Number in series 21; Year of publication 1927 - Fell and Rock ...

Number in series 21; Year of publication 1927 - Fell and Rock ...

Number in series 21; Year of publication 1927 - Fell and Rock ...


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324 THE FELL AND ROCK CLIMBING CLUB JOURNAL.snow below <strong>and</strong> rotten rocks above. A dump was made <strong>of</strong>tent-sac, crampons <strong>and</strong> food. The weather looked anyth<strong>in</strong>g butpromis<strong>in</strong>g, but we spent some time gaz<strong>in</strong>g across the complicatedGlacier du Freyney at the Aiguilles Noire <strong>and</strong> Blanche deP&6ret, with the curious Dames Anglaises between. TheY-shaped couloir for our promised ascent looked particularlysteep, <strong>and</strong> all day long the Dames Anglaises behaved <strong>in</strong> a mostdiscourteous <strong>and</strong> unladylike manner by constantly send<strong>in</strong>gdown stones <strong>and</strong> debris.The fourth day, we started early by lantern, the sky be<strong>in</strong>gdark with thick clouds, <strong>and</strong> ascended to the Col de l'lnnom<strong>in</strong>ata.Here a halt was called <strong>in</strong> order to watch the weather becom<strong>in</strong>gsteadily worse. After food, <strong>and</strong> collect<strong>in</strong>g our cache, we descendedalmost to the Freyney Glacier before def<strong>in</strong>itely decid<strong>in</strong>gto turn back. It was when re-ascend<strong>in</strong>g this side that the use<strong>of</strong> the so-called reversed abseil was discovered, a novelty thatgreatly <strong>in</strong>trigued our " climb<strong>in</strong>g mechanic."At the writer's suggestion, the other two reluctantly consentedto " tick <strong>of</strong>f " the Aiguille Joseph Croux, but as thisproved to have a f<strong>in</strong>e 150-foot rock pitch <strong>of</strong> the st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>of</strong> aLake District severe, <strong>and</strong> was a splendid view-po<strong>in</strong>t to boot, thedigression was later voted as quite worth while. Ra<strong>in</strong> fell aga<strong>in</strong>heavily that even<strong>in</strong>g.The next day was no better for our expedition, <strong>and</strong> supplieswould not suffice for a later start, so we descended to Courmayeur.The leader had the misfortune to damage his foot <strong>in</strong> cross<strong>in</strong>gthe glacier stream swollen by the night's ra<strong>in</strong>. We aga<strong>in</strong> visitedthe tea-garden <strong>and</strong> met some friends.On the sixth day, the " Realist " had to leave, as his holidaywas nearly over, so after see<strong>in</strong>g him <strong>of</strong>f, the leader <strong>and</strong> thewriter made rather a late start for the Gamba hut. Aga<strong>in</strong>, allequipment <strong>and</strong> food was reduced to a m<strong>in</strong>imum, the idea be<strong>in</strong>gto push on rapidly while favourable conditions lasted. Themoon was nearly full, <strong>and</strong> although diligent search had failed toreveal a reliable barometer <strong>in</strong> Courmayeur, signs were hopeful,<strong>and</strong> even the guides predicted good weather.We reached the Gamba hut at about 2-30 p.m., <strong>and</strong> fed <strong>and</strong>rested for a couple <strong>of</strong> hours. The leader's foot was very pa<strong>in</strong>ful,but he decided to cont<strong>in</strong>ue. We set <strong>of</strong>f at 5-15 p.m. <strong>and</strong> retraced

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