Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog

Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog

Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog


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<strong>Rigsby</strong>_<strong>Cori</strong>_-_Vol _II.txt14 A. I had surgery September the 25th.15 Q. And you had already been to Washington?16 A. And I had already been to Washington.17 Q. And the person that arrived at your18 house to look at the computer came sometime after19 September 25th?20 A. Yes.21 Q. All right. And who is that person?22 A. I don't remember his name.23 Q. Did he give you a business card?24 A. He might have. I don't know.25 Q. Did he introduce himself?03551 A. Yes, he did.2 Q. What did he tell you?3 A. I know he was from Georgia. And he told4 me the name of the firm he was with, and I'm5 pretty sure he gave me a card. And he tried to --6 he tried to see if he could retrieve something on7 the hard drive. And he said that he -- am I8 rambling on about this? Is this what you're9 asking me?10 Q. Right. I'm trying to figure out what he11 did, if you know.12 A. So he hooked -- I didn't see him because13 I wasn't up there. He comes down after about a14 half hour and he says that it's not the mother15 board; it's the hard drive, and that he can't --16 he can't mirror it. I think that's what his17 intentions were, was he was coming to mirror the18 hard drive. And he was not able to do it with the19 equipment he had on hand. So he wanted to take20 the whole CPU unit back with him to Georgia and21 put it in a clean room, he called it, and see if22 they could get information off the hard drive.23 Q. Did you give it to him?24 A. Yes, I did.25 Q. Was the hard drive still in the tower03561 when he left your house?2 A. Yes.3 Q. Was it in the case?4 A. It was in the whole -- he took the whole5 CPU unit, yes, the whole tower.6 Q. Do you know whether he had removed the7 hard drive from the CPU, from the tower?8 A. No. I wasn't up there while he was9 working.10 Q. The answer is you don't know?11 A. I don't know.12 Q. Okay. Did he take the power cord with13 him?14 A. I don't know.15 Q. All you know is that he took what16 appeared to be the tower?17 A. Yes.18 Q. All right. Did he give you a receipt19 for that?20 A. No, he did not.21 Q. And have you seen it since?22 A. I have not.23 Q. Between the time that you and your24 sister started taking documents from the StatePage 51

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