Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog

Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog

Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog


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<strong>Rigsby</strong>_<strong>Cori</strong>_-_Vol _II.txt16 same street in a hail storm. You're going to have17 three different opinions. And in my opinion, if18 they wanted to use an engineer report, they should19 have done it per region instead of getting two or20 three different engineers on the same street.21 It's just common sense you're going to get back22 different reports.23 Q. Right. There's going to be24 inconsistencies?25 A. Exactly.03211 Q. And it's going to be confusing?2 A. Yes.3 Q. And it's going to be kind of a mess?4 A. Yes.5 Q. And that's exactly what happened?6 A. Yes.7 Q. And you had already been doing claims8 adjusting for how many years by the time you were9 assigned to Katrina in '05?10 A. I think it was about seven.11 Q. And you had done tornados losses?12 A. Yes, sir.13 Q. Hurricanes losses?14 A. Yes, sir.15 Q. Hail storm losses?16 A. Yes.17 Q. You were sophisticated and trained as an18 adjuster to identify flood damage, weren't you?19 A. Yes.20 Q. And wind damage?21 A. Yes.22 Q. Did you believe that you needed an23 engineer to tell you how to identify flood versus24 wind damage?25 A. Well, now, I didn't adjust claims in03221 this storm. I was a manager. And in some cases,2 possibly you do need an engineer to tell you when3 there's overlapping damage. In some cases, you4 don't. There's not a yes or no answer to that5 question.6 Q. So maybe yes, maybe no?7 A. Right.8 Q. But in some cases, you certainly could9 clearly identify flood damage?10 A. Yes.11 Q. And what kind of things would you look12 for in order to make that decision?13 A. To clearly identify flood damage when14 that's the only damage or to clearly identify it15 when there's wind and flood damage to the16 property?17 Q. However you want to answer.18 A. Well --19 MR. BACKSTROM:20 Objection, vague. You can answer.21 THE WITNESS:22 Obviously if you have a few missing23 shingles and then you have a water line of four24 feet in the house, you can tell that the flood25 caused the damage for the four feet and the wind0323Page 37

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