***Mar 2006 Focus pg 1-32 - Focus Magazine

***Mar 2006 Focus pg 1-32 - Focus Magazine

***Mar 2006 Focus pg 1-32 - Focus Magazine


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How to gain an extra hour a day —by Janet YoungADVERTISEMENTIMAGINE IF YOU COULD HAVE an extrahour a day to do whatever you wanted:Get some needed exercise, read, spendtime with loved ones, learn somethingnew or just have a relaxing evening meal.Sounds good doesn’t it? Well thathour can be yours if you get yourself organized.It’s been documented that mostpeople spend an hour a day just lookingfor things. Cleaning professionals indicatethat clearing out the excess clutterwould easily eliminate 40 percent or moreof the housework in the average home.Being organized also saves money and is more ecologically responsiblebecause you don’t misplace things only to buy them over again.You have heard: “A place for everything, and everything in itsplace.” This often means de-cluttering. Clutter robs us of peace, tranquility,time, and enjoyment, and causes stress. Get rid of clutter andkeeping your home organized becomes a lot easier. You’ll be able tofind what you need when you need it, rather than wasting preciousminutes searching—and feeling stressed.Here’s a simple formula for how to declutter your home: Organizingyour home cannot be done all at once. It is actually a set of smallprojects—chop the big job down into projects that you can organizein 30 minutes—a counter top, one dresser, one closet. Workon projects in one room till that room is completed before movingon to the next room.First things to get rid of:• Clothes that don’t fit or are uncomfortable.• Objects you don’t like even if they were gifts.• Outdated papers (newspapers, magazines, calendars,coupons, invitations)• Expired items (food, cleaners, cosmetics, etc.)• Broken, worn, or tired items. (Face it, you are notgoing to get them fixed.)• Multiples—items you have more than one of. How manydo you need?• Items you haven’t used in the last year—you are not likelyto use this year either.Always keep in mind this “get rid of” list, and whenever de-clutteringan area, pick up one item at a time and make a decision about it,before putting it down. There are actually just six choices you canmake for any object. Follow the “one touch rule” once you makethe decision—and stick with it: (1) Keep it; (2) Put it away in anotherroom; (3) Donate it or give away (put inbox marked donate); (4) Sell (put in boxmarked sell); (5) Put in garbage—unlesstoxic; see the CRD website for wastedisposal; (6) Put in the recycle bin.Clean the area and, if needed, theitems to be kept, and put them away.Once you have finished declutteringthe area, assess whether an organizingtool or accessory might help with storageand access. If you need an organizingproduct (see the top ten), take measurementsof the available space—height,width, depth and anything that may be in your way such aspipes. Finally, besides taking out the trash and recycling, rememberto deal with your “sell” and “donate” items within a short deadline,or they will continue to clutter up your space.Now breathe deeply and enjoy your clutter-free home. And startdreaming about how to spend those extra hours.Top 10 Organizing Tools:1. Closet organizer2. Pull-out shelves (kitchen and bath).3. Drawer dividers and organizers4. Baskets and containers5. Cosmetic organizers6. Jewelry organizers7. Shoe and boot organizers8. Specialty hangers (scarf, tie, belt, pant)9. Garment rack10. Fridge and freezer organizersJANET YOUNG is a Trained Professional Organizerand owner of All Organized Storage Ltd. Inbusiness since 1997, Janet is the “closet andorganizing authority in Victoria.” Her primaryservice is custom closets, and All OrganizedStorage carries the largest selection of closetmaterials available in Western Canada, alongwith a full range of organizing accessories.Janet also provides small office and home organizing for clients notup to the organizing challenge themselves; and teaches and empowersclients with the basic skills necessary to de-clutter.You can see closets on display along with many unique and innovativeorganizing accessories at her store on Tennyson.All Organized StorageHours Mon–Fri 11–5, Sat 11–33370 Tennyson Avenue (near UpTown) • 250-590-6<strong>32</strong>8 • www.AllOrganizedStorage.cawww.focusonline.ca • April 201319

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