Sermon Manuscript - Bibleteacher.org

Sermon Manuscript - Bibleteacher.org

Sermon Manuscript - Bibleteacher.org


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FOCAL Read Responsively 2 Peter 1:10 (KJV)Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to makeyour calling and election sure: for if ye do thesethings, ye shall never fall:Colossians 1:16-18 __________________________________________________________________________1. If I Am A Christian I Cannot Fall2 Peter 1:10; Titus 3:5-7; 1 Corinthians 14:33;Matthew 4:19-20;Word Study Look at the phrase "give diligence tomake your calling and election sure". The HolmanChristian Standard Version translates this phrase as"make every effort to confirm your calling andelection".There is a difference between "assumption" and"reality". Don't just "assume" you're a Christian. Makesure. Examine your life in the light of the Scripture.2. What Does A Christian Look Like?1 Samuel 16:7; 2 Peter 1:1; Romans 10:8-11; John12:6; Matthew 26:15; John 17:12; John 6:70; 2 Peter1:16-17; Luke 9:33; 2 Peter 1:4; 1 John 3:2Word Study It is a LIKE PRECIOUS faith. The wordstranslated "like precious" is the Greek (isotimojpronounced ee-sot'-eemos)______________________3. If I Am A Christian Then I Am To"Add To My Faith"2 Peter 1:5-7; Psalms 34:13-14; 2 Peter 1:20-21; John16:13-14; Ephesians 4:30-32; John 13:35; 2 Peter 1:9Word Study The Apostle says "add to" your faith."Add to" is the Greek (epicorhgew Pronounced epee-khor-ayg-eh'-o)_____________________________________________________________________________1 Add to your faith ___________________________2 Add to your faith ___________________________Peter says, "I, John, and James saw Jesus on theMount of Transfiguration - but WE - His Church -have a MORE SURE Word of Prophecy". We haveGod's Word.3 Add to your faith ___________________________4 Add to your faith ________________________________________________________________________Additional Notes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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