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CHRISTOPHER TOZZI<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong>Department of HistoryRoom 316, Frederick Douglass Hall2441 Sixth Street, NWHoward UniversityWash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC 20059Phone: (202) 806-6815Fax: (202) 806-4471Email: christopher.tozzi@gmail.comWeb: christozzi.comEMPLOYMENTHoward UniversityAssistant Professor of History (2013-).EDUCATIONJohns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s UniversityPh.D. <strong>in</strong> History (2013).Dissertation: “Citizenship, Soldier<strong>in</strong>g and Revolution: Foreigners and M<strong>in</strong>orities <strong>in</strong> theFrench Military, 1750-1831.”Supervisor: David A. Bell.Major Field: Early-modern France and French empire (David A. Bell).M<strong>in</strong>or Fields: Early-modern Brita<strong>in</strong> and British empire (John Marshall).Early-modern Spa<strong>in</strong> and Spanish empire (Richard Kagan).Modern France and French empire (Todd Shepard).M.A. <strong>in</strong> History (2010).Cornell UniversityA.B. <strong>in</strong> History and French, magna cum laude with “Dist<strong>in</strong>ction <strong>in</strong> All Subjects” (2008).Honors thesis: “Card<strong>in</strong>al Richelieu and French Foreign Policy, 1629-1636.”Thesis advisor: Duane Corpis.École normale supérieure de ParisVisit<strong>in</strong>g doctoral student (2011-2012).Université de Paris I Panthéon-SorbonneVisit<strong>in</strong>g undergraduate student (2007).<strong>Christopher</strong> Tozzi, page 1

PUBLICATIONS“Jews, Soldier<strong>in</strong>g and Citizenship <strong>in</strong> Revolutionary and Napoleonic France,” The Journal ofModern History. Article accepted and <strong>in</strong> press.“Local Soldiers and National Armies: Synthesiz<strong>in</strong>g National Identity Through the Military,” <strong>in</strong>Place and Locality <strong>in</strong> Modern France, ed. Philip Whalen and Patrick Young. Editedvolume under contract with Bloomsbury Press.“Les troupes étrangères, l'idéologie révolutionnaire et l'état sous l'Assemblée constituante,”Histoire, économie & société. Article commissioned and <strong>in</strong> press for a forthcom<strong>in</strong>gspecial edition of the journal on “La transformation de l'état français, 1788-1791.”“Between Two Republics: American Military Volunteers <strong>in</strong> Revolutionary France,” Proceed<strong>in</strong>gsof the Western Society for French History 39. Article accepted and <strong>in</strong> press.“One Army, Many Languages: Foreign Troops and L<strong>in</strong>guistic Diversity <strong>in</strong> theEighteenth-Century French Military,” <strong>in</strong> Languages and the Military: Alliances,Occupation and Peace Build<strong>in</strong>g, ed. Hilary Footitt and Michael Kelly (London: PalgraveMacmillan, 2012), 12-24.“Dissonance <strong>in</strong> the Republic of Letters.” Lesson plan for “Electronic Enlightenment” database,published by Oxford University Press (2010).TEACHINGDesigned and <strong>in</strong>dependently taught: “Introduction to History” (Howard, fall 2013); “Europe,1492-1789” (Howard, fall 2013); “Topics <strong>in</strong> History: The French Revolution” (Howard,fall 2013); “Warfare <strong>in</strong> the Era of the French Revolution” (Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s, fall 2012).Teach<strong>in</strong>g assistantships at Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s: “Modern Japan” (spr<strong>in</strong>g 2013); “Europe and the WiderWorld, 1492-1789” (spr<strong>in</strong>g 2010); “Modern Europe, 1789-2009” (fall 2009).Tutor<strong>in</strong>g volunteer for Incentive Mentor<strong>in</strong>g Program for Baltimore high-school students(2012-2013).GRANTS AND AWARDSJohn Carter Brown Library Research Fellowship (2013).Gilbert Ch<strong>in</strong>ard Fellowship. Awarded by the Institut Français d'Amérique for research <strong>in</strong> France(2013).Mellon postdoctoral fellowship <strong>in</strong> Digital History, University of North Carol<strong>in</strong>a at Chapel Hill(2013-2015) (decl<strong>in</strong>ed).Exemplary Diversity Scholar Citation. Awarded by the National Center for InstitutionalDiversity of the University of Michigan for contribution to diversity issues <strong>in</strong> research,teach<strong>in</strong>g and service (2013).Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s Dean's Teach<strong>in</strong>g Fellowship. To support development and teach<strong>in</strong>g of an orig<strong>in</strong>alundergraduate course (2012).Carl J. Ekberg Research Grant. Awarded by the Center for French Colonial Studies for<strong>Christopher</strong> Tozzi, page 2

dissertation research (2012).J. Brien Key Award. Awarded by Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s University for dissertation research (2012).International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF). Awarded by the Social ScienceResearch Council (SSRC) for dissertation research, with fund<strong>in</strong>g provided by the AndrewW. Mellon Foundation. Held concurrently with Chateaubriand Fellowship (2011-2012).Chateaubriand Fellowship <strong>in</strong> the Humanities. Awarded by the French government fordissertation research. Held concurrently with the SSRC IDRF (2011-2012).Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s Graduate Representative Organization Travel Award. For conferencepresentation (2011).Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Jewish Studies Award. For dissertation research (2011).S<strong>in</strong>gleton Fellowship. Awarded by Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s's S<strong>in</strong>gleton Center for the Study ofPre-Modern Europe for dissertation research (2010).Frederick Jackson Turner Award. For conference presentation (2010).Graduate Research Travel Grant. Awarded by the Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s Department of History forpre-dissertation research <strong>in</strong> France (2009).Frederick George Marcham Scholarship. Awarded twice by the Cornell University Departmentof History (2007, 2008).SEMINARS AND PRESENTATIONS“Nationalisme et nationalisation: le licenciement des régiments étrangers de France et l'idéologierévolutionnaire, 1789-1792.” Paper presented at the sem<strong>in</strong>ar “Nations en armes,” Institutd'Études Politiques de Paris (“Sciences Po”) (2012).“Between Two Republics: American Military Volunteers <strong>in</strong> Revolutionary France.” Paperpresented at the annual conference of the Western Society for French History, Portland,Oregon (2011).“One Army, Four Languages: L<strong>in</strong>guistic Diversity <strong>in</strong> the Eighteenth-Century French Military.”Paper presented at the conference “Languages at War,” University of Read<strong>in</strong>g (2011).“Citizens Into Foreigners: Irish Military Emigrants <strong>in</strong> Eighteenth-Century France.” Paperpresented at the “International Conference on the History of Warfare,” CambridgeUniversity (2010).“Noblemen Before Irishmen: Rank, Nationality and Irish Emigrants <strong>in</strong> Eighteenth-CenturyFrance.” Paper presented at the Early-Modern Europe Sem<strong>in</strong>ar, Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>sUniversity (2009).PROFESSIONAL AND VOLUNTEER SERVICEEditorial volunteer, H-France.net. Edit content and adm<strong>in</strong>ister website for onl<strong>in</strong>e network ofhistorians of France (2013-).Volunteer, Incentive Mentor<strong>in</strong>g Program. Provided academic and personal support to Baltimorehigh-school students (2012-2013).Volunteer, Société de Sa<strong>in</strong>t-V<strong>in</strong>cent-de-Paul. Worked <strong>in</strong> homeless shelter <strong>in</strong> Paris (2011-2012).<strong>Christopher</strong> Tozzi, page 3

Co-organizer of bi-monthly social meet<strong>in</strong>gs for academics and researchers <strong>in</strong> Paris (2011-2012).OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYFreelance writer for N<strong>in</strong>e Lives Media, Inc. on bus<strong>in</strong>ess and technology (2008-2013).L<strong>in</strong>ux server adm<strong>in</strong>istrator, Whit<strong>in</strong>g School of Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g, Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s University(2008-2012).Intern (paid), Cornell Chronicle. Reporter for official newspaper of Cornell University(2007-2008).IT consultant, ACCEL comput<strong>in</strong>g center, Cornell University (2007-2008).IT security consultant, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Cornell University (2007-2008).LANGUAGESFrench (fluent); German (proficient); Spanish, Italian, Dutch (basic).<strong>Christopher</strong> Tozzi, page 4

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