal education; vocationaltraining; educational theory; learning processes;activity learning; skills development; occupationalqualifications; craft orkers; work based learning;educational systems; informal sector ; EcuadorUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.³ MeMegahed, Nagwa; Lack, Stephen:Colonial legacy, women's rights and gendereducationalinequality in the Arab World withparticular reference to Egypt and Tunisia.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p.Descriptors: womens rights; womens education;girls education; gender discrimination; Egypt;TunisiaMendel, Toby:Public service broadcasting: a comparative legalsurvey.Paris, <strong>UNESCO</strong>, ²⁰¹¹. ²nd., rev. ed., ⁹⁶ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹²-³-¹⁰⁴²⁰⁴-¹Descriptors: broadcasting; public sector;broadcasting legislation; comparative analysis;Australia; Canada; France; Japan; Poland; SouthAfrica; Thailand; UK; freedom of expression;communication finance; governance;communication legislationUIL call number: ⁶.⁴ MeMezirow, Jack; Taylor, Edward W.:Transformative learning in practice: insights fromcommunity, workplace and higher education.San Francisco, Calif., Wiley, ²⁰¹⁰. ³⁰³ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁰-⁴⁷⁰-²⁵⁷⁹⁰-⁶Descriptors: adult learning; cross cultural analysis;learning methods; higher education; communitydevelopment; social change; work based learning;adult literacy; sustainable development; womenseducation; empowerment; rural education; ethnicdiscrimination; Bolivia; South Africa; USA; WestAfrica– 9 –

Mojab, Shahrzad; Carpenter, Sara:Learning by dispossession: democracy promotionand civic engagement in Iraq and the UnitedStates.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ⁴, July – Aug. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁵⁴⁹ – ⁵⁶³. Incl. bibl.Descriptors: civic education; adult educationprogrammes; democracy; comparative education;Iraq; USAMöller, Svenja:Marketing in der ErwachsenenbildungBielefeld, Bertelsmann, ²⁰¹¹, ¹²⁶ p. (Studientextefür Erwachsenenbildung). Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁷⁶³⁹-⁴⁹⁰²-¹Descriptors: adult education; marketing;educational management; educational legislation;GermanyUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.¹ MoMorgan, W. John:Adult continuing education and lifelong learningin the United Kingdom: economic, social andcultural perspectives.In: International journal of continuing educationand lifelong learning, v. ³, no. ², May ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁷ – ²³Descriptors: lifelong education; lifelong learning;educational benefits;educational policy;economic and social development; UKMorin, Edgar:Os Sete saberes necessários à educação do future.São Paulo, Cortez Editora;Brasília, <strong>UNESCO</strong>Brasilia, ²⁰¹¹, ¹⁰² p. ². ed. rev.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁸⁵-²⁴⁹-¹⁷⁵⁴-⁷Descriptors: educational reform; educationaltrends; interdisciplinary approach; future societyUIL call number: ³⁷⁰.¹ MoMorrison, Sandra L.; Vaioleti, Timote M. :Inclusion of indigenous peoples in CONFINTEA VIand follow-up processes.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁶⁸ – ⁸⁷.Identifier: CONFINTEA VIDescriptors: indigenous peoples; socialparticipation; adult education; interculturaleducationNafukho, Fredrick Muyia; Wawire, Nelson H.Were; Lam, Penina Mungania K.UIL; Pearson Education (South Africa);<strong>Institute</strong> forInternational Cooperation of the German AdultEducation Association; University of BotswanaManagement of adult education organisations inAfrica.Cape Town, Pearson Education South Africa, ²⁰¹¹.²²⁶ p.ISBN ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁸⁶⁸⁹¹-⁸⁴⁸-⁵Descriptors: adult education institutions;educational management; managementoperations; organizational change; leadership;AfricaUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.¹ NaNémeth, Balázs:CONFINTEA VI follow-up and the role of universitylifelong learning: some issues for Europeanhigher education.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹⁰⁷ – ¹²⁵.Identifier: CONFINTEA VI; Belém Framework forActionDescriptors: higher education; lifelong education;civic education; universities; university role;learning organization; lifelong learning; Europe<strong>New</strong> insights into family learning for refugees:bonding, bridging and building transculturalcapital.In: Literacy, v. ⁴⁵, no. ², July ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁹¹ – ⁹⁷.Descriptors: family education; parent education;refugees; educational programmes; culturaldiversity; UKOECD:Education at a glance ²⁰¹¹: OECD indicators.Paris, OECD, ²⁰¹¹. ⁴⁹⁵ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹²-⁶⁴-¹¹⁴²⁰-³ (print)Descriptors: educational indicators; educationalstatistics; educational efficien; comparativeeducation; OECD countries; yearbooks;educational output; educational resources;educational financ; access to education;enrolment; education and employment;educational environment; educational systemsUIL call number: ³⁷⁹.⁹⁶ Ed #Full TextOuane, Adama; Glanz, Christine:UIL; Association for the Development of Educationin AfricaOptimiser l'apprentissage, l'éducation et l'éditionen Afrique: le facteur langue; étude bilan sur lathéorie et la pratique de l'enseignement en languematernelle et l'éducation bilingue en Afriquesubsaharienne.Hamburg, UIL, ²⁰¹¹. ³⁹⁶ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹²-⁸²⁰-²¹⁰³-³Descriptors: mother tongue instruction; bilingualeducation; language policy; African languages;Africa South of the Sahara; language usage;language research; literacy programmes;educational policy; educational programmes;publishing; textbook production; Benin; BurkinaFaso; Cameroon; Ethiopia; Mali; Niger; TanzaniaUR; Uganda; ZambiaCall number: ³⁷¹.⁴¹⁶ Ou– 10 –

Ouane, Adama; Glanz, Christine:UIL; Association for the Development of Educationin Africa.Optimising learning, education and publishing inAfrica: the language factor; a review and analysisof theory and practice in mother-tongue andbilingual education in sub-Saharan Africa.Hamburg, UIL, ²⁰¹¹. ³⁸⁰ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁹²-⁸²⁰-¹¹⁷⁰-⁶Descriptors: mother tongue instruction; bilingualeducation; language policy; African languages;Africa South of the Sahara; language usage;language research; literacy programmes;educational policy; educational programmes;publishing; textbook production; Benin; BurkinaFaso; Cameroon; Ethiopia; Mali; Niger; TanzaniaUR; Uganda; ZambiaCall number: ³⁷¹.⁴¹⁶ OuOverwien, Bernd:Politische Bildung und informelles Lernen.In: Journal für politische Bildung, v. ¹, no. ³, ²⁰¹¹, p.¹⁰ – ¹⁸.Descriptors: political education; civic education;informal education; educational theory; electroniclearningPabst, Antje;Zeuner, Christine:Literalität als soziale Praxis: Bedeutungen vonSchriftsprachlichkeit.In: Report: Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung,v. ³⁴, no. ³, ²⁰¹¹, p. ³⁶ – ⁴⁷.Descriptors: adult literacy; educational sociology;ethnology; sociology of communication; empiricalresearch; GermanyPape, Natalie:Politische Partizipation aus der Sicht funktionalerAnalphabet/inn/en.In: Report: Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung,v. ³⁴, no. ³, ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹⁵ – ²³.Descriptors: political participation; functionalilliteracy; functionally illiterate adults; GermanyPeople's Initiative for Learning and CommunityDevelopment (Philippines):Learning to learning for change.Baguio City, People’s Initiative for Learning andCommunity Development, ²⁰¹¹, ³⁵ p.Descriptors: environmental education; sustainabledevelopment; education and development;community development; climate change;PhilippinesUIL call number: ³⁷¹.⁴² LePinnington, Elizabeth; Schugurensky, Daniel:Learning citizenship by practicing democracy:international initiatives and perspectives.<strong>New</strong>castle upon Tyne, Cambridge ScholarsPublishing, ²⁰¹⁰, ³³⁷ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁴⁴³⁸-¹⁷²²-⁶Descriptors: civic education; political education;democracy; educational institutions; communitydevelopment; participatory development; socialcapital; lifelong learning; Brazil; Canada; China;Europe; India; Nigeria; Pakistan; South Africa;VenezuelaUIL call number: ³⁷⁶.⁰¹ PiRezai-Rashti, Goli M.; Moghadam, Valentine M. :Women and higher education in Iran: what arethe implications for employment and the«marriage market»?In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁴¹⁹ – ⁴⁴¹Descriptors: women students; higher education;employment opportunities; unemployment; Iran,Islamic RepublicRoberts, Peter:Paulo Freire in the ²¹st century: education, dialogueand transformation.Boulder, Colo., Paradigm Publishers, ²⁰¹⁰. ¹⁹² p.(Interventions: education, philosophy andculture). Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁵⁹⁴⁵¹-⁶⁸⁰-¹Identifier: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich;Freire, Paulo; Hesse, HermannDescriptors: adult educators; biographies; criticalthinking; educational philosophy; philosophers;literacyUIL call number: ³⁷⁰.⁷ RoRobertson, Susan L.:The <strong>New</strong> spatial politics of (re)bordering and(re)ordering the state-education-citizen relation.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ²⁷⁷ – ²⁹⁷Descriptors: globalization; educational sociology;state and education; educational development;boundariesRosenbladt, Bernhard von ; Bilger, Frauke:Weiterbildungsbeteiligung ²⁰¹⁰: Trends undAnalysen auf Basis des deutschen AES.Bielefeld, Bertelsmann, ²⁰¹¹, ²⁸⁶ p., illus.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁷⁶³⁹-⁴⁹⁰⁶-⁹Identifier: AES: Adult Education Survey (Europe)Descriptors: adult students; student participation;social participation; adult learning; furthertraining; adult education institutions; informaleducation; motivation; electronic learning;educational finance; distance education;educational statistics; vocational training; workbased learning; educational guidance; samplesurveys; GermanyUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.⁰⁴ Ro– 11 –

Rubenson, Kjell; Nesbit, Tom:CONFINTEA VI from a Canadian perspective.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ¹²⁷ – ¹³⁸.Identifier: <strong>UNESCO</strong>; OECD; CONFINTEA VIDescriptors: adult education; educational policy;educational development; comparative education;international organizations; nongovernmentalorganizations; CanadaRui Yang:Self and the other in the Confucian culturalcontext: implications of China's higher educationdevelopment for comparative studies.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ³³⁷ – ³⁵⁵.Descriptors: higher education; educationalphilosophy; comparative education; cross culturalanalysis; ChinaRwantabagu, Hermenegilde:Tradition, globalisation and language dilemma ineducation: African options for the ²¹st century.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁴⁵⁷ – ⁴⁷⁵.Descriptors: language instruction; mother tongueinstruction; globalization; African languages;BurundiSchattan Coelho, Vera;von Lieres, Bettina:Mobilizing for democracy: citizen action and thepolitics of public participation.London, ZED Books, ²⁰¹⁰. ²⁸⁷ p. Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁸⁴⁸¹³-⁴⁴⁶-¹Descriptors: participatory development; civilsociety; democratization; social participation;social movements; Bangladesh; Brazil; India;Kenya; Nigeria; South AfricaSchecter, Sandra R.; Lynch, Jacqueline:Health learning and adult education: in search ofa theory of practice.In: Adult education quarterly, v. ⁶¹, no. ³, August²⁰¹¹, p. ²⁰⁷ – ²²⁴.Descriptors: health education; adult education;illiterates; CanadaSchmelkes, Sylvia:Adult education and indigenous peoples in LatinAmerica.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no. ¹ –², ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁸⁹ – ¹⁰⁵.Identifier: Belém Framework for ActionDescriptors: indigenous peoples; adult education;literacy; intercultural education; Latin AmericaSchneider, Karsten; Ernst, Annegret; Schneider,Johanna:Ein Grund für Bildung?!: Konzepte,Forschungsergebnisse, Praxisbeispiele.Bielefeld, Bertelsmann, ²⁰¹¹. ³⁵⁹ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁷⁶³⁹-⁴⁸⁰³-¹Identifier: EQUALS: Erhöhung von Effizienz unQualität in der Alphabetisierung durchLebensweltforschung und Entwicklungsozialintegrativer Beratungs- und LernangeboteDescriptors: educationally disadvantaged;illiterates; basic education; social integration;adult education institutions; educational policy;educational cooperation; GermanyUIL call number: ³⁷⁹.⁶³⁵.⁷ ScSelkrig, Mark:Learning about ourselves from others:transformation of artists’ identities throughcommunity-based arts practice.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ⁵, Sept. – Oct. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁵⁷⁷ – ⁵⁸⁹Descriptors: lifelong education; lifelong learning;art education; artists; communities; AustraliaSoudien, Crain:Quality's others? The politics of bordering and reborderingour educational standards.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, nos. ³ –⁴, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ²⁶¹ – ²⁷⁵.Identifier: GMR: Global Monitoring ReportDescriptors: educational quality; academicstandards; educational evaluation; benchmarking;value judgment; access to educationStanziola, Javier:Lifelong learning in public libraries in ¹² EuropeanUnion countries: issues in monitoring andevaluation.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ⁵, Sept. – Oct.²⁰¹¹, p. ⁶³¹ – ⁶⁴⁹.Descriptors: public libraries; library extension;lifelong learning; survey analysis; EuropeanUnion; Austria; Bulgaria; Czech Republic;Denmark; Finland; Greece; Hungary; Malta;Portugal; Romania; Slovenia; UKStatistical yearbook (of the UN)/ Annuairestatistique (de l’ONU). ⁵⁴ th ed., ²⁰¹¹<strong>New</strong> York, UN, ²⁰¹¹. ⁸⁰⁵ p.Descriptors: demographic statistics; economicstatistics; statistical data; Africa; Asia and thePacific; Europe; Latin America; North America;yearbooks; financial statistics; agriculturalstatistics; industrial statistics; health statisticsUIL call number: ³.⁵ StStreet, Brian V.:Literacy inequalities in theory and practice: thepower to name and defineIn: International journal of educationaldevelopment, v. ³¹, no. ⁶, Nov. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁵⁸⁰ – ⁵⁸⁶Descriptors: literacy; educational policy; literacyprogrammes; levels of education; educationallydisadvantaged; cross cultural analysis– 12 –

Walters, Shirley; Cooper, Linda:Learning/work: turning work and lifelonglearning inside out.In: International review of education, v. ⁵⁷, no.¹ – ²,²⁰¹¹, p. ²⁷ – ³⁸.Descriptors: lifelong learning; vocational training;economic and social development; social changeWater, a key element in <strong>UNESCO</strong> biospherereserves: experiences from a collaboration ofDanone Waters Germany and <strong>UNESCO</strong>.Bonn, German Commission for <strong>UNESCO</strong>, ²⁰¹¹, ⁵¹p., illus.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁹⁴⁰⁷⁸⁵-³³-⁶Identifier: Danone Waters Germany; <strong>UNESCO</strong>--Participation ProgrammeDescriptors: biosphere reserves; water;sustainable development; regional cooperation;nature conservation; environmental management;GermanyUIL call number: ⁶.² WaWeiß-Kreidler, Renate:Erwachsenenbildung undEntwicklungszusammenarbeit: am Beispiel derAufklärung zur HI-Problematik in einer vonMündlichkeit geprägten Gesellschaft im Norden vonMosambik.Baltmannsweiler, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren,²⁰¹⁰. ²⁷⁴ p.(Grundlagen der Berufs- undErwachsenenbildung, Bd. ⁶⁶). Incl. bibl.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-³-⁸³⁴⁰-⁰⁷⁴⁶-⁹Descriptors: adult education; education anddevelopment; AIDS education; MozambiqueUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.¹ WeWessendorf, Kathrin:The indigenous world ²⁰¹¹.Copenhagen, IWGIA, ²⁰¹¹. ⁶³² p.Descriptors: indigenous peoples; legal status;collective human rights; country reports;yearbooks; Northern Europe; Americas; Oceania;Asia; Middle East; AfricaFull TextWilliams, Joanna:Raising expectations or constructing victims?:problems with promoting social inclusion throughlifelong learning.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ⁴, July – Aug. ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁴⁵¹ – ⁴⁶⁷. Incl. bibl.Descriptors: lifelong learning; disadvantagedgroups; social integration; educational policy; UKWilson, Peter:Big idea, small steps: the making of credit-basedqualificationsLeicester, NIACE, ²⁰¹⁰, ³²¹ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁸⁶²⁰¹-⁴³⁹-⁸Identifier: Qualifications and Credit Framework(UK);Wales (UK);England(UK)Descriptors: occupational qualifications;educational qualifications; vocational education;skills development; accreditation(education);credit system; certification; UK;educational development; higher education;educational reformUIL call number: ³⁷⁴.³ WiWolf, Alison; Evans, Karen:Improving literacy at work.Abingdon, Routledge, ²⁰¹¹. ²⁰⁸ p.ISBN: ⁹⁷⁸-⁰-⁴¹⁵-⁵⁴⁸⁷²-⁴Descriptors: work based learning; workplaceliteracy; educational benefits; adult literacy; adultlearning; skills development; education andemployment; industry and education; informaleducation; UKUIL call number: ³⁷⁹.⁶³⁵.² WoWolter, Stefan C.:Neues zum ökonomischen Nutzen vonWeiterbildung.In: Education permanente, ²⁰¹¹, no. ³, p. ²⁰ – ²².Inc. bibl.Descriptors: further training; studentparticipation; economics of education;educational benefits; education and employmentlabour mobility; SwitzerlandWomen, work and learning: the impact of violence.Waterkloof, South African QualificationsAuthority, ²⁰⁰⁹, ²⁸ p.Descriptors: women; work environment; violence;South AfricaUIL call number: ³.⁶¹¹ WoWorld BankLearning for All: investing in people’s knowledgeand skills to promote development; World BankGroup education strategy ²⁰²⁰.Washington, International Bank forReconstruction, World Bank, ²⁰¹¹. ¹²² p.Identifier: World BankDescriptors: education and development;educational systems; educational policy;educational strategies; nonformal education;international organizations; educational priorityareasFull Text– 14 –

World Bank:Le Système éducatif congolais: diagnostic pour unerevitalisation dans un contexte macroéconomiqueplus favorable.Washington, Banque internationale pour lareconstruction et le développement, ²⁰¹⁰, ¹²⁷ p.(Document de travail de la Banque mondiale, no.¹⁸³). Incl. bibl.ISBN : ⁹⁷⁸-⁰-⁸²¹³-⁸³¹⁹-³Descriptors: educational systems; educationaladministrative structure; educationalmanagement; educational finance; educationalevaluation; Congo DRUIL Call number: ³⁷⁰.⁵¹ SyWynne, Rhonda:Accessing Irish national heritage: a university andlibrary collaboration.In: Lifelong learning in Europe, v. ¹⁶, no. ², ²⁰¹¹, p.⁶⁴ – ⁷⁰. Incl. bibl.Descriptors: adult education programmes; adultlearning; educational cooperation; universitycooperation; national libraries; IrelandZeelen, Jacques; Rampedi, Makgwana; de Jong,Gideon :Adult education in the Limpopo province of SouthAfrica: challenges for policy implementation.In: International journal of lifelong education, v.³⁰, no. ³, May – June ²⁰¹¹, p. ³⁸⁵ – ⁴⁰².Descriptors: adult education; educational policy;state and education; South AfricaZipsane, Henrik:Heritage learning in service for the memories andlife quality of senior citizens.In: International journal of continuing educationand lifelong learning, v. ³, no. ², May ²⁰¹¹, p. ⁹¹ –¹⁰³.Identifier: Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning(Sweden); Senior Citizens Heritage LearningInitiative (Sweden)Descriptors: elderly; adult learning;memorization; documentary heritage; Sweden– 15 –

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