L 524 - L 542 Wheel Loaders

L 524 - L 542 Wheel Loaders

L 524 - L 542 Wheel Loaders


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EconomyThe Liebherr driveline combined with low operating weight and high tipping loadresults in up to 25 % less fuel consumption compared with conventionally drivenwheel loaders. Up to 1.3 gal of fuel per operating hour can be saved, which meanslower operating costs and an active protection of the environment at the same time.Low operating costsMinimum costs,high handling capacityActive environmental protectionEconomical useof resourcesWhen it comes to economy, conventional wheelloaders are no match for Liebherr machines, mainlydue to the following factors:− Low fuel consumption as a result of higherefficiency and a lower operating weight. TheLiebherr wheel loader’s fuel consumption is upto 1.3 gal per operating hour lower than a conventionalwheel loader under the same workingconditions.− Virtually no brake wear, thanks to the hydraulicbraking action of the driveline. This means nobrake repair costs resulting from wear and tear.− Continuous traction control for reduced tirewear. Depending on the working conditions, tirewear can be up to 25 % lower than with conventionalwheel loaders.Reduced fuel consumption means lower emissions,which leads to the active and economicaluse of resources.During combustion, 0.3 gal of diesel produces upto 7 lb of CO 2 . A saving of 1.3 gal of fuel per operatinghour translates into a 33,069 lb reduction inCO 2 emissions over a period of 1,000 operatinghours, for example. The result: reduced fuel costsand active protection of the environment.Low noise emissionsThe innovative driveline concept also cuts noiseemissions considerably: Liebherr wheel loadersare significantly quieter in operation.Reduced brake wear• Even in the toughest working conditions,the Liebherr travel drive is always brakedhydraulically. The mechanical servicebrake is used only as a secondary brakingfunction – as such – the brakes are virtuallywear-free.Reduced tire wear• The tractive force can be adjusted continuously.This prevents wheel-spin andreduces tire wear by up to 25 %.L <strong>524</strong> 2plus1 - L <strong>542</strong> 2plus15

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