Water Investigations Program SURVEY OF THE ELK RIVER ...

Water Investigations Program SURVEY OF THE ELK RIVER ...

Water Investigations Program SURVEY OF THE ELK RIVER ...


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StationSampling effortTotalScientific nameHighest conservation concernEtheostoma wapitiHigh conservation concernErimystax dissimilisMacrhybopsis hyostomaPhenacobius uranopsNoturus eleutherusNoturus sp. cf. flavusEtheostoma camurumPercina evidesModerate conservation concernAlosa chrysochlorisErimystax insignisNotropis micropteryxNotropis photogenisNonnative speciesMenidia audensMorone saxatilisCommon nameboulder darterstreamline chubshoal chubstargazing minnowmountain madtomhighlands stonecatbluebreast dartergilt darterskipjack herringblotched chubhighland shinersilver shinerMississippi silversidestriped bassSC-8 SC-9 SU-1 SH-1 SH-2 SH-3 SH-4 (hours) specimens and(overall CPUE)-- -- -- -- -- 2 (4.0) -- 27.5 20 (0.73)-- -- 1 (.6) -- -- -- -- 27.5 32 (1.2)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27.5 1 (0.04)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27.5 28 (1.0)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27.5 68 (2.5)-- -- 1 (.6) -- -- -- -- 27.5 30 (1.1)-- -- -- -- -- -- 27.5 33 (1.2)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27.5 94 (3.4)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 46.8 12 (0.3)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27.5 141 (5.1)-- -- -- -- -- 3 (6.0) -- 27.5 207 (7.5)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27.5 52 (1.9)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 29.9 188 (6.3)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 46.8 1 (0.02)Sampling effort (hours)0.50 0.25 1.80 0.50 0.42 0.50 2.42 80.2 (Total)76

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