SOFTDISK™ - Brutal Deluxe Software

SOFTDISK™ - Brutal Deluxe Software

SOFTDISK™ - Brutal Deluxe Software


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"- The first in a series of quizzes from Games Maga~Zjnle.C()lTlpiile,r lJ~eln()n~stlra1:ion - View the actual difference between a compiled and an uncompiled- Find memory space information on a BASIC program.Protect your variables and strings from the CLEAR and RUN commands.- An illustrated article on Greek columns and an excellent example of CAl.- A hi-res Hangman-like game with an editor for adding your own words.- A trip to the doctor's office should be so inexpensive!CClllendlar - Print or display a calendar for any month or year.HE~U40Se14ene - Of particular interest to astronomy buffs everywhere!- A free-standing version that doesn't need to be loaded into a RAM card.t;flolPpler - Free up more data disk space by getting rid of DOS.M40a!ern P'r"ll'u·~rn - Never dial another number if you have this program and a Hayes Micromodem.M@aclhBll1e - An integer BASIC version of an old favorite.- A guessing game with a difference!- The classic strategy game in hi-res graphics.Another musical feast for the ears.BC.wae!n'S JJ,~d''Jenturie - A hi-res game to enthrall you.- Hear your Apple talk - with no speech card required!"Demo A self-running demo of Penguin <strong>Software</strong>'s hi-res adventure game.1m3 - Jim Ganz's perfect program for anyone who cooks.Saturn Shots - A slide show of digitized hi-res photos from the fly-by!The answers are all bird names in thisquiz.Hi-Res Erase - Erase to any hi-res color, not just to black!INPUT Demo - Commas, colons, or quotes can be accepted with no problem!In1telrac::tive - A tutorial on and INPUT to improve your programs' user-friendliness.ication Flash - A quiz which saves missed problems to disk for future review.Addition Subtraction Orin A quiz which also saves missed problems to disk for future review.Draw, store, and edit lo-res pictures with plenty of colors!Display or print any text file, sequential or random.NllmbE~r LISTer - List out all the line numbers in YQur program in four easy-to-read columns.- An ML routine which simulates the old monitor's liT" command for the autostart ROM.IIA combination Applesoft tutorial and utility.Df'a,,,,UI1Q - Draw on the screen and save your pictures for later editing.- Choose Epson print styles from an easy-to-use menu.- A beautiful hi-res graphics display generated by only one line of Applesoft BASICcode.- Play against the computer on a hi-res screen.- Try to win 32 times as your Apple gets smarter and smarter.FC.Ull1dlatBon - Softdisk's first hi-res solitaire game.- Jim Weiler's Electric Duet-compatible two-voice music editor program.- Arrange 16 matches as five squares, or move two and get four squares.'Issue Index - All program files from the first 17 issues of Softdisk in one index.A new and improved version which now reads all text files even better than before!t'rOCllralmS - Now we call them "Pipings".- A self-running demo of a program generator.- The third in a series from Games Magazine.- Learn how to put text on the hi-res screen.NllClleclr ~~IP::U'~1'nr - You will discover that running a nuclear reactor is not easy at all!- A useful educational program for plotting all kinds of functions.- An unusual application for your Apple.7

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