Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog

Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog

Cori Rigsby - Insurance Coverage Blog


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<strong>Rigsby</strong>_<strong>Cori</strong>_-_Vol _II.txt22 in '05.23 Q. Okay.24 A. Okay. And I remember -- I remember she25 copied the Ana Villa report, McFarland. We -- I03451 copied the engineer roster, miscellaneous e-mails2 that had procedures in them, those types of3 things.4 Q. And what standards were you using in5 choosing these kinds of documents to copy in '05?6 What is it about the Villa report, McFarland, the7 engineering roster, etcetera, that you all thought8 were important enough that you should copy in '05?9 A. It was all under the theme of changing10 the conclusions of the engineer reports.11 Q. Okay. That was the critical issue?12 A. That was the whole thing.13 Q. And the McFarland report had also had a14 change in it?15 A. McFarland was a mediation issue that16 Kerri felt like that he was being treated unfairly17 in mediation.18 Q. And this mediation occurred in '05?19 A. No. This mediation was '06.20 Q. All right. I was trying to concentrate21 on October to the end of the year '05.22 A. Okay.23 Q. We'll move chronologically in just a24 minute.25 A. So scratch McFarland then.03461 Q. Okay. That was a case where she felt2 Mr. McFarland was cheated at the mediation?3 A. Yes.4 Q. She did that mediation, didn't she?5 A. Yes.6 Q. She made the company's presentation?7 A. Yes.8 Q. And she argued that the loss was caused9 only by water, didn't she?10 A. I wasn't there.11 Q. Did she tell you that she had done that?12 A. She told me that she recommended that he13 be paid for wind damage based on the evidence he14 brought in. And her State Farm supervisor told15 her no, and she was going to be the one that had16 to tell him.17 Q. Did she tell you that she declined to18 present the company's case at the McFarland19 mediation?20 A. She didn't tell me that she declined to,21 no.22 Q. In fact, did she tell you that she made23 a rather spirited presentation?24 A. I never used -- her to use the word25 "spirited." But she told me that mediation was03471 set up so that the policyholder had an opportunity2 to introduce any kind of eyewitnesses, facts,3 engineering reports or evidence on their own that4 might help us in the investigation.5 Mediation -- basically the decisions6 were made before we went in there. And Dr.Page 47

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