Chapter 7 - Pearson

Chapter 7 - Pearson

Chapter 7 - Pearson


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Section 7.4 Vectors, Operations, and the Dot Product 10930. u = 8, v = 12, θ = 2047. v » 4.0958, -2.867948. v » -1.5321, -1.285631. u = 20, v = 30, θ = 3032. u = 50, v = 70, θ = 4049. 530 newtons. (rounded to two significantdigits)50. 29 newtons. (rounded to two significant digits)51. 88.2 lb. (rounded to three significant digits)52. 76.2 lb. (rounded to three significant digits)53. v » 94.2 lb54. v » 158.0 lb55. v » 24.4 lb33. Magnitude: 17; Angle: 331.9(θ lies in quadrant IV)34. Magnitude: 25; Angle: 106.3(θ lies in quadrant II)35. Magnitude: 8; Angle: 120(θ lies in quadrant II)36. Magnitude: 16; Angle: 315(θ lies in quadrant IV)37. x » 47y » 1738. x » 17y » 2039. x » 38.8y » 28.040. x » 13.7y » 7.1141. x » 123y » 15542. x » 198y » 13243.u =5 3 5 ,2 244. u = 4, 4 345. v » -3.0642, 2.571246. v » -1.9284,2.298156. v » 1286.0 lb57. u+ v= a+ c,b+d58. z + z = ( a+ c) + ( b+d)i1 2Additional answers will vary59. u- v = -6, 260. v- u = 6, -261. - 4u= 8, -2062. - 5v= -20,-1563. 3u- 6v= -30,-364. - 2u+ 4v= 20,265. u+ v- 3u= 8, -766. 2u+ v- 6v= -24,-567. - 5, 8 =- 5i+8j68. 6, - 3 = 6i-3j69. 2, 0 = 2i+ 0j=2i70. 0, - 4 = 0i- 4j=-4j71. 772. - 6173. 074. 075. 2076. - 4Copyright © 2013 <strong>Pearson</strong> Education, Inc.

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