Decoherence and the Bloch equations

Decoherence and the Bloch equations

Decoherence and the Bloch equations


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where <strong>the</strong> relaxation rate<strong>and</strong> excitation rateΓ ↓ = S B (ω 0 ) ≈ 2πg 2 ω 0(1 + n ω0 )Γ ↑ = S B (−ω 0 ) ≈ 2πg 2 ω 0n ω0are given by <strong>the</strong> bath noise spectral density at <strong>the</strong> frequency of <strong>the</strong> atom transition.We see that <strong>the</strong> ration between <strong>the</strong> relaxation <strong>and</strong> excitation is given by<strong>the</strong> temperature of <strong>the</strong> bath onlyΓ ↑Γ ↓= n ω 01 + n ω0= e −¯hω0/k BT .Both off-diagonal elements also decay exponentially due to transverse noise with<strong>the</strong> rate (Γ ↑ + Γ ↓ )/2.3 <strong>Bloch</strong> <strong>equations</strong>The <strong>Bloch</strong> <strong>equations</strong> were introduced in 1946 in <strong>the</strong> context of nuclear magneticresonance (NMR). They describe <strong>the</strong> motion of a spin-1/2 on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bloch</strong> sphere(r(t)) under <strong>the</strong> influence of control fields B(t) <strong>and</strong> dissipation described byphenomenological timescales for relaxation/mixing T 1 <strong>and</strong> dephasing T 2 :ṙ = −B × r − 1 (rz − r 0 ) 1z ẑ − (r xˆx + r y ŷ) , (22)T 1 T 2where r 0 z is <strong>the</strong> steady state projection on <strong>the</strong> z-axis. In <strong>the</strong> previous section wederived:Γ ↑Γ ↑ = S B (−ω 0 ), Γ ↓ = S B (ω 0 ), = e −¯hω0/k BTΓ ↓1= Γ ↓ + Γ ↑ , rz 0 = Γ ↓ − Γ ↑= tanh ¯hω 0T 1 Γ ↓ + Γ ↑ 2k B T ,11T2∗ = 2S B (0), = 1T 2 T2∗ + 1 , (23)2T 1where we assumed <strong>the</strong> noise arising from a source at temperature T .4 Driven <strong>Bloch</strong> <strong>equations</strong> - describing a driventransmon in a transmission lineWe start from <strong>the</strong> hamiltonian of a transmon with frequency ω 0 , driven by acoherent flux field of frequency ω dH = −¯hω 02 σ z − A cos (ω d t)σ x ,6

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