4th and 5th Form Studies Guide - Aiglon College

4th and 5th Form Studies Guide - Aiglon College

4th and 5th Form Studies Guide - Aiglon College


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Music(music@aiglon.ch) www.aiglon.ch/musicGCSE Specification: AQA 4270Why Music?If you enjoy performing music in your own time <strong>and</strong> are learning an instrument, having singing lessons or enjoycreating music on computers or in a recording studio, then this is a good subject to choose! If you would like tocreate music of your own, then composing will give you the opportunity. If you want to broaden your knowledgeof all types of music, including classical, popular <strong>and</strong> world, then this exciting course will give you an appreciationof the diversity of musical styles that exist today.What will I learn?You will learn how to improve your performing skills <strong>and</strong> through your work in composing you will gain an insightinto how music is constructed from initial ideas through to the finished product. You will also learn how to analysemusic in variety of styles <strong>and</strong> discover the social <strong>and</strong> historical context in which music as been composed over thelast 400 years or so.Specification.The whole of the Music GCSE Specification is constructed around five Areas of Study through three Str<strong>and</strong>s ofLearning. These Areas of Study are:• Rhythm & Metre• Harmony & Tonality• Texture & Melody• Timbre & Dynamics• Structure & <strong>Form</strong><strong>and</strong> the Str<strong>and</strong>s of Learning are:• The Western Classical Tradition• Popular Music of the 20 th <strong>and</strong> 21 st Centuries• World MusicYou have already gained many of the basic skills needed for his course in your music lessons over the last threeyears in the Music Department at <strong>Aiglon</strong>.• You have been introduced to creating music of your own in class <strong>and</strong> this is developed on the GCSEcourse as you choose two topics for composition. For example, his could be a popular song <strong>and</strong> a dancetrack, a classical piece or some world music. There is a wide choice <strong>and</strong> it can be tailored to your ownmusical interests <strong>and</strong> strengths, whilst satisfying the AQA criteria.• You have already listened to a variety of music in class <strong>and</strong> these skills are developed further as youstudy a wide variety of music ranging from Classical <strong>and</strong> 20 th Century music, Popular music, <strong>and</strong> beyondto World Music.• You enjoy making music, either as a soloist or in a group. The GCSE course encourages you to performmusic of our own choosing <strong>and</strong> in any style, as a soloist <strong>and</strong> also in a group. To take this course, youmust be able to offer just one instrument or voice.How will I be assessed?Regular recitals <strong>and</strong> composition projects will be marked <strong>and</strong> assessed throughout the 4 th form, leading to thefinal series of examination/ assessment submissions in the 5 th form.• Performing: 2 recorded performances (1 solo, 1 ensemble)• Composing: 2 compositions (1 free- style, 1 in line with a yearly AQA specification)• Listening <strong>and</strong> appraising: One 60 minute written analysis paper with questions relating to the AQAStr<strong>and</strong>s of Learning <strong>and</strong> Areas of Study.<strong>Aiglon</strong> <strong>4th</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>5th</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 2013-14 19

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