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Sermon Manuscript - Bibleteacher.org

Sermon Manuscript - Bibleteacher.org


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dominions, or principalities, or powers: all thingswere created by him, and for him: 17 And he is beforeall things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he isthe head of the body, the church: ...Christianity will never fall, and neither will theChurch nor the Christian who submits to Him as Head.1. If I Am A Christian I Cannot FallIllustrate The American Broadcasting Corporationran a poll on religion in America in 2002. They asked arandom national sample of 1,022 adults "What, ifanything, is your religion?" They found that 83% ofthose polled claimed to be Christians. Now, if 83% ofour country's population is actually Christians, thenwouldn't you expect the environment of society to be alittle different? Wouldn't there be less crime is only 17%of our country was unsaved? Wouldn't there be lessabortion? Wouldn't there be less greed, less overt evil?Just simply, wouldn't people be nicer to one another ifonly 17% are without Christ? Christianity is a faiththat promotes - first and foremost - love and thespreading of love. It's all about FAMILY and adding tothe FAMILY by FAITH.The truth is, we can deceive ourselves. I deceived myselffor many years before I came to the Lord Jesus. I wasraised up in the Presbyterian Church, a good group ofChristian people. I studied my catechisms, steppedforward, was confirmed, and baptized. It was nobody'sfault but mine - I did all that and and never met Jesus. Itwas not until 7 years later at a Youth Rally that I cameface to face with the Risen Savior, and my life was neverthe same.The Apostle Peter is calling to us today not to accuse us,but to as each one of us in our own hearts to make surethat we are saved. Have you met Jesus? That's a questionthat only you can answer for yourself. Read with me:FOCAL 2 Peter 1:10 (KJV) Wherefore the rather,brethren, give diligence to make your calling andelection sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall neverfall:Word Study Look at the phrase "give diligence tomake your calling and election sure". The HolmanChristian Standard Version translates this phrase as"make every effort to confirm your calling andelection". This isn't saying "work your way to God", forsalvation is not by works - the Scripture makes that veryclear. We are told:Titus 3:5-7 (KJV) Not by works of righteousness whichwe have done, but according to his mercy he saved us,by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of theHoly Ghost; 6 Which he shed on us abundantlythrough Jesus Christ our Savior; 7 That beingjustified by his grace, we should be made heirsaccording to the hope of eternal life.Illustrate My friend, you can no more be saved by yourworks than you can empty the ocean with a thimble!Salvation is all of God.

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