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<strong>CIC</strong><strong>TIMES</strong>€2.00VOLUME 1, ISSUE 7CRETAN INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY JULY 2008The Renaissance Festival of Rethymnon July 5 - 23, 2008The mighty fortress of Rethymno was once instrumental in keeping Crete in Venice’s Aegean Empire. The impressive battlementsharbour a theatre in which most of the Renaissance Festival theatrical and musical events are held every year.With views across the blue Aegean Sea as a backdrop to the cultural events on offer, you can enjoy theatrical performances, musicalconcerts, traditional and contemporary dance shows, cinema screenings and art exhibitions.All events will take place in areas and monuments around the old town of Rethymno, the theatre Erofili inside the Fortezza, theOdeon (old Mosque) in the old town, and all the streets of Rethymno.July 5 Opening Night. A unique production of theatre and musical events. The stage is the entire Old Town of Rethymno! The ceremonyis designed and will be performed by volunteer fellow citizens and <strong>CIC</strong> Members, who will lead us to the Fortezza, where there will be aperformance by the Dance Team “Horonde”July 6 End of Nautical Week – Marina areaJuly 7 Music performance of Italian pro classic musicJuly 8 Music performance of pro classic music from England andIrelandJuly 9 Music performance/“meeting” of Cretan musicians at theFortezza.July 10 Music performance of German pro classic musicJuly 11 Music performance of pro classic music from the IberianPeninsulaJuly 12 Music performance of pro classic music from FranceJuly 15 Concert performance by world-renowned musician JordiSavall, dedicated to Folias & Romanescas.July 13 Elefsina Municipal Cultural Club performing “The Villagers”by RugganteJuly 16 “Theatro Skion” G. Hatzi performing the “Erotokritos” aromance composed by Vitsentzos KornarosJuly 17 Theatre company “CHOROS” performing “O Apokopos touBergadi & a Surprise Comedy”July 19 Theatre group “Giorgos Kimoulis” performing “Richard III”a play by William ShakespeareJuly 20 Music Performance “Circle at the Crossroads” showing therich gamut of the Cretan music by Ross DalyJuly 21 Theatre Groups “Theorisi” G.Hatzidaki performing“Alloides”July 22 Art Company “5th Season” performing the “Twelfth Night”comedy by William ShakespeareJuly 23 Closing Night. Through the centre of the town, allRethymnians together with their guests and visitors will “close”their Renaissance Festival celebrating in their unique wayCongratulations to ourMembership Secretary, Sybilleand her husband, on theirwedding 21st June 2008<strong>CIC</strong> Fundraising EventIn a series of events, this year we have attempted to raise moneyfor local charities. During spring, we took some wonderfultrips around Crete and thissummer we are kicking offour fundraising efforts witha music event.Instead of one mainfundraising event, theEvents Committee, withthe help of the Municipalityof Chania, has scheduleda performance of Cretanmusic (and dancing).Performing:The Pantermakis BrothersManolis Fandakis and Artemis PentarisThe Psiloritis Dance GroupAt the Open Theater in Chania – Anatoliki TafrosOn July 7 2008 - 7:30 til midnightPrice of €15.00 per person with the proceeds going to the“Gift of Love” Account of the Dimos Chanion and the KIFAP.KIFAP (Center of daily assistance for Autistic Children) needs help.They have managed to buy a plot of land and they have gone as faras obtaining building permits, but they have run out of money forthe construction. They are determined to build their own facilityand keep their children outside the Chania Mental Institution wherethey have been housed until the parents took action and formedan organization (KIFAP) to “save our children” as the President ofthe organization told us. We all know that Autistic children are veryspecial! Show your support and buy the performance tickets. As theGreeks say, “Do the right thing and throw it in the sea”.Tickets to be sold at the door, or if you would like to buythem in a large quantity before just give us a call. CallMariette Georgiadis Vice President <strong>CIC</strong> 6936326606INDSIDE THIS ISSUERethymnon Festival<strong>CIC</strong> Fund Raising Front pageContacts & CharterLetter from the Editor 2Presidents PageThe Stavros Niachros Hostel 3Out & About: Coffee MorningsTrivia by Xeroals 4Out & About:<strong>CIC</strong> Events/WalksExhibitions/ Writing News 5Out & About:White Mountain Traverse 6 & 7Out & About:Community/Group Activities 8Answer to the EditorA big Thank You 8Exhibition ReviewLetter from Cafe Vafe 9The Roaming ReporterThe Hellenic National Cadastre 10 & 11Church Services & Local GroupsCrossword AnswersConsulates on Crete 12Thought for the month 12Crossword - EntertainmentThe Galloping Gourmet 13July Name Days / STOP PRESSAbout July, Holiday & EventsHow to join the <strong>CIC</strong> 14Business Directory 15 & 16Advertising Pages 17 - 24<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 1

Presidents Page<strong>CIC</strong> TimesYou may remember the “stuffed bear”-like puppies I was fostering a month ago! This month I am fostering all black – hair,eyes and toes – Labrador puppies that eat so much, it is possible they will eat my two adult dogs very soon. The Lab naturecomes out and after I release them from their kennel in the morning, all they want are hugs and kisses; then they run to thefood area and jump up and down as if they have springs under their little footsies! This time they were not in a rubbish bin;rather two tourist couples on their way to a nice uphill stroll, found them thrown away on the side of the road, took themback to their room, cleaned them, fed them, kept them and when they were ready to go back home, called the Filozoikos.One girl, Sheba, and two boys, Buster and Mauro (I think Mavro). The nice English tourists had even found names for them!The next evening I went to a lecture set up by the Prefecture of Rethymno - first time - and I came away with fantasticstickers that say, ”Animals are not rubbish. Their abandonment is punishable by Law” to be placed on all the rubbish bins!I have stuck them everywhere from Rethymno town to Stavromenos - an11 km stretch.Enough said about animal welfare. I want to talk about a hospice. A hospice provides humane and compassionate carefor people in the last phases of their lives so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible, with love from family& friends, and the professional care of the caregivers. In the beginning of June, I had the big pleasure of meeting FatherJohn, a Scottish - and English speaking - Christian Orthodox priest who is holding services in two Greek churches in theApokoronas area. Father John has a vision of establishing a Hospice or Long Term Debilitating Illness facility in West Crete. Ifhe is successful, his vision can be duplicated all over Crete. He asked me if I am interested and I told him that unequivocallyand without bringing the issue to the <strong>CIC</strong> Board, that he has my personal assurance that I will be fully involved in anythingthat will help to turn his vision into a reality.In this endeavor, I have been speaking with Anne Gregoe, a Scottish ex Hospice Administrator with a double Masters inHealth Services who arrived on the island of Skopelos wishing to work voluntarily in a Hospice. Little did she know that thereis not even a Law in this country that will provide the framework for the existence of a Hospice! The Law has changed, butthe word Hospice is still unknown to the Greek population and the Dept. of Health. Ms Gregoe found out that when sheused the Greek word for “Support” Ypostiriksis, she could work the system better – though she is telling me that a Greekword for Hospice indeed exists. After four years of untold bureaucratic labyrinths, they finally managed since this April of2008, together with four other Board Members and six volunteers to operate a “facility” for terminally ill patients on theisland. Today, this group of volunteers rent a small “store front” and cares for six people on the island. Every Monday theyoffer relaxation and reflexology classes, every Tuesday, they have a SymptomControl session, on Wednesdays they deal with Shopping, Home cleaning andtaking some of these six terminally ill people to a café at the paralia!Ms Gregoe told me that she is more than willing to help duplicate the effortsof the “Faros Skopelou” Lighthouse of Skopelos, into many Lighthouses all overGreece.I am continuing to speak with Father John and I am personally planning to joinhim in this vision. In the months to come, there will be more to tell you you.You need to start thinking if you want to participate in joining Father John andothers to bring this vision to reality.Until August, wish me happy Fourth of July.EvaThe “ Stavros Niachros” Hostel- HeraklionThe Stavros Niachros hostel was built bythe foundation of the shipping magnate,to provide accommodation for patientsand relatives undergoing treatment at theHeraklion University Hospital.It opened in 2004 in the grounds of thehospital, and has 28 spacious doublerooms, most with their own shower andtoilet, though several rooms share one. Onboth floors, there is a self-catering kitchen,with cooker and fridge/freezer, and thereis a microwave on the ground floor. Thereare adjacent dining areas and lounges onboth floors with comfortable settees. Thewhole hostel is decorated beautifully andtastefully in a restful combination of sandand pale blue colours.Prior to the start of my wife’s radiotherapytreatment, we visited the social servicesdepartment of the hospital, which islocated close to the Red Cross desk by theoutpatients’ entrance, before the mainhospital entrance. A very helpful lady whospoke good English explained to us thatit was not possible to make reservationsin advance, as the hostel has to respondto fluctuating demands. However, sheadvised us to get a copy of our last year’sGreek tax declaration, which shows bothof our imported pension incomes. Asthis was below 20,000 euros per annum,we could then stay at the hotel free ofcharge.On the day when her treatment was dueto start, the dept. of radiotherapy issuedus with a paper, which we took to thehostel warden. Over the ten-week periodof daily treatment, interrupted by strikes,and national holidays and service days forthe x-ray machines, we were able to leaveour possessions in the room when wereturned to Rethymno for the weekend.Each morning we came out of the hostelto be greeted by an island of lavender,rosemary and other herbs, and it wasthen just a few minutes stroll down tothe hospital. This gave us peace and restcompared with a hectic daily commute.The hostel is also available for shorttermuse, when a relative is taken in foremergency treatment. The current chargeis 10 euros per night for a patient and 15for a relative. You will need to get a paperfrom the hospital department explainingyour need to stay.<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 3The hostel kindly provides a change ofsheets, towels, and pillowcases, whichcan be collected from the warden on aMonday, though we also brought our ownlarge towels. It is a good idea to bringyour own plates, mugs cutlery and smallfrying pan and saucepan, which can bestored in a kitchen cupboard, along withtins of food.We are deeply grateful to the foundationand the wardens for the kindness and helpwe received. The wardens speak very littleEnglish, and it is only fair to point out thatvery few of the other residents do either.In addition, if you are by yourself ratherthan sharing a room with your partner,problems can arise when you room withsomeone from another culture. However,there can be a great community spiritamongst those staying there, especially ifyou can speak Greek. We hope that thisarticle may help others, but of course, youwill need to check for yourself, how thesystem is now operating.For further help and advice can also beobtained from the Cancer Support grouprun by Chris Parnassus- 6977559644cparnassus@hotmail.comBob and Eveleen Wright, Maroulas Rethymno,bobandev@otenet.gr

<strong>CIC</strong> EVENTSHAPPY SUMMER EVERYONE!!SATURDAY NIGHTS are DANCING NIGHTS at theCRETAN CORNER, MEGALA HORAFIA.Once again we conjure up magical evenings of Traditional Dance,Delicious Food & Good Company starting on Saturday 2nd June& continuing throughout the summer. Bring your friends &visitors for a night of Family Fun. RSVP TO BOOK...... or Tel.28250 32241 or 6944610787The Taverna is open daily so, why not combine us with a visit to nearbyAncient Aptera & enjoy lunch on the balcony with magnificent views ofthe White Mountains. SEE YOU SOON!!!!<strong>CIC</strong> WALKSThe <strong>CIC</strong> walks will not take place during the summer months dueto the heat. A complete listing of the walks will resume again inthe autumn.To the Americans on Crete we wish you aHappy 4th of July!In the United States, Independence Day(commonly known as the Fourth of July)is a federal holiday commemoratingthe adoption of the Declaration ofIndependence on July 4, 1776, declaringindependence from the Kingdom ofGreat Britain.Independence Day is commonlyassociated with fireworks, parades,barbecues, carnivals, picnics, baseballgames, and various other public andprivate events celebrating the history,government, and traditions of theUnited States, but is often also viewedas simply a summer festival, apart fromits patriotic overtones. (taken from Wikpedia)Chania resident and author, NeilGrimmett has a short story set onCrete coming out in the July issueof the world’s leading mysterymagazine, ELLERY QUEEN MYSTERYMAGAZINE.Out & AboutNew Chess ClubA new chess club has been started in Kalives. The Greekname is ‘To Enotiko’ which means The Hyphen (Alltogether). The chess games will begin every Monday at8pm in the Apicorno Cafe and all <strong>CIC</strong> members and nonmembers,beginners and experienced players are welcome.If you would like further information please contact:Georges SIMONTel : 28250 41940 mobile : 694 564 52 64Email : gsms@otenet.grNew Exhibition with English ArtistsThe gallery is located inthe square of the GreekCathedral in Chania, atAgion Deka 19. For moreinformation please call(28210) 41777<strong>CIC</strong> TimesANNE URQUHART EDWARDS andLINDA TALBOTGallery MitropolisFrom July 12 - 22Showing daily15.00 – 22.00Opening on SaturdayJuly 12 at 8pmWriter in residence to have story published inEllery Queen Mystery MagazineThe story, SHINING THE LIGHT,developed into a novel of the sametitle which has just been signed by oneof London’s leading literary agents,Sonia Land.Poet, short story writer Neil Grimmetthas more than fifty stories in print inpublications in Britain, ContinentalEurope, Australia, South Africa,Canada, Singapore, and the U.S.His novel, THE BESTOWING SUN, isreceiving excellent review in the UKand US. He’s won the Write On poetry<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 5award, is a four-time winner of theOppenheim John Downes award, aSociety of Authors Award, and hasreceived a major British Arts Councilbursary.‘What about the girl who vanished?’he says loudly. ‘A young mother, anEnglish lady who’d fallen in love witha Cretan. One who may have had avillage named after her. What ray,and from whose shard of mirror-glass,will shine some light onto her?’

<strong>CIC</strong> TimesOut & About - White Mountain TraverseWhite Mountain Traverse (West to East), 9th to 11th June 2008The Dream: It is often that I have gazed upon The White Mountains during the two and a quarter years I have lived inCrete, dreaming that one day I would attempt to traverse the length of the massif. In my enthusiasm to revitalise my youngerjoys of walking and climbing in mountains I began to explore the perimeters of the massif almost 2 years ago and just overa year ago ascended the most accessible perimeter mountain peaks. Thus the terrain and the nature of The White Mountainswere becoming familiar to me and so the notion of organising a traverse of the range became much more my objective.On many of my later day excursions into the mountains I was accompanied by the very fit professional photographer SaraGilding, for whom ascending mountain peaks on foot was a new experience. Together we decided that a west to east routefrom Ksyloscala, near Omolos (at the head of the SamariaGorge) to Amoudhari (Askyfou plateau) would present anexcellent challenge to us. An E4 route across the massif,avoids mountain peaks. In any event it is merely a route,not a path. We decided that in our traverse we wouldwish to try to embrace the ascent of some the significantpeaks.For a corresponding amount of time I had always thoughtthat if ever I did attempt the traverse that it would beexcellent if it could be of some benefit to others far lessfortunate than ourselves, instead of merely for my owngratification. I wanted to try to ensure the event, when ithappened, could be in support of children with disabilitiesthat deny them the possibility of all such opportunities intheir lives.A few months ago I became aware of the charity knownas ‘ELEPAP’ [The Hellenic Society for Disabled Children].Many of the children they support suffer from CerebralPalsy. The organisation was formed in 1937 and has sevencentres throughout Greece. One such centre is in Chania(covering all of Crete) and the Medical Director there, MrGiorgos Manousellis, welcomed the idea that I should tryto raise some funding for the Chania centre by means ofNew Kydonia Suites & StudiosDARATSOS - HANIAPool - Restaurant - BarAnglo-Greek family run complex,Magnificent swimming pool,Restaurant/bar & fanstatic views.Non-residents welcome to visitfor a drink, lunch, dinner orspend the day around the pool.Kids pool and safe grassy play areas.No noise, no traffic, no roads!Special occasions catered for.Apartment bookings welcome,10% discount for<strong>CIC</strong> members.COME AND ENJOY AND RELAXWITH US AT NEW KYDONIASUITES & STUDIOS.ALL WELCOME.PLENTY OF PARKING.CALL LISA , MO OR TERRY ON 28210-32611 OR 694579060808/08CLAY PIGEON SHOOTINGStunning location in Western CreteHosted & Coached by Ian Love:BASC Proficiency Award.Price €65 per person which includes, coaching fee, shotgun fit & hire, cartridges (50), clay pigeons, transport, coffee & lunch.Everything you need for anenjoyable & exciting dayFor further information contact Ian on:Tel: 28250 31270 Mob: 6945508302e-mail : ian.sportingclays@gmail.comBeginners & experienced shots welcome.Registered & insured - special rates for <strong>CIC</strong>members & parties of four and over.04/09 06/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 6

Out & About - White Mountain Traverse<strong>CIC</strong> TimesWhite Mountain Traverse (West to East), 9th to 11th June 2008sponsorship for our traverse. I engaged the help of friends bydistributing sponsorship forms to them. Thank you friends foryour productive efforts in soliciting donations. Of course therewas a lot of expedition preparation to attend to as well. It wouldbe foolhardy for us to attempt this traverse without the bestof knowledge and preparation. We spoke to some of the mostknowledgeable sources of information and our confidence dulygrew.The team:Sara Gilding (Kefalas); Melanie ‘Mel’ Trickett (Bristol); RyanHughes (Exeter); Matthew ‘Matt’ Sica (Bristol); Colin Mackie(Norfolk); and myself – Keir Hughes (Kalamitsi Amigdalou).In support:Patricia ‘Tricia’ Hughes; Roger Gilding; Judith ‘Judy’ Mackie.The Undertaking:Many serious elements of such an undertaking require carefulthought. For example, there is a great need to take sufficientwater. We therefore each carried about tenlitres of water and power drinks. That is a lotof weight and a lot of space.The rocky massif in summer is similar to astony desert: very hot by day and cold bynight. Adequate protection from the sun isas important as the water. There is simply noshade up there to afford relief from the sun.Finding our way through was crucial to oursafety and security as well as our timing andour morale. The interior of the massif can easilyconfuse even when you have a good sense ofdirection and can apply map and compassskills. However our experience was thankfullya good one despite needing to check andrecheck when doubts loomed at times – eventhough we had good visibility throughout ourtraverse.The ruggedly rocky and fractured terraininterspersed by swallow holes (sink holes) isvery hard under foot. We all had sore soles toour feet by the end of our gruelling challenge.But despite this and minor scrapes, cuts,scratches, split toenails, pulled ‘this and thats’and some sore blisters, we were fortunate thatnobody suffered anything more serious.The End in Sight:On the afternoon of the Wednesday 11th June wewere on our way out from the central massif andtraversing across the very steep and loose screeslopes of the northern flank of the three peakedmountain called Kastro, which is easily seen fromthe Apokoronas area. And we made it down at longlast to the Askyfou plateau. It was about 5pm.Well we were all very tired and longing for a goodnights sleep in comfortable beds, but we wereelated too by our achievement. It had proved afabulous and demanding challenge for all six ofus. We are so fortunate and privileged to haveexperienced the traverse and we each acknowledgethat.The massif is ruggedly beautiful. The rocks andthe colours in the differing lights of the day are ofcourse marvellous to witness first hand. We had aneagle circle around us at one stage and on severaloccasions saw Griffin Vultures at close quarters.I had often felt my smallness and vulnerabilityamongst the high peaks and ridges. Whateverelse I may do, this adventure is something I willnever forget; neither the excellent company of theteam.Abilities and Disabilities:This brings me to the thoughts I have had of my own gratefulnessof being sufficiently able bodied to do any such things atwhatever stages in a lifetime. If you can make a donation toELEPAP and the excellent work they undertake, either now or inthe future, no matter how small it may be, then we please askthat you do so. You can always give your donation to one ofthe executives of the <strong>CIC</strong> or direct to the charity by sending ordelivering to Mr Giorgos Manousellis, ELEPAP, Chania.Thank goodness we all came down from the mountains welland uninjured. (A worry I harboured all along). A good nightssleep, some stretch exercises and a feast or two …. and heypresto ….. we all feel just great! Aren’t we fortunate indeed?!We even have a wonderful selection of great photographs torecall the pain, the joy, the laughs (yes, we had a few) and thebeauty of it all.Keir Hughes, Kalamitsi Amigdalou, Apokoronas<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 7

<strong>CIC</strong> TimesOut & About / LettersCOMMUNITY/GROUP ACTIVITIESRethymnon Embroidery GroupEvery Second Saturday of each month until September, from10.00 to 13.00 at the Hotel Tavern Profilio (www.profilio.gr) inExopoli (Georgioupolis). You can learn Rethymnon Embroidery,or get help with creating your own designs, planning your ownprojects or reconstructing original pieces and of course simplystitch along in company. No advance booking required andno obligation to attend regularly. English, German and Greekspeaking. For further information please contact Maria at emailhemahoff@web.de or phone 28250 22331Cretan Cooking With KoulaTwice a Month Koula Barydakis, co-author of the cookbook “Foodof Crete” conducts cooking classes for <strong>CIC</strong> members. Participantshave the opportunity for hands-on preparation of authenticCretan dishes, and afterwards, the pleasure of enjoying thefruits of their labours and sit-down lunch. All sessions featuredishes using the best of local seasonal ingredients. The lessonsare held at Koula’s home in Chania. The cost is €20.00 for <strong>CIC</strong>Members and €25.00 for non-<strong>CIC</strong> Members and includes allingredients, a copy of the recipe and of course the lunch of yourlabours. Participation is limited to 10 people. For more information orto reserve your place, please call Koula directly at 6972 169031.Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) MeetingsChania. Every Friday at 7:30 pm at the Annex in Ag.Constantine & Helens Church in Nea Hora, Chania.For more information contact Jeff and Julia at 28250 22319 /6947 966389 or Nikitas at 6946 224604Rethymnon. Every Monday at 7:30pm at the Mikri PanagiaChurch, Arabatzoglou 1, Old Town Rethymnon. Formore information, contact Hans Jergen 28310 91073 orChristine 6936 905848Afternoon Drinks and …a swim?Every Third Thursday at Camping ElizabethEvery third Thursday, the Rethymnon area <strong>CIC</strong> members gatherand welcome everybody from every area, member or not, atCamping Elizabeth at 1.00pm for drinks, light lunches, a swimand a chat.Neapoli Friends’ MeetingEvery Thursday after the market in Neapoli, at 11:00 am at CaféDriros (opposite the park). For more informationabout theiractivities visit them at www.inconews.com or call 28410 32483Cancer Support GroupFirst Monday of each Month at 11:00 am in Georgioupolis atSamaria in the main square. For people who have been throughor who are undergoing treatment for cancer, as well those whohave recently lost someone to cancer. This is a support group,not a therapy group and confidentiality is a given. Contact Mrs ChrisParnassus at 6977 559644 or email cparnassus@hotmail.comInternational Society of the Kissamos (ISKA)We are a group of over 60 people – English, French, German,Dutch, Italian and Greek etc. - who now live in the Kissamosarea.We meet for coffee and sharing information on the 4th Wednesdayof each month at the Cellar Taverna from 11.00am to 1.00pm.(Followed by a meal if you want to). We have over 400 books inour library, which we sell for €1 each – the proceeds go to animalcharities. We also organise other events such as walks, a gardensociety – see the calendar on our website www.iska,grWe have a directory giving essential information about theKissamos area – e.g. How do I pay my bills? Where are thepharmacies? We also have a list of recommendations, made byour members, which covers local tradespeople, services andshops.To join come to one of our meetings or contact us via admin@iska.gror phone Vanessa on 28220 23347Answer to the EditorI read with extreme interest in the letter to the Editorpublished in the June issue, the conversation of Ann Claytonwith Mr HatziIoannou of EasyJet during one of the flightsshe took to England.The Board will fully support any effort that will make the livesof all our members easier and better on the island. Takinga trip back home to see grandchildren, attend to business,visit parents, support children during the off season is soimportant because of the cost and time involved. While thereis no problem during the Summer months, many of ourmembers find it very hard to travel back during significantholidays or other events due to lack of service and cost.I will write to EasyJet on behalf of the board of the <strong>CIC</strong> butI think we should take it one step further and get an onlineand paper petition going!Our very competent and hardworking webmaster AndyDavies may be able to set this online petition up soonerthan you think! A petition on paper will be easier for thosewho do not have easy access on the Internet.I believe that our success in convincing Easy Jet to fly once aweek between England and Crete (Chania or Heraclion) willbenefit Everybody - and I mean Everybody. I also believe in“Ask and you shall receive, Now”. I personally have askedand I assure you I have received; both from higher sourcesand corporate sources!SincerelyEva Smith,President <strong>CIC</strong>president@thecic.euA Big Thank You!Dear <strong>CIC</strong> members and others,We had a great time on Saturday, May 31st at the concertand The Paradise Singers performed to a very enthusiasticfull house (about 120) at the Catholic Church in Chania.We would like to say thank you to those who came and totell people that as a result of the ‘retiring collection’, we areable to donate 250 Euros to ELEPAP in Souda, the school forphysically and mentally handicapped local children and afurther 210 Euros to the Catholic Church in Chania.Thanks and best wishes,Bob Scott10/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 8

Reviews / Letters<strong>CIC</strong> TimesRecent ExhibitionsLILIANA N.Yexhibited at theGallery “XOBLI”in Vamos, fromSaturday June 7 toSunday June 22Letter from Cafe Vafe’s New OwnersThe <strong>CIC</strong> welcomes the new owners of Cafe Vafe. Here is theirletter to us printed in its entirety this month. Cafe Vafe islocated at the Vafe Square inNea Hora, Chania.Hi, we are the Mitchell Familyfrom New Zealand and we arethe new owners of Cafe Vafe inChania. Our names are Cam andTracie, and our two childrenare: Victoria, aged 9 and Conor,aged 6. Although we come fromNew Zealand, both Tracie and Ihave traveled extensively. Traciewas, in fact, born in the U.K.but her family emigrated to NewZealand when she was 7 andshe now considers herself a Kiwiwith British roots. I have lived inGreece before, on the island of Poros in the Saronic Gulf as wellas in Lindos on Rhodes, and have always intended to come backto Greece. This, however, is the first trip abroad for Victoria andConor (a very big step for such little legs).Tracie and I were living and working in London when Traciebecame pregnant with Victoria, so we decided to move back toNew Zealand in order to give our children (we always planned onhaving two children) a more rural start to their lives. We alwaysintended to bring them back to Europe when they were older, buthad no definite time frame on this.We have been popping online every now and then over the lastfew years and looking at properties and businesses for sale, butnothing really caught our eye until we saw Café Vafe this February.We liked the look and feel of both Café Vafe and Chania. CaféVafe as it looked like more of a local’s Café, while still retaining aGreek feel to it. As we are a family, we were not really interestedin a beachfront, tourist oriented business. We wanted somethingthat we, as a family, could build more long term relationships withour customers. We liked the look of Chania as it appeared to be alarger town with more facilities - schools and a hospital etc. – thatmay be needed by a family, without being too large.We then felt, as we corresponded more, that we had built up abit of a rapport with Bartek and Gosia (the owners at that time)and that we would like their customers as our customers. After acouple of days thinking about it, Tracie (otherwise known as “theBoss”) said “Let’s go for it.” So we did, and here we are.We arrived in Chania on the 27th of April, had one day off andthen dove straight in to the Café. As I write this, we are past themid point of the paper work process and it should all be complete(Greek time allowing) by the time that you read this. Everythinghas been going smoothly with the change over and we are feelingmore comfortable in the Café. We do, however, feel that it will takeus a little longer to get fully comfortable with the operation of CaféVafe, and ask that any of you who visit us bear with any hiccoughsthat you may encounter. We are also very receptive to constructivecriticism and welcome any comments if you feel that we are notquite up to par with anything (I am still not 100% happy with myCappucinos right now, but they improve every day).Sally Heardexhibited at theGallery Mitropolis,fromThursday June 12to Sunday June 22Obviously we will develop our own style as we settle in and therewill be some minor cosmetic changes to Café Vafe (you should popin and see our clocks), but these will be subtle and at first glanceyou should not notice much change in the Café. We will be keepingMonday night as Movie night (my apologies to all who were herefor the “Fiddler on the Roof” fiasco), and the Bridge players willalways be welcome on Sunday nights. We are avid Board Gameplayers and are looking at re-introducing Board games night on aSaturday. We have a selection of Board Games in Transit from NewZealand, but I doubt that they will have arrived by the time that youread this. Any Board Gamers who have games of their own will bemore than welcome to bring them along, and maybe we can helpwith finding playersOn a personal note, we are settling in quite nicely, there have beena couple of homesick moments, and finding a lovely apartmentclose to the Café has helped this immensely (our heartfelt thanksgo out to Gilly, whose contacts enabled us to find this apartmentso quickly and also found the lovely beds which meant that we didnot have to sleep on the floor). We look forward to meeting you alland consider strangers to be friends that we have not met yet.<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 9

<strong>CIC</strong> TimesThe Roaming ReporterIf you own property on Crete please read this important information.THE HELLENIC NATIONAL CADASTREThe purpose of the Hellenic national Cadastre is to* To definitely secure, without a doubt, the real property of the property owners* To irrevocably adjudicate the state and municipal property, the forests and the coastal zones* To limit bureaucracy and simplify the real property transactions* To improve the protection of the environment by limiting encroachment and unauthorized development of land* To establish an absolutely secure environment for investments in the real estate marketINITIAL PROGRAMThe initial program included 340 areas of Greece into the National Cadastre. Specifically in West Crete, the villages/areas listedbelow have already been included in the National Cadastre:RETHYMNONADELE, ARGYROUPOLIS, ARMENI, ATSIPOPOULO, GERANI, EPISKOPI, MAROULAS, PRASSES, PRINES, RETHYMNO, ROYSSOSPITI, CHROMONASTIRICHANIAGAVDOS, KOUNOUPIDIANA, MOURNIES, NEA KYDONIA, NEROKOUROU, PERIVOLIA KYDONIAS, SOUDA, CHANIA* During the first semester of 2008, certificates will be delivered to all those who own real property or have other registrablein the Cadastre rights in the Municipalities in which the cadastral survey has been completed and the Cadastral Office is alreadyoperational.* These certificates will represent the content of the first registrations, so that property owners can attest to the completenessand correctness of this registrationIn case of a mistake or inexactness, property owners have to submit an application for its correction at the competent CadastralOffice. Rethymnon Cadastral Office, Hortatzi 20, Rethymnon, 28310 22403, Manager Mrs. Despina Kakogiannaki. Chania CadastralOffice, I.Sfakianaki 30, Chania, 28210 47170, Manager Mrs. Georgia Nikiforakiwhat to do IF YOU DID NOT SUBMIT YOUR REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR INCLUSION IN THE NATIONAL CADASTRESome real property owners did not submit a statement on their real estate property at the process of the first 340 regions of thecountry (statement of Law 2308/1995). These real estate owners cannot submit an application to register their property (if thecadastral survey has been completed in the region). If you have not submitted an application to register your real estate in theCadastre, you will face the following possibilities:* Your real estate property has been registered to an “unknown householder”. In order to secure your property rights,you must do the following:1. You can follow the process of “Obvious Error”, if there is a common title of possession right. Invoking the common titleof property, you can submit your application in the appropriate Cadastral Office... The Head of the office is responsible for theacceptance or the rejection of the demand of correction and issues a relative decision within 15 days. If a decision is not issuedwithin 15 days, or if the Cadastral Head rejects your application, you can resort to the Cadastral Judge.2. You can follow the process of “Voluntary Jurisdiction”. It is a simple and short process of juridical correction in which, afteryou submit an application in front the Cadastral Judge in the One-Panel Court of First Instance in the locality of your real estateproperty, the court judges without litigation.* Your real estate property has been registered to a “specific third party” or the “Greek Government”. In order to secureyour property rights, you must do the following:1. You can follow the process of filing a lawsuit against the party who submitted an application and therefore has disputedyour property rights.2. You can follow the process of “Obvious Error”, if there is no real property dispute and the third party who holds your propertytitle, agrees to the correction of the initial property registration.To start a correction process, you have 8 years from the day of the relevant Cadastre’s office started in the area of your propertyor 10 years if you can prove that you reside and work permanently outside Greece.In all cases, the National Cadastre Office advises not to wait until the 11th hour. Someone “owes” your property rights. Moreover,without legal title, you may not be able to give, will, sell or conduct any real estate transaction.NEW EFFORTDuring the first semester of 2008, real property owners of another 107 new areas will be asked to submit a declaration of theirright(s) within the period of June 17 and September 30, 2008. A special campaign in the Media will precede the submission ofthese declarations, so that citizens are informed on the cadastral survey procedure. According to the Secretary of Infrastructure(YPEXODE), the goal is to finish with the entire area of Greece by the year 2010.Greek Citizens living outside Greece as well as foreign real property owners (living outside Greece) will be informed through theMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Greek Embassies and the Greek Media abroad. All other property owners, Greek Citizens and Residentswill follow the same procedureA list of the new areas has been published; however, it appears that these new 107 new areas do not include any locations onCrete.<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 10

The Roaming Reporter<strong>CIC</strong> TimesThere are basic changes to the procedure of including one’s property into the national cadastre and the Government is explainingthe reasons for the changes, as follows:* Reduce the time and cost of the cadastral survey procedure.1. The data collected will be crosschecked and verified.2. Following that, they will be publicly presented only once, so that the interested parties can submit either correction applicationsfor simple (obvious) mistakes, or objections to be judged by a committee, in which a judicial officer will be presiding.* Simplify the correction procedure for the so-called “obvious mistakes”1. Following a simple application by the interested party, the Land Registrar – Head of the Cadastral Office – can correct theso-called obvious mistakes, which refer to the beneficiary’s data, simple arithmetic mistakes and other formal data, observingconditions, which guarantee that unauthorized modifications are impossible.* Accelerate and simplify the procedure of judicial correction of the registrations referring to an “unknown owner”.1. In case a property owner does not submit an ownership declaration during the cadastral survey procedure, their property isregistered in the National Cadastre as an “unknown owner”.2. If the property owner holds official legal deeds, he/she can request the correction of the relevant registration even after thecompletion of the cadastral survey. Up to now, the correction was possible only through a strict, expensive and time-consumingprocedure.3. Corrections of this type will be now performed through a simple, time-effective, special legal procedure (voluntary jurisdiction),in which the court decides without litigation and the procedure is completed in a very short period.* Solve the problem of area discrepancies1. It is about a problem that sometimes occurs between the area of a property as measured by the Cadastre and the correspondingarea noted on the deed. Now, discrepancies of up to 10% between the aforementioned areas are accepted, so that the issuance ofa building permit, the transfer of property etc. are not impeded.how do you know if your property is included in the new areasStep 1 - Visit this link http://www.ktimatologio.gr/pdf/YpoKtimatogr.pdflog to download a four-page PDF document that listsall the new 107 areas for inclusion in the National Cadastre (of course in Greek)Step 2 - Visit this link to download/print the application you must submit http://www.ktimatologio.gr/pdf/documents/d1.pdf.If needed, an example is available here - http://www.ktimatologio.gr/pdf/documents/ypodeigma1.pdfStep 3 - Pay a €35.00 to any Banking Institution and attach the proof of payment to the application.You cannot walk into a Bank and pay the fee. You must fill in an application as well in order to pay this fee and you will be able toprint this payment form, available here http://www.ktimatologio.gr/pdf/ENTYPO%20PLHROMHS_site.pdfStep 4 - Attach plain photocopies (not necessary to have them stamped or signed by a solicitor!) of any document that proves youare the owner of the property. The contract you have is acceptable.Step 5 - Attach any document that shows your AFM (Tax Number) – do not give them the original paper. A copy of the telephonecompany or the Power Company Bill will suffice, as well as a photocopy of your passport or identity card.Communication with the Hellenic National Cadastre OfficeIf you need to communicate with the National Cadastre Office, please find the information below. The office highly recommendsthat you first submit your question by email, fax or in person by filling a Customer Service form. Visit this link for the formhttp://www.ktimatologio.gr/Epikoinonia_Page.aspxThe office will assist with Legal Advice, Technical Instructions and General Information. They accept calls between 9.00am and4.00pm and you can visit their office by appointment only between 10.00am and 2.00pm, and you may fax or email your questionat any time.You may also visit their web site at www.ktimatologio.gr, click on English (it seems that the English version of the site is selectivelylimited to having translated Press Releases and limited other information, you will need advanced Greek Language skills or youmust ask one that has advance Greek language skills to navigate through their site.Hellenic National Cadastral OfficeMesogion 288, 155 62, Cholargos, AtticaTelephone: 210 65 05 600 | Fax: 210 65 37 723Email: ktimagen@ktimatologio.grWebsite: http://www.ktimatologio.grThis document was compiled with the assistance of one Solicitor and one Notary Public who do not wish to be named.If you need to clarify or question or correct any of the above information, please contact the President Eva Smith atpresident@thecic.eu or call 6979 775400 or 28310 71426 who will direct your question to the appropriate person or directyou to another source.<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 11

<strong>CIC</strong> TimesChurches & Groups / Crossword answers / Consulates on Crete / Thought for the monthThe Assumption of Our Lady’sParish Catholic ChurchChalidon str. 46,ChaniaTel-fax: 28210/93443Holy Mass:Sunday 10:00 amWeekdays 7:00 pmSaint Antony of Padova’s ParishCatholic ChurchMesologhiou str. 23, RethimnonTel.: 208310/26416Holy Mass:Saturday 7:00 pmSunday 10:00 amInternationalFree Evangelical ChurchCorner of A. Papandreou & Mitsotaki(downstairs)Rev. M. Schwitzky Tel: 28210 78779Services in English & GermanSunday 10:30 amBible Study Friday 10:00amEtz Hayim SynagogueKondilaki Street, ChaniaNicholas Stravroulakis-Hannan Tel:28210 86286www.etz-hayyim-hania.orgSaint John the Baptist’s ParishCatholic ChurchPatros Antoniou str. 2, HeraclionTel.-fax: 2810/346191Holy MassSaturday 6:00pmSunday 10.00amAnglican Holy CommunionKefalas, Vamos ChaniaTony Lane Tel: 28250 22345Service in English firstSunday of the monthEvangelischer Gottesdienstin deutscher Sprachejetzt regelmäßig auch in Ihrer Nähe:in Chania Chalepanormalerweise am vierten Sonntagim Monat um 11:30 UhrKontakt: Pfarrer Dr. Otmar HesseTel.: 2810 823486 - 114Mobil: 6978 788970Pfarrer@evkikreta.dewww.evkikreta.de .Pentecostal ChurchSfakion 51, ChaniaBehind Olympic Airways Service:Sunday 10:30 amMountaineering Club of ChaniaTzanakaki 90Tel. 28210-44647Open Weekdays 9pm-11pmOrganizes one and two-dayexcursions on a regular basis.Cross-Cultural Center of Chania32 Athinon, ChaniaSpecializing in English Languageand Cultural programs for Englishspeakingchildren.Saturday drop-off programfor children interestedin art, rhythm and movement.Contact:Alexandra Mihelaki 6948364682,Carla Stavridi 6948364681 orKaren Sifostratoudaki 6948364680Amnesty InternationalFirst Thursday of every Monthat 2:30 pm.For details callCliff Cook 6944 294267THOUGHT FOR THE MONTHWhich are you?“The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimistexpects it to change and the Realist adjusts his sails”AnonymousShanti – July, 2008Solution to Puzzle No. 8 (birds)P I E D W A G T A I L FE B A O T AA L B A T R O S S R O B I NH E E D LE I D E R G R O S B E A KN R A ES K Y L A R K C U C K O O SA I E E O WR U F F L E S B R A N C HE F T N AD I L A T O R Y I C E S RP E O E E R C RO U S E L L A R V A A N IL E I K U EL T R E E C R E E P E RConsulates in CreteAustriaDedalou Str, Heraclion 2810 223379DenmarkMonis Agarathou 22, Heraclion 2810 243714BritishCandia Tower, Thalita 17 Agios Dimitrios Sq,Heraclion 2810 224012NorwayVironos 4, Heraclion 2810 341872GermanyMonis Agarathou 22, Heraclion 2810 226288 /Zografou 7, Agia Marina, Chania 28210 68876SwedenAIlianthos Hotel Agia Marina, Chania 2821060605HollandMonis Agarathou 22, Heraclion 2810 343299We need your photos!Please keep sending in your photos for use in the<strong>CIC</strong> Times to cictimesarticles@yahoo.com.<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 12

Crossword / The Galloping Gourmet<strong>CIC</strong> TimesCrossword No. 9 - Entertainment.Across:1. Children’s men. (T.V.) 64. Bond must have used a lot of these. (Film) 89. Blossoming singer. (Jazz) 610. Sharks enemies- from the air? (Musical) 411. Steinbeck’s cannery address. (Book) 312 Stephen Fry would rather use this than jot. (TV & Books) 414. Pink Floyd’s record co. offered them one. (Pop). 515. See 1818 &15. Anthony Alyoisuis’s alliterative spot. (Radio) Women’s ‘animal cruelty’ comedy. (TV) Extract from momentous horror. (Film) 426. Zorba the… (Film) 527. Many a tale starts this way. (Books) 430. Watery God adventure. (Film) 831. A Detroit man. (Musical) 533. That is round nothing on, after heater of pop station.(Radio) 5.3.34. Teresa will make you a pint. (Pop) 61 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 1113 14 151823 241216 1721 2225 26 2728 2919 2030 31 3233 34Down.1. That train to Georgia. (Song) 82. Feline in Police singer was what Ella did best. (Song) 83. This was the last to Brooklyn. (Film & Book) 45. Alice’s milliner. (Book) Robin’s home. (TV) 47. Confused 25 across round right, on News Quiz. (TV) 68. What Marcel said (Stage) 2.4.12. Kitchen plays of the 60s. (Stage) 416 & 23 Private barrel maker, “Just like that”. (TV & Stage) 5.6.17. Python less home counties but with strong cowboy actor.(Film) 519. Move forward, quiet, ouch, comedy. (Radio) 4.4.20. McLaughlin with twin peaks. (TV) 422. Da Vinci to Disney. (Art) 723. See 16.24. Modern parlance for what a cinematographer did. (Film) 627. The original Duran Duran actor (Film) 428. Sounds like Burke’s partner. (Musical) 431. Neither a borrower --- a lender be. (Shakespeare) 3The Galloping GourmetHello and welcome to our column for July.The days are long and hot and the evenings very warm, so, howabout dinner on the terrace as the sun sinks gently below thehorizon?Tomatoes are ripe and plentiful so here is a recipe for a goodchilled soup to be served with crusty fresh bread.Bloody Mary Soup - serves 4(It has a good spicy kick but you can alwaysadd a shot of Vodka for some extra oomph)12 oz / 350 g of ripe tomatoes36 fl oz / 1 ltr tomato juice1.5 tablespoons Worcester sauce1.5 tablespoons Balsamic vinegarJuice of 1 lime / or lemon6 drops of Tabasco sauceSalt and fresh ground black pepperMethod- Put the tomatoes in a bowl and pour boiling water over them.- After 1 minute slip the skins off the tomatoes & chop them finely.- Now put the chopped tomatoes in a large bowl and add all therest of the ingredients and stir well.- Now, do a bit of tasting, add salt and pepper and perhapsanother squeeze of lime juice and a drop more Tabasco.- (You can also wizz the whole lot in a blender for a minute ifyou like a smoother soup)- Put the bowl in the fridge and leave it there for a couple ofhours before you serve it- When you serve the soup you can dress each bowl with a swirlof yoghourt, and a sprig of water cress.- If you really don’t fancy chilled soup then put the tomatoesinto a sauce pan on their own, bring them to a gentle simmerfor three minutes, then add the ingredients as above , bring itback to a simmer and then serve it.Remember - if you haven’t got the exact ingredients, tryalternatives, ie, instead of Tabasco, try some chilli sauce butdon’t forget to keep checking the taste.Strawberries, ripe StrawberriesNow for something really decadent. However, you do needeither a fondue dish, a heavy ceramic, or a metal dish you canput over a tea light because you need to keep the mixture soft.But, please remember , the dish will get very hot.Take a good basket of strawberries, carefully washed6 oz / 150 g good dark chocolate ( at least 74% cocoa)200 ml thick. or whipping creamA pinch of saltWooden skewers (the ones you use for making souvlaki)- Break the chocolate into pieces- Gently heat the cream in a saucepanuntil small bubbles form- Add the chocolate to the cream andwhisk thoroughly- Add the pinch of salt- Put the mixture into a warm bowl- Skewer the strawberries, dip them inthe chocolate mix andVoila, A chocoholics paradise.Now for somewhere to eat.If you like to watch your pizza cooking then try Rodaria inGeorgioupolis, they have an outside pizza oven, a good choice oftoppings and they do take away. One of the oldest restaurantsin the village, away from the main square, 50 yards from theNational Highway, opposite the offices of Lifestyle Homes. Thefood can be a little touristy, you will probably be served bothchips and rice with your main course. However, two of myfavourite things on their menu are drunken lamb chops andliver cooked in a delicious red wine sauce.If you are lucky, and they still have some left, you may be offereda delicious sweet made from rose petals, served with yoghurt.That’s all for July, see you again in August.<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 13

<strong>CIC</strong> TimesStop Press/ Name days/ About July / Join the <strong>CIC</strong>Greek Orthodox NamesIf you know anybody whose name is listedbelow, say Chronia Polla:ANARGYROS COSMAS DAMIAN 1YAKINTHOS ZOUMBOULIA 3KYRIAKI 7PROKOPIS THEOFILOS 8OLGA 11VERONICA, SARAH 12AKYLAS, NIKODIMOS 14KIRIKOS, VLADIMIR 15MARINA 17EMILIANOS 18DIAS, GARYFALLIA, MAKRINA 19ELIAS 20MAGDALINI, MARKELLA, MARYLENA 22CHRISTINA 24ANN, OLYMPIAS 25PARASKEVI 26PANTELIS 27HRYSOVALANTOU, TIMON 28KALLINIKOS 29ADRONIKOS, ANDRONIKI 30JOSEF 31GREEK LESSONSWILL BE GIVEN BY A GREEK NATIVETEACHER IN PLAKA-APOKORONOUAFTER EASTER...SPECIAL PRICES IF YOU REGISTER NOW!!!INFO: VEZIRI ANTONIATEL: 210 53 20 568 OR 6937 395 193 OREMAIL:TWEETYTONIA@HOTMAIL.COM08/08JULYJuly was renamed for Julius Caesar, who was born in thatmonth. Previously, it was called Quintilis in Latin, since itwas the fifth month in the ancient Roman calendar, beforeJanuary became the first month of the calendar year.July 13, 100BC Julius Caesar’s birthdayJuly15,1606 Dutch painter Rembrandt was born inLeiden, NetherlandsJuly.1 1838 British scientist Charles Darwinpresented a paper to the Linnean Societyin London, on his theory of the evolutionof species and natural selection.July 5, 1946 The bikini bathing suit made its debutin FranceJuly 9, 1877- Wimbledon tournament beginsJuly 2, 1961 Ernest Hemingway dies (born 1899)July29,1914 First telephone conversation occurredfrom New York to San FranciscoJuly17,1917 The British royal family adopted thename, WindsorJuly 1, 1997- Hong Kong returned to China26 July. 1978 The world’s first test-tube baby isborn in Oldham General Hospital nearManchester. Gynecologist Patrick Steptoeand physiologist Dr Robert Edwards arecredited with this pioneering workJuly 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong walks on the moonJuly 1Canada Day (Fête du Canada), formerlyDominion Day, It marks the establishmentof Canada as new federation with itsown constitution on July 1, 1867.4 July. U.S. Independence Day or more commonlyknown 4th of July US Congress acceptedthe Declaration of Independence writtenby Thomas Jefferson, formally endingAmerican links with BritainJuly 14French National Holiday Bastille Day.Itcommemorates storming of the Bastille,on July 14 1789 symbolizing the risingof the Modern French NationJuly 25Feast of St. JamesTROHOSCeramicsAspasia VasilikakiVerekynthos Artists’ VillageSouda, HaniaTel/Fax: 28210-80132e-mail: avasilikaki@chania_cci.gr* * *STOP PRESS * * *GALA CHARITY BUFFET DINNER – 13th September 2008In aid of ELEPAP please note this date in your diaryFurther details in next month’s issue07/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 14How to join the<strong>CIC</strong> Membership ApplicationThere are three ways to join the <strong>CIC</strong> or to renewyour membership:1. Print and complete the application form, andthen post/mail with the membership fee to:POST BOX 547, 74100 RETHYMNON 2, CRETE2. Print and complete the application form andthen take it together with your membershipfee to one of the collection points or to anyboard member (see page 2 for details)3. By completing the application form online andpaying via PayPal, using your PayPal accountor a credit/debit card.Do it online!Drop off/Collection points:To Pazari (The Second-Hand Shop) ,Café Vafe orOikos in Kalyves (diagonally opposite the Eko petrol station).@ www.thecic.eu

<strong>CIC</strong> Times Business Directory<strong>CIC</strong> TimesThis is a listing and is free to all of the members of the <strong>CIC</strong>. To advertise in the <strong>CIC</strong> Times, members and/or non-members, please contact ourAdvertising Manager at cictimesads@thecic.eu. The directory is updated every month with the publishing of the <strong>CIC</strong> Times. It is distributed togetherwith the <strong>CIC</strong> Times. To make a correction, please contact the editor at cictimesarticles@thecic.eu.ALTERNATIVEAnnie Greenlees, Homeopath, Megala Horafia, Chania, Tel:28250 31442, 12/08Diana, Massage, Reiki, Birth Preparation, Paleohora, Chania, ,Tel: 28230 41004, Mob: 6978 176210, 08/12Energy Healing, Megala Horafia, Ingrid Margarita Strobi-Kokotsaki, Tel: 28250 31215, Mob: 6974 143598, 12/08Yoga and Meditation Ramani Rangan, Mob: 6930 794823,omshantiom@hotmail.com, retreat-on-crete.com, 12/08Nellien Klomp, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapist Mob: 6939351674, nellienklomp@hotmail.com, 12/08Ranveig Winjevoll-Darokaki, Reiki Teacher, Aromatherapies,Chair Massage, Pigi, Tel: 82310 72148, Mob: 6979 778142,12/08Rosen Method Bodywork & Massage Therapy, Jenny Rangan,Mob: 6930 794823, wisdomofthebody@yahoo.com, 08/12Shiatsu, Massage, Nutrition, Bath flower remedies, Fournados,Kissamos, Chania, Annie Mosley, Tel: 28220 23709, 09/02ARTCrete Painting Courses, Cretepaintingcourses@yahoo.com,www.cretepaintingcourses.com, 09/02To Korali, Creative Dance, Writing, Massage, Aspro, Apokoronou,Chania, Cora Greenhill, Tel: 28250 31404, 09/03A Tazzyman Watercolor, Landscape Watercolor Painting Tel:28250 83743, janallan@cha.forthnet.gr, 08/08BEAUTY AND WELL-BEINGChiropodist (Pedicure) Manicure, Chania, Agnes Nikolaidis-Brouwer, Tel: 28210 69693, Mob: 6973 720424, 12/08BUSINESS SERVICESSOFTWARE, NETWORKSLuc Brusten Computer Consulting, Web & Database Design,Mob: 6946 694948, info@lucbrusten.com, www.lucbrusten.com, 12/08MB Studio, Website Design, Software training, Mark/Jenny Banks,Mob: 6945 155291, info@mbs-crete.com, 09/02Paul Hooper Computers, Computer & Network Problems,Tel:28210 39372, Mob: 6947 404137, phooper@cha.forthnet.gr,09/02COMPUTER CONSUMABLESROMVOS, Photocopying & Office Supplies, Kriari, MegaroPantheon, Chania, Theano Linaraki, Tel: 28210 93626, HonCATERINGLuisa’s Cake Box, Celebration Cakes for all occasions, JaneWheatley, Tel: 28250 23376, 09/04CRAFTS & HOBBIESCross Stitch Crete, Maggie Gibson, Tel: 2825032562, crossstitch@creteforyou.com,www.cross-titch.creteforyou.com,08/12Stitcha Pitcha, Kits and Charts, Carol Cookson, Tel: 28240 23417,stitchapitcha@hotmail.co.uk, www.stitchapitcha.co.uk, 08/10DANCEStudio KER, Expressive Dance classes,, Dangli 22A, Chania, EffieCaloutsis, Tel: 28210 52295, kercrete@otenet.gr, 12/08Contemporary Dance Classes, Salsa, Waltz, Swing, Tango, Dangli22A, Chania, Craig Brown, Tel: 8220 31036, masson@otenet.gr, 08/12HOME SERVICESCleaning ServicesBusy lady, Cleaning Domestic Properties, Spilia, Kissamos,Chania, Jayne Davies, Tel: 6940 621445 08/07Heating SystemsDynamis, Off Grid / Solar/Wind Systems, Kato Stalos, Chania,Antonis PatelakisTel: 28210 60533, dynamis@cha.forthnet.gr,09/04Redwell, Infrared Electric Heating Units, Rethymnon, BarbaraNielsen, Tel: 28310 72675, redwell@otenet.gr, www.redwell.com, 08/12<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 15ElectricalRob Smith, Installation, Consultation, Troubleshooting,/PowerGrid. Expert in UPS, Mob: 6943 047275,rob@liveincrete.com09/05HandymenBarry Walker, No job too small, Apokoronas Area, Chania, Mob:6940 964451, 12/08LandscapingLandscape Gardener and Garden Maintenance, All types oflandscape / garden work, Ian Grierson, Tel: 6942 650806,09/04General ContractorsBritish Builder, new & renovation, Rethymnon, Richard Ranshaw,Tel: 28310 41576, Mob: 6942 693340, rikbuild@otenet.gr,12/08Property ManagementGo West Property Management, Kalyves, Armeni, JoanneShepherd, Tel: 28250 32379, gowest@property-managmentcrete,09/04Mary’s Villas Property Management, Mary Allen, Tel: 2834051424, Mob: 6936 359979, mary.allen@gmail.com, 08/12PlumbingAlpha Plumbing & Heating, Apokoronas, Clive Denman & PaulDenman, Clive Mob: 6946 349604, Paul Mob: 6948 678726,9/03Plumbing, House Electric, Heating Systems, Apookoronas,Chania, Mob: 6944 154088, balabakisge@yahoo.gr, 08/06RemovalsMan and Van, Man and Van for hire removals, Drapanos, Chania,D.winch@intlworld.com, 09/08The Cretan Flyer, UK/Europe to Crete, Pano Stalos, Chania, Dave& Sandra Rudge Tel: 28210 60361, www.thecretanflyer.com,04/08SurveyingCrete Property Survey, Ian Clayton, Tel: 28250 83066, Mob:6972 082045, claytoni@otenet.gr, ww.cretepropertysurvey.com, 08/12OtherCorrin Upholstery , and Furniture Maker, Douliana, Apokoronas,David Corrin, Tel: 28250 23308, corrin@otenet.gr, 09/02Judith Watson Painting & Decorating, Interior/Exterior, painteffects/murals, lime washing, , Chania, Mob: 6939 662828,08/05Design & Comfort, Interior Design,, M.Prevelaki 13, Rethymnon,Maria Kalaitzaki, Tel: 28310 55357, oikoskalives@yahoo.gr,12/08INFORMATIONLiving in Crete, Information Carol Palioudakis, info@livingincrete.net, www.livingincrete.net, 09/02LANGUAGEEnglish Language Teacher, Private lessons, Plateia Vafe 1, NeaHora, Chania, Clive Donovan, Mob: 6944 807433, 08/12Everyday Greek, Learn Greek the fun way, Megala Horafia, Chania,Sue Harris-Kokotsaki,Tel: 28250 31940, 12/08Filomathia, Greek Language Center, Armeni, Chania, EvaDimitsanti,Mob: 6972 192873,12/08Greek For Beginners, Fournados, Kissamos, Annie Mosley, Mob:6945 114779, 09/02Greek Language Center, computerized language lab, Kalives andPlaka, Chania, Tel: 28250 31301, izi.learning@hol.gr,Intesol Greece, TESOL Training Center, Sfakion 37 Chania, Tel:28210 58868, victor@intesolgreece.org, www.intesolgreece.gr,12/08MEDICALOphthalmologistElena Pavlidou, Trained in UK, Sfakion 46-50, Chania, Tel: 2821020399, elenpavl@hol.gr, 08/12

<strong>CIC</strong> Times<strong>CIC</strong> Times Business DirectoryDENTISTDimitris Railakis, 5 Papanastasiou, Chania, Tel:28210 45600,railakis@otenet.gr, 08/12PSYCHIATRISTSDr. John Tripodianakis, Hortatzi 47, Rethymno, Mob: 6979216910, tripodianakis@hotmail.com, 09/02PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHOTHERAPY,Chris Parnassus-Tripodianakis, Counselor, Hortatzi 47,Rethymnon, Mob: 6977 559644, cparnassus@hotmail.com ,09/02Caroline Hanson, Life Coach and Therapist, Chania, Mob: 693894023, chanson@otenet.gr, 09/02Mollie Love, Psychotherapist, Kokkino Choro, Vamos, Chania,Mob: 6934 311657, molliemny@googlemail.com, 08/12PHYSIOTHERAPIST,Panagiotis Stafylakis, Hatzidaki 23, Rethymnon, Tel: 2831058585, Mob: 6972 835948 09/05Venetia Barkatsa, Rehabilitation Experience in UK and Norway,Tel: 28310 71345 venetiabs@hotmail.com 09/04NURSINGJane Clayton, Registered Nurse, Hospital and at Home Care, Tel:28210 78047, Mob: 6973 841985, jclayton@otenet.gr, 08/12Sibylle von Dusterlho, Qualified Nurse/Krankenschwester, Homeand Hospital Care, Kalyves, Chania Mob: 6978 545096 08/12MUSICKYMATA Recording Studio & Rehearsal Facility, Hamalevri,Rethymnon, Tel: 28310 72980, info@kymatasound.com, www.kymatasound.com, 09/03Music With Amalia, Music Education & Appreciation, Ionias 3, Chania,Amalia Revel, Tel: 28210 97408, amaliar@grecian.net, 09/02Tim Powell, Musician, Contrabass Player, Composer, Mob: 6972547106, timbasse@yahoo.co.uk, 08/12PETS & VETSCrete Kennels, The Dog Hotel, Peter Tomlins, Tel: 28310 41140,cretekennels@hotmail.co.uk, www.cretekennels.com 08/10REAL ESTATEAtrium Crete Estates, Armenoi, Kalyves, Johanna Frohlking, Tel:28250 1440, info@atriumcrete.com, www.atriumcrete.com,8/12Cretan Dream House, Chania, Victor Habib, Mob: 6945 244466,victor@cretandreamhouse.com, www.cretandreamhouse.com,08/12Crete Estate, Tzanakaki 90, Chania, Niki Venieraki, info@exarhoshomes.com,www.crete-estate.gr, 09/04Crete Lifestyle Homes, Athinagora Square 1, Chania, Tel/Fax:28210 27070, Mob: 694 7889436, , www.crete-lifestylehomes.gr, 08/12Dreamcatchers,T he Bridge, Almirida, Chania, Tel: 28250 32625,Mob: 6948 734024 or 6946 732595 info@dreamcatchers-crete.com, www.dreamcatchers-crete.com, 08/12Europa Real Estate Crete, Daskaloyianni 68, Chania, Tel: 2821023111, info@europa-crete.com, 09/04Hania Rentals Search Service, K. Sarpaki 38, Chania, DebraPapadinoff, Tel: 6938 639823, haniarentals@yahoo.com,08/12Kastrinos Estates, Specialists in Traditional Stone Built VillasKatrina Wood, Tel: 694 355302, woodkatrina23@yahoo.com,08/12Lifestyle Homes, Georgioupolis, Sakis Leptokaritis, Tel: 2821020878, Email: info@lifestylehomes.gr, www.lifestylehomes.gr,08/12LiveInCrete, Stavromenos, Rethymnon, Rob Smith, Mob: 6943047275, info@liveincrete.com, www.liveincrete.com, 09/05RESTAURANTS/CAFES/ BARSThe Black Lantern Taverna Main Road Maleme, Chania, Tel: 6975728345, info@theblacklantern.net, www.theblacklantern.net -08/09Cretan Corner, Megalia Horafia, Chania, Sue Harris Kokotsaki,Tel: 28250 32241, skokmegh@hotmail.com, 09/02El Mundo Bar, Kondilaki 35, Old Harbour, Chania, ThedoreHnaras, Tel: 28210 880440 - 8/12Kafe Vafe, Petropoulakidon 21, Platea Vafe, Nea Hora, Chania,Tel: 28210 88849Kalamaki Restaurant-Bar-Café, Kato Galatas, Chania, AlexandraMihelakis, Tel: 28210 33100, alexmih@otenet.gr, 08/12Svea’s Konditori & Catering, Home Bakery & Coffee Shop,Kap.Lemonia 3, Rethymno, Tel: 28310 54522, svea@otenet.gr,08/12To Xani, Parodos Kondylaki, Old Port Chania, Marge Poultidis,Tel: 28210 75795- 08/12SPORTS & TRAININGKalypso Rock’s Palace Diving Venizelou 42, Rethymnon,Tel: 28310 20990, info@kalypsodivingcenter.com, www.kalypsodivingcenter.com, 08/07Unity in Training, Personal & Group Exercise, , Sarah Hart, Mob:6949 408583, unityintraining@hotmail.com, 08/05Clay Pigeon Shooting, Coaching, Kokkino Chorio, el: 2825031270, Mob: 6945 608302, ian.sportingclays@gmail.com,8/12Qigong Courses, Instructor since 2001, Claudia Welter, Tel:28210 71553, Mob: 6973347501, Claudia.welter@gmx.de,12/08TRAVEL & TOURISMTRAVEL AGENCIESIndian Odyssey, Tailor made Holidays to India, Derek Biddle, Tel:28250 83214, Mob: 6947 889436, biddle@grecian.net, 08/12HOTELS/VILLAS/ CAMPINGAkrotiri Villas, Luxury Apartments, Stavros Akrotiri Chania, tel:28210 39005, avcrete@cha.forthnet.gr, www.akrotirivillas.com,08/12Camping Elizabeth, Camp & Caravan Rentals, Missiria, Rethymnon,Tel: 28310 28694, Mob: 693 6632754 or 694717270, 09/02Epimenidis Hotel & Pool Bar, Aghia Marina, Chania, Tel 2821060229, epimenidishotel@can.gr, www.epimenidis-hotel.com08/12Nea Kydonia Hotel Suites & Studios, Daratso, Chania, Tel: 2821031263, newkydon@otenet.gr, www.newkydonia.com, 09/04Villa Anastasia, restored Venetian house in old town Chania,Kondylaki 33, Karen Dinder-Stamatakis, Tel: 28210 87160,08/12RETAIL STORESAnastasia, Ethnic handicrafts,/ative American items, Kondilaki33, Chania, Tel: 28210 87160, karenincrete@yahoo.com,08/12Bookworm, Bookshop, Cards, Pottery, Vamos, Chania (next tothe Post Office) James Becket, Mob: 6975 929041, 08/05Christine’s, Second hand furniture, bric-a-brac, etc Pigi OppositeMetaxakis Bakery, Christine Papadakis, Tel: @8310 72977,08/12Fedra, Handmade and exclusively designed Jewelry, Chania,Alexander PhoudoulakisTel: 28210 44503, 08/05I Folia tis Kissas, Second Hand clothes, books etc Siphi Vlastou28, Rethymnon, Marianne Pryor, Mob: 6978 677913, 08/08Marianna’s Workshop, Natural Oil/Traditional Natural Products,Maroulas, Rethymnon, Tel: 28310 72432, mariannas@can.gr,12/08OIKOS,, Home Decorations, Ag. Antonios– Kalyves, Chania, Tel:28250 32215, Mob: 6973 488370, oikoskalives@yahoo.gr,12/08The Cretan Gift Shop,ceramics, Olivewood, Kalyves, Tel: 2825032569, Mob: 6974 854215, Site: www.cretan_giftshop.com,08/12To Kelepouri, Second hand shop, Smirnis 26A, Chania, AngelaMugridge, Mob: 6944 150359, 08/08To Pazari, Second Hand shop, Daskaloyianni 46, Chania, EileenHogan 08/12Roka Carpets, Zambeliou 61, Chania, Mihalis Manousakis, Tel:28210 74736, HonTo Xani, Handicrafts, Furnishings, Gifts, Kondilaki 26, Chania, MargePoultidis, Tel: 28210 75795, toxani@cha.forthnet.gr, 08/12<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 16

CLASSIFIED ADSGENTLE HATHA YOGA IN NEA HORA, Every Sat 11:45a.m.Experienced Instructor. Combining Poses, Breathing, Sound,and Yoga Nidra Meditation for Strength, Vitality, and Relaxationof Body, Mind and Spirit. Also available for individual and groupclasses. Chania, will Travel. Host class in your home and getyours free. Contact Ramani for info and directions, 6930794823,omshantiom@hotmail.comPostgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy[University of Otago, New Zealand]Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapyof the spine and the peripheral joints23 Hatzidaki str74100 RethymnoTel: 28310 58585Mob. 6972 835948<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> ADVERTISINGINFORMATIONAdvert CopyWe can now accept adverts in most formats would prefer to havehigh-resolution pdf/jpeg/eps/tif files rather than word documents;please contact us for more information.Deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication.Call Our advertising Manager is Ann Clayton: and you canreach Ann at 28250 83066 or 6972 080984Email Send your advert copy via email at cictimesads@thecic.eu;Specify if your advert is classified or display and indicatemethod of paymentOnline Fill in the Advert Form on line. Visit our site www.thecic.eu;on the Homepage, click on Advertise on the <strong>CIC</strong> Times, andfollow instructions to submit your advert copy and payment online.Drop Off locationsSee below where you can drop off your advert copy andmoney. Fill in the Advert Payment Form completely andeither write in or attach your copy. Insert form and cashinto an envelope and mark the envelope <strong>CIC</strong> Advertising.We will collect the envelope by the 15th of each month.RATES - please note all rates quoted are per monthClassified AdvertisingMembers (Non-Members) Layout Fee Change Fee(if applicable)Up to 30 words €2.00 (€4.00) €1.00 €1.00Up to 50 words €3.00 (€6.00) €1.00 €1.00Display AdvertisingMembers (Non-Members) Layout Fee Change Fee(if applicable)1/8 page €5.00 (€10.00) €5.00 €3.001/4 page €10.00 (€20.00) €5.00 €3.00½ page €15.00 (€30.00) €10.00 €3.00Full page €25.00 (€50.00) €10.00 €3.00Special Offer: pay for 5 months and receive 1 month free;pay for 10 months and receive 2 months freePayment•Drop off cash payments at PAZARI (second hand shop)Daskaloyianni 46, Old Town Chania and OIKOS Home Store (betweenthe Pool shop and the Gym), in Kalyves (request our AD Form and fillin completely; Insert form and money in an envelope and leave withstores. We will pick up by the 15th of each month).•On Line by using the Pay pal account we have set up for yourconvenience (visit our site www.thecic.eu,click click on Advertise inthe <strong>CIC</strong> Times, click at the bottom of the page on the link to submitcopy and payment online)•Bank deposit to any branch of Trapeza Chanion, Customer 43792,Account # 143792001 (please reference details of your payment toaccommodate our Treasurer’s work).•If all above fails, contact our Advert Manager or any Board MemberADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE THE DATE YOUR ADVERT EXPIRES IS INTHE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF YOUR AD.<strong>CIC</strong> Times Advertising<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 17ROSEN METHOD BODYWORK incorporates gentle touch andawareness to attend to the unconscious habits and feelings thatcause discomfort and disease in our bodies and our lives. Thiskind of compassionate listening to oneself creates a deeperlasting relaxation and permanent positive change. 18 yearsexperience, MA in Counseling. For info contact Jenny Rangan,Nea Hora, Chania, 6930794823, wisdomofthebody@yahoo.comFREEZER ON ROLLS 150x 05, 220v - new vacuum cleaner220V, portable pump (gasoline), wooden coat racks, refrigeratorWestinghouse, various small household items, call 6977 598200SECONDHAND FURNITURE, clothes, Books etc at Christine’s inPigi 28310 72977PRIVATE TENNIS LESSONS, LTA awarded grade 3 coach, ATPworld ranking on international mens singles circuit, basic throughto advanced level lessons in Hania area or surrounds. Individualor small group lessons upto 6 people. Physical fitness and injuryprevention advice. Please call Oliver on 6949-982402, 6945790608, 28210 32611 or email konstantinos_ollie@hotmail.comCOMPUTER & NETWORKINGPROBLEMS SOLVED!English Computer specialist with 20 years computersupport experience in the City of London (and you don’twork in the city unless you are good at your job). Talk tome first (No “techno jargon”, I promise.)Please call Paul Hooper Tel: 28210 39372Mobile 694 740 4137Email: phooper@cha.forthnet.gr<strong>CIC</strong> TimesCORRINUPHOLSTERYUPHOLSTERER & FURNITURE MAKERDAVID CORRIN - DOULIANA 73008 CHANIA CRETE02/09MOBILE TEL : 6945552980WORKSHOP - DOULIANA: 28250 233O8TEL / FAX - CHANIA: 28210 58403E-MAIL:corrin@otenet.grPlease contact me to discuss your upholstery requirements02/0904/09

A L P H APLUMBING & HEATINGIndependent property surveys and inspectionsduring construction for:-ALL KINDS OF PLUMBINGGUTTERING – UNDERGROUND DRAINAGEFITTED KITCHENS & BATHROOMSASSOCIATED SMALL BUILDING WORKSCLIVE DENMAN AIP IPCITY & GUILDS REGISTERED PLUMBERNEO HORIO APOKORONAS 73003 CRETETEL: 28250 41807MOB: 6946 349604E-MAIL: gilliandenman@msn.com• Verification for stage payments• Quality control• Final inspection at completionProperty surveys of Pre-owned homes35 years UK construction, surveying andmanagement experienceContact Ian ClaytonPhone/fax/answer : 28250 83066Mobile : 69720 82045Email : info@cretepropertysurvey.comwww : cretepropertysurvey.com02/09 07/08OFFICE STAFFREQUIRED URGENTLYLifestyle Homes requirestaff to work in theirAgia Marina officefor the summer season.English speaking essential.Computer Literacy a definite plus.Shared duties.Simpson Travelare openingspa treatment roomsin West Crete,near Chania.We are looking for professional and qualifiedpractitioners who would like to offer theirservices to our guests. This could include anytype of massage techniques or otheralternative/ natural therapies.We are also looking for a Beauty Therapist andHairdresser to enhance the service we offer.You would need to be based in the Chania area andable to travel to Kalyves or Vamos on an ad hocbasis for appointments.PLEASE CONTACT KATH ON697349034407/0807/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 18

Tsikalaria, near ChaniaWriter’s restored stone house, withextensive terraces and views ofChania and Souda, available for rentOctober to April, £400 pm.Also August 08, £300 pw.London 0207 729 2242 orOffices in Georgioupolisand Agia MarinaOpen 10am - 1pmand 5.30pm - 8.30pmchris.peachment@metropolis.co.uk 07/08call: 607349034308/0811/0808/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 19

ATE INSURANCE(Agrotiki Insurance)ATE Insurance (Agrotiki Insurance) is a member of the ATE Bank of Greece and one of the pioneer InsuranceCompanies in Greece. It is a founder member of the European Insurance Cooperation AGRI INTERNATIONALLife and Pension Network which includes some of the biggest Insurance Companies in Europe. The OlympicGames - Athens 2004 were insured by ATE Insurance against any terrorist activity or accident.ATE Insurance offers many different kinds of insurance including:Medical InsuranceLife InsuranceCar InsuranceHome InsuranceALL OUR POLICIES ARE FULLY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISHso that you are able to read and understand even the small print..Feel free to let us visit you. It is our job to come to your place (home or office) and give you all the informationand details you need to know about our programs, of course without any obligation. Please just call one of thenumbers below and ask for Stephanos Katsifarakis or his colleague Alekos Papaderakis, oremail stephanoskatsifarakis@yahoo.gr.With their 10 years of experience they can help you find the best programs for your needs.We look forward to meeting you!With Regards, Stephanos Katsifarakis & Alekos papaderakis, Insurance Consultants.Mobile Phone: 6978 113784 (Stephanos)Office Tel: 28210 86300, 1, 2. Fax: 28210 86303ATE Insurance118 Kissamou St.Chania 73131, Crete.07/0811/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 20

PSYCHOTHERAPISTHighly qualified and trainedpsychotherapist to work with individuals,couples/families and groups.Supervision either individually or ingroups. Staff support groups.I am particularly interested inworking with people in theolder age group andsupporting people throughloss and illness.Seewebsitefor fullrange ofservicesandpricesEmmanuel Daskalakis MDPlastic SurgeonAesthetic andReconstructivePlastic SurgeryTrained inHadassah University HospitalJerusalem, IsraelFor further information please ring:6934311657Email:molliemny@googlemail.com12/08 09/0809/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 21

11/08DIMITRIS RAILAKISDental SurgeonThree years Dental Practice in UKEnglish speaking02/095 Papanastsiou St, HaniaDental Practice: 28210-45600Home: 28210-44963Mobile: 6972-565567Portable Dentistry Facilities03/09Pet PanacheDog and Cat Grooming35 years experienceAnal glands,Claws and Earsattended toCall Agnes on 697039856407/0812/08<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 22

12/08WIND TURBINESP.V. MODULESOFF GRIDSYSTEMSSOLAR PARKSNATURALCLEANPOWERPatelakis Antonis, General ManagerPSATHI, STALOS, CHANIATel: 28210 60533 Fax: 28210 50683Mob: 6973 749296email: dynamis@cha.forthnet.gr www.dynamis.com.gr05/09<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 23

EVERY SATURDAY ..... 8pmCRETAN NIGHTatTHE CRETAN CORNERMegala Horafia Square,APTERAPLANTS FOR SALEA selection of quality bedding plantsavailable now at reasonable pricesNutritious organically grownvegetables available later this monthEmail Trish at fielddot@gmail.com orcall 28310 72980 for further detailsFANTASTIC DANCING,DELICIOUS FOOD,WONDERFUL SCENERY& ATMOSPHERE !!!Set meal choices- Vegetarians & children 15euro- Meat option 20euroAdvanced Booking necessaryTel. Sue 28250-32241/ 31940 or 6944610787<strong>CIC</strong>Cretan InternationalCommunity09/08Offer lessons with a qualified teacherfor people of all ages.Beginners walks & private lessons2 hour, ½ day andfull day excursionsNatural riding andEnglish dressage taught.For further details contact -07/0801/09Post Box 54774102 Rethymnon 2Crete – Greecewww.thecic.eu<strong>CIC</strong> <strong>TIMES</strong> page 24

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