Number in series 21; Year of publication 1927 - Fell and Rock ...

Number in series 21; Year of publication 1927 - Fell and Rock ...

Number in series 21; Year of publication 1927 - Fell and Rock ...


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336 THE FELL AND ROCK CLIMBING CLUB JOURNAL.borne to Wasdale Head ; which would have sadly upset Mrs.Wilson's domestic economy, <strong>and</strong> might even have caused HowardSomervell to rue his careless depreciation <strong>of</strong> that splendid climb,the Slab <strong>and</strong> Notch. But we failed—<strong>and</strong> the full measure <strong>of</strong>our failure was brought home to me a few months later whenwe were aga<strong>in</strong> on the <strong>Rock</strong> <strong>in</strong> the company <strong>of</strong> some competentclimbers.On this f<strong>in</strong>e summer day we had done the North-East climb ;<strong>and</strong>, after a short rest on Low Man, we d<strong>of</strong>fed the rope <strong>and</strong>almost romped down <strong>in</strong>to West Gully by what I deduced ratherthan recognised to be the Old West route. The terrify<strong>in</strong>gramparts <strong>of</strong> the Spr<strong>in</strong>g had resolved themselves <strong>in</strong>to a simpleback staircase : we had succeeded !Now by all the conventional rules I suppose I should estimatethat triumph (save the mark!) as a richer <strong>and</strong> more satisfy<strong>in</strong>gexperience than our earlier repulse. But I do not feel like thatabout it: the failure was full <strong>of</strong> glamour, excitement, romance,it abides <strong>in</strong> memory with a far more lively vigour than the cheap,banal success.And with the pass<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> years I have come to feel that thereis someth<strong>in</strong>g fundamental <strong>in</strong> this contrast. I do not go so far asto say that all success is vulgar, all failure sublime; but recollectionfurnishes enough <strong>of</strong> richness on the one h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>comparative aenemia on the other to make the dist<strong>in</strong>ction appearcharacteristic <strong>and</strong> to make one question traditional wisdom onthe subject.Incidentally it may be said that this traditional wisdom is nottoo clear about the matter. The mentors <strong>of</strong> youth are never tired<strong>of</strong> impress<strong>in</strong>g on their charges how much more important it is toplay the game than to w<strong>in</strong> ; but they cont<strong>in</strong>ue to keep up anelaborate paraphernalia <strong>of</strong> rewards, <strong>and</strong> focus the spotlight <strong>of</strong>approbation on success. Our Press groans under a burden <strong>of</strong> loudlament for lost supremacies—from the daily papers with theirclamour for new box<strong>in</strong>g " hopes " to the Alp<strong>in</strong>e Journal withits pla<strong>in</strong>tive " Where are les jeunes Britanniques ? " ; <strong>and</strong>at the same time we are cont<strong>in</strong>ually fed with aphorisms <strong>of</strong> the" to travel hopefully... " <strong>and</strong> " 'tis better to have loved <strong>and</strong>lost " order. Perhaps the <strong>in</strong>consistency is more apparent thanreal: the truth seems to be that this is essentially a question

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