Provisions for dangerous goods carried by passengers and crew

Provisions for dangerous goods carried by passengers and crew

Provisions for dangerous goods carried by passengers and crew


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8-1-2 Part 8Items or articles3) Non-radioactive medicinalarticles (including aerosols)CheckedbaggageLocationCarry-onbaggageOn thepersonApproval of theoperator(s)is requiredThe pilot-incomm<strong>and</strong>mustbe in<strong>for</strong>medRestrictionsYes Yes Yes No No a) no more than 0.5 kg or 0.5 L total net quantityper single article;b) release valves on aerosols must be protected <strong>by</strong>a cap or other suitable means to preventinadvertent release of the contents; <strong>and</strong>4) Radioisotopic cardiacpacemakers or other devices,including those powered <strong>by</strong>lithium batteries implanted into apersonRadio-pharmaceuticalscontained within the body of aperson5) Mobility aids (e.g. wheelchairs)powered <strong>by</strong> non-spillable wetbatteries or batteries whichcomply with Special ProvisionA123, <strong>for</strong> use <strong>by</strong> <strong>passengers</strong>whose mobility is restricted <strong>by</strong>either a disability, their health orage, or a temporary mobilityproblem (e.g. broken leg)c) no more than 2 kg or 2 L total net quantity of allarticles mentioned in 3), 10) <strong>and</strong> 13) (e.g. fouraerosol cans of 500 mL each) per person.n/a n/a Yes No No Must be implanted into a person as the result ofmedical treatment.n/a n/a Yes No No Must be as the result of medical treatment.Yes No No Yes (see 5 d)iv))a) non-spillable wet batteries must comply withSpecial Provision A67 or the vibration <strong>and</strong>pressure differential tests of PackingInstruction 872;b) the operator must verify that:i) the battery is securely attached to themobility aid;ii)iii)the battery terminals are protected fromshort circuits (e.g. <strong>by</strong> being enclosed withina battery container); <strong>and</strong>electrical circuits have been isolated;c) mobility aids must be <strong>carried</strong> in a manner suchthat they are protected from being damaged <strong>by</strong>the movement of baggage, mail, stores or othercargo;d) where the mobility aid is specifically designed toallow its battery(ies) to be removed <strong>by</strong> the user(e.g. collapsible):i) the battery(ies) must be removed; themobility aid may then be <strong>carried</strong> as checkedbaggage without restriction;ii)iii)the removed battery(ies) must be <strong>carried</strong> instrong, rigid packagings which must bestowed in the cargo compartment;the battery(ies) must be protected fromshort circuit; <strong>and</strong>iv) the pilot-in-comm<strong>and</strong> must be in<strong>for</strong>med ofthe location of the packed battery;e) it is recommended that <strong>passengers</strong> makeadvance arrangements with each operator.2013-2014 EDITION

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