Mass Media in Zambia Demand-Side Measures ... - AudienceScapes

Mass Media in Zambia Demand-Side Measures ... - AudienceScapes

Mass Media in Zambia Demand-Side Measures ... - AudienceScapes


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The Hyper Users‐ Those Who Use <strong>Media</strong> DailyThe figure below shows the proportion of respondents from each <strong>in</strong>come tier, genderand location type who said they listen to the radio or watch TV daily. These hyper usershave greater representation among males, urbanites and those with relatively higher<strong>in</strong>comes.Ic: News Source Preferences and Op<strong>in</strong>ion LeadershipDevelopment strategists sometimes focus communication and <strong>in</strong>formation‐shar<strong>in</strong>g efforts on<strong>in</strong>fluential members of a group, under the assumption that such people (op<strong>in</strong>ion leaders) willhave a disproportionate impact on the views and attitudes of the group as a whole. Theconcept of op<strong>in</strong>ion leadership is applied <strong>in</strong> many areas of social science research, notably <strong>in</strong>science communication and election studies, to understand how some <strong>in</strong>dividuals exertrelatively strong sway on a general population. 4In the <strong>AudienceScapes</strong> framework, we def<strong>in</strong>e op<strong>in</strong>ion leaders as those whom others turn tomost for <strong>in</strong>formation and perspectives on various issues. 54 Matthew Nisbet, Ph.D, Professor at American University, "A Two Step Flow of Influence? Op<strong>in</strong>ion Leader Campaigns onClimate Change" Science Communication, March 2009, 30.5 <strong>Zambia</strong>n op<strong>in</strong>ion leaders were def<strong>in</strong>ed as the top third of <strong>Zambia</strong>ns with the highest cumulative po<strong>in</strong>ts on four items: (1) howoften people came to a respondent to get news and <strong>in</strong>formation; (2) how often respondents discussed news and <strong>in</strong>formation

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