Annual Report 2009 - Toyota Financial Services

Annual Report 2009 - Toyota Financial Services

Annual Report 2009 - Toyota Financial Services


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>10% (a minimum of CZK 10,000) is fixed throughout thewhole lease term and is part of regular instalments,❍ after the contract expires, the vehicle is returned to ourCompany and the customer therefore does not have toaddress the issue of either retaining or sale of the vehicle,he can rent a new vehicle and thereby optimize the costs ofits operation❍ if the vehicle‘s wear and tear corresponds to thecontractual terms and conditions, no additional costs arecharged to the client upon returning of the vehicle.<strong>Toyota</strong> Forklift LeasingComplex financial support of the <strong>Toyota</strong> brand is alsoreflected in the sale of handling equipment , <strong>Toyota</strong> forklifttrucks and BT handling equipment. In cooperation withdistributors of these brands it is possible to enter intoa finance lease with full amortization and other standardparameters as follows:❍ extraordinary instalment in the amount of 10% – 60% ofthe vehicle cost,❍ payment term is 60 or 72 months,❍ net book amount 0% (possibly 10%) of the vehicle cost,❍ machinery insurance is fixed and is part of instalmentsthroughout the whole lease term, with a maximumdeductible amount of CZK 10,000,❍ third party insurance (a limit of CZK 50 million/CZK 50million) is part of regular instalments throughout thewhole lease term,❍ the contract is terminated by settling the repurchase pricein the notional amount of CZK 1,190 inclusive of VAT orpaying the net book amount.<strong>Toyota</strong> Forklift KreditOur product, offered since November 2008 and based on thecredit financing principle, is intended for customers who wantto own the handling equipment immediately but do not wantor may not use their own financial means for its purchase.<strong>Toyota</strong> Forklift Kredit is suitable for businessmen interested inshort-term and variable financing. The contract structure isvery flexible:❍ the standard financed amount ranges from 40% to 90% ofthe cost of handling machines (i.e. the minimum amountof own financial means for covering the purchase is 10%),❍ credit contract term is 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 months,❍ third party insurance is part of instalments, fixedthroughout the whole contract term,❍ machinery insurance with a maximum deductible amountof CZK 10,000 as part of instalments, fixed throughout thewhole contract term,❍ the contract is terminated by repayment of the totalprincipal (credit); the credit contract may be extended,shortened or repaid earlier subject to agreement with ourCompany.<strong>Toyota</strong> Forklift RentTogether with the exclusive distributor of forklift trucks andhandling equipment of the <strong>Toyota</strong> and BT brand, we havebrought to our customers since February 2004 a uniqueproduct which provides comprehensive services in the areaof the operation and care for the vehicle. <strong>Toyota</strong> ForkliftRent is an operating lease with full servicing. The terms andconditions of the lease contract, which is concluded with thedistributor, are based on the combination of the followingparameters:13

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