Outline - Hope of the Glory

Outline - Hope of the Glory

Outline - Hope of the Glory


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mmmmm. Israel criticized for not keeping – Isa 65:1-4; 66:15-17nnnnn. The point in Acts 10:9-14 is taking gospel to Gentiles.ooooo. The rules are quite detailed and enforcedppppp. They will again be in <strong>the</strong> tribulation for Israel is again centralqqqqq. Many take Israel’s dietary laws as ours 23cc) Rules under Paul – same as after <strong>the</strong> flood – This is for us TODAY!rrrrr. The same dietary laws as in Gen 9(a) All meats allowed – Col 2:14-16-19; 1 Tim 4:4-5(b) Restrictions as to blood-- Acts 15:22-29sssss. Israel's rules do not apply to us – <strong>the</strong>re is nei<strong>the</strong>r Jew nor Gentilein <strong>the</strong> Body <strong>of</strong> Christttttt. Do not cause former idol worshipers to sin – 1Cor 8:7-13uuuuu. Paul renounces <strong>the</strong> ceremonial law in Phil 3dd) The rules in <strong>the</strong> earthly kingdom are vegetarianvvvvv. All animals are domestic with no enmities – Isa 11:6-10wwwww. This appears to include <strong>the</strong> millennium since <strong>the</strong>re isjudgment – Isa 11:4It is amazing how many ‘heavenly’ or ‘Biblical’ diets are mentioned on <strong>the</strong> internet.ee) We know nothing about life in <strong>the</strong> heavenlies – no matter what men may say. Paulwas not allowed to share any <strong>of</strong> that with us – 2Cor 12ff) We don’t even know very much how life will be on <strong>the</strong> new earth or <strong>the</strong> NewJerusalem!gg) Note: we even have to be dispensational on <strong>the</strong>se issues as well – be sure youfollow that which is FOR USNote that <strong>the</strong>se blessings were being <strong>of</strong>fered to <strong>the</strong> people if <strong>the</strong>y would turn to God andrepent from <strong>the</strong> things that <strong>the</strong>y had done!!hh) Acts 3:25, 26 calls <strong>the</strong>m heirs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prophets and covenants and how God’sservant blessed <strong>the</strong>m by turning from <strong>the</strong>ir wicked ways.(Mat 5:42) Give G1325 to him that asketh G154 <strong>the</strong>e, G4571 and G2532 from him that would G2309 borrow G1155 <strong>of</strong> G575<strong>the</strong>e G4675 G654 G3361turn not thou away.(Mat 26:52) Then G5119 said G3004 Jesus G2424 unto him, G846 Put up again G654 thy G4675 sword G3162 into G1519 his G846place: G5117 for G1063 all G3956 <strong>the</strong>y that take G2983 <strong>the</strong> sword G3162 shall perish G622 with G1722 <strong>the</strong> sword. G3162(Mat 27:3) Then G5119 Judas, G2455 which had betrayed G3860 him, G846 when he saw G1492 that G3754 he wascondemned, G2632 repented G3338 himself, and brought again G654 <strong>the</strong> G3588 thirty G5144 pieces <strong>of</strong> silver G694 to <strong>the</strong> G3588chief priests G749 and G2532 elders, G4245(Luk 23:14) Said G2036 unto G4314 <strong>the</strong>m, G846 Ye have brought G4374 this G5126 man G444 unto me, G3427 as G5613 one thatperverteth G654 <strong>the</strong> G3588 people: G2992 and, G2532 behold, G2400 I, G1473 having examined G350 him before G1799 you, G5216have found G2147 no G3762 fault G158 in G1722 this G5129 man G444 touching those things where<strong>of</strong> G3739 ye accuse G2723him: G846(Act 3:26) Unto you G5213 first G4412 God, G2316 having raised up G450 his G848 Son G3816 Jesus, G2424 sent G649 him G846 tobless G2127 you, G5209 in turning away G654 every one G1538 <strong>of</strong> you from G575 his G5216 iniquities. G4189(Rom 11:26) And G2532 so G3779 all G3956 Israel G2474 shall be saved: G4982 as G2531 it is written, G1125 There shallcome G2240 out <strong>of</strong> G1537 Sion G4622 <strong>the</strong> G3588 Deliverer, G4506 and G2532 shall turn away G654 ungodliness G763 from G575Jacob: G2384(2Ti 1:15) This G5124 thou knowest, G1492 that G3754 all G3956 <strong>the</strong>y which G3588 are in G1722 Asia G773 be turned awayfrom G654 me; G3165 <strong>of</strong> whom G3739 are G2076 Phygellus G5436 and G2532 Hermogenes. G2061(2Ti 4:4) And G2532 <strong>the</strong>y shall turn away G654 <strong>the</strong>ir ears G189 from G575 (G3303) <strong>the</strong> G3588 truth, G225 and G1161 shall beturned G1624 unto G1909 fables. G3454(Tit 1:14) Not G3361 giving heed G4337 to Jewish G2451 fables, G3454 and G2532 commandments G1785 <strong>of</strong> men, G444 thatturn from G654 <strong>the</strong> G3588 truth. G225(Heb 12:25) See G991 that ye refuse G3868 not G3361 him that speaketh. G2980 For G1063 if G1487 <strong>the</strong>y G1565 escaped G5343not G3756 who refused G3868 him that spake G5537 on G1909 earth, G1093 much G4183 more G3123 shall not we G2249 escape,if we turn away from G654 him G3588 that speaketh from G575 heaven: G377223 http://biblicalholidays.com/Dietary%20laws%20bible.htm, http://www.hacres.com/home/home.aspActs Page 34 January 23, 2011 18:07

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