SOFTDISK™ - Brutal Deluxe Software

SOFTDISK™ - Brutal Deluxe Software

SOFTDISK™ - Brutal Deluxe Software


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Tunnels - Free the planet Tharolia from rule by maniacal machines.cros.s,.'Volrdl M@:lCnline - This month's puzzle: "Straw Warts, Episode IV: The Editor StrikesBack."#6 - A CATastrophic hi-res jigsaw puzzle."- An animated tutorial on lunar phases and the tides.- Dodge killer cars as you grab cash secreted in this smash-up thriller.1IIJ'\Il;;VIll.'lo.l'UR'" - Construct the most straight rows and win this two-player game of strategy.cr'os~s~"'Olrdl M@:lChline - Our monthly computerized word puzzle to keep you guessing.- An accurate timepiece for Apples that do not have clocks.#9 Unscramble the letters, solve the anagram, then view the cartoon!Visibook - You supply the numbers; Visibook does the calculations in this spreadsheet-checkbook.Softdisk Formatter - Format your ProDOS disks in an instant."Mc:lClnll1e - This month's puzzle's 121 squares will puzzle you, for sure!No-Liners - Three EXEC-able files to make your programming easier.Concentration - Match two shapes hidden under the numbers and you score!DDD'7~lII'll!E!Ilr #7 - A tough, computerized jigsaw puzzle.Anna's Gram #10 - The final installment of John Besnard's exciting rearrange-the-word puzzles.t:lUlrCn)4~an Cities - Learn the cities of Europe with help from the magnificent Mentor.~E~le!CIOr - Exit ProDOS with convenience and style.Cars - Grab the treasure and evade the deadly Mars Cars.- A quick and easy way to format ProDOS disks.- A small though sharp word processor for your "Feedback" files.GIPalJhllCS - They're back! - with an all-new presentation program.- Find out how well you really know U.S. geography.HE~ClOne(:t - A real-time Beatles trivia quiz.- A third nearly-impossible license plate puzzle from John Besnard.(;r'OS;S~"'Olrdl M@:lChline - A monthly challenge for all cruciverbalists.Locate and look at all the pictures on any disk drive.ni~k'Writ'l:Ilr - A word processor for your "Feedback" files.- Print out your text screen by pressing RESET.- A quick and easy way to format ProDOS disks.- Throwaway everything if you are to win this hi-res game of solitaire.Miinlue!ts - Learn about the great composer as you listen to his music.Mlult:iplic:a1:ion - Once you know the Big Secret, multiplication is easy!GIPalJhllCS - Medieval images and a new Old English font.Ulldel1et1e - Recover files you have accidentally deleted.JnQ~-t,g~lnp CcllE~nldalr - A year-long calendar on one page of printer paper!- A quick and easy word processor.- A quick and easy disk formatter.(;r'OS~S~"'Olrdl M@:lChline - Featuring the first puzzle by a non-Softdisk staff member.- Conquer whole star systems in this far-reaching tactical simulation.Charta - A peek at Third Wave Technology's new business graphics application.- Print out currency exchange tables.25

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