2012-2013 High School Curriculum Bulletin - McAllen ISD

2012-2013 High School Curriculum Bulletin - McAllen ISD

2012-2013 High School Curriculum Bulletin - McAllen ISD


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Page 346481/6484 Dance / FA 1-4Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1/2 - 1Prerequisite: NoneRank: NoneThis course introduces dance as an art form through focus on perception,creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage andcritical evaluation. Students’ creative expression is fostered throughkinesthetic awareness/skill development, introduction to various danceforms and choreography.6511 Theater Arts 1Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1/2 or 1Prerequisite: NoneRank: NoneThis course introduces theater arts and basic acting skills through focuson perception, creative expression/performance, historical and culturalheritage and critical evaluation. Students experience theater games,performance, interpretation of dramatic literature, technical theaterand live theater.6512/6514 Theater Arts 2-4Placement: 10Credit: 1Prerequisite: Theater Arts 1 and Audition RequiredRank: NoneThese courses progressively expand theater arts knowledge and actingskills through focus on perception, creative expression/performance,historical and cultural heritage and critical evaluation. Studentsexperience diversity of genre including mime, puppetry, musical theaterand masked theater. Greater emphasis is placed on student ability toevaluate live theater.6521/6522 Technical THEATER 1-2Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Theater Arts 1 and Audition RequiredRank: NoneThese courses progressively expand theater arts knowledge and technicalskills through focus on perception, historical and cultural heritage andcritical evaluation. Students study design theory, set construction,lighting, sound, costumes, stage properties, makeup and public relations.Students experience live theater outside the classroom.6523/6524 Technical Theater 3-4Lowest Grade Placement: 11Credit: 1Prerequisite: Technical Theater Arts 1 and 2 and AuditionRequiredRank: NoneThese courses progressively expand theater arts knowledge and technicalskills for the advanced tech student through focus on perception,historical and cultural heritage and critical evaluation. Studentsstudy design theory, set construction, lighting, sound, costumes, stageproperties, makeup and public relations. Students experience live theateroutside the classroom and learn to build a portfolio.6531/6534 Theater Production 1-4Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1/2 - 1Rank: NoneThis course emphasizes creative expression/performance through theproduction of a play for a live audience. Students are admitted byaudition, and the class meets on a schedule set outside of the regularschool day. The production involves technical theater, costumes andacting. Enrollment varies according to the production needs.6611/6614 Wind Ensemble 1-4Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and band ensemble skills inthe TEKS, primarily through performance. This is an advanced classfor band students, so membership is determined by audition and priorexperience. Sight-reading skills and technical skills are prerequisites.Activities include concerts, UIL events, region, area and all-statetryouts. Participation in marching band is required. Attendance atrehearsals outside of class and at concerts is required.6621/6624 Symphonic Band 1-4Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and band ensemble skillsin the TEKS, primarily through performance. This is an upperintermediate class for band students, so membership is determined byaudition and prior experience. Sight-reading skills and technical skillsare prerequisites. Activities include concerts, UIL events, and regiontryouts. Participation in marching band is required. Attendance atrehearsals outside of class and at concerts is required.6631/6634 Concert Band 1-4Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and band ensemble skillsin the TEKS, primarily through performance. This is an intermediateclass for band students, so membership is determined by auditionand prior experience. Sight-reading skills and technical skills areprerequisites. Activities include concerts, UIL events, and region tryouts.Participation in marching band is required. Attendance at rehearsalsoutside of class and at concerts is required.6711/6714 SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA 1-4Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and orchestral skills in theTEKS, primarily through performance. This is an advanced class forstring students, so membership is determined by audition and priorexperience. Sight-reading skills and technical skills are prerequisites.Activities include concerts, UIL events, region, area and all-state tryouts.Attendance at rehearsals outside of class and at concerts is required.6721/6724 PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 1-4Lowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and orchestral skills in theTEKS, primarily through performance. This is an intermediate classfor string students, so membership is determined by audition and priorexperience. Sight-reading skills and technical skills are prerequisites.Activities include concerts, UIL events, region, area and all-state tryouts.Attendance at rehearsals outside of class and at concerts is required.6731/6734 REPERTORY ORCHESTRALowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and orchestral skills in the TEKS,primarily through performance. This is an upper intermediate class for stringstudents, so membership is determined by audition and prior experience.Sight-reading skills and technical skills are prerequisites. Activities includeconcerts, UIL events, region, area and all-state tryouts. Attendance atrehearsals outside of class and at concerts is required.6811/6814 Concert Chorale/ChoirLowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and vocal skills in the TEKSprimarily through performance. This is an advanced class for mixedvoices, so membership is determined by audition and prior experience.Sight-singing skills, vocal flexibility, and attendance at rehearsals outsideof class are prerequisites. Activities include concerts, U.I.L. events,region, area, and all-state tryouts. Attendance at concerts is required.6821/6824 Tenor/Bass ChoirLowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and vocal skills in theTEKS primarily through performance. This is an introductory classfor adolescent male voices. Ability to match pitch, willingness towork on sight-singing and attendance at rehearsals outside of class areprerequisites. Activities include concerts and U.I.L. events. Attendanceat concerts is required.6831/6834 Treble ChoirLowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and vocal skills in the TEKSprimarily through performance. This is an introductory class for treblevoices. Ability to match pitch, willingness to work on sight-singing andattendance at rehearsals outside of class are prerequisites. Activitiesinclude concerts and U.I.L. events. Attendance at concerts is required.6902 Advanced Placement (AP) Music TheoryLowest Grade Placement: 11Credit: 1Prerequisite: Interview/Audition with instructor required andConcurrent enrollment in one of the music ensemble courses.Rank: NoneThis is a class for the advanced music student. Students will learn thebasic components of Music Theory including but not limited to keysignatures, intervals, complex rhythms, key relationships, chord analysis,and chord progressions. This class is offered for future music majorsor music minors and will be geared toward passing the Freshmen yearof music theory in college. This IS a concurrent enrollment class andstudents will be required to take the AP Music Theory Exam as outlinedby the College Board. NOTE: This advanced course serves the identifiedgifted/talented student.6900 Music TheoryLowest Grade Placement: 11Credit: 1Rank: NoneStudents will learn the basic components of Music Theory includingbut not limited to key signatures, intervals, complex rhythms, keyrelationships, chord analysis, and chord progressions.6971/6974 GuitarLowest Grade Placement: 9Credit: 1/2 or 1Prerequisite: Audition RequiredRank: NoneThis course develops musical knowledge and technical skills onguitar through focus on perception, creative expression/ performance,historical and cultural heritage and critical evaluation. Sequential classesprogressively develop left and right hand technique, reading skills andrepertoire from the traditional, classical or mariachi literature.

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