***Mar 2006 Focus pg 1-32 - Focus Magazine

***Mar 2006 Focus pg 1-32 - Focus Magazine

***Mar 2006 Focus pg 1-32 - Focus Magazine


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FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, indigenous peoplehave stood here before us. To understand the meaningof this place, to (re)create an image for this place wenow call Victoria, we have an unambiguous, palpableresponsibility to begin with this fact.everything—history and culture. People need to know the truth, thereal story of colonization. We need to go farther back in time and godeeper in the present time.”I feel inspired. But I wonder how this could work in real life. I wonderhow to make us care about this—both the throngs of visitors and thoseof us who are lucky to live here.Cheryl affirms that she wants to see “the living presence of FirstNations people. I want to see it everywhere—owning the businessesthat sell our art, changing the street names, sharing the stories.”Maybe such an image change is not possible. Tourism is generallyaligned with relaxation, downtime and resting, not heated discussionsabout Canada’s colonial history!Marketing a place is not usually associated with being provocative.Those folks who are invested in a certain way of promoting our cornerof the planet do not really want controversy—contested history, contestedfutures—to intrude on a placid, easy-going narrative. Just jump on thedouble-decker bus, next we are off to see a castle.But all of this simply begs the question: Who decides a city’s image?Could it be its citizens, rather than its power brokers? Could it becommunity values instead of the imperative of commerce?It is hard to put a finger on Victoria’s exact values. It is some sortof amalgam that cares about outdoor activities; public and communityservice; respect for elders; local heritage; environmental sensitivity—especiallywater-based; art, performance and literary appreciation;gardening year-round; wellness at all ages; and a locavore, sustainablefood supply.Now put First Peoples—all of the Coast Salish people that aboundon the southern tip of our island—at the centre of this list. Notadded on, as an afterthought.If re-branding is to have any depth, it will mean re-imagining andthen re-constructing a new Victoria image. In our mediated world,more and more folks are seeking the real thing, the genuine article.And there is nothing more genuine than our relationship to the land.Perhaps a city’s image can be evocative, rather than provocative.Imagine standing at your favourite spot on the land. Or even better foran island, where this land meets the water. Now close your eyes. Forthousands of years, indigenous people have stood here before us. Tounderstand the meaning of this place, to (re)create an image for thisland we now call Victoria, we have an unambiguous, palpable responsibilityto begin with this fact.So, my fellow citizens, it is time to bid bye-bye to teatime at theEmpress. To Union Jacks on red buses.Are you ready for an extreme makeover?Chris Creighton-Kelly is a Canadian artist and writerwho lives in the Victoria area. Along with FranceTrépanier, he is the co-author of Understanding AboriginalArts in Canada Today.Holistic DentistDr Deanna Geddo DDS• aesthetic work emphasizingyour natural smile• amalgam removal• metal-free crowns,bridges, dentures• ceramic implants404 - 645 Fort St (across from Bay Centre)doctor_dg@shaw.ca • 250-389-0669www.integrateddentalstudio.caSupporting arts,culture and our community.John West & Holly Harper1286 Fairfield Road, Victoria250-385-2033 • www.HollyAndJohn.cawww.newportrealty.comWith 50 years ofcombined real estateexperience, Johnand Holly share yourpassion for GreaterVictoria's unique andexciting housingopportunities.www.focusonline.ca • April 201<strong>32</strong>5

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