Performers at Osaka's Big Stage - Deafblind International

Performers at Osaka's Big Stage - Deafblind International

Performers at Osaka's Big Stage - Deafblind International


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Network Newsmembers in Europe since150 participants cametogether in Paris to <strong>at</strong>tendthe course. Most of themcame from Europe, but it isworth noticing th<strong>at</strong> Canada,Australia, Brazil and Japanwere also represented.A special mention mustbe made of the Swedishparticipants th<strong>at</strong> madethe big effort to miss theirMidsummer Night which, intheir country, is as importantas Christmas.“The magic of dialogue”explored various domainsof life th<strong>at</strong> are relevant forunderstanding how thisdialogicality of mind works;in human beings in general:this aspect was addressed byvarious university researcherswho are not specialists ofdeafblindness; in the caseof congenital deafblindness:the members of the DbICommunic<strong>at</strong>ions NetworkHanna Pitroff, winner of DbI Distinguished Service AwardCheers to Communic<strong>at</strong>ion66 • DbI Review • Jan u a r y – Ju n e 2011

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