Vegetated Geogrids

Vegetated Geogrids

Vegetated Geogrids


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AdaptabilityIf water levels increase and overtop arootwad revetment, scour along the crestof the structure may take place and caneven initiate a total collapse of the bank.For this reason, careful monitoring is arequirement for this type of system. Inorder to accommodate rising sea levels,rootwad revetments would need to bereinstalled at higher elevations. Ideally,this should take place beforeovertopping becomes frequent, asorganic rot will decrease theeffectiveness of the structure.AdvantagesRootwad revetments have manyadvantages over other engineered shoreprotection approaches, among them are:• They provide a natural, ecologicallyfriendly form of bank stabilization.• They can improve fish rearing andspawning habitats.DisadvantagesRootwad revetments have manydisadvantages compared to otherengineered shore protection approaches,among them are:• They are typically most effective onthe banks of meandering streams.• They are susceptible to damage duerising water levels.• They are typically ineffective insandy/silty soils typically found inriver estuaries.• This technique has only recentlybeen adopted as a streamstabilization technique and itseffectiveness is still being assessed.• Rootwad revetments can not be usedin locations where the structure willbe overtopped frequently.Similar TechniquesAlternatives include: revetments, treerevetments, gabions, crib walls.DRAFT

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