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<strong>RENDICONTI</strong><strong>DEL</strong> <strong>SEMINARIO</strong><strong>MATEMATICO</strong>Università e Politecnico di TorinoSubalpine Rhapsody in DynamicsCONTENTSK.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. Yorke, Explosions in dimensions one throughthree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C. Bereanu - J. Mawhin, Periodic solutions of first order nonlinear differenceequations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17J. Fan - S. Jiang, Zero shear viscosity limit for the Navier-Stokes equations ofcompressible isentropic fluids with cylindric symmetry . . . . . . . . . . 35M. Franca, A dynamical approach to the study of radial solutions for p-Laplaceequation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomes, Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 89D. Papini - F. Zanolin, Some results on periodic points and chaotic dynamicsarising from the study of the nonlinear Hill equations . . . . . . . . . . . 115Volume 65, N. 1 2007

DIRETTORECATTERINA DAGNINOCOMMISSIONE SCIENTIFICA (2006–08)C. Dagnino (Direttore), R. Monaco (Vicedirettore), G. Allasia, S. Benenti, A. Collino,F. Fagnani, G. Grillo, C. Massaza, F. Previale, G. ZampieriCOMITATO DIRETTIVO (2006–08)S. Console, S. Garbiero, G. Rossi, G. Tedeschi, D. ZambellaProprietà letteraria riservataAutorizzazione del Tribunale di Torino N. 2962 del 6.VI.1980Direttore Responsabile: CATTERINA DAGNINOQUESTO FASCICOLO È STAMPATO CON IL CONTRIBUTO DI:UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINOPOLITECNICO DI TORINO

PrefaceOn September 19-21, 2005, the Department of Mathematics of the University ofTurin guested a “WORKSHOP ON DYNAMICS”. We invited six among the speakersto write a survey for this special issue of the Journal. Song Jiang, Huseyin Koçak,Jean Mawhin, James Yorke and Fabio Zanolin wrote a paper with coauthors, moreoverMatteo Franca’s survey is based on the seminar delivered by Russell Johnson at theWorkshop.Some of the articles present new results in a more general framework, so theyalso have the character of a survey even if they are research papers.The following topics in Dynamics are studied: Explosion in dimensions 1–3,Periodic solutions of difference equations, Compressible viscous flows, A Dynamicalapproach to the p-Laplace equation, Shadowing in ODEs, Periodic points and chaosfor nonlinear Hill equations.We are grateful to the authors and to all the other speakers of the Workshop fortheir enthusiastic participation.Hisao Fujita Yashima, Gaetano Zampieri

Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino - Vol. 65, 1 (2007)Subalpine Rhapsody in DynamicsK.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. Yorke ∗EXPLOSIONS IN DIMENSIONS ONE THROUGH THREEAbstract. Crises are discontinuous changes in the size of a chaotic attractor as a parameter isvaried. A special type of crisis is an explosion, in which the new points of the attractor formfar from any previously recurrent points. This article summarizes new results in explosionsin dimension one, and surveys previous results in dimensions two and three. Explosionscan be the result of homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations. In dimensions one and two,homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations occur at tangencies. We give a classification of onedimensionalexplosions through homoclinic tangency. We describe our previous work on theclassification of planar explosions through heteroclinic tangencies. Three-dimensional heteroclinicbifurcations can occur without tangencies. We describe our previous work, whichgives an example of such a bifurcation and explains why three-dimensional crossing bifurcationsexhibit unstable dimension variability, a type of non-hyperbolic behavior which resultsin a breakdown of shadowing. In addition, we give details for a new scaling law for theparameter-dependent variation of the density of the new part of the chaotic attractor.1. IntroductionCrises of chaotic attractors are discontinuous changes in the size of an attractor as a parameteris varied. Crises are the most easily observed and most often described globalbifurcations. A classic example of a crisis is the onset of the period three window in thebifurcation for the logistic map f (x) = µx(1 − x) [31], in which the attractor changesdiscontinuously from consisting of an uncountable collection of points to containingonly one period three orbit.A specific type of crisis is an explosion, which is a bifurcation in which newrecurrent points form discontinuously far from any previously recurrent points. Anexplosion is stronger than a crisis, since a crisis can be caused by the mere merging ofan attractor and a pre-existing chaotic saddle.In this article, we review results on explosions in one, two, and three dimensions,as well as stating open problems on explosions. We proceed as follows: Section2 outlines classifications of explosions at homoclinic and heteroclinic tangenciesin one and two dimensions. It is also possible to have explosions far from tangencybut as a result of a tangency. We give a simple example of this in one dimension. Intwo dimensions, we give a topological description of the well-studied two-dimensionalexample of this phenomenon for the Ikeda attractor. The ultimate goal is a completeclassification of one- and two-dimensional explosions. Section 3 describes a type ofthree-dimensional bifurcation in which explosions occur without tangencies. The sectionincludes a numerical example of such a bifurcation. Section 4 presents a newscaling law for the parameter-dependent change in the density of the newly formedpiece of the chaotic attractor. Section 4.3 describes some interesting numerical implicationsof tangency-free explosions as the onset of unstable dimension variability, a∗ J.A.Y. was partially supported by NSF 0104087.1

2 K.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. Yorkespecific type of non-hyperbolic behavior.2. Explosions via tangencyLet f λ be a one-parameter family of functions. An explosion occurs at a parametervalue λ 0 and a point x which is not recurrent prior to the bifurcation but is recurrentat the bifurcation. Clearly a saddle node bifurcation for either a fixed point or periodicorbit gives rise to an explosion point. In addition, the existence of explosion points isoften the result of bifurcations involving tangencies between the stable and unstablemanifolds of fixed or periodic points. In this section, we describe classes of explosionsarising from homoclinic and heteroclinic tangency. The ultimate goal is a full understandingand classification of all types of explosions. In this direction, Palis and Takensmade the following conjecture for planar one-parameter families of diffeomorphisms.We have extended this conjecture to include one-parameter families of one-dimensionalmaps as well.CONJECTURE 1 (Palis and Takens [25]). Explosions within generic one-parameterfamilies of smooth one-dimensional maps or smooth two-dimensional diffeomorphismsare the result of either a tangency between stable and unstable manifolds offixed or periodic points or a saddle node bifurcation of a fixed or periodic point.Newhouse, Palis, and Takens have shown that this statement is true in the casewhen the limit set is still finite at the bifurcation point [24]. Bonatti, Diaz, and Vianapoint out that this question can also be posed from a probabilistic point of view, inwhich case they conjecture the opposite conclusion [6]. In one dimension, we believethis problem to be tractable. In two dimensions an answer depends on a detailed classificationof the accessibility of periodic points and their manifolds on the boundary ofa basic set [4].We now give some basic definitions. Let f : R k × R → R k be a C 1 -smoothone-parameter family of C 2 diffeomorphisms, k = 1, 2, 3 where we use two notationsinterchangeably: f (x,λ) = f λ (x). For the definition of an explosion it is more naturalto use the concept of chain recurrence rather than recurrence:DEFINITION 1. For an iterated function g, there is an ǫ-chain from x to ywhen there is a finite sequence {z 0 , z 1 ,...,z N } such that z 0 = x, z N = y, andd(g(z n−1 ), z n ) < ǫ for all n.If there is an ǫ-chain from x to itself for every ǫ > 0 (where N > 0), then xis said to be chain recurrent [7, 8]. The chain recurrent set is the set of all chainrecurrent points. For a one-parameter family f λ , we say (x,λ) is chain recurrent if xis chain recurrent for f λ .If for every ǫ > 0, there is an ǫ-chain from x to y and an ǫ-chain from y to x,then x and y are said to be in the same chain component of the chain recurrent set.Note that the chain recurrent set and the chain components are invariant under

Explosions in dimensions one through three 3forward iteration.DEFINITION 2 (Chain explosions). A chain explosion point (x,λ 0 ) is a pointsuch that x is chain recurrent for f λ0 , but there is a neighborhood N of x such that onone side of λ 0 (i.e. either for all λ < λ 0 or for all λ > λ 0 ), no point in N is chainrecurrent for f λ .Note that in the above definition, at f λ0 , x is not necessarily an isolated pointof the chain recurrent set. A well studied example of this is the explosion that occursat a saddle node bifurcation on an invariant circle. The chain recurrent set consists oftwo fixed points prior to bifurcation and the whole circle at and in many cases afterbifurcation. In subsequent usage, if the distinction is not important, we will refer torecurrent points rather than always saying chain recurrent.2.1. One dimensionThis section describes a classification of explosions via homoclinic tangencies in onedimension which appears in [2]. Although one dimension would seem to be the easiestcase, there are some key differences between one- and two-dimensional explosionswhich are not simplifications in one dimension. For example, for a diffeomorphism,homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits require the existence of saddle points with stableand unstable manifolds of dimension at least one. However, since a one-dimensionalmap is in general noninvertible, it is possible to have fixed or periodic points with onedimensionalunstable manifolds and a non-trivial zero-dimensional stable manifolds.Marotto terms such points snap-back repellers [22]. It is not possible to reverse thedimensions of the stable and unstable manifolds; the existence of a homoclinic orbitto an attracting fixed point requires a multivalued map [29]. In addition, the chainrecurrent set is not invariant under backwards iteration of a noninvertible map, so thediscussion of explosions in one dimension includes cases in which a point is not anexplosion point, but the preimages are explosion points. As this is a broad survey, thestatements and proofs of the results below are only sketches. The full details appearin [2].Let f be a one variable function with a repelling fixed point x 0 . Let y andk be such that y is a k th preimage of x 0 , and assume that a sequence of preimagesof y converge to x 0 . Then y is contained in an orbit which limits both forwards andbackwards to x 0 . That is, y is a homoclinic point for x 0 . Homoclinic points for periodicorbits are defined by replacing f with some appropriate iterate f m . Notice that fordiffeomorphisms, all orbits through homoclinic points are homoclinic orbits. For onedimensionalmaps, there may be many non-homoclinic orbits through a homoclinicpoint.Since the stable manifold of a homoclinic point is zero-dimensional, a homoclinictangency is a tangency of the graph of the map at a homoclinic point. That is, ahomoclinic tangency occurs if the graph of f has a horizontal tangent at a homoclinicpoint.

4 K.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. YorkepU RyFigure 1: A one-dimensional map with a repelling fixed point p with positive derivative.The point y is a homoclinic tangency point. Since y is contained in a non-crossingorbit, by Theorem 2, y is not an explosion point. The unstable manifold branch U R isan interval shown by a thick line on the x-axis.Assume that f λ is a C 1 smooth family of C 2 maps and that the point x 0 (λ)(which we write as x 0 ) is a repelling fixed point.THEOREM 1 (No explosions with negative derivative at x 0 , Alligood, Sander,Yorke [2]). If f has a negative derivative at x 0 , and y is homoclinic to x 0 , at λ 0 , then(y,λ 0 ) is not an explosion point.The idea is that images of a neighborhood of y map across preimages of aneighborhood of y, implying that there is a periodic point near y, which persists underperturbation of the parameter. Therefore y is arbitrarily close to recurrent points priorto the tangency bifurcation.Now consider the case of a positive derivative at x 0 . Assume that a homoclinicorbit limits to the local right (resp. left) branch of the unstable manifold of x 0 . Let ybe a homoclinic tangency point within this orbit. Then for some k, f k (y) = x 0 . If thegraph of the map f k−1 near f k−1 (y) is below (resp. above) the horizontal line, we callthe homoclinic orbit a crossing orbit. A homoclinic orbit that is not crossing is calleda non-crossing orbit.THEOREM 2 (No explosions for non-crossing bifurcations [2]). Assume that yis contained in a non-crossing homoclinic orbit, then y is not an explosion point.The proof is very similar to the case of negative derivative at x 0 . Namely, animage of a neighborhood of y covers a preimage of the same neighborhood, implyingthat y is not an explosion point. This situation is depicted in Figure 1.Closely related to crossing and non-crossing orbits, we can distinguish the two

Explosions in dimensions one through three 5zU LypURFigure 2: In this figure, y is a homoclinic tangency point in a crossing orbit, containedin U R , but not U L . Therefore y is an explosion point. The preimage z of y is also anexplosion point. The interval U R is shown by a thick line as in Figure 1. U L is denotedby a dashed line slightly above the x-axis.manifold branches U R and U L , being the iterates of the local right and lefthand branchesof the unstable manifold of x 0 . The union of U L and U R is the entire unstable manifoldof x 0 . If {(U L ∩ U R ) \ x 0 } is not empty, then the intersection must contain either all ofU L or all of U R . For example, U R may contain points both to the left and to the rightof U L . See Figures 2 and 3. We can show that if y ∈ U R , and the k th image of everyneighborhood of y contains points in {U R \ x 0 }, then y is not an explosion point.Under certain generic conditions, we can show a converse to the non-crossingorbit theorem: If y is in a crossing orbit, then y is an explosion point [2].We are interested not only in explosion points which are themselves tangencypoints, but also in points which are explosion points far from tangencies, but are causedby a tangency. Since the chain recurrent set is invariant under forwards iteration, theimage of non-crossing tangency point is a non-explosion point. However, there maybe explosion points with iterates that are non-explosion points. For example, Figure 3shows points of which are not tangency points but are preimages of tangency points.We can prove that for a generic one-parameter family, there are explosion points atU R (such as i and j depicted in the figure) if there are points in U R which map toa tangency (such as y) on the other side, even though the tangency point is not anexplosion point [2].

6 K.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. YorkeURULy p i jFigure 3: The tangency point y is contained in U L ∩ U R , and is thus not an explosionpoint. However, the preimages i and j of y are explosion points. U R and U L aredepicted again with a solid and dashed line respectively.(a)(b)F(S)00 11pS00 11pSF(S)Figure 4: Homoclinic tangency points in the plane may or may not be explosion points.A set S and a large iterate f K (S) = F(S). In (a), it is never possible for the homoclinictangency point to be an explosion point. In part (b), it depends on the eigenvalues.

Explosions in dimensions one through three 72.2. Tangencies in two dimensionsIn two dimensions, a heteroclinic intersection is a hallmark for chaotic behavior in theform of a Smale horseshoe. Thus a homoclinic tangency is a bifurcation point. It is notalways an explosion point. Figure 4(a) shows a configuration of stable and unstablemanifolds at a homoclinic tangency which can never be an explosion, since there isa horseshoe forming locally prior to tangency. In Figure 4(a), the situation is not soclear, since a large iterate of a rectangular set S may or may not map across itselfunder a large iterate. In fact, whether this is a possible explosion point depends on therelative strength of contraction and expansion at the fixed point p. Palis and Takens [25]classified homoclinic explosion bifurcations, as shown in Figure 4 by describing whichplanar homoclinic tangencies can be explosion points as a function of the placementof the tangency point, sign of the eigenvalues, and area contraction or expansion of themap.An explosion can also occur as a result of tangencies between stable and unstablemanifolds of different fixed or periodic points: heteroclinic tangencies. In this case,in order for a heteroclinic tangency to result in any sort of recurrence, there needs tobe a means of return. A natural way is another heteroclinic intersection, resulting in aheteroclinic cycle. These ideas are given in the following definitions.DEFINITION 3 (n-connection). An n-connection is a sequence of points {ρ 1 , t 1 ,ρ 2 , t 2 ,...,ρ n } such that for all i, ρ i is a fixed point, and for each i < n, t i is aheteroclinic point such that t i ∈ W u (ρ i ) ∩ W s (ρ i+1 ).DEFINITION 4 (Cycle). A cycle is an n-connection {ρ 1 , t 1 ,ρ 2 , t 2 ,...,ρ n } suchthat ρ n = ρ 1 .Generically, we can assume a unique tangency in a cycle, with all other heteroclinicintersections being transverse. Thus any heteroclinic cycle can be reduced to aheteroclinic cycle containing only two periodic or fixed points. In a previous paper [1],we gave necessary and sufficient conditions for planar heteroclinic bifurcations to resultin explosions. The classification does not involve eigenvalue conditions and areacontraction/expansion conditions. Rather, the classification is a set of necessary andsufficient conditions for explosions at heteroclinic tangency based on the configurationof the manifolds, in addition to another “chain” condition on the behavior. Figure 5shows two heteroclinic cycles with a tangency. In (a), any curve which is arbitrarilyclose to the heteroclinic cycle necessarily intersects both the unstable manifold of pand the stable manifold of q, whereas in (b), this is not the case. The tangency point in(a) is an explosion point and in (b) it is not; just as in the one-dimensional case, the keyto an explosion is that different points of the cycle are on opposite sides of a dividingmanifold. Therefore, any ǫ-chain must cross the cycle. Such heteroclinic tangencyexplosion bifurcations are known as crossing bifurcations.

8 K.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. Yorke(a)(b)yq00 11Xyq00 1100 11p00 11pFigure 5: Heteroclinic cycles with a tangency at y. In (a), all curves close to the cycleintersect both the unstable manifold of p and the stable manifold of q (intersectionshown with an X). Under the chain condition, the point y is an explosion point. In (b),it is possible to draw a curve arbitrarily close to the cycle which does not intersect thestable manifold of q. The point y is never an explosion point.2.3. Explosions far from tangencies and planar gap fillingA planar explosion far from tangency but through a tangency occurs at a crisis bifurcationof the Ikeda map. This example has been studied by a number of authors, suchas [17, 26]. Prior to bifurcation, there is a small attractor surrounded by an unstablechaotic saddle set. The set has noticable gaps, in which there are no recurrent points.After the bifurcation, the new attractor includes both the old attractor and the saddleset. In addition, the gaps in the recurrent set are filled in. This occurs in a discontinuousmanner at the bifurcation value. Thus the points in the gaps at the bifurcationparameter are all explosion points. This discontinuous change in the recurrent set is aresult of a heteroclinic tangency.Figure 6 depicts the geometry of manifolds of a heteroclinic cycle that give riseto gap filling. The tangency point y is contained simultaneously in a crossing and anon-crossing orbit. Thus y is not an explosion point. However, there are points on thenon-crossing orbit which are explosion points. There is an attractor with its boundarybeing the unstable manifold branch of p including the tangency. The basin of attractionincludes all points below the stable manifold branch of q including the tangency.Therefore all points of the upper unstable manifold branch of q (in green in the figurefor the color online version) are in the basin of attraction. After the bifurcation, thesepoints become recurrent. Robert et al. [27] showed that this topological constructionoccurs during gap filling as a result of a heteroclinic cycle with a tangency for a pair ofperiod five orbits of the Ikeda map.

Explosions in dimensions one through three 9Figure 6: A geometric description of gap filling. The unstable manifold branch of pwith the tangency encloses an attractor. This attractor only includes points “inside”the non-crossing inner cycle prior to tangency. When the tangency pushes through, theattractor also includes points “on the outside” – that is, on the crossing cycle.3. Three-dimensional crisesThere are many theoretical results and analyses of planar examples of crises, whereasrelatively little is known about three-dimensional examples. In three dimensions, Diazand Rocha [12, 13] described explosions that occur as the result of a non-tangency heteroclinicbifurcation. In [3], we have adapted these results to show that a crisis in athree-dimensional attractor can occur at a heteroclinic bifurcation without tangencies.After the crisis, the attractor contains two fixed points with different numbers of unstabledirections. The existence of such an attractor is known as unstable dimensionvariability (UDV), and has been studied in the physics literature [5, 9, 10, 18, 20, 21,19, 23, 28, 30, 32]. It is of particular interest, as unstable dimension variability resultsin nonshadowability.We start by describing the topological dynamics of the example. To understandthe role of the heteroclinic orbit in an attractor crisis, we need to be able to describewhen there is a transverse heteroclinic orbit connecting two periodic points. We thenneed to know how a heteroclinic cycle can form. The dynamics can be similar tothe planar case. Namely, when two three-dimensional periodic points have the samenumber of unstable directions, then a bifurcation must occur through tangency. Furthermore,since surfaces divide three-dimensional space, the heteroclinic cycles withexplosions in this case parallel the two-dimensional case.We now consider the case in which the two periodic points have a differentnumber of unstable directions (1 and 2). Assume that q is a fixed point with twounstable directions, whereas p is a fixed point which only has one unstable direction.

q10 K.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. Yorke(a)(b)kS(q)qU(q)S(p)U(p)p(c)kS(q)qU(q)S(p)U(p)pU(q)U(p)pkS(q)S(p)Figure 7: A heteroclinic bifurcation in three dimension without tangencies. (a) Atthe bifurcation, the one-dimensional manifolds intersect at k. The two-dimensionalmanifolds can either intersect with (b) or without (c) a twist.(For simplicity, we have chosen fixed points, but the statements below also hold forperiodic points.) For a heteroclinic cycle, we assume that a transverse intersectionoccurs between the manifolds of q and p. This must necessarily be an intersection ofthe two two-dimensional manifolds: the unstable manifold of q and the stable manifoldof p. Either the transverse intersection of stable and unstable manifolds contains noninvariantcomponents [11], or the intersection persistently connects the two periodicpoints. We assume the latter case, depicted in Figure 7. This implies that the onedimensioninvariant manifolds form the boundaries of the respective two-dimensionalmanifolds. That is, the unstable manifold of q is bounded by the unstable manifold ofp, and the stable manifold of q is the boundary of the stable manifold of p.Consider a bifurcation parameter value for which the two one-dimensional manifoldsintersect. This is not a tangency bifurcation, since generically these manifoldswill not share a common tangent space, as in Figure 7(a). However, since the onedimensionalmanifolds are the boundaries of two-dimensional manifolds, a bifurcationoccurs at the intersection of the one-dimensional manifolds.Diaz and Rocha use this construction with the assumption that the unstable stripand the two-dimensional stable manifold intersect without a twist, as shown in Figure7(b). In this case, the intersection point between the one-dimensional manifolds is

Explosions in dimensions one through three 11(a)(b)Figure 8: A numerical example of a heteroclinic bifurcation in three dimensions withouttangencies. There are two saddle fixed points, p and q. (a) Prior to bifurcation, theattractor contains p but does not contain q. It is contained in the closure of a portionof U(q). (b) At bifurcation, there is an explosion in which new points become part ofthe attractor. However, the density of the new part of the attractor is low.an explosion point: Prior to bifurcation, p and q are isolated recurrent points; all pointsnear U(p) map far from S(q), never returning near p. Likewise, no point in U(q) intersectsS(q), making q isolated in the recurrent set as well. After bifurcation, thereis a basic set containing transverse homoclinic points to both q and p. This impliesthat there is a basic set containing both q and p, fixed points with different numbers ofunstable directions. The basic set in this example is in general unstable. This is a counterpartof the explosions at tangency points in the one- and two-dimensional cases. Ifthere is an attractor involved, the crisis here would correspond to a blowout bifurcation,in which the entire attractor ceases to exist after the bifurcation point.We are interested in the three-dimensional counterpart of planar gap filling. Thatis, the case in which the intersection between the one-dimensional manifolds is not andexplosion point, but there are explosions occuring through this point. Gap filling correspondsto the case when the manifold U(q) twists at the bifurcation, as in Figure 7(c).Thus, prior to bifurcation there are homoclinic points to p, and after bifurcation thereare homoclinic points to q. The intersection is not an explosion point, but there maybe other explosion points occuring when the dynamics change. We have constructedthe first numerical example of this type of three-dimensional crossing bifurcation, asdepicted in Figure 8. Prior to bifurcation, there is an attractor contained in the unstablemanifold strip bounded by U(p) and the strong unstable manifold of p. Points feedinto the attractor from the inaccessible side of U(q). After bifurcation, this region becomesaccessible. As in the planar case, points are now able to return to this newlyaccessible side, resulting in an explosion in the size in the attractor. It also turns outthat after bifurcation, the attractor displays unstable dimension variability. Numericallycomputed stable and unstable manifolds for the example appearing in [3] are displayedin Figure 8.

12 K.T. Alligood - E. Sander - J.A. YorkeKSchematicC* C−C*Figure 9: Scaling of the iterate length in the old part of the attractor as a function of theparameter.4. Scaling laws for attractor densityImmediately after a crisis, there is a very low density of points in the new attractor.This low density is known as intermittency in the case of the period three windowof the logistic map [31]. For planar homoclinic and heteroclinic tangency crises, thescaling of the low density of the new points as a function of the parameter was analyzedin the 1980’s, as we describe in the section below. We have used similar methods towrite down a scaling law for three-dimensional bifurcations without tangencies.Consider a crisis in which the attractor before tangency is denoted A old , and thenew part of the attractor appearing at tangency is denoted A new . Consider any denseorbit. Define τ as the orbit length in A old between visits to A new , and K as the meanof τ. For large τ, P(τ) ∝ K −1 exp(τ/K). The density of A new can be approximatedby the reciprocal of K . The variation in density can be analyzed using scaling near thebifurcation point c = c ∗ . Notice that after the bifurcation lim |c−c ∗ |→0 K = ∞. We expectK to increase exponentially as |c− c ∗ | approaches zero, as depicted schematicallyin Figure 9.4.1. Scaling in two dimensionsGrebogi, Ott, Yorke [14, 15, 16] stated scaling laws for a planar homoclinic or heteroclinicbifurcation with a quadratic tangency. In the heteroclinic case such as depictedin Figure 6, we briefly describe the calculation used in order to illustrate its heavyreliance on the existence of a tangency. Let L be the lobe formed at y after passingthrough tangency. Then the following formula holds:A(L) = l · w = m(c − c∗) · √c− c∗.

Explosions in dimensions one through three 13The density of the new part of the attractor depends on this area, in that this is the onlyway for points in A old to enter A new . The square root in this formula is due to thequadratic tangency. Let L n = f n (L). Then A(L m ) = M A(L), where M depends onthe eigenvalues of q. These are the key ingredients giving rise to the scaling law.4.2. A new scaling law in three dimensionsFor the three-dimensional non-tangency bifurcation described in Section 3, we havedemonstrated numerically that there is a linear relationship between the logarithm ofthe mean transient length K and the logarithm of the distance from the bifurcationparameter (cf. [3]).Denote the eigenvalues of q by |λ 1 | > |λ 2 | > 1 > |µ|, and those of p by|β 1 | < |β 2 | < 1 < |α|. The set of points in the attractor (and thus on the twodimensionalunstable manifold U(q)) which exit A old must do so by coming very closeto the unstable manifold of p. Starting near p, the area of U(q) within ǫ of U(p) isapproximated using α and β 2 . We also need to know the fraction of points whichexit A old near U(p) which re-enter the attractor. This is done using the two unstableeigenvalues for the linearization at q. The estimate leads to the new scaling law, whichgive good agreement with numerical calculation. It states that the mean transient lengthis K(η) = η γ , whereγ = 1 + log |λ 1| log |α|+log |λ 2 | log |β 2 | .4.3. Unstable dimension variabilityThe low density of the new part of the attractor has interesting numerical implicationsin terms of testing for unstable dimension variability. Precisely, near the parameter atwhich a crisis occurs, the standard test for UDV is not applicable.In an attractor with a dense orbit which exhibits UDV, we know that the denseorbit comes arbitrarily close to the stable manifold of each fixed or periodic saddlepoint. Thus it is possible to find a sequence within the dense orbit which stays close toa fixed or periodic point for any prescribed number of iterates after any finite transientis removed. For simplicity, assume p and q are fixed points with different numbersof unstable directions in an attractor which exhibits UDV. Since the middle Lyapunovexponent of the fixed points have opposite signs, the orbit must have arbitrarily longfinite time sequences with the middle Lyapunov exponent being negative, and arbitrarilylong finite time sequences with the middle Lyapunov exponent being positive. Thestandard test for UDV uses this fluctuation of Lyapunov exponents around zero [10].In the case of UDV after a crossing bifurcation, although it is theoretically correctthat the Lyapunov exponents fluctuate around zero, the density of the attractor isquite low near the newly added fixed point. Therefore, it is computationally infeasibleto use the Lyapunov exponent test for UDV. See [3] for detailed numerical calculationsillustrated using the example depicted in Figure 8.

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Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino - Vol. 65, 1 (2007)Subalpine Rhapsody in DynamicsC. Bereanu - J. MawhinPERIODIC SOLUTIONS OF FIRST ORDER NONLINEARDIFFERENCE EQUATIONSAbstract. This paper surveys some recent results on the existence and multiplicity of periodicsolutions of nonlinear difference equations of the first order under Ambrosetti-Prodi orLandesman-Lazer type conditions.1. IntroductionPeriodic solutions of first and second order nonlinear difference equations have beenwidely studied, and the reader can consult [1, 9] for references. In some recent workwith C. Bereanu, we have adapted the topological approach to the upper and lower solutionsmethod to this class of problems and used it, together with Brouwer degree, toobtain new existence and multiplicity results of the Ambrosetti-Prodi and Landesman-Lazer type [2, 3]. In [4], we have used the same methodology to prove similar resultsfor second order nonlinear difference equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions.The present paper surveys some of those results and is restricted, for the sake of simplicity,to the case of periodic solutions of first order difference equations. Some of thearguments of [2, 3] are simplified, and some of the conclusions are sharpened.2. Periodic solutionsLet n ≥ 2 be a fixed integer. For (x 1 ,..., x n ) ∈ R n , define the first order differenceoperator (Dx 1 ,..., Dx n−1 ) ∈ R n−1 byDx m := x m+1 − x m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).Let f m : R n → R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) be continuous functions. We study the existenceof solutions for the periodic boundary value problem(1)Dx m + f m (x 1 ,..., x n ) = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n .Let(2)U n−1 = {x ∈ R n : x 1 = x n },so that U n−1 ≃ R n−1 because an element of U n−1 can be characterized by the coordinatesx 1 ,..., x n−1 . The restriction L : R n−1 → R n−1 of D to R n−1 is givenby(3)(Lx) m = x m+1 − x m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 2), (Lx) n−1 = x 1 − x n−1 ,17

18 C. Bereanu - J. Mawhinor, in matrix form, by the circulant matrix [6]⎛⎞−1 1 0 ··· ··· 00 −1 1 0 ··· 0··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···(4)⎜ ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···.⎟⎝ 0 ··· ··· 0 −1 1 ⎠1 0 ··· ··· 0 −1If we define F : R n−1 → R n−1 byF m (x 1 ,··· , x n−1 ) = f m (x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n−1 , x 1 ) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1),problem (1) is equivalent to study the zeros of the continuous mapping H : R n−1 →R n−1 defined by(5)H m (x) = (Lx) m + F m (x) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).3. Bounded nonlinearitiesLet us first consider the linear periodic problem(6)Dx m + αx m = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n ,where α ∈ R. The solutions of the corresponding difference system are given byx m = (1 − α) m−1 x 1(1 ≤ m ≤ n),and hence (6) has a solution if and only ifx 1 = (1 − α) n−1 x 1 .This immediately implies the followingLEMMA 1. Problem (6) has only the trivial solution if n is even and α ̸= 0 or ifn is odd and α ̸∈ {0, 2}. When α = 0, the solutions are of the form x m = c (1 ≤ m ≤n), and when n is odd and α = 2, they have the form x m = (−1) m−1 c (1 ≤ m ≤ n),with c ∈ R arbitrary.Let(7)b m : R n → R, (x 1 ,..., x n ) ↦→ b m (x 1 ,..., x n ) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1)be continuous and bounded, and consider the semilinear periodic problem(8)Dx m + αx m + b m (x 1 ,..., x n ) = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n .If L is defined like above and B : R n−1 → R n−1 byB m (x 1 ,..., x n−1 ) = b m (x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n−1 , x 1 ) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1),

Periodic solutions of difference equations 19then problem (8) is equivalent to the semilinear problem in R n−1(9)Lx + αx + B(x) = 0.We have the following existence result.THEOREM 1. Assume n odd and α ̸= 0 or n even and α ̸∈ {0, 2} and assumethat the functions b m in (7) are continuous and bounded. Then problem (8) has at leastone solution and, for all sufficiently large R,d B [L + αI + B, B(R), 0] = ±1.Proof. Let M > 0 is such that ‖B(v)‖ ≤ M for all v ∈ R n−1 . For each λ ∈ [0, 1],each possible zero u of L + αI + λB is such that, using Lemma 1,‖u‖ = λ‖(L + αI) −1 B(u)‖ ≤ ‖(L + αI) −1 ‖M.Hence, if we take any R > ‖(L + αI) −1 ‖M, and denote the Brouwer degree by d B(see [7]), the homotopy invariance of the degree implies thatd B [L + αI + B, B(R), 0] = d B [L + αI, B(R), 0] = ±1,and the existence follows from the existence property of Brouwer degree [7].4. Upper and lower solutionsLet f m : R → R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) be continuous functions, and let us consider theperiodic problem(10)Dx m + f m (x m ) = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n .DEFINITION 1. α = (α 1 ,...,α n ) (resp. β = (β 1 ,...,β n )) is called a lowersolution (resp. upper solution) for (10) ifand the inequalitiesα 1 ≥ α n (resp. β 1 ≤ β n ),(11)Dα m + f m (α m ) ≥ 0 (resp. Dβ m + f m (β m ) ≤ 0)hold for all 1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1. Such a lower or upper solution will be called strict if theinequality (11) is strict for all 1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1.The basic theorem for the method of upper and lower solutions goes as follows.The proof given here is a simplification of that given in [2], which is modeled on thecorresponding one for differential equations in [11].

20 C. Bereanu - J. MawhinTHEOREM 2. If (10) has a lower solution α = (α 1 ,...,α n ) and an uppersolution β = (β 1 ,...,β n ) such that α m ≤ β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n), then (10) has a solutionx = (x 1 ,..., x n ) such that α m ≤ x m ≤ β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n). Moreover, if α and β arestrict, then α m < x m < β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).Proof. I. A modified problem.Let γ m : R → R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) be the continuous functions defined by⎧⎨ β m if x > β m(12)γ m (x) = x if α m ≤ x ≤ β m⎩α m if x < α m .We consider the modified problem(13) Dx m − x m + f m ◦ γ m (x m ) + γ m (x m ) = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n ,and show that if x = (x 1 ,..., x n ) is a solution of (13) then α m ≤ x m ≤ β m (1 ≤m ≤ n), and hence x is a solution of (10). Suppose by contradiction that there is some1 ≤ i ≤ n such that α i − x i > 0 so that α m − x m = max 1≤ j≤n (α j − x j ) > 0. If1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1, thenwhich givesα m+1 − x m+1 ≤ α m − x m ,Dα m ≤ Dx m = x m − α m − f m (α m ) ≤ x m − α m + Dα m < Dα m ,a contradiction. Now the condition α 1 ≥ α n shows that the maximum is reached atm = n only if it is reached also at m = 1, a case already excluded. Analogously wecan show that x m ≤ β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n). We remark that if α,β are strict, the samereasoning gives α m < x m < β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).II. Solution of the modified problem.We use Brouwer degree to study the zeros of the continuous mapping G : R n−1 →R n−1 defined by(14) G m (x) = (Lx) m − x m + f m ◦ γ m (x m ) + γ m (x m ) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).By Lemma 1, L − I : R n−1 → R n−1 is invertible. On the other hand the mappingwith components f m ◦ γ m + γ m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) is bounded on R n−1 . Consequently,Theorem 1 implies the existence of R > 0 such that, for all ρ > R, one has(15)|d B [G, B(ρ), 0]| = 1,and, in particular, G has a zero ˜x ∈ B(ρ). Hence, x = (˜x, x 1 ) is a solution of (13),which means that α m ≤ x m ≤ β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n) and x is a solution of (10). Moreoverif α,β are strict, then α m < x m < β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).

Periodic solutions of difference equations 21Suppose now that α (resp. β) is a strict lower (resp. upper) solution of (10).Define the open set(16) αβ = {(x 1 ,..., x n−1 ) ∈ R n−1 : α m < x m < β m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1)},and the continuous mapping H : R n−1 → R n−1 by(17)H m (x) = (Lx) m + f m (x m ) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).COROLLARY 1. Assume that the conditions of Theorem 2 hold with strict lowerand upper solutions. Then(18)|d B [H, αβ , 0]| = 1,with αβ defined in (16).Proof. If ρ is large enough, then, using the additivity-excision property of Brouwerdegree [7], we have|d B [G, αβ , 0]| = |d B [G, B(ρ), 0]| = 1.On the other hand, H is equal to G on αβ , and then|d B [G, αβ , 0]| = |d B [H, αβ , 0]|.A simple but useful consequence of Theorem 2, goes as follows.COROLLARY 2. Assume that there exists numbers α ≤ β such thatf m (α) ≥ 0 ≥ f m (β) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).Then problem (10) has at least one solution with α ≤ x m ≤ β (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).Proof. Just observe that (α,...,α) is a lower solution and (β,...,β) an upper solutionfor (10).COROLLARY 3. For each p > 0, a m > 0 and b m ∈ R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) theproblemDx m − a m |x m | p−1 x m = b m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x nhas at least one solution.() 1/p|bProof. If R ≥ max m |1≤m≤n−1 a m , then (−R,...,−R) is a lower solution and(R,..., R) an upper solution.

22 C. Bereanu - J. MawhinREMARK 1. When β m ≤ α m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), one can try to repeat theargument of Theorem 2 by definingand considering the modified problem⎧⎨ α m if x > α mδ m (x) = x if β m ≤ x ≤ α m⎩β m if x < β m ,(19) Dx m + x m + f m ◦ δ m (x m ) − δ m (x m ) = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n .As L + I is invertible, the degree argument still gives the existence of at least onesolution for (19). If one tries to show that, say, β m ≤ x m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), and assumeby contradiction that β i − x i > 0 for some 1 ≤ i ≤ n, one gets no contradiction withDβ m + f m (β m ) ≤ 0. This is in contrast with the ordinary differential equation case,for which the argument works independently of their order [13]. The reason of thisdifference comes from the fact that a local extremum is characterized by an equality(vanishing of the first derivative) in the differential case and by two inequalities (withonly one usable in the argument) in the difference case. This raises the question ofthe validity of the method of upper and lower solutions with reversed upper and lowersolutions in the difference case. This question is solved by the negative in the next twosections.5. Spectrum of the linear partThe construction of the counter-example proving the last assertion above is clarifiedby analyzing the spectral properties of the first order difference operator with periodicboundary conditions.DEFINITION 2. An eigenvalue of the first order difference operator with periodicboundary conditions is any λ ∈ C such that the problem(20)Dx m = λx m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x nhas a nontrivial solution.Explicitly, system (20) can be written as(21)x 1 − x n = 0x 2 − (1 + λ)x 1 = 0... ... ... ... ...x n − (1 + λ)x n−1 = 0

Periodic solutions of difference equations 23and is equivalent to the matrix eigenvalue problem⎛⎞ ⎛−1 − λ 1 0 ··· ··· 00 −1 − λ 1 0 ··· 0(22)··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···⎜ ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···⎟ ⎜⎝ 0 ··· ··· 0 −1 − λ 1 ⎠ ⎝1 0 ··· ··· 0 −1 − λ⎞x 1x 2··⎟x n−2⎠x n−1= 0.Hence the eigenvalues λ k are λ k = −1 + µ k (0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2), where the µ k are theeigenvalues of the (permutation, unitary, circulant) matrix⎛⎞0 1 0 ··· ··· 00 0 1 0 ··· 0··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···⎜ ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···,⎟⎝ 0 ··· ··· 0 0 1 ⎠1 0 ··· ··· 0 0namely (see e.g. [6]),(23)λ k = −1 + e 2kπin−1 (0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2).The corresponding eigenvectors ϕ k (0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2) have componentsϕ k m = e 2kmπin−1 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).In particular, λ 0 = 0 is always a real eigenvalue, and all the other eigenvalues havenegative real part. If n = 2, 0 is the unique eigenvalue; if n > 2 is even, 0 is the uniquereal eigenvalue; if n is odd, λ n−1 = −2 is the unique nonzero real eigenvalue.26. Reversing the order of upper and lower solutionsFor n ≥ 2 odd and λ = −2, system (21) becomes(24)x 1 − x n = 0x 2 + x 1 = 0... ... ...x n + x n−1 = 0and has the solution ϕ associated to ϕ (n−1)/2 with componentsThe adjoint system(25)ϕ m = (−1) m−1(1 ≤ m ≤ n).x 1 + x 2 = 0... ... ...x n−1 + x n = 0−x 1 + x n = 0

24 C. Bereanu - J. Mawhinhas the same nontrivial solution ϕ. As b m = δ nm (1 ≤ m ≤ n) (Kronecker symbol) isnot orthogonal to the kernel of the adjoint system (25), the problemx 1 − x n = 0x 2 + x 1 = 0... ... ...x n−1 + x n−2 = 0x n + x n−1 = 1has no solution, or, equivalently the problem(26)Dx m + 2x m = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 2), Dx n−1 + 2x n−1 = 1, x 1 = x nhas no solution. However, α = (1,...,1) is a lower solution and β = (0,...,0) is anupper solution of (26) such that β m ≤ α m (1 ≤ m ≤ n).If now n > 2 is even, the problem(27)Dx m + 2x m = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 3), Dx n−2 + 2x n−2 = 1,Dx n−1 = 0, x 1 = x nis of course equivalent to the problemDx m + 2x m = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 3), Dx n−2 + 2x n−2 = 1, x 1 = x n−1 .As n − 1 is odd, it follows from the counter-example (26) that problem (27) has nosolution. However α = (1,...,1) is a lower solution and β = (0,...,0) is an uppersolution of (27) such that β m ≤ α m (1 ≤ m ≤ n). Those counter-examples were firstgiven in [3].For n = 2, problem (10) is equivalent to the unique scalar equationf 1 (x 1 ) = 0and, in this case, the validity of the method of upper and lower solutions, independentlyof their order, follows from its equivalence with Bolzano’s theorem applied to the realfunction f 1 .REMARK 2. Notice that, in contrast to the periodic problem for differenceequations, whose eigenvalues are in the left half-plane, all the eigenvalues λ k = 2kπiT(k ∈ Z) of the differential operatordt d with periodic boundary conditions on [0, T]are on the imaginary axis. This explains that the method of upper and lower solutionsworks irrespectively to the order of the lower and the upper solution.7. Ambrosetti-Prodi type multiplicity resultLet f 1 ,..., f n−1 : R → R be continuous functions, s ∈ R. Consider the problem,with n ≥ 2,(28)Dx m + f m (x m ) = s (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n ,

Periodic solutions of difference equations 25with the coercivity condition(29)f m (u) → ∞ as |u| → ∞ (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).When n = 2, problem (28) is equivalent to the scalar equation(30)f 1 (x 1 ) = sand, under condition (29) with m = 1, it is clear that there exists s 1 (= min R f 1 )such that for s < s 1 , equation (30) has no solution, for s = s 1 , equation (30) hasat least one solution, and for s > s 1 , equation (30) has at least two solutions. Weshow that a similar result holds for any n ≥ 2. Problems of this type were initiatedby Ambrosetti-Prodi for second order semilinear Dirichlet problems and the approachgiven here slightly simplifies the one given in [2], modeled on the method introduced in[12, 13] for periodic solutions of first and second order ordinary differential equations.LEMMA 2. If condition (29) holds, thenProof. From (29),n−1∑m=1f m (x m ) → +∞ if ‖x‖ → ∞.(31)(∃ c ∈ R)(∀ u ∈ R)(∀ m ∈ {1,...,n − 1}) : f m (u) ≥ c,and(32)(∀ R > 0)(∃ r ′ > 0)(∀u ∈ R : |u| ≥ r ′ )(∀ m ∈ {1,...,n − 1}) :f m (u) ≥ R − (n − 2)c.If r = √ n − 1r ′ and if x ∈ R m−1 is such that ‖x‖ ≥ r, then, for at least one j ∈{1,...,n − 1}, one has |x j | ≥ r ′ , so that, using (31) and (32),n−1∑m=1f m (x m ) =n−1∑[ f m (x m ) − c] + (n − 1)c ≥ f j (x j ) − c + (n − 1)cm=1≥ R − (n − 2)c − c + (n − 1)c = R.Consequently, ∑ n−1m=1 f m(x m ) → +∞ if ‖x‖ → ∞.LEMMA 3. Let b ∈ R. If condition (29) holds, there is ρ = ρ(b) > 0 such thateach possible solution x of (28) with s ≤ b is such that ‖x‖ < ρ.Proof. Let s ≤ b and (x 1 ,..., x n ) be a solution of (28). We see that(33)n−1∑m=1and the result follows from Lemma 2.f m (x m ) = (n − 1)s ≤ (n − 1)b.

26 C. Bereanu - J. MawhinTHEOREM 3. If the functions f m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) satisfy (29), there existss 1 ∈ R such that (28) has zero, at least one or at least two solutions according tos < s 1 , s = s 1 , s > s 1 .Proof. LetS j = {s ∈ R : (28) has at least j solutions } ( j ≥ 1).(a) S 1 ̸= ∅.Take s ∗ > max 1≤m≤n−1 f m (0) and use (29) to find R− ∗ < 0 such thatmin f m(R− ∗ ) > 1≤m≤n−1 s∗ .Then α with α j = R ∗ − < 0 (1 ≤ j ≤ n) is a strict lower solution and β with β j = 0(1 ≤ j ≤ n) is a strict upper solution for (28) with s = s ∗ . Hence, using Theorem 2,s ∗ ∈ S 1 .(b) If˜s ∈ S 1 and s >˜s then s ∈ S 1 .Let ˜x = (˜x 1 ,...,˜x n ) be a solution of (28) with s =˜s, and let s >˜s. Then ˜x is a strictupper solution for (28). Take now R − < min 1≤m≤n ˜x m such that min 1≤m≤n−1 f m (R − )> s It follows that α with α j = R − (1 ≤ j ≤ n) is a strict lower solution for (28), andhence, using Theorem 2, s ∈ S 1 .(c) s 1 = inf S 1 is finite and S 1 ⊃ ]s 1 ,∞[.Let s ∈ R and suppose that (28) has a solution (x 1 ,..., x n ). Then (33) holds, fromwhere we deduce that s ≥ c, with c ∈ R given in (31). To obtain the second part ofclaim (c) S 1 ⊃]s 1 ,∞[ we apply (b).(d) S 2 ⊃ ]s 1 ,∞[.We reformulate (28) to apply Brouwer degree theory. Consider the continuous mappingG : R × R n−1 → R n−1 defined byG m (s, x) = (Lx) m + f m (x m ) − s (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).Then (x 1 ,..., x n−1 , x 1 ) is a solution of (28) if and only if (x 1 ,..., x n−1 ) ∈ R n−1 isa zero of G(s,·). Let s 3 < s 1 < s 2 . Using Lemma 3 we find ρ > 0 such that eachpossible zero of G(s,·) with s ∈ [s 3 , s 2 ] is such that max 1≤m≤n−1 |x m | < ρ. Consequently,d B [G(s,·), B(ρ), 0] is well defined and does not depend upon s ∈ [s 3 , s 2 ].However, using (c), we see that G(s 3 , x) ̸= 0 for all x ∈ R n−1 . This implies thatd B [G(s 3 ,·), B(ρ), 0] = 0, so that d B [G(s 2 ,·), B(ρ), 0] = 0 and, by excision property,d B [G(s 2 ,·), B(ρ ′ ), 0] = 0 if ρ ′ > ρ. Let s ∈ ]s 1 , s 2 [ and ̂x = (̂x 1 ,...,̂x n ) be a solutionof (28) (using (c)). Then ̂x is a strict upper solution of (28) with s = s 2 . LetR < min 1≤ j≤n ̂x j be such that min 1≤m≤n−1 f m (R) > s 2 . Then (R,..., R) ∈ R n is astrict lower solution of (28) with s = s 2 . Consequently, using Corollary 1, (28) withs = s 2 has a solution in R̂x and|d B [G(s 2 ,·), R̂x , 0]| = 1.Taking ρ ′ sufficiently large, we deduce from the additivity property of Brouwer degree

Periodic solutions of difference equations 27that|d B [G(s 2 ,·), B(ρ ′ ) \ R̂x , 0]| = |d B [G(s 2 ,·), B(ρ ′ ), 0] − d B [G(s 2 ,·), R̂x , 0]|= |d B [G(s 2 ,·), R̂x , 0]| = 1,and (28) with s = s 2 has a second solution in B(ρ ′ ) \ R̂x .(e) s 1 ∈ S 1 .Taking a decreasing sequence (σ k ) k∈N in ]s 1 ,∞[ converging to s 1 , a correspondingsequence (x k 1 ,..., xk n ) of solutions of (28) with s = σ k and using Lemma 3, we obtaina subsequence (x j k1 ,..., x j kn ) which converges to a solution (x 1 ,..., x n ) of (28) withs = s 1 .COROLLARY 4. If p > 0, a m > 0 and b m ∈ R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), there existss 1 ∈ R such that the periodic problemDx m + a m |x m | p = s + b m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x nhas no solution if s < s 1 , at least one solution if s = s 1 and at least two solutions ifs > s 1 .Similar arguments allow to prove the following result.THEOREM 4. If the functions f m satisfy condition(34)f m (x) → −∞ as |x| → ∞ (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).then there is s 1 ∈ R such that (28) has zero, at least one or at least two solutionsaccording to s > s 1 , s = s 1 or s < s 1 .COROLLARY 5. If p > 0, a m > 0 and b m ∈ R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), there existss 1 ∈ R such that the periodic problemDx m − a m |x m | p = s + b m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x nhas no solution if s > s 1 , at least one solution if s = s 1 and at least two solutions ifs < s 1 .8. One-side bounded nonlinearitiesThe nonlinearity in Ambrosetti-Prodi type problems is bounded from below and coerciveor bounded from above and anticoercive. In this section, we consider nonlinearitieswhich are bounded from below or above but have different limits at +∞ and −∞.Let n ≥ 2 be an integer and f m : R → R continuous functions (1 ≤ m ≤ n−1).Consider the problem(35)Dx m + f m (x m ) = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n .

28 C. Bereanu - J. MawhinIt is easy to check that the linear mapping L defined in (3) is such thatN(L) = {(c,...,c) ∈ R n−1 : c ∈ R},R(L) = {(y 1 ,..., y n−1 ) ∈ R n−1 :n−1∑m=1y m = 0}.The projector P : R n−1 → R n−1P(x 1 ,..., x n−1 ) ==(1n − 1(1n − 1n−1∑m=1n−1∑m=1x m ,...,x m)(1,...,1))1 ∑n−1x mn − 1m=1is such that N(P) = R(L), R(P) = N(L). Let us finally define F : R n−1 → R n−1byF(x 1 ,..., x n−1 ) = ( f 1 (x 1 ),..., f n−1 (x n−1 )),and let H = L + F, so that the solutions of (35) correspond to the zeros of H. To studythem using Brouwer degree, we introduce, like in Theorem IV.13 of [10] the family ofequations(36)Lx + (1 − λ)P F(x) + λF(x) = 0, λ ∈ [0, 1].LEMMA 4. For each λ ∈]0, 1], equation (36) is equivalent to equation(37)Lx + λF(x) = 0.For λ = 0, equation (36) is equivalent to equation(38)P F(x) = 0,x ∈ N(L).Proof. We first notice that, applying P to both members of equation (36), we getP F(x) = 0and hence, for λ ∈]0, 1], equation (36) implies equation (37), and, for λ = 0, impliesequation (38). Conversely, if equation (37) holds and λ ∈ ]0, 1], then, applying P toboth members, we get P F(x) = 0 and we may add (1 − λ)P F(x) to the left-handmember to obtain (36). If equation (38) holds, thenP F(x) = 0, Lx = 0,and hence (36) with λ = 0 follows by addition.The following Lemma, taken from [2], adapts to difference equations an argumentof Ward [14] for ordinary differential equations.

Periodic solutions of difference equations 29LEMMA 5. If the functions f m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), are all bounded from belowor all bounded from above, say by c, and if for some R > 0(39)n−1∑m=1f m (x m ) ̸= 0 whenever min1≤ j≤n−1 x j ≥ R or max1≤ j≤n−1 x j ≤ −R,then, for each λ ∈]0, 1] each possible zero x of L + λF is such that(40)max |x j| < R + 2(n − 1)|c|.1≤ j≤n−1Proof. Let (λ, x) ∈]0, 1] × R n−1 be a possible zero of L + λN. It is a solution of theequivalent system(41)n−1∑m=1f m (x m ) = 0, Dx m + λf m (x m ) = 0, x 1 = x n , (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).On the other hand, if we assume, say, that each f m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) is bounded frombelow, say by c, we have, for all 1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1, and all u ∈ R,and hence(42)| f m (u)| − |c| ≤ | f m (u) − c| = f m (u) − c,| f m (u)| ≤ f m (u) + 2|c|.Consequently, using (41) and (42), we obtain(43)We deduce(44)n−1∑ ∑ ∑|Dx m | = λ | f m (x m )| ≤ | f m (x m )|m=1≤n−1m=1n−1∑m=1n−1m=1f m (x m ) + 2(n − 1)|c| = 2(n − 1)|c|.max x m ≤ min x ∑n−1m + |Dx m |1≤m≤n−1 1≤m≤n−1Using (41) and assumption (39), we obtainCombined with (44), this gives−[R + 2(n − 1)|c|]

30 C. Bereanu - J. MawhinDefine ϕ : R → R byso that, for u(1,...,1) ∈ N(L),ϕ(u) = 1n − 1( ∑n−1)f m (u) ,m=1P F(u(1,...,1)) = ϕ(u)(1,...,1).The following theorem slightly sharpens a result of [2].THEOREM 5. Suppose that the functions f m (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1) are all boundedfrom below or all bounded from above, and that for some R > 0 and ǫ ∈ {−1, 1},(45)ǫǫn−1∑m=1n−1∑m=1f m (x m ) ≥ 0 whenever min1≤ j≤n−1 x j ≥ Rf m (x m ) ≤ 0 whenever max1≤ j≤n−1 x j ≤ −R.Then, problem (35) has at least one solution.Proof. For definiteness, assume that each f m is bounded from below by c. For eachk ≥ 1, let us definef m (k) (x ǫx mm) = f m (x m ) +k(1 + |x m |)(1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1),so that each f (k)m is bounded from below by c − 1 and, using assumption (45),(46)ǫǫn−1∑m=1n−1∑m=1f (k)m (x m) > 0 whenever min1≤ j≤n−1 x j ≥ Rf (k)m (x m) < 0 whenever max1≤ j≤n−1 x j ≤ −R.Define F (k) : R n−1 → R n−1 byF m(k) (x 1,..., x n−1 ) = f m (k) (x m) (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1).Lemma 5 implies that each possible solution x (k) of each equation(47)Lx + λF (k) (x) = 0 (k = 1, 2,...), (λ ∈ ]0, 1])is such thatmax1≤m≤n−1 |x(k) m| < R + 2(n − 1)(|c| + 1) := ρ (k = 1, 2,...).

Periodic solutions of difference equations 31Furthermore, condition (46) with x 1 = ... = x n−1 = ±ρ implies thatP F (k) (±ρ(1,...,1)) = 1 ∑n−1n − 1m=1f m (k) (±ρ) ̸= 0.If C(ρ) = (] − ρ,ρ[) n−1 , it follows then from Lemma 4 and the homotopy invarianceof Brouwer degree, that, for each k = 1, 2,...,d B [L + F (k) , C(ρ)), 0] = d B [L + P F (k) , C(ρ), 0].Now, L + P : R n−1 → R n−1 is an isomorphism and, for z ∈ R(P), we have(L + P) −1 z = z, so that, using the multiplication property of the Brouwer degreeand denoting the Brouwer index by i B (see e.g. [7]), we obtaind B [L + P F (k) , C(ρ), 0] = d B [(L + P)[I + (L + P) −1 (P F (k) − P)], C(ρ), 0]= i B (L + P, 0) · d B [I − P + P F (k) , C(ρ), 0]= ±d B [I − P + P F (k) , C(ρ), 0].Now, the Leray-Schauder reduction formula (see e.g. [7]) implies thatd B [I − P + P F (k) , C(ρ), 0] = d B [P F (k) | N(L) , C(ρ) ∩ N(L), 0]= d B [ϕ (k) ,] − ρ,ρ[, 0],whereϕ (k) (u) = ϕ(u) +ǫuk(1 + |u|) .Now assumption (45) with x 1 = ... = x n−1 = ±ρ implies that ϕ (k) (−ρ)ϕ (k) (ρ) < 0for all k = 1, 2,..., so thatd B [ϕ (k) ,] − ρ,ρ[, 0] = ±1.Thus it follows from the existence property of Brouwer degree that equation (47) hasat least one solution x (k) such that x (k) ∈ C(ρ) for all k = 1, 2,.... Going if necessaryto a subsequence, we can assume that x (k) → x ∈ C(ρ) which is a zero of L + F andhence a solution of (35)Let u + = max{u, 0}.COROLLARY 6. For p > 0, a m > 0, b m ∈ R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), the periodicproblem(48)Dx m + a m (x + m )p − b m = 0 (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), x 1 = x n ,has at least one solution if and only ifn−1∑b m ≥ 0.m=1

32 C. Bereanu - J. MawhinWhen a m < 0 and b m ∈ R (1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), problem (48) has at least one solution ifand only ifn−1∑b m ≤ 0.m=1Proof. For the necessity, if problem (48) has a solution x, thenn−1∑ ∑b m = a m (x m + )p ≥ 0.m=1n−1m=1For the sufficiency, each function f m (x m ) = a m (x + m )p − b m is bounded from below by−b m . Furthermore, ifR ≥(∑ n−1m=1 b ) 1/pm∑ n−1m=1 a ,mthen ∑ n−1m=1 f m(x m ) ≥ 0 when min 1≤m≤n−1 x m ≥ R. On the other hand, ∑ n−1m=1 f m(x m )= − ∑ n−1m=1 b m ≤ 0 when max 1≤m≤n−1 x m ≤ 0. Hence the result follows from Theorem5. The proof of the other case is similar.References[1] AGARWAL R.P., Difference equations and inequalities, 2nd ed., Marcel Dekker, New York 2000.[2] BEREANU C. AND MAWHIN J., Existence and multiplicity results for periodic solutions of nonlineardifference equations, J. Difference Equations Applic. 12 (2006), 677–695.[3] BEREANU C. AND MAWHIN J., Upper and lower solutions for periodic problems : first order differencevs first order differential equations, in: “Proceed. Intern. Conf. Analysis Applic. (Craiova 2005)”,(Eds. Niculescu C. and Radulescu V.), Amer. Inst. Physics, Melville, NY, vol. 835, 2006, 30–36.[4] BEREANU C. AND MAWHIN J., Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear second order differenceequations with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Math. Bohemica 131 (2006), 145–160.[5] CHIAPPINELLI R., MAWHIN J. ANS NUGARI R., Generalized Ambrosetti-Prodi conditions for nonlineartwo-point boundary value problems, J. Differential Equations 69 (1987), 422–434.[6] DAVIS PH.J., Circulant matrices, Wiley, New York 1979.[7] DEIMLING K., Nonlinear functional analysis, Springer, Berlin 1985.[8] FABRY C., MAWHIN J. AND NKASHAMA M., A multiplicity result for periodic solutions of forcednonlinear second order ordinary differential equations, Bull. London Math. Soc. 18 (1986), 173–180.[9] KELLEY W.G. AND PETERSON A.C., Difference equations, 2nd ed., Harcourt, San Diego 2001.[10] MAWHIN J., Topological degree methods in nonlinear boundary value problems, CBMS Reg. Conf. inMath. 40, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence 1979.[11] MAWHIN J., Points fixes, points critiques et problèmes aux limites, Sémin. Math. Sup. 92, PressesUniv. Montréal, Montréal 1985.[12] MAWHIN J., Ambrosetti-Prodi type results in nonlinear boundary value problems, Lecture Notes Math.1285, Springer, Berlin 1986, 390–413.

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Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino - Vol. 65, 1 (2007)Subalpine Rhapsody in DynamicsJ. Fan - S. Jiang †ZERO SHEAR VISCOSITY LIMIT FOR THE NAVIER-STOKESEQUATIONS OF COMPRESSIBLE ISENTROPIC FLUIDSWITH CYLINDRIC SYMMETRY ∗Abstract. We study the problem of the limit process as the shear viscosity goes to zero forglobal weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations of compressible isentropic fluids withcylindric symmetry between two circular cylinders. We prove that the limit of the globalweak solutions is a weak solution of the corresponding system with zero shear viscosity.1. IntroductionWe shall study the convergence of solutions of the the Navier-Stokes equations fora compressible isentropic fluid with cylindric symmetry, as the shear viscosity goesto zero. In this paper we restrict ourselves to isentropic flows between two circularcoaxial cylinders and assume that the motion of the flows depends only on the radialvariable and the time variable. The corresponding symmetric form of the compressibleisentropic Navier-Stokes equations, which express the conservation of mass and thebalance of momentum, can be written as [35](1) ρ t + (ρu) x + ρux = 0,(ρu) t + (ρu 2 ) x + ρu2(2)(3)(4)x(ρv) t + (ρuv) x + 2ρuvx(ρw) t + (ρuw) x + ρuwx(+ P x = (λ + 2ǫ) u x + u )x− ρv2x(= ǫ v x + v ),x x(= ǫ w xx + w xxHere ρ is the density, u, v and w are the radial, angular and axial components of thevelocity vector ⃗v, respectively, x is the radial variable;).P ≡ P(ρ) = aρ γ , γ > 1denotes the pressure, and λ, ǫ, a and γ are positive constants which stand for the bulk(expansion) viscosity coefficient, shear viscosity coefficient, gas constant and specificheat ratio, respectively.x,∗ Supported by the NSFC (Grant No. 10301014, 10225105) and the National Basic Research Program(Grant No. 2005CB321700) of China.† Corresponding author.35

36 J. Fan - S. JiangWe shall consider the following initial boundary value problem for (1)–(4) inthe domain Q T := (0, T) × with := {0 < r 1 < x < r 2 < ∞}:(5)(6)u = 0, v = v i (t), w = w i (t) for x = r i , i = 1, 2,(ρ, u,v,w)| t=0 = (ρ 0 , u 0 ,v 0 ,w 0 ).The boundary conditions (5) imply that the fluid sticks at the bounding cylinders whichmove in such a way that the axis of symmetry is fixed. For simplicity, we take herev i (t) = w i (t) ≡ 0, since otherwise we can usev −( r2 − xr 2 − r 1v 1 + x − r 1r 2 − r 1v 2)and w −( r2 − xr 2 − r 1w 1 + x − r 1r 2 − r 1w 2)to replace v and w, respectively, and thus the proof only needs minor modifications.The asymptotic behavior of viscous flows, as the viscosity vanishes, is one ofthe important topics in the theory of compressible flows, and the problem of smallviscosity finds many applications, for example, in the boundary layer theory [43].Assuming that(7) ρ 0 ∈ H 1 (), inf ρ 0 > 0, u 0 , v 0 , w 0 ∈ H 1 0 (),Shelukhin studies the zero shear viscosity limit for flows with heat-conducting betweentwo parallel plates [47, 48], while in [49] he investigates the passage to the limit fora free-boundary problem of describing a joint motion of two compressible fluids withdifferent viscosities, as the shear viscosity of one of the fluids vanishes.In [17] Frid and Shelukhin investigate the cylinder symmetric isentropic problem(1)–(6). For the cylinder symmetric case, the velocity components influence eachother through the momentum equations. This is one of the main differences betweenthe systems considered in [47, 48, 17]. Under the conditions (7), Frid and Shelukhinprove that the problem (1)–(6) possesses a unique strong solution (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) satisfyingρ ǫ ∈ L ∞ (0, T; H 1 ), ∂ t ρ ǫ ∈ L ∞ (0, T; L 2 ), infQ Tρ ǫ > 0,(u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) ∈ L ∞ (0, T; H 1 0 ) ∩ L2 (0, T; H 2 ), (∂ t u ǫ ,∂ t v ǫ ,∂ t w ǫ ) ∈ L 2 (Q T ).Furthermore, they use the method developed in [47] to obtain the following uniform inǫ estimates:∫ []ρ ǫ (u 2 ǫ + v2 ǫ + w2 ǫ ) + ργ ǫ dx+∫ T0∫[(λ + 2ǫ)(∂ x u ǫ ) 2 + ǫ(∂ x v ǫ ) 2 + ǫ(∂ x w ǫ ) 2] dxdt ≤ C,C −1 ≤ ρ ǫ ≤ C, ‖(v ǫ ,w ǫ )‖ L ∞ (Q T ) ≤ C,‖∂ x ρ ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;L 2 ) ≤ C, ‖∂ tρ ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;L 2 ) ≤ C,‖(∂ t u ǫ ,∂ 2 x u ǫ)‖ L 2 (Q T ) + ‖∂ xu ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;L 2 ) ≤ C,

Zero shear viscosity limit in compressible isentropic fluids 37where C is a positive constant independent of ǫ. Thus, using these uniform estimates,they can prove by the standard compactness imbedding arguments that as ǫ → 0,(8)(ρ ǫ , u ǫ ) → (ρ, u) strongly in C( ¯Q T ),(v ǫ ,w ǫ ) ⇀ (v,w) weak- ∗ in L ∞ (Q T ).Then, with the help of (8), they utilize a framework suitable for transport equationswhich allows one to improve the weak convergence to the strong one by analyzing andcomparing the equations deduced for (z) and (z), where z is any of the two velocitycomponents v or w, : R → R is a convex function, and (z) denotes the weak limitof (z ǫ ) with z ǫ = v ǫ or z ǫ = w ǫ . This idea of improvement of weak convergencegoes back to the notion of the renormalized solutions introduced by Diperna and Lions[11], and applied and further developed in [25, 38, 39, 33, 34, 29, 14, 16, 48, 18, 30,15, 50] and among others.The problem of vanishing both shear and bulk (expansion) viscosity coefficients(λ,µ) is much more complex and the situation becomes delicate. It is expected that ageneral weak entropy solution to the Euler equations should be (strong) limit of solutionsto the corresponding compressible Navier-Stokes equations with the same initialdata as the viscosity and heat conductivity tend to zero. Indeed, the vanishing viscositylimit for the Cauchy problem for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations has beenstudied by several researchers.For the one-dimensional isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations, Di-Perna [9] uses the method of compensated compactness and establishes a.e. convergenceas viscosity goes to zero of admissible solutions of the Navier-Stokes equationsto an admissible solution of the corresponding Euler equations, provided that solutionsof the Navier-Stokes equations are bounded and the density is bounded away from zerouniformly with respect to the viscosity coefficients. However, this uniform boundednessis difficult to verify in general, and the abstract analysis in [9] gets little informationon the qualitative nature of the viscous solutions. In [27] Hoff and Liu investigatethe inviscid limit problem in the case that the underlying inviscid flow is a single weakshock wave, and they show that solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equationswith shock data exist and converge to the inviscid shocks, as viscosity vanishes, uniformlyaway from the shocks. Based on [19, 27], Xin in [52] shows that the solutionto the Cauchy problem of the one-dimensional compressible isentropic Navier-Stokesequations with weak centered rarefaction wave data exists for all time and convergesto the weak centered rarefaction wave solution of the corresponding Euler equations,as viscosity tends to zero, uniformly away from the initial discontinuity. Moreover, fora given centered rarefaction wave to the Euler equations with finite strength, he constructsa viscous solution to the compressible Navier-Stokes system with initial datadepending on the viscosity, such that the viscous solution approaches the centered rarefactionwave at the rate 1/4 of viscosity uniformly for all time away from t = 0.Recently, Jiang, Ni and Sun [32] extended this result to the non-isentropic case by usingsome ideas from the stability study of rarefaction waves [40, 41] and the time-decayproperty of initial discontinuities [24].In the vanishing viscosity limit, the existence and stability of multidimensional

38 J. Fan - S. Jiangshock fronts for the multidimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations are provedin [23] and the Prandtl boundary layers (characteristic boundaries) are studied forthe linearized case in [53, 54, 51] by using asymptotic analysis, while the boundarylayer stability in the case of non-characteristic boundaries and one spatial dimensionis discussed in [46, 42]. We also mention that there is an extensive literature on thevanishing artificial viscosity limit for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, see, forexample, [9, 10, 19, 37, 36, 55, 20, 45, 5, 21, 22, 3], also cf. the monographs [4, 8, 44]and the references therein.Concerning the zero shear viscosity limit for (1)–(6), to our best knowledge, theknown results are concerned with strong solutions under the conditions (7). The aimof this paper is to prove a similar vanishing shear viscosity limit result under weakerregularity assumptions on the initial data. Namely, we will study the limit as ǫ → 0 of(1)–(6) under the following conditions on the initial data:(9) inf ρ 0 > 0, ρ 0 ∈ L ∞ (), u 0 ∈ L 2 (), (v 0 ,w 0 ) ∈ L ∞ ().Under (9), it is not difficult to prove that there exists at least one global weak solution(ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) with ρ ǫ > 0 to the problem (1)–(6) by using arguments similarto those in, for example, [1, 2, 6, 39, 56, 26, 31, 28]. Moreover, (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ) is a renormalizedsolution of the equation (1), see [39]. On the other hand, for the vanishingshear viscosity limit for the weak solutions here, compared with the strong solutionsdealt with in [17], the main difficulty lies in the derivation of the strong convergenceof the density ρ ǫ , due to lack of uniform a priori estimates on derivatives of ρ ǫ . Toovercome such difficulties, we use the techniques in the study of the global existenceof weak solutions to the multidimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations (see,e.g., [38, 14, 16, 29]), and exploit the feature of the equation (2).Before stating our main result, we introduce the definition of weak solutions.DEFINITION 1. (i) We call (ρ, u,v,w)(x, t) a global weak solution of (1)–(6),if for any T > 0, ρ(x, t) ≥ 0 on [0, T] × , andρ,v,w ∈ L ∞ (Q T ), u,v,w ∈ L 2 (0, T; H 1 0 ), u ∈ L∞ (0, T; L 2 ),and the following equations hold:∫ T ∫∫(10)ρ(ϕ t + uϕ x )xdxdt +(11)(12)∫ T0∫0ρ 0 ϕ(x, 0)xdx = 0,{[(xρuφ t + xρu 2 φ x + ρv 2 φ + P(ρ) − (λ + 2ǫ) u x + u } )](xφ) x dxdtx∫+ xρ 0 u 0 φ(x, 0)dx = 0,∫ T0∫{(xρvφ t + xρuvφ x − ρuvφ − ǫ v x + v } )(xφ) x dxdtx∫+ xρ 0 v 0 φ(x, 0)dx = 0,

Zero shear viscosity limit in compressible isentropic fluids 39(13)∫ T0∫} ∫{xρwφ t + xρuwφ x − ǫxw x φ x dxdt + xρ 0 w 0 φ(x, 0)dx = 0,for any ϕ,φ ∈ C 1 ( ¯Q T ), φ ∈ C([0, T], H0 1 ) and ϕ(·, T) = φ(·, T) = 0.ii) We call (ρ, u,v,w)(x, t) a global weak solution of (1)–(6) with ǫ = 0, if for anyT > 0, ρ(x, t) ≥ 0 on [0, T] × , andρ,v,w ∈ L ∞ (Q T ), u ∈ L ∞ (0, T; L 2 ) ∩ L 2 (0, T; H 1 0 ),and ρ, u,v,w satisfy the equations (10)–(13) with ǫ = 0.Thus, the main result of this paper reads:THEOREM 1. Assume that the initial data satisfy (9). Then there exists a globalweak solution (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) of the problem (1)–(6). Moreover, there is a sequenceǫ n ↓ 0, such that as ǫ n → 0,(ρ ǫn ,v ǫn ,w ǫn ) → (ρ,v,w) strongly in L p (Q T ), u ǫn → u strongly in L s (Q T ),∂ x u ǫn → u x strongly in L 2 (Q T )for any p ∈ [1,∞) and s ∈ [1, 6). In addition, the limit (ρ, u,v,w) is a global weaksolution of (1)–(6) with ǫ = 0.REMARK 1. (i) If inf ρ 0 = 0 and (ρ 0 , u 0 ) satisfies a natural compatibility condition,then we can prove that the problem (1)–(6) has a unique global smooth solution.For the proof, see [7] when γ ≥ 2 and [13] when 1 < γ ≤ 2.(ii) A similar result has been obtained recently for the magnetohydrodynamicequations by Fan [12].The next section gives the uniform estimates which will be used in the finalsection to complete the proof of Theorem 1.As the end of this section, we introduce the notation used throughout this paper.L p (I, B) respectively ‖ · ‖ L p (I,B) denotes the space of all strongly measurable, pthpowerintegrable (essentially bounded if p = ∞) functions from I to B respectively itsnorm, I ⊂ R an interval, B a Banach space. C(I, B − w) is the space of all functionswhich are in L ∞ (I, B) and continuous in t with values in B endowed with the weaktopology. We will use the abbreviation:L q (0, T; W m,p ) ≡ L q (0, T; W m,p ()),‖ · ‖ L q (0,T;W m,p ) ≡ ‖ · ‖ L q (0,T;W m,p ()),‖ · ‖ L p ≡ ‖ · ‖ L p ().on ǫ.The same letter C will denote various positive constants which do not depend2. Uniform a priori estimatesWe denote the weak solution of (1)–(6) by (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) throughout the rest of thispaper. This section is devoted to the derivation of a priori estimates of (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ )

40 J. Fan - S. Jiangwhich are independent of ǫ .We start with the following conservation identity which is obtained by multiplying(1) by x, integrating the resulting equation over (0, t) × and using the boundaryconditions (5):∫∫(14)xρ ǫ (x, t)dx = xρ 0 (x)dx.The following lemma gives an elementary energy estimate which is proved in[17] by multiplying the system (2)–(4) by (u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) in L 2 ((0, t) × ) and using (1).(15)LEMMA 1. The following energy estimate holds.∫ [ xsupt∈[0,T] 2 ρ ǫ(u 2 ǫ + v2 ǫ + w2 ǫ ) + axγ − 1 ργ ǫ∫ T ∫+0](x, t)dx[x (λ + 2ǫ)(∂ x u ǫ ) 2 + ǫ(∂ x v ǫ ) 2 + ǫ(∂ x w ǫ ) 2+(λ + 2ǫ) u2 ǫx 2 + ǫ v2 ǫx 2 ]dxdt ≤ C.whereAs in [17], we rewrite the equation (2) in the form[((ρ ǫ u ǫ ) t + ρ ǫ u 2 ǫ + P ǫ − (λ + 2ǫ) ∂ x u ǫ + u ) ]ǫ+ σ ǫxσ ǫ :=It is easy to see that by (15),∫ xρ ǫ (u 2 ǫ − v2 ǫ )r 1z(16) ‖σ ǫ ‖ L ∞ (Q T ) ≤ C.ϕ ǫ (t, x) :=Introducing the function∫ t0{ ((λ + 2ǫ)∂ x u ǫ + u ǫxone has((17) ∂ x ϕ ǫ = ρ ǫ u ǫ , ∂ t ϕ ǫ = (λ + 2ǫ)dz, P ǫ := aρ γ ǫ .x= 0,) } ∫ x− ρu 2 ǫ − P ǫ − σ ǫ (x,τ)dτ + ρ 0 u 0 dξ,r 1∂ x u ǫ + u ǫx)− ρ ǫ u 2 ǫ − P ǫ − σ ǫ .Observe that by virtue of (15), (17), the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and (14),‖∂ x ϕ ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;L 1 ) ≤ ‖ρ ǫu ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;L 1 )≤ C‖ √ xρ ǫ u ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;L 2 ) ‖√ xρ ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;L 2 )≤ C

Zero shear viscosity limit in compressible isentropic fluids 41andsupt∈[0,T]∫∣ϕ(x, t)dx∣ ≤ C.Hence, the generalized Poincaré inequality implies(18) ‖ϕ ǫ ‖ L ∞ (Q T ) ≤ C.Utilizing the equations (17), and the estimates (16) and (18), following the samearguments as in [17, Lemma 2.2], we obtain the following lemma, the proof of whichis therefore omitted.LEMMA 2. There are positive constants ρ, ρ independent of ǫ, such that(19) ρ ≤ ρ ǫ (x, t) ≤ ρ ∀ x ∈ ¯, t ≥ 0.As a consequence of Lemmas 1 and 2, one has by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequalitythat(20)∫ T0‖u ǫ ‖ 6 L 6 dt ≤ ‖u ǫ ‖ 2 L ∞ (0,T;L 2 )≤ C≤ C≤ C.∫ T0∫ T0∫ T0‖u ǫ ‖ 4 L ∞dt( ∫ r 2 ) 2dt|u ǫ ∂ x u ǫ |dξr 1‖u ǫ ‖ 2 L 2 ‖∂ x u ǫ ‖ 2 L 2 dtNow, one can apply Lemma 1 and (19) to the parabolic equations (2)–(4) toobtain bounds on the time derivative of (ρ ǫ ,ρ ǫ ⃗v ǫ ):LEMMA 3.(21) ‖∂ t ρ ǫ ‖ L ∞ (0,T;H −1 ) + ‖∂ t(ρ ǫ ⃗v ǫ )‖ L 2 (0,T;H −1 ) ≤ C,where ⃗v ǫ = (u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ).The following lemma gives us uniform bounds of (w ǫ ,v ǫ ) in L ∞ -norm, theproof of which is based on using the properties of transport equations and Lemmas 1and 2, and can be found in [17].LEMMA 4.(‖v ǫ ‖ L ∞ (Q T ) ≤ ‖v 0 ‖ L ∞ () exp C≤ C‖v 0 ‖ L ∞ (),‖w ǫ ‖ L ∞ (Q T ) ≤ ‖w 0 ‖ L ∞ ().∫ T0)‖u ǫ ‖ L ∞ ()dt

42 J. Fan - S. Jiang3. Proof of Theorem 1In this section we pass to the limit for (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) as ǫ → 0 in (1)–(6). First,it is easy to see by the uniform a priori estimates established in the last section andLemma C.1 in [38] that one can extract a subsequence of (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ), still denotedby (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ) for simplicity, such that as ǫ → 0,(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)ρ ǫ ⇀ ρ weak- ∗ in L ∞ (Q T ), ρ ≤ ρ(x, t) ≤ ρ, a.e.,ρ ǫ → ρ in C([0, T], L γ () − w) for any γ > 1,u ǫ ⇀ u weak- ∗ in L ∞ (0, T; L 2 ())and weakly in L 2 (0, T; H0 1 ()) ∩ L6 (Q T ),(v ǫ ,w ǫ ) ⇀ (v,w) weak- ∗ in L ∞ (Q T ),(ǫ∂ x u ǫ ,ǫ∂ x v ǫ ,ǫ∂ x w ǫ ) → (0, 0, 0) strongly in L 2 (Q T ),and from (23) and the Sobolev compact imbedding theorem, one gets(27) ρ ǫ → ρ in C([0, T], H −1 ()).Using (22)–(24), (21) and Lemma 5.1 in [39], we find that(28)ρ ǫ u ǫ ⇀ ρu weak- ∗ in L ∞ (0, T; L 2 ()) andweakly in L 2 (0, T; L p ()) for all p > 1,and by Lemma C.1 in [38],ρ ǫ u ǫ ⇀ ρu in C([0, T], L 2 () − w),from which and the Sobolev compact imbedding theorem, it follows thatρ ǫ u ǫ ⇀ ρu in C([0, T], H −1 ()).Hence, the above weak convergence together with (24) results in(29) ρ ǫ u 2 ǫ ⇀ ρu2 weakly in L 2 (Q T ).On the other hand, noticing that by virtue of Lemma 1 and the Sobolev imbeddingtheorem, ∫ T0 ‖u ǫ(t)‖ 2 L ∞ dt ≤ C. Therefore,∫ Twhich together with (27) implies(30)∣∫ T00‖u 2 ǫ (t)‖ H 1dt ≤ C uniformly in ǫ,∫∣ ∣∣∣(ρ ǫ − ρ)u 2 ǫ φdxdt → 0 as ǫ → 0, φ ∈ C0 ∞ (Q T).

Zero shear viscosity limit in compressible isentropic fluids 43So, recalling the pointwise boundedness of ρ, one immediately gets from (29) and (30)that u 2 ǫ ⇀ u2 weakly in L 2 (Q T ), which combined with (24) shows thatu ǫ → u strongly in L 2 (Q T ).Therefore, by interpolation and (20), we infer that(31) u ǫ → u strongly in L s (Q T ), ∀ s < 6.Now, we use and adapt the techniques in [39, 14, 16] (also cf. [29]) to prove thefollowing strong convergence of ρ ǫ .LEMMA 5.0∫ Tρ ǫ → ρ strongly in L 1 (Q T ), as ǫ → 0.Proof. First, multiplying (2) by φ ∈ C0 ∞() and integrating over (r 1, x), then multiplyingthe resulting equation by ψ(t)ρ ǫ , ψ(t) ∈ C0 ∞ (0, T), and integrating over(0, T) × , we obtain after a straightforward calculation that∫ T ∫ [ (ψ(t) ρ ǫ aρǫ γ − (λ + 2ǫ) ∂ x u ǫ + u )]ǫφdxdt0 x∫ T ∫ ∫ x∫ T ∫ ∫= ψ ′ 1 x(t) ρ ǫ ρ ǫ u ǫ φdξdxdt − ψ0 r 10 x ρ ǫu ǫ ρ ǫ u ǫ φdξdxdtr 1∫ T ∫ ∫ x∫ T ∫ ∫ x+ ψ ρ ǫ (aρǫ γ + ρ ǫu 2 ǫ )φ ρ ǫ u 2 ǫξ dξdxdt − ψ ρ ǫ φdξdxdt0 r 1 0 r 1ξ∫ T ∫ ∫ xρ ǫ vǫ2 + ψ ρ ǫ φdξdxdtξ(32)−(λ + 2ǫ)0r 1∫ψ∫ x(ρ ǫ ∂ ξ u ǫ + u ǫr 1ξ)φ ξ dξdxdt,where H := aρǫ γ − (λ + 2ǫ)(∂ x u ǫ + u ǫ /x) is so-called the effective viscous pressurewhich possesses some smoothing property and plays an important role in the existenceproof of global weak solutions to the multidimensional compressible Navier-Stokesequations, cf. [39, 29, 14, 15].Now, passing to the limit in (32) as ǫ → 0, and making use of (22)–(29) and(31), we see that=(33)∫ T0∫ T0++∫ψ(t)∫ψ ′ (t)∫ T0∫ T0∫ψ∫ψ[ (aρ γ+1 − λ∫ xρρρr 1∫ x∫ x)]φdxdtρu x + ρux∫ T ∫ ∫1 xρuφdξdxdt − ψ0 x ρu ρuφdξdxdtr 1∫ T ∫ ∫ x(aρ γ + ρu 2 ρu 2)φ ξ dξdxdt − ψ ρr 1 0 r 1ξ φdξdxdtρv 2 ∫ T ∫ ∫ xr 1ξ φdξdxdt − λ ψ ρ(u ξ + u )φ ξ dξdxdt.0 r 1ξ

44 J. Fan - S. JiangHere and in what follows, f (η) denotes again the weak limit of f (η ǫ ) as ǫ → 0.On the other hand, with the help of (22)–(29) and (31), one has by taking ǫ → 0in (1) and (2) thatρ t + (ρu) x + ρux = 0,(34)(ρu) t + (ρu 2 ) x + ρu2(35)x− ρv2x+ ( aρ γ ) (x − λ u x + u )= 0x xin D ′ ((0, T) × ), where ρv 2 and ρ γ denote the weak limits of ρ ǫ vǫ 2 and ργ ǫ , respectively.Now, multiplying (35) by φ ∈ C0 ∞(), integrating then over (r 1, x), and multiplyingthe resulting equation by ψ(t)ρ ǫ , ψ(t) ∈ C0 ∞ (0, T), and integrating over(0, T) × , we deduce by the same arguments as in the derivation of (32) that(36)(37)=∫ T0∫ T0∫ T++whence∫ψ(t)∫ψ ′ (t)0∫ T0∫ψ∫ψ[ (ρ aρ γ − λ u x + u )]φdxdtxρρ∫ xρr 1∫ x (r 1∫ x∫ T ∫1ρuφdξdxdt − ψ0 ∫ xx ρu ρuφdξdxdtr 1aρ γ + ρu 2) ∫ T ∫ ∫ xρu 2φ ξ dξdxdt − ψ ρ0 r 1ξ φdξdxdtρv 2 ∫ T ∫ ∫ xr 1ξ φdξdxdt − λ ψ ρ(u ξ + u )φ ξ dξdxdt.0 r 1ξComparing the right hand side of (33) with that of (36), we infer that∫ T ∫ [ (ψ aρ γ+1 − λ ρu x + ρu )]φdxdt0 x∫ T ∫ [ (= ψ ρ aρ γ − λ u x + u )]φdxdt,x0(38) aρ 1+γ − λρu x = aρρ γ − λρu x .In the sequel, we apply the idea of the renormalized solutions to the equation(1) introduced by DiPerna and Lions [39] to show that ρ satisfies(39)(40)(ρ log ρ)t + ( u ρ log ρ ) x + ρu x + ρux + ρ log ρ u = 0,x(ρ log ρ) t + (u ρ log ρ) x + ρu x + ρux + ρ log ρ u = 0xin the sense of distributions. In fact, since ρ ǫ is uniformly bounded in L ∞ (Q T ) andu ∈ L 2 (0, T; H 1 0 ()), we get from Proposition 4.2 in [15] that ρ ǫ is a renormalized

Zero shear viscosity limit in compressible isentropic fluids 45solution of (1), i.e., ρ ǫ satisfies(41) ∂ t b(ρ ǫ ) + [b(ρ ǫ )u ǫ ] x + [b ′ (ρ ǫ )ρ ǫ − b(ρ ǫ )]∂ x u ǫ + b ′ (ρ ǫ ) ρ ǫu ǫx= 0for any b ∈ C 1 (R), b ′ (z) = 0 for z large enough. It is not difficult to verify that onecan take b(z) = z log z in (41) by an approximate argument and the uniform a prioriestimates established for ρ ǫ and u ǫ . Thus, we have(ρ ǫ log ρ ǫ ) t + (u ǫ ρ ǫ log ρ ǫ ) x + ρ ǫ ∂ x u ǫ + ρ ǫu ǫx+ u ǫx ρ ǫ log ρ ǫ = 0.Letting ǫ → 0 in the above equation and making use of (22), (28) and (31), we obtain(39) immediately.Similarly, the limit functions ρ, u are still a renormalized solution to (34).That is, the equation (41) with (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ) replaced by (ρ, u) is still valid, and by anapproximation one can take b(z) = z log z, and hence, the equation (40) holds.Subtraction of (40) from (39) leads to(42) [ρ log ρ−ρ log ρ] t +[u(ρ log ρ−ρ log ρ)] x +ρ log ρ − ρ log ρu = ρu x −ρu x .xOn the other hand, from (38) and the weak lower semicontinuity of convexfunctions, we find that(43) ρu x − ρu x = a ) (ρλ1+γ − ρρ γ ≥ 0, a.e.and(44) ρ log ρ ≥ ρ log ρ, a.e.As in [14, 16], consider a sequence of functions φ m ∈ C ∞ 0(), such that0 ≤ φ m ≤ 1, φ m (x) = 1 for all x such that dist(x,∂) ≥ m −1 ,|∂ x φ m (x)| ≤ 2m and dist(x,∂)|∂ x φ m (x)| ≤ 2 for all x ∈ ,φ m (x) → 1 as m → ∞ for all x ∈ .Notice that by virtue of u ∈ L 2 (0, T; H0 1), |u|[dist(x,∂)]−1 ∈ L 2 (0, T; L 2 ). Therefore,multiplying (42) by xφ m (x) and integrating over (0, t)×, then taking m → ∞,and using (43) and (23), we infer∫∫x(ρ log ρ −ρ log ρ)(x, t)dx ≤ x(ρ log ρ −ρ log ρ)(x, 0) = 0, a.e. t ∈ [0, T],which combined with (44) gives ρ log ρ = ρ log ρ a.e. on Q T . This identity, togetherwith, for example, Theorem 2.11 in [15], yields ρ ǫ → ρ a.e. on Q T , which combinedwith the Egorov theorem proves the lemma.

46 J. Fan - S. JiangBy Lemma 5 and interpolation, it is easy to see that(45) ρ ǫ → ρ strongly in L p (Q T ) for any 1 ≤ p < ∞.Now, passing to the limit in (1)–(4) as ǫ → 0, and utilizing (22)–(29), (31) and(45), we see that the limit functions ρ, u,v,w satisfy the following equations in thesense of distributions:ρ t + (ρu) x + ρux = 0,(46)(ρu) t + (ρu 2 ) x + ρu2(47)(48)(49)x(ρv) t + (ρuv) x + 2ρuvx(ρw) t + (ρuw) x + ρuwx− ρv2x= 0,= 0.(+ a(ρ γ ) x = λ u x + u ),x xIn the sequel, we prove the strong convergence of (v ǫ ,w ǫ ,∂ x u ǫ ) to (v,w, u x )in L 2 (Q T ). To this end, we introduce the Lagrangian coordinates (y, t) or (z, t) whichare connected to the Eulerian coordinates (x, t) byand(50)y ≡ y(x, t) := r 1 +∫ xr 1sρ ǫ (s, t)ds∫ xz ≡ z(x, t) := r 1 + sρ(s, t)ds.r 1Without loss of generality, we may assume that∫xρ 0 (x)dx = r 2 − r 1 .From (50) and the mass conservation, we find that y, z ∈ . Since ρ ǫ and ρ arebounded and strictly away from 0, the mappings (the inverse mappings of y(x, t) andz(x, t)) x(y, t) and x(z, t): → are surjective. Moreover,y t = −xρ ǫ u ǫ , y x = xρ ǫ , dydt = xρ ǫ dxdt.Thus, the equations (1)–(4) in the new variables (y, t) read:(51)(52)(53)(54)(55)(56)(xρ ǫ ) t + x 2 ρǫ 2 ∂ yu ǫ = 0,∂ t u ǫ − v2 (ǫx = (λ + 2ǫ)x xρ ǫ ∂ y u ǫ + u )ǫ− x [P(ρ ǫ )]xy ,y∂ t v ǫ + u (ǫv ǫ− ǫx xρ ǫ ∂ y v ǫ + v )ǫ= 0,xx∂ t w ǫ − ǫ(x 2 ρ ǫ ∂ y w ǫ ) y = 0,x t = u ǫ , ρ ǫ xx y = 1,(u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ )| ∂ = (0, 0, 0), (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ )| t=0 = (ρ 0 , u 0 ,v 0 ,w 0 ).y

Zero shear viscosity limit in compressible isentropic fluids 47First, we show the strong convergence of w ǫ . Multiplying (54) by 2w ǫ φ withφ ∈ C ∞ (Q T ), φ ≥ 0 and φ(·, T) = 0, then integrating over (0, T)×, integrating byparts and using the boundary conditions (56), we obtain∫ T0∫∫wǫ 2 φ tdydt +∫ T ∫= 2ǫ0 w0 2 φ(y, 0)dy[x 2 ρ ǫ (∂ y w ǫ ) 2 φ + x 2 ρ ǫ ∂ y w ǫ φ y w ǫ]dydt.Transforming this identity into the Eulerian coordinates, we see that∫ T0∫= 2ǫ∫xρ ǫ wǫ 2 (φ t + u ǫ φ x )dxdt +∫ T0∫xρ 0 w0 2 φ(x, 0)dx[x(∂ x w ǫ ) 2 φ + x∂ x w ǫ φ x w ǫ]dxdt.(57)Letting ǫ → 0 in the above equation, and using (26), (31) and (45), we find that∫ T0∫∫xρw 2 (φ t + uφ x )dxdt + xρ 0 w0 2 φ(x, 0)dx = 2〈ǫxw2 x ,φ〉 ≥ 0,where ǫxw 2 x , the weak limit of ǫx(∂ xw ǫ ) 2 in the space of signed Radon measures onQ T , is a nonnegative Radon measure on Q T . By transforming (57) into the Lagrangiancoordinates (z, t), the inequality (57) in the variables (z, t) reads(58)∫ T0∫∫w 2 φ t dzdt + w0 2 φ(z, 0)dz ≥ 0.On the other hand, transforming (49) into the Lagrangian coordinates (calculatedin the weak form), testing then the resulting equation with 2wφ, we get(59)∫ T0∫∫w 2 φ t dzdt + w0 2 φ(z, 0)dz = 0.Subtracting (59) from (58) and noticing that φ t can be nonpositive and arbitrary,we find that w 2 (z, t) ≤ w 2 (z, t), a.e. in Q T . Hence, w 2 (z, t) = w 2 (z, t) a.e. in Q T ,which implies(60) w ǫ → w strongly in L 2 (Q T ).As a consequence of (60) and (59), we see that the left hand side of (57) in theLagrangian coordinates (z, t) is equal to zero, therefore,〈ǫxw 2 x ,φ〉 = 0, ∀ φ ∈ C∞ (Q T ), φ ≥ 0 in Q T , φ(·, T) = 0.

48 J. Fan - S. JiangNext, we show the strong convergence of v ǫ in L 2 (Q T ) by similar arguments.Multiplying (53) by 2v ǫ φ in L 2 (Q T ) with φ ∈ C ∞ (Q T ), φ ≥ 0 in Q T and φ(·, T) =0, integrating by parts, and using (55) and (56), we infer∫ T0∫ ∫∫ T ∫vǫ 2 φ tdydt + v0 2 φ(y, 0)dy = 2ǫ0+x 2 ρ ǫ v ǫ ∂ y v ǫ φ y + vǫ 2 φ y + v2 ǫ φ }x 2 dydt + 2ρ ǫwhich, in the Eulerian coordinates, turns out∫ T0{x 2 ρ ǫ (∂ y v ǫ ) 2 φ + 2v ǫ ∂ y v ǫ φ∫ T0∫u ǫ v 2 ǫxφdydt,∫∫∫ T ∫ {xρ ǫ vǫ 2 (φ t + u ǫ φ x )dxdt + xρ 0 v0 2 φ(x, 0)dx = 2ǫ x(∂ x v ǫ ) 2 φ0 +2v ǫ ∂ x v ǫ φ + xv ǫ ∂ x v ǫ φ x + vǫ 2 φ x + v2 } ∫ T ∫ǫx φ dxdt + 2 ρ ǫ u ǫ vǫ 2 φdxdt.0that(61)Passing to the limit as ǫ → 0 in the above equation, similarly to (57), we deduce∫ T0∫∫xρv 2 (φ t + uφ x )dxdt +∫ T ∫= 2〈ǫxvx 2,φ〉 + 20∫ T ∫≥ 2 ρuv 2 φdxdt,0 ρuv 2 φdxdtxρ 0 v0 2 φ(x, 0)dxwhere, ǫxv 2 x , the weak limit of ǫx(∂ xv ǫ ) 2 in the space of signed Radon measures onQ T , is a nonnegative Radon measure. Transformation of (61) into the Lagrangiancoordinates (z, t) results in(62)∫ T0∫∫∫ T ∫v 2 φ t dzdt + v0 2 φ(z, 0)dz ≥ 2 uv 20 x φdzdt.On the other hand, transforming (48) into the Lagrangian coordinates (z, t), multiplyingthen the resulting equation by 2vφ in L 2 (Q T ), φ ∈ C ∞ (Q T ), φ ≥ 0 andφ(·, T) = 0, one obtains(63)∫ T0∫∫ T0∫∫∫ T ∫v 2 φ t dzdt + v0 2 φ(z, 0)dz = 2 uv 20 x φdzdt.Subtracting (63) from (62), we have(v 2 − v 2) ( φ t − 2 u x φ )dzdt ≥ 0, ∀φ ∈ C ∞ (Q T ), φ ≥ 0, φ(·, T) = 0,

Zero shear viscosity limit in compressible isentropic fluids 49which implies v 2 ≤ v 2 a.e. in Q T , since φ t can be nonpositive and arbitrary. Consequently,(64) v ǫ → v strongly in L 2 (Q T ).Hence, it follows from (63) and the form of (61) in Lagrangian coordinates that〈ǫxvx 2 ,φ〉 = 0.Again multiplying (2) by 2xu ǫ φ with φ ∈ C ∞ (Q T ), φ ≥ 0 and φ(·, T) = 0,then integrating over (0, T) × , integrating by parts and employing the boundarycondition for u, one gets after a straightforward calculation that(65)∫ T0∫= 2(λ + 2ǫ)∫xρ ǫ u 2 ǫ (φ t + u ǫ φ x )dxdt +∫ T0∫+ u2 }ǫx φ + u2 ǫ φ x dxdt − 2xρ 0 u 2 0φ(x, 0)dx{x(∂ x u ǫ ) 2 φ + 2u ǫ ∂ x u ǫ φ + xu ǫ ∂ x u ǫ φ x∫ T0∫{ρ ǫ u ǫ v 2 ǫ φ + P(ρ ǫ)(xu ǫ φ) x}dxdt.Letting ǫ → 0 in (65) and making use of (24), (31), (45) and (64), we arrive at(66)∫ T0∫∫xρu 2 (φ t + uφ x )dxdt +∫ T ∫= 2〈(λ + 2ǫ)xu 2 x ,φ〉 + 2λ+ u2x φ + u2 φ x}dxdt − 20 ∫ T ∫0xρ 0 u 2 0φ(x, 0)dx{2uu x φ + xuu x φ x{ρuv 2 φ + P(ρ)(xuφ) x}dxdt,where (λ + 2ǫ)xu 2 x , the weak limit of (λ + 2ǫ)x(∂ xu ǫ ) 2 , is a nonnegative Radon measure.Now, multiplying (47) by 2xuφ in L 2 (Q T ) with the same φ as in (65), andrecalling v 2 = v 2 , we find, in the same manner as in (65), that(67)∫ T0∫∫xρu 2 (φ t + uφ x )dxdt +∫ T ∫= 2〈λxu 2 x ,φ〉 + 2λ0+ u2x φ + u2 φ x}dxdt − 2Combining (66) with (67), we concludexρ 0 u 2 0φ(x, 0)dx{2uu x φ + xuu x φ x∫ T0∫{ρuv 2 φ + P(ρ)(xuφ) x}dxdt.〈λxu 2 x ,φ〉 = 〈(λ + ǫ)xu2 x ,φ〉 ≥ 〈λxu2 x ,φ〉, ∀φ ∈ C∞ (Q T ), φ ≥ 0, φ(·, T) = 0,

50 J. Fan - S. Jiangwhich implies u 2 x = u2 x . Therefore, ∂ xu ǫ → u x strongly in L 2 (Q T ).Finally, by interpolation, (60), (64) and Lemma 4, we easily conclude (v ǫ ,w ǫ )→ (v,w) in L p (Q T ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞.Having had the strong convergence of (ρ ǫ , u ǫ ,v ǫ ,w ǫ ,∂ x u ǫ ), we easily see, bytesting (46)–(49) with C0 ∞ -functions and employing a density argument, that the limitfunctions ρ, u,v,w are indeed a weak solution of the initial boundary value problem(1)–(6) with ǫ = 0 in the sense of Definition 1. This completes the proof of Theorem1.References[1] ANTONTSEV S.N., KAZHIKHOV A.V., MONAKHOV V.N., Boundary value problem in mechanics ofnonhomogeneous fluids, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., New York 1990.[2] AMOSOV A.A. AND ZLOTNIK A.A., Solvability “in the large” of a system of equations of the onedimensionalmotion of an inhomogeneous viscous heat-conducting gas, Math. Notes 52 (1992), 753–763.[3] BIANCHINI S. AND BRESSAN A., Vanishing viscosity solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic systems, Ann.of Math. 161 (2005), 223–342.[4] BRESSAN A., BV-solutions to hyperbolic systems by vanishing viscosity, S.I.S.S.A., Trieste 2000.[5] BRESSAN A. AND YANG T., On the convergence rate of vanishing viscosity approximations, Comm.Pure Appl. Math. 57 (2004), 1075–1109.[6] CHEN G.Q., HOFF D. AND TRIVISA K., Global solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equationswith large discontinuous initial data, Comm. Partial Diff. Equations 25 (2000), 2233–2257.[7] CHOE H.J. AND KIM H., Global existence of the radially symmetric solutions of the Navier-Stokesequations for the isentropic compressible fluids, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 28 (2005), 1–28.[8] DAFERMOS C.M., Hyperbolic conservation laws in continuum physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg2000.[9] DIPERNA R.J., Convergence of approximate solutions to conservation laws, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.83 (1983), 27–70.[10] DIPERNA R.J., Convergence of the viscosity method for isentropic gas dynamics, Comm. Math. Phys.91 (1983), 1–30.[11] DIPERNA R.J. AND LIONS P.-L., Ordinary differential equations, transport theory and Sobolevspaces, Invent. Math. 98 (1989), 511–547.[12] FAN J., Vanishing shear viscosity in the magnetohydrodynamic equations, preprint 2005.[13] FAN J. AND NI G., Uniform boundedness and global existence of radially symmetric strong solutionsto the Navier-Stokes equations for compressible isentropic fluids, preprint 2005.[14] FEIREISL E., On compactness of solutions to the compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equationswhen the density is not square integrable, Comment. Math. Univ. Carlolinae 42 (2001), 83–98.[15] FEIREISL E., Dynamics of viscous compressible fluids, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 2004.[16] FEIREISL E., NOVOTNÝ A. AND PETZELTOVÁ H., On the existence of globally defined weak solutionsfor the Navier-Stokes equations of isentropic compressible fluids, J. Math. Fluid Mech. 3 (2001), 358–392.[17] FRID H. AND SHELUKHIN V., Boundary layers for the Navier-Stokes equations of compressible fluids,Comm. Math. Phys. 208 (1999), 309–330.[18] FRID H. AND SHELUKHIN V.V., Vanishing shear viscosity in the equations of compressible fluids forthe flows with the cylinder symmetry, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 31 (2000), 1144–1156.

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Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino - Vol. 65, 1 (2007)Subalpine Rhapsody in DynamicsM. Franca ∗A DYNAMICAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF RADIALSOLUTIONS FOR P-LAPLACE EQUATIONAbstract. In this paper we give a survey of the results concerning the existence of groundstates and singular ground states for equations of the following form: p u + f (u, |x|) = 0where p u = div(|Du| p−2 Du), p > 1 is the p-Laplace operator, x ∈ R n and f is continuous,and locally Lipschitz in the u variable. We focus our attention mainly on radialsolutions.The main purpose is to illustrate a dynamical approach, which involves the introduction ofthe so called Fowler transformation. This technique turns to be particularly useful to analyzethe problem, when f is spatial dependent, critical or supercritical and to detect singularground states.1. IntroductionLet p u = div(|Du| p−2 Du), p > 1 denote the p-Laplace operator. The aim of thispaper is to discuss the existence and the asymptotic behavior of positive solutions ofequation of the following family(1) p u + f (u,|x|) = 0where p u = div(|Du| p−2 Du), p > 1, denotes the p-Laplace operator, x ∈ R n andf (u,|x|) is a continuous nonlinearity such that f (0,|x|) = 0. The interest in equationof this type started from the classical Laplacian that is p = 2:(2) u + f (u,|x|) = 0and is motivated by mathematical reasons, but also by the relevance of some equationsof this type as model to describe phenomena coming from applied area of research. Inparticular Eq. (2) is important in quantum mechanic, astronomy and chemistry, while(1) is connected to problems arising in theory of elasticity, see e.g. [26]. Our purposeis to give a short, and not exhaustive, survey of the results which can be found in thewide literature concerning this argument, and in particular to discuss a method whichis suitable to study radial solutions.We think is worthwhile to stress that Eq. (2) can be regarded as the Euler equationof the following energy functional E : R × W 1,2 (R n ) → R,∫E(x, u,∇u) =∗ The author was partially supported by G.N.A.M.P.A.(|∇u| 2− F(u,|x|) ) dx253

54 M. Francawhere F(u,|x|) = ∫ u0f (s,|x|)ds. The p-Laplace operator arises naturally when wewant to extend this functional to W 1,p (R n ) functions. In fact (1) is the Euler equationfor the functional E p : R × W 1,p (R n ) → R,∫E p (x, u,∇u) =(|∇u| p− F(u,|x|) ) dx.pWe will focus our attention mainly on radial solutions, hence we will reduce (1) to thefollowing singular O.D.E.(3)(u ′ |u ′ | p−2 r n−1 ) ′ + f (u, r)r n−1 = 0where r = |x| and we commit the following abuse of notation: we write u(r) foru(x) when |x| = r and u has radial symmetry; here and later ′ denotes derivation withrespect to r. Observe that (3) is singular when r = 0 and when u ′ = 0, unless p = 2.We introduce now some notation that will be in force throughout all the paper.We will use the term “regular solution” to refer to a solution u(r) of Eq. (3) satisfyingu(0) = u 0 > 0 and u ′ (0) = 0. We will use the term “singular solution” to refer to asolution v(r) of Eq. (3) such that lim r→0 v(r) = +∞.A basic question in this kind of PDE is the existence and the asymptotic behaviourof ground states (G.S.), that are solutions u(x) of (1) which are nonnegative forany x ∈ R n and such that lim |x|→∞ u(x) = 0. We are also interested in detecting singularground states (S.G.S.), that is solutions v(x) which are well defined and nonnegativefor any x ∈ R n \{0} and such that lim |x|→∞ v(x) = 0 and lim |x|→0 u(x) = +∞. Otherinteresting family of solutions for the radial equation (3) is the one of crossing solutions,that is regular solutions u(r) which are positive for r smaller than a certain valueR > 0 and become null with nonzero slope at r = R. So they can also be regardedas solutions of the Dirichlet problem in the ball of radius R. Finally we individuatesolutions u(r) of the Dirichlet problem in the exterior of the ball of radius R, that isu(R) = 0, u(r) > 0 for r > R, and u(r) has fast decay. We say that a positive solutionu(r) of (3) has fast decay if lim r→∞ u(r)r (n−p)/(p−1) < +∞ and that it has slow decayif lim r→∞ u(r)r (n−p)/(p−1) = +∞.This article has the following structure: in section 1 we introduce the generalizedFowler transformation, and we apply it to a toy example, mainly for illustrativepurpose. In sections 2 and 3 we introduce the Pohozaev function, that is one of the maintool for the analysis of equation of type (1), and we consider the case where respectivelyf (u, r) = k(r)u|u| q−1 and f (u, r) = k 1 (r)u|u| q 1−1 + k 2 (r)u|u| q 2−1 where q > p,q 2 > q 1 > p, the functions k(r), k 1 (r), k 2 (r) are positive and continuous for r > 0.In both the cases we assume that the corresponding Pohozaev functions have constantsign. In section 4 we discuss the case f (u, r) = k(r)u|u| q−1 when the Pohozaev functionchanges sign, stressing in particular the case q = p ∗ . In section 5 we explainbriefly few results concerning Eq. (2) when f (u, r) = u|u| q 1−1 + u|u| q 2−1 , whenp ∗ < q 1 < p ∗ < q 2 and p = 2. We remark that in this case there are still many openproblems. In section 6 we discuss the case f (u, r) = −k 1 (r)u|u| q 1−1 + k 2 (r)u|u| q 2−1 ,where q 1 < q 2 , and the functions k 1 and k 2 are positive and continuous for r > 0.

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 55Finally in the appendix we show how some more general equations can be reduced to(3), and we explain the concept of natural dimension, introduced in [20].2. Preliminary results and autonomous caseThe main purpose of this paper is to explain the method of investigation of positivesolution of (3) which has been used in [2], [3], [4], [11], [1], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16],[17]. The advantage in the use of this method lies essentially on the fact that we canbenefit of a phase portrait, and of the use of techniques typical of dynamical systemstheory, such as invariant manifold theory and Mel’nikov functions. Moreover, restrictingourselves to the study of radial solutions, we overcome the difficulties derivingfrom the lack of compactness of the critical and supercritical case. With our methodwe can also naturally detect and classify singular solutions, which are not easily foundby variational techniques or by standard shooting arguments. The main fault of themethod is that it can just give information on radial solutions. However we wish tostress that, when the domain has radial symmetry (e.g. it is the whole R n ), G.S. andsolutions of the Dirichlet problem, if they exist, are radial in many different situations,which will be discussed in details in the following sections, see [6], [9], [42], [44].Furthermore radial solutions play a key role also for many parabolic equationsassociated to (2). In fact in many cases the ω-limit set is made up of the union of radialsolutions, see e. g. [39], [23].The first step in this analysis consists in applying the following change of coordinates(4)α l = pl−p ,β l = p(l−1)l−p− 1, γ l = β l − (n − 1), l > px l = u(r)r α ly l = u ′ (r)|u ′ (r)| p−2 r β lr = e twhere l > p is a parameter. This tool allows us to pass from (3) to the followingdynamical system:( ) ( ) ( ) ( )ẋl αl 0 xl(5)=+ y l |y l | 2−pp−1ẏ l 0 γ l y l −g(x l , t)Here and later “·” stands for d dt , and(6) g l (x l , t) := f (x l exp(−α l t), exp(t))e α l(l−1)t .This transformation was introduced by Fowler in the 30s for the case p = 2, and wegeneralized it to the case p > 1 just recently in [12], [13], [15] [14], [16], [17]. It willbe useful to embed system (5), and in general all the dynamical systems that will beintroduced in the paper, in a one-parameter family as follows:(7)( ) ( ) ( )ẋl αl 0 xl=+ẏ l 0 γ l y l()y l |y l | 2−pp−1−g l (x l , t + τ)

56 M. FrancaWe start from the special nonlinearity f (u, r) = k(r)u|u| q−2 . In such a case, settingl = q and φ(t) = k(e t ), system (5) reduces to the following:( ) ( )( ) ()ẋq αq 0 xq(8)=+y q |y q | 2−pp−1ẏ q 0 γ q y q −φ(t)x q |x q | q−2At the beginning of this section we will also assume that k = φ > 0 is a constant, bothfor illustrative purpose and because the results will be useful later on in more difficultsituations. We think it is worthwhile to recall that most of the results are well known inthis rather trivial situation; however our method gives a new point of view on the problemand allows to to clarify and complete some aspects concerning singular solutionseven in this easy setting. A first advantage in this change of coordinates consist in thefact that it allows us to pass from a singular non-autonomous ODE to an autonomousdynamical system from which the singularity has been removed (obviously this is notthe case for every type of nonlinearity). Moreover now we can apply to the problemtechniques typical of dynamical system theory, thus exploiting a different point of view.We recall the value of two exponents that are critical for this equation. Whenn > p, we denote by p ∗ = np/(n − p) the Sobolev critical exponent and by p ∗ =pn−p n−1 ; when p ≥ n we set both p∗ and p ∗ equal to +∞. Let be an open boundeddomain with non-empty smooth boundary ∂, then p ∗ is the largest q > p such thatthe embedding W 1,p () ⊂ L q () holds, while p ∗ is the largest q such that the traceoperator γ : W 1,p () → L q (∂) is continuous.REMARK 1. We stress that, whenever q > p, α q > 0, γ q = − (p ∗−q)(n−p)haspthe same sign as p ∗ − q, and α q + γ q =∗ −q(n−p)(q−p) , has the same sign as p∗ − q. Alsoobserve that (8) is C 1 if and only if 1 < p ≤ 2 and q ≥ 2.Notation.In the whole paper we will use bold letters for vectorial objects. We denote byu(d, r) a regular solution of (3) such that u(d, 0) = d and u ′ (d, 0) = 0. Moreover ifū(r) is solution of (3) we denote by ¯x l (t) = (¯x l (t), ȳ l (t)) the corresponding trajectoriesof (5). For any Q∈ R 2 we denote by x l (Q, t) = (x l (Q, t), y l (Q, t)) the trajectories of(5) passing through Q at t = 0, and by xl τ(Q, t) = (xτ l (Q, t), yτ l(Q, t)) the trajectoryof (5) passing through Q at t = τ or equivalently the trajectory of (7) passing throughQ at t = 0. Finally we denote by R 2 + the subset {(x, y),|x ≥ 0}.In this section we will always assume q > p. From a straightforward computationit is easy to observe that the system (8) admits three critical points wheneverq > p ∗ : the origin O, P= (P x , P y ) and −P, where P x = |γ q αqp−1 /k| 1/(q−p) , andP y = −|γ q /kαq q−1 | (q−1)/(q−p) . Note that the critical point P is a center when q = p ∗ ,it is asymptotically stable for q > p ∗ and it is asymptotically unstable for q < p ∗ .Positive and decreasing solutions u(r) of (3) correspond to trajectories such thaty q (t) ≤ 0 < x q (t). Moreover, trajectories x q (t) which are bounded and such that x q (t)is uniformly positive for t > 0 (resp. for t < 0) correspond to solutions u(r) whichq−p

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 57have slow decay (resp. are singular for r = 0), that is u(r)r α qis uniformly positiveand bounded as r → ∞ (resp. as r → 0). Now we want to give a rough picture of thephase portrait of (8), in the autonomous case φ ≡ k > 0. For this purpose we need tointroduce a function which plays a key role in all our analysis. Let us denote by(9)H q (x, y, t) := n − ppxy + p − 1pp|y| p−1 + φ(t) |x|qq .This function is a translation in this dynamical context of the well known Pohozaevfunction[]P(u, u ′ , r) = r n n − p uu ′ |u ′ | p−2+ p − 1 |u ′ | p + k(r) |u|qp r pqwhich is one of the main tool in the analysis of equations of these type, see e.g. [38],[34], [35]. Observe in fact that, if x p ∗(t) = (x p ∗(t), y p ∗(t)) is the trajectory of (8)corresponding to u(r), thenP(u(r), u ′ (r), r) = H p ∗(x p ∗(t), y p ∗(t), t) = H q (x q (t), y q (t), t)e −(α q+γ q )t .When k is differentiable from a simple computation we get the following(10)ddt H p ∗(x p ∗(t), y p ∗(t), t) := d [ ]e α p |x ∗(q−p∗ )t p ∗| q (t)φ(t) .dtqNote that the function H p ∗ does not depend explicitly on t, when k is a constant andq = p ∗ ; so in this case it is a first integral for the system. Therefore, using someelementary argument, it is possible to draw each trajectory of the system, see Lemmain [12], and to give a picture of the phase portrait see fig. 1.Then we easily get a lot of information on the original equation (3).We stress that in this easy situation we have an explicit formula for all the regularsolutions, that is[(11) u(d, r) = d1 + ( p − 1n − p) p ( 1 ) 1p−12np 2p−1d (p−1)(n−p) r pp−1] −n−ppk − n−pp 2 .It can be shown easily that system (3) with q = p ∗ and φ(t) ≡ k > 0 and withq = s and φ(t) ≡ e α p ∗(p∗ −s)t k, are topologically equivalent. In fact we can push muchfurther this kind of identification. This is done in the appendix where the concept ofnatural dimension is introduced, see [20], [33].We will see that an unstable set for (8) exists for any q > p, while a stable setexists just when p ∗ < q < p ∗ . It can be shown that the former existence result isequivalent to the existence of regular solutions of (3), while the latter is equivalent tothe existence of solutions u(r) with fast decay.From now on we will commit the following abuse of notation: we will callstable and unstable sets (or manifolds) the branches which depart from the origin and

58 M. FrancaY-POXSPẋ=0Figure 1: A sketch of the phase portrait for the autonomous system (8) when φ ≡ k >0, and q = p ∗ . The lines also represents the level curves for the function H q for tfixed, when g q (x q , t) = φ(t)x q |x q | q−2 .gets into R 2 + , which correspond to the positive solutions u(r) of (3) we are interestedin. The existence of trajectories converging to the origin either in the past or in thefuture can be inferred from invariant manifold theory, whenever 1 < p ≤ 2 and q ≥ 2.In such a case we directly prove the existence of a stable and an unstable manifold,denoted respectively by W s and by W u , see [12].When these regularity hypotheses are not satisfied the proofs become more difficult,due to the lack of local uniqueness of the trajectories crossing the coordinateaxes. But using Wazewski’s principle and the fact that the trajectories we are interestedin do not cross the coordinate axes, it is possible to obtain a similar result. However,with this different proof, a priori W u and W s are just compact and connected sets. Butin the autonomous case k ≡ const > 0, we can exploit the invariance of the systemwith respect to t, to conclude that W s and W u are in fact graph of a trajectory havingthe origin respectively as ω-limit set and α-limit set. Therefore, even in this case, theyare 1 dimensional manifolds, see [15], [17]. We think it is worth mentioning the factthat, when the system is not Lipschitz, a priori the trajectories could reach the origin atsome t = T finite, either in the past or in the future. However it is easy to show thatthis possibility cannot take place when q ≥ p, see [17] for a detailed proof.Note that, if k > 0 is a constant, we also have that H q (x q (t), y q (t), t) is increasingalong the trajectories if and only if p ∗ < q < p ∗ , and it is decreasing if and only ifq > p ∗ . Moreover for any trajectory converging to the origin as t → ±∞, we havelim t→±∞ H p ∗(x p ∗(t), y p ∗(t), t) = 0. Putting together all these results, we can drawfig. 2, and classify positive solutions in one of the following structures.A All the regular solutions are monotone decreasing G.S. with slow decay. There areuncountably many solutions of the Dirichlet problem in the exterior of the ball.More precisely, for any R > 0 there is a solution v(r) such that v(R) = 0, v(r)is positive for any r > R and it has fast decay. There is at least one S.G.S. withslow decay.

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 59OXOSXSWsWuPPẋ=0ẋ=0YWsYWuFigure 2: A sketch of the phase portrait for the autonomous system (8) when φ ≡k > 0, 1 < p ≤ 2 and q ≥ 2. The figures show the stable manifold W s (dottedline) and the unstable manifold W u (dashed line). The solid curve S indicates the set{(x q , y q ) | x q ≥ 0 H q (x q , y q ) = 0}. Figure 2A refers to the case q ≥ p ∗ while 2B tothe case p ∗ < q < p ∗ .B All the regular solutions u(d, r) are crossing solutions, and there are uncountablymany S.G.S. with fast decay v(r). There is at least one S.G.S. with slow decay.Namely, if q > p ∗ positive solutions have structure A, while if p ∗ < q < p ∗they have structure B. In both the cases the S.G.S. with slow decay is unique and canbe explicitly computed. If q = p ∗ we are in the border situation, so all the regularsolutions are G.S. with fast decay, see (11), there are uncountably many S.G.S. withslow decay, and uncountably many oscillatory solutions, see [12]. When q ≤ p ∗ , it iseasy to show that all the regular solutions u(r) of (3) are crossing solutions.We conclude this section with some basic results concerning the existence ofregular solutions and positive fast decay solutions for (3) and a wide class of functionsf (u, r). First of all we recall that, if f (u, r) is continuous and locally Lipschitz continuousin the u variable, the existence of regular solution is ensured, and if f (d, 0) > 0we also have local uniqueness of u(d, r). The proof of this standard result can be foundin [19] for the spatially independent case, but the argument can be easily adapted to thegeneral case, see [16], [17]. We give now a result concerning the asymptotic behaviourof positive solutions. The proof of this result can be found in [19], [13], [17].PROPOSITION 1. Consider a solution u(r) of (3) such that u ′ (r) ≤ 0 ≤ u(r)for any r > R for a certain R > 0, and lim r→∞ u(r) = 0.A Assume that there are U > 0 and g(u) ∈ Lloc 1 such that | f (u, r)| < g(u) for r ≥ 0and 0 ≤ u ≤ U, and denote by G(u) = ∫ u0g(s)ds. Moreover assume that∫0 |G(s)|−1/p ds < ∞. Then the support of u(r) is bounded.B Assume that there are C > 0, U > 0 and q 1 ≥ p such that | f (u, r)| < Cu q 1−1 for

60 M. Franca0 ≤ u ≤ U and r ≥ 0. Then u(r) > 0 for r > R and the limit lim r→∞ u(r)r n−pp−1 =λ exists. Moreover, if f (u, r) > 0 for u small and r large, then λ > 0, while iff (u, r) < 0 for u small and r large, then λ < ∞.When Hypothesis B is satisfied we can go a bit further. Now we distinguishbetween the case in which f (u, r) is always positive and the case in which it is negativefor u small.COROLLARY 1. Assume that Hypothesis B of the previous Proposition is satisfied.First assume that f (u, r) > 0 for u small and r large.1 If q 1 ≤ p ∗ , and there are U > 0, c > 0 and Q 1 ∈ (p, q 1 ] such that f (u, r) >cu Q 1−1 for r large and 0 ≤ u < U. Then λ = ∞.Assume now that f (u, r) < 0 for u small and r large.2 If q 1 > p ∗ , then λ > 0.3 If q 1 ≤ p ∗ , and there are U > 0, c > 0 and Q 1 ∈ (p, q 1 ] such that − f (u, r) >cu Q1−1 for r large and 0 ≤ u < U. Then λ = 0 and lim sup r→∞ u(r)r − pQ 1 −p 0, it ispossible to prove the existence of a local stable and unstable manifold also for thenon-autonomous system (5), under suitable hypotheses on g l (x l , t), or equivalently onf (u, r).PROPOSITION 2. Assume that f (u, r) is continuous for r = 0 and considersystem (5) where l > p; then there is a local unstable set˜W u (τ) := {Q ∈ R 2 + | xτ l (Q, t) ∈ R2 +for any t ≤ 0 and limt→−∞ xτ l (Q, t) = O}.This sets contains a closed connected component to which O belongs and whose diameteris positive, uniformly in τ.

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 61Assume that there are ν > 0 and q 2 > p ∗ such that, for any r ∈ [0,ν], we havef (u,r)lim sup u→∞ < a(r) where 0 < a(r) < ∞. Moreover assume that one of theu q 2following hypotheses −1are satisfied• f (u, r) > 0 for r large and u > 0; moreover there is q 1 > p ∗ such that f (u,r) isu q 1bounded for u positive and small and r large.−1• f (u, r) < 0 for r large and u > 0.Then there is a local stable set˜W s (τ) := {Q ∈ R 2 + | xτ q 2(Q, t) ∈ R 2 +for any t ≤ 0 and limt→−∞ xτ q 2(Q, t) = O} .This sets contains a closed connected component to which O belongs and whose diameteris positive, uniformly in τ.Proof. Consider first the case f (u, r) = k(r)u|u| q−2 , and assume that k(r) is uniformlycontinuous. Then the existence of these stable and unstable sets follows frominvariant manifold theory for non-autonomous system, see [28], [30]. Moreover insuch a case we also know that these sets are indeed smooth manifolds which dependsmoothly on τ. In the general case the existence of the unstable set easily follows fromthe existence of regular solutions for (3). The existence of the stable set is more complicatedand can be proved through Wazewski’s principle, see [15] and [17]. In [17]the proof is given for the case f (u, r) < 0 for u small and r large, but the argumentcan be easily extended also to the case f (u, r) < ku|u| q 1−2 with q 1 > p ∗ , for u smalland r large.We give now a result proved in [13] and [17] which explains the relationshipbetween stable and unstable sets of (5) and solutions of (3).PROPOSITION 3. Consider system (5) and assume that g l (x l , t) is bounded ast → −∞, for any x l > 0. Then each regular solution u(r) of (3) corresponds to atrajectory x τ l (Qu , t) such that Q u ∈ ˜W u (τ), and viceversa. Moreover any trajectoryx τ (Q s , t) where Q s ∈ ˜W s (τ), corresponds to a solution u(r) of (3) with fast decay.REMARK 2. Take f (u, r) = −k 1 (r)u|u| q 1−2 + k 2 (r)u|u| q 1−2 , where q 1 < q 2and the functions k i (r) are continuous, uniformly positive and bounded as r → ∞.Then if q 1 < p we are in the Hypotheses of claim A of Proposition 1, while if q 1 ≥ pHyp. B is satisfied. Moreover if q 1 > p ∗ , then we are in Hyp. 2 of Corollary 1, whileif p < q 1 ≤ p ∗ Hyp. 3 of Corollary 1 holds. To satisfy Hyp. 4 we need to assume thatp < q 1 ≤ p ∗ and lim r→∞ k 1 (r) = k(∞) > 0.We recall that, roughly speaking, positive solutions of (3) can have two asymptoticbehaviours, both as r → 0 and as r → ∞. Obviously the asymptotic behavioras r → 0 is influenced by the behaviour of f for u large and r small, while their behavioras r → ∞ depends on the behaviour of f for u small and r large. Generally

62 M. Francaspeaking, when f is positive for u small, we have seen that solutions with fast andslow decay may coexist, while when it is negative we can have either solutions withfast decay or oscillatory solutions. Analogously when f (u, r) is positive and supercriticalwith respect to p ∗ , for u large and r small, we can have regular solutions u(d, r)such that u(d, 0) = d and u ′ (d, 0) = 0, and singular solutions v(r) that are such thatlim r→0 v(r) = +∞. More preciselyPROPOSITION 4. Assume that there are s > p ∗ , ρ > 0 and positive functionsb(r) ≥ a(r) such that, for any 0 ≤ r ≤ ρ we have0 < a(r) ≤ lim infu→+∞f (u, r)u s−1≤ lim supu→+∞f (u, r)u s−1 ≤ b(r) < ∞.If Q ∈ W u (τ) then the solution u(r) corresponding to x τ s (Q, t) is a regular solution.Moreover any singular solution, if it exists, is such that u(r)r p/(s−p) is bounded for rsmall and, if s ̸= p ∗ , u(r)r p/(s−p) is uniformly positive, too.Assume further that s ̸= p ∗ f (u,0)and that the limit lim u→+∞ = k(∞) > 0u s−1exists and is finite. Then lim r→∞ u(r)r p/(s−p) = P x > 0 where P= (P x , P y ) is thecritical point of system (5) where l = q and g ≡ k(∞)x|x| s−2 .Assume that there are q > p ∗ , R > 0 and positive functions B(r) ≥ A(r) suchthat, for any r > R we have0 < A(r) ≤ lim infu→0f (u, r)u q−1≤ lim supu→0f (u, r)u q−1 ≤ B(r) < ∞.Then, if Q ∈ ˜W s (τ), the solution u(r) corresponding to xq τ (Q, t) has fast decay, thatis the limit lim r→∞ u(r)r (n−p)/(p−1) > 0 exists and is finite. A slow decay solution(if it exists), is such that u(r)r p/(q−p) is bounded for r large; moreover if q ̸= p ∗ ,u(r)r p/(q−p) is uniformly positive, too.limAssume further that the limit lim r→∞ f (u,r)u→0 = k(∞) > 0 exists and isu q−1finite. Then lim r→∞ u(r)r p/(q−p) = P x > 0 where P= (P x , P y ) is the critical point ofsystem (5) where l = q and g ≡ k(∞)x|x| q−2 .These results are proved in [12], [13], [17] using dynamical arguments.3. When the Pohozaev function does not change sign3.1. The case f (u, r) = k(r)u|u| q−2In this subsection we discuss positive solutions of equation (3) in the case f (u, r) =k(r)u|u| q−2 and q > p ∗ . This problem has been subject to rather deep investigations inthe ’90s also for the relevance it has in different applied areas. First of all, when p = 2eq. (1) can be regarded as a nonlinear Schroedinger equation. Moreover, when q = p ∗and again p = 2, this equation is known with the name of scalar curvature equation. Infact the existence of a G.S. u(x) amounts to the existence of a metric g conformal to a

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 63standard metric g 0 on R n (g = u n−2 4g 0 ), whose scalar curvature is k(|x|). Furthermore,if the G.S. has fast decay, the metric g gives rise, via the stereographic projection, toa metric on the sphere deprived of a point S n \ {a point} which is equivalent to thestandard metric.Moreover when q > 1 and k(r) takes the form k(r) =rα eq. (2) is also1+rknown as Matukuma equation and it was proposed as a model in astrophysics. β Thisproblem will be investigated in details also in section 4, where we will assume that thePohozaev functions change their sign, so that positive solutions have a richer structure.We begin by some preliminary results concerning forward and backward continuabilityand long time behaviour for positive solutions, in relation with the Pohozaevfunction. These results can be proved using directly the Pohozaev identity, or through adynamical argument exploiting our knowledge of the level sets of the function H(x, t),see [34] and [13].LEMMA 1. Let u(r) be a solution of (3), and x p ∗(t) the corresponding trajectory.Assume that lim inf t→±∞ H(x p ∗(t), t) > 0, then x p ∗(t) has to cross the coordinateaxes indefinitely as t → ±∞, respectively.Assume that lim sup t→±∞ H(x p ∗(t), t) < 0, then x p ∗(t) cannot converge to theorigin or cross the coordinate axes.When p = 2, the standard tool to understand the behaviour of solutions withfast decay is the Kelvin transformation. Let us set(12)s = r −1 ũ(s) = r n−2 u(r) ˜K(s) = r 2λ K(r −1 ) λ = (n + 2)(q − 2∗ )2Then (3) is transformed into(13) [ũ s (s)s n−1 ] s + ˜K(s)ũ|ũ| q−2 (s)s n−1 = 0.Note that a regular solution u(d, r) of (3) is transformed into a fast decay solutionsũ(s) of (13) such that lim r→∞ ũ(r)r n−pp−1 = d, and viceversa. So we can reduce theproblem of discussing fast decay solutions to an analysis of regular solutions for thetransformed problem.However we do not have an analogous result for the case p ̸= 2, so we need thefollowing Lemma, that, when p = 2, is a trivial consequence of the existence of theKelvin inversion.LEMMA 2. Assume that f (u, r) > 0 for any u > 0 and consider a solutionu(r) which is positive and decreasing for any r > R. Then u(r)r n−pp−1 is increasing forany r > R.Proof. Consider system (8) where l = p ∗ and the trajectory x p∗ (t) corresponding tou(r). Note that x p∗ (t) = u(r)r n−pp−1 and that γ l = 0; hence ẏ p∗ (t) < 0 wheneverx p∗ (t) > 0. Assume for contradiction that there is t 1 > T = ln(R) such that ẋ p∗ (t 1 )

64 M. Franca0, then, from an elementary analysis on the phase portrait either there is t 2 > t 1 suchthat x p∗ (t 2 ) < 0, or lim t→∞ x p∗ (t) = 0. Assume the latter, then lim r→∞ u(r)r n−pp−1 =lim t→∞ x p∗ (t) = 0; but from (3) it follows that u ′ (r) n−1p−1 is decreasing and admits limitλ ≤ 0. Using de l’Hospital rule we find that u ′ (r) n−1p−1u ′ (r) ≡ u(r) ≡ 0 for r > R, so the claim is proved.→ p−1n−pλ; so we get λ = 0 andRecall that, when k(r) is differentiable, the Pohozaev identity can be reformulatedin this dynamical context as (10). Therefore we can think of H p ∗ as an energyfunction, which is increasing along the trajectories when φ(s)e α p ∗(p∗ −q)tis increasingand decreasing when φ(s)e α p ∗(p∗−q)t is decreasing. This observation can berefined combining it with the fact that all the regular solutions u(r) are decreasing,and fast decay solutions are such that x p∗ (t) is increasing, whenever they are positive.For this purpose we define two auxiliary functions, which are closely relatedto the Pohozaev identity, and which were first introduced in [35]. In this subsectionwe will always assume (without mentioning) that e nt φ(t) ∈ L 1( (−∞, 0] ) andn−p(n−qe(14)p−1 )s φ(t) ∈ L 1( [0,+∞) ) , so that we can define the following functions:J + (t) := φ(t)entqJ − (t) :=− n − ppφ(t)e(n−qn−pp−1 )tq−∫ t−∞φ(s)e ns dsn − pp(p − 1)∫ t−∞n−p(n−qφ(s)e p−1 )s dsWe will see, that the sign of these functions play a key role in determining the structureof positive solutions for (3). When φ is differentiable we can rewrite J + and J − in thisform, from which we can more easily guess the sign:(15)J + (t) := 1 qJ − (t) := 1 q∫ t−∞∫ +∞tdds [φ(s)eα p ∗(p∗−q)s ]e α p ∗ qs dsdds [φ(s)eα p ∗(p∗ −q)s ]e − (n−p)qp(p−1) s dsLet u(r) be a solution of (3) and let x(t) be the corresponding trajectory of (8). Using(10) and integrating by parts we easily find the following(16)H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) + lim H(x p∗(t), t)t→−∞= J + (t) |u|q (e t )q−H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) − lim H p ∗(x p∗(t), t)t→∞== J − (t) |x p ∗| q (t)q∫ t−∞+J + (s)u ′ (e s )u|u| q−2 (e s )ds∫ +∞From (16) we easily deduce the following useful result.tJ − (s)ẋ p∗ (s)x p∗ |x p∗ | q−2 (s)ds

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 65REMARK 3. Assume that there is T such that J + (t) ≥ 0 (resp. J + (t) ≤ 0),but J + (t) ̸≡ 0 for any t ≤ T , and consider a regular solution u(r) which is positiveand decreasing for any 0 < r < R = ln(T). Then H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) ≥ 0 (resp.H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) ≤ 0) for any t ≤ T .Analogously assume that J − (t) ≥ 0 (resp. J − (t) ≤ 0) but J − (t) ̸≡ 0 forany t ≥ T , and consider a solution u(r) which is positive and decreasing for anyr > R = ln(T) and has fast decay. Then H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) ≥ 0 (resp. H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) ≤ 0)for any t ≥ T .Using Remark 3 and Lemma 1 we obtain the following result.THEOREM 1. Assume that either J + (r) ≥ 0 and J + (r) ̸≡ 0, or J − (r) ≥ 0and J − (r) ̸≡ 0 for any r > 0. Then all the regular solutions are crossing solutionsand there exists uncountably many S.G.S. with fast decay.Assume that either J + (r) ≤ 0 and J + (r) ̸≡ 0 or J − (r) ≤ 0 and J − (r) ̸≡ 0for any r > 0. Then all the regular solutions are G.S. with slow decay. Moreover thereare uncountably many solutions u(r) of the Dirichlet problem in the exterior of a ball.The proof of the result concerning regular solutions can be find in [34], andinvolves just a shooting argument and the use of J + and J − in relation with the Pohozaevidentity. Translating this argument in this dynamical context we easily get aclassification also of singular solutions, see also [12].Proof. Assume that J + (r) ≤ 0 for any r > 0, but J + ̸≡ 0; consider a regular solutionu(r) which is positive and decreasing in the interval [0, R) and the correspondingtrajectory x p ∗(t). Using (16) we easily deduce that H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) ≤ 0 for anyt < T = ln(R). From our assumption we easily get that there is l < p ∗ such thatg(x l , t) is uniformly positive for t large and lim t→∞ H l (x l (t), t) < 0. It follows thatx l (t) is forced to stay in a compact subset of the open 4 th quadrant for t large, so u(r)is a G.S. with slow decay.Analogously consider a trajectory ¯x l (t) converging to O as t → +∞. Then thecorresponding solution ū(r) has fast decay, is positive and decreasing for any r > Rwhere R > 0 is a constant. Assume for contradiction that R = 0; then from (16)we find that lim inf t→−∞ H p ∗(¯x p ∗(t), t) > lim t→∞ H p ∗(¯x p ∗(t), t) = 0. Hence, fromLemma 1, we deduce that ¯x p ∗(t) has to cross the coordinate axes indefinitely as t →−∞. Thus R > 0 and ū(r) is a solution of the Dirichlet problem in the exterior of aball.The other claims can be proved reasoning in the same way, see again [12].Reasoning similarly we can complete the previous result proving the existenceof S.G.S. with slow decay, to obtain the following Corollary.COROLLARY 2. Assume that J − (r) ≥ 0 for any r but J − (r) ̸≡ 0, and thatthere is p ∗ < m ≤ p ∗ such that the limit lim t→∞ φ(t)e α m(m−q)t= k(∞) exists ispositive and finite. Then positive solutions have a structure of type A.

66 M. FrancaAnalogously assume that J + (r) ≤ 0 for any r but J + (r) ̸≡ 0, and that thereis s ≥ p ∗ such that the limit lim t→−∞ φ(t)e α s(s−q) = k(0) exists is positive and finite.Then positive solutions have a structure of type B.Note that if the limits lim r→∞ k(r) = k(∞) and lim r→0 k(r) = k(0) exist arepositive and finite we can simply set m = q = s. In [12] there is a condition sufficientto obtain the uniqueness of the S.G.S. with slow decay. Roughly speaking this result isachieved respectively when s ̸= p ∗ and m ̸= p ∗ .We give some examples of application of Theorem 1 and Corollary 2.REMARK 4. Assume that k(r) is uniformly positive and bounded and that thelimit lim r→∞ k(r) exists. Then, if q < p ∗ and k(r) is nondecreasing, positive solutionshave a structure of type A, while if q > p ∗ and k(r) is nonincreasing, positive solutionshave a structure of type B.Consider the generalized Matukuma equation, that is (3) where f (u, r) =11+r τ u|u| q−2 . Then, if τ ≤ p positive solutions have a structure of type A whenp < q < p(n − τ)/(n − p), and of type B when q > p ∗ , see also [35]. The remainingcases will be analyzed in section 4.3.2. The generic case: f (u, r) = k 1 (r) f 1 (u) + k 1 (r) f 2 (u)Now we try to extend the results of the previous subsection to a wider class of functionsf (u, r):(17) f (u, r) =N∑k i (r)u|u| qi−2 ,i=1p < q 1 < q 2 < ··· < q Nwhere N ≥ 1 and the functions k i (r), are continuous and positive. We will see that,under natural conditions on the functions k i (r), when p ∗ < q 1 < q N ≤ p ∗ positivesolutions have a structure of type A, while when q 1 ≥ p ∗ they have a structure oftype B. The behavior of regular solutions have been classified directly using Pohozaevidentity in [35]. In [13] we have completed the results by classifying the behaviour ofsingular solutions, using dynamical methods. In fact we have followed the path pavedby Johnson and Pan in [29], for the analogous problem in the case p = 2.In this paper we generalize slightly the techniques used in [34] and [13], combiningthem with some ideas of [17], to obtain more general results. As usual we setφ i (t) = k i (e t ), and we always assume (without mentioning) that e nt φ i (t)∈ L 1( (−∞, 0] ) and e (n−q i n−pp−1 )s φ i (t) ∈ L 1( [0,+∞) ) for any i = 1,..., N, so thatwe can define functions similar to J ± of the previous subsections:Ji+ (t) := φ i(t)e ntq iJ −i− n − pp(t) := φ i(t)e (n−q i n−pp−1 )tq−∫ t−∞φ i (s)e ns dsn − pp(p − 1)∫ +∞tφ i (s)e (n−q i n−pp−1 )s ds

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 67Observe that, if f 1 (u) = u|u| q−1 and k = 1, the functions J ± 1(t) defined in (3.2)coincide with the functions J ± (t) defined in section 3.1. As we did in section 3.1, ifφ i ∈ C 1 we can rewrite the functions Ji± in a form similar to (15) from which we canmore easily guess the sign. So we find the analogous of (16):H p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) + lim H p ∗(x p∗(t), t)t→−∞=N∑i=1[Ji + (t) uq i(e t )−q iH p ∗(x p ∗(t), t) − lim H p ∗(x p∗(t), t)t→∞N∑ [=i=1J −i(t) xq ip ∗(t)q i+∫ t−∞∫ ∞t]Ji+ (s)u ′ (e s )u qi−1 (e s )dsJ −i](s)ẋ p∗ (t)x q i−1p ∗(s) dsTherefore we have a result analogous to Remark 3 and repeating the argument of theproof of Theorem 1, we obtain the following generalization.THEOREM 2. Assume that either Ji + (t) ≥ 0 for any i and ∑ Ni=1 Ji+ (t) ̸≡ 0 orJi− (t) ≥ 0 for any i and ∑ Ni=1 Ji− (t) ̸≡ 0. Then all the regular solutions are crossingsolutions; moreover if q 1 > p ∗ , and k i (r) is uniformly positive for r large, there areuncountably many S.G.S. with fast decay.Assume that either Ji + (t) ≤ 0 for any i and ∑ Ni=1 Ji+ (t) ̸≡ 0 or Ji− (t) ≤ 0 forany i and ∑ Ni=1 Ji− (t) ̸≡ 0. Then all the regular solutions are G.S. with slow decay.Moreover there are uncountably many solutions u(r) of the Dirichlet problem in theexterior of a ball.This result is proved in [13] for the case 1 < p ≤ 2. However it can be easilyextended to the case p > 2 putting together the construction of a stable set ˜W s (τ)developed in [17] (and quoted in Theorem 2), and the argument of [13] concerning thefunction H p ∗ (that we have sketched in this section). In fact the minimal requirementfor the fast decay solution to exist, is that there are c > 0 and m > p ∗ such thatg(x m (t), t) > cx m (t)|x m (t)| m−2 for t large.Repeating the argument in Corollary 2 we easily obtain also this result:COROLLARY 3. Assume that all the functions Ji− (t) ≥ 0 for any r but∑ Ni=1Ji − (t) ̸≡ 0, and that there is p ∗ < m ≤ p ∗ such that the limit lim t→∞ g(x m (t), t)/|x m (t)| m−1 = k m (∞) exists, is positive and finite. Then positive solutions have astructure of type A.Analogously assume that all the functions Ji + (t) ≤ 0 for any r but ∑ Ni=1 Ji+ (t) ̸≡0, and that there is s ≥ p ∗ such that the limit g(x s (t), t)/|x s (t)| s−1 = k s (0) exists, isis positive and finite. Then positive solutions have a structure of type B.Once again if m ̸= p ∗ and s ̸= p ∗ respectively, and a further technical conditionis satisfied the S.G.S. with slow decay is unique, see [13]. From Theorem 2 and

68 M. FrancaCorollary 3 we easily get the following.REMARK 5. Consider (3) where f is as in (17) and assume that the functionsk i (r) are uniformly positive and bounded. Then, if p ∗ < q 1 < q N ≤ p ∗ and thefunctions k i (r) are nondecreasing, positive solutions have a structure of type A, whileif q 1 ≥ p ∗ and the functions k i (r) are nonincreasing, positive solutions have a structureof type B.4. When the Pohozaev function changes signIn this section we discuss equation (3) when f (u, r) = k(r)u|u| q−2 , and we assume(n−qn−pthat e nt φ(t) ∈ L 1( (−∞, 0] ) and e p−1 )s φ(t) ∈ L 1( [0,+∞) ) , so that the functionsJ ± (r) are well defined. We discuss now the case when J + (r) and J − (r) change sign.In such a case positive solutions may exhibit the following rich structure:C There are uncountably many G.S. with slow decay and crossing solutions, and atleast one G.S. with fast decay. There are uncountably many S.G.S. with fastdecay, S.G.S. with slow decay, and solutions of the Dirichlet problem in theexterior of the ball.Let us recall that, for n > 2 we denote by 2 ∗ = 2n/(n−2) and by 2 ∗ = 2(n−1)/(n−2).We start from this interesting result proved by Bianchi in [6].THEOREM 3. Consider (2) and define g(r) = k(r)|r 2 − c 2 | 2∗ −q2(n−2) ; assume thatthere is c > 0 such that g(r) is non-increasing for 0 < r < c and non-decreasing forr > c. Then all the G.S. and the S.G.S. are radial.This fact gives more relevance to the study of radial solutions. Note that, ifq = 2 ∗ then the Theorem simply requires that there is c such that k(r) is non-increasingfor r < c and non-decreasing for r > c. In fact we think that these results may beextended also to the case p ̸= 2; but it cannot be extended to any kind of potential k(r)in fact, modifying the nonnegative potential K 0 = ( 1 − (r/δ) ρ 1 ) + + ( 1 − (δr) ρ 2 ) + ,where δ,ρ 1 ,ρ 2 > 0, Bianchi in [6] constructed a positive potential k = ¯k(r) so that(2) admits no radial G.S. with fast decay, but it admits non-radial G.S. with fast decay.The potential ¯k(r) is obtained from a potential satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem 3and subtracting an arbitrarily small bump at r = 0 and at r = ∞.For completeness we also quote the following result, borrowed from [5], concerningpotential k(x) which are not necessarily radial.THEOREM 4. Consider (2) where q = 2 ∗ and assume n ≥ 4. Choose twopoints y, z ∈ R n and two numbers C y , C z > 0. Then there is a positive potentialk = ˜k(x) of the form(18)˜k(x) = C y − ǫ|x − y| ρ˜k(x) = C z − ǫ|x − z| ρfor x in a neighborhood of yfor x in a neighborhood of z

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 69where ǫ > 0 is small enough and ρ = n − 2, such that (2) admits no G.S. with fastdecay.In the same article Bianchi has also proved that a potential satisfying condition(18), with ρ > n − 2 and ǫ arbitrary chosen, and some further sufficient conditionsnecessarily admits a G.S. with fast decay. This result shows how sensitive to smallchanges in the potential k the behaviour of positive solutions is.Now we turn again to the case p ̸= 2, and we focus our attention on radialsolutions. In order to find a G.S. with fast decay we need to find a balance betweenthe gain of energy, due to the values for which k(r)r p∗ −q is increasing, and the loss ofenergy, due to the values for which it is decreasing. A first important result concerningthe structure of positive solutions is the following:THEOREM 5. Consider (3) and assume that there is R > 0 such that one of thefollowing conditions is satisfiedJ + (r) ≥ 0 for any 0 ≤ r ≤ R and it is decreasing for r ≥ RJ − (r) ≤ 0 for any r ≥ R and it is increasing for 0 ≤ r ≤ R.Then regular solutions have one of the following structure.1. They are all crossing solutions2. They are all G.S. with slow decay3. There is D > 0 such that u(d, r) is a crossing solution for d > D, it is a G.S.with slow decay for d < D, and a G.S. with fast decay for d = D.The result concerning J + (r) has been proved in [35], evaluating the Pohozaevfunction on regular solutions. The part concerning J − (r) is not explicitly stated in[35], however it can be easily obtained as follows, see also [18]. We can construct astable set ˜W s (τ) through Proposition 2, and then deduce the existence of solutions withfast decay. Then, applying the argument of [35] to these solutions, we conclude. Wethink that one could easily reach a classification result also for S.G.S. in this situation,combining the argument in [35] with a dynamical argument. In fact, if we restrictto regular solutions, structure A and B give back structure 1 and 2 respectively, andstructure 3 is a special case of C.We have already seen that, when either J + (r) or J − (r) are positive for anyr > 0 we have structure A (so we are in the first case), while when they are negativewe have structure B (so we are in the second case). In order to derive a sufficientcondition for structure C to exist, we start from the case p = 2 and following [43] weintroduce the function:(19) Z(t) := e − (n−2)p2 t J + (t) − e (n−2)p2 t J − (t)Then we define ρ + = inf{r ∈ (0,∞)| J + (r) < 0}, and ρ − = sup{r ∈ (0,∞)| J − (r) 0 and ρ − = 0 if J − (r) ≥ 0 for any

70 M. Francar > 0. Now we can state the following result proved in [43], using the Pohozaevidentity and the Kelvin transformation.THEOREM 6. Consider (3) where p = 2 and assume ρ + > 0 and ρ − < ∞.If Z(r 1 ) > 0 for some r 1 ∈ (0,ρ + ] and Z(r 2 ) > 0 for some r 2 ∈ [ρ − ,∞), there isD > 0 such that u(D, r) is a G.S. with fast decay.Let us set λ := (n−p)(q−p∗ )p; following [43], we get the following more explicit result.COROLLARY 4. Consider (3) where p = 2 and suppose q ̸= p ∗ and that k(r)is nonnegative and satisfies:k(r) = Ar σ + o(r σ ) at r = 0 k(r) = Br l + o(r l ) at r = ∞,where A, B > 0 and l < λ < σ , then there is a G.S. with fast decay.Now assume q = p ∗ and that k(r) satisfiesk(r) = A 0 + A 1 r σ + o(r σ ) at r = 0 k(r) = B 0 + B 1 r l + o(r l ) at r = ∞,where A 1 , B 1 > 0, A 0 , B 0 > 0, −n < l < 0 < σ < n. Then there is a G.S. with fastdecay.Note that the case q = p ∗ is more delicate; we stress that the restriction |l|,|σ|smaller than n is needed even if it was not required in [43]. However when A 0 = 0 wedo not need the restriction on |l| and when B 0 = 0 we do not need the restriction on|σ|.Using a similar argument Kabeya, Yanagida and Yotsutani, in [32] found ananalogous result for the case p ̸= 2.THEOREM 7. Consider (3) where k(r) ≥ 0 for any r. Assume that eitherrklim inf ′ (r) r→0 k(r)> λ or k(r) = Ar σ + o(r σ ) at r = 0 for some A > 0 and σ > λ.rkMoreover assume that either lim sup ′ (r)r→∞ k(r)< λ or k(r) = Br l +o(r l ) at r = 0 forsome B > 0, l < λ. Then there is a strictly increasing sequence d j > 0, j = 0,...,∞,such that u(d j , r) has exactly j zeroes and has fast decay. So in particular u(d 0 , r) isa G.S. with fast decay.Note that the conditions of the previous Theorem at r = 0 (and at r = ∞) aresimilar, but they do not imply each other. In fact the former is useful when k(r) hasa logarithmic term, e. g. k(r) = | ln(r)|r σ , and the latter when k(r) behaves like apower at r = 0 (and at r = ∞). However, in both the cases, when q = p ∗ we havek(0) = k(∞) = 0.We wish to mention that Bianchi and Egnell in [5], [7] have some other sufficientconditions for the existence of G.S. with fast decay. Each condition, as the onesof Corollary 4 and of Theorem 7, in some sense, requires a change in the sign of thefunction J + (r) which is “sufficiently large to be detected”. We stress that the situation

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 71becomes more delicate when q = p ∗ and k(r) is uniformly positive and bounded, see[5], [7], for a careful analysis. In fact, as suggested from Theorem 8 stated below andborrowed from [7], we are convinced that the condition on the smallness of |l|,|σ| ofCorollary 4 is not technical.THEOREM 8. Consider (2) where q = 2 ∗ and take two numbers ρ 1 ,ρ 2 >n(n − 2)/(n + 2), such that 1/ρ 1 + 1/ρ 2 ≥ 2/(n − 2). Then there is a function k(r)such that k(r) = 1 − M 1 r ρ 1 near the origin and k(r) = 1 − M 2 r −ρ 2 near ∞, whereM 1 , M 2 are positive large constants so that (2) admits no radial G.S. with fast decay.We also stress that the previous result shows that the situation is much moreclear when J + (r) is positive for r small and negative for r large, than when we are inthe opposite situation.We introduce now some perturbative results, proved with dynamical techniques,that help us to understand better also what happens to singular solutions, and also whichis the difference between the case in which we have a subcritical behaviour for r smalland supercritical for r large (easier situation), and the opposite case (difficult situation).We focus on the case q = p ∗ : in the autonomous case this is a border situation betweena structure of type A and B. So it is the best setting in order to have new phenomena asthe existence of G.S. with fast decay.Let us assume that k(r) has one of the following two form:k(r) = 1 + ǫK(r), where K is a bounded smooth function,k(r) = K(r ǫ ), where K is a bounded smooth function, positive in some interval,where ǫ > 0 is a small parameter and we assume K ∈ C 2 . In the former case we saythat k(r) is a regular perturbation of a constant (k changes little), in the latter we saythat it is a singular perturbation of a constant (k changes slowly). It is worthwhile tonote that, in the latter case k may change sign.This problem was studied in the case p = 2 by Johnson, Pan and Yi in [30]using the Fowler transformation, invariant manifold theory for non-autonomous systemand Mel’nikov theory. In both the cases they found a non-degeneracy condition ofMel’nikov type, related to some kind of expansion in ǫ of the Pohozaev function, whichis sufficient for the existence of G.S. with fast decay. They also proved that when K(e t )is periodic and the Mel’nikov condition is satisfied, there is a Smale horseshoe for theassociated dynamical system. Then they inferred the existence of a Cantor set of S.G.S.with slow decay.In the singular perturbation case the condition is easy to compute: there is aG.S. with fast decay for each non-degenerate positive critical point of K(r). Theseresults have been completed by Battelli and Johnson in [2], [3], [4], and eventuallythey proved the existence of a Smale horseshoe also in this case. Thus they inferredagain the existence of a Cantor set of S.G.S. with slow decay, assuming that K(e t ) isperiodic.These results have been extended to the case 2n/(n + 2) ≤ p ≤ 2 in [14], andcompleted to obtain a structure result for positive solutions. First we have introduced a

72 M. Francadynamical system of the form (8) through (4) with l = q = p ∗ . In this section we willalways set l = q = p ∗ in (4) so we will leave the subscript unsaid, to simplify the notation.Since (8) is C 1 and uniformly continuous in the t variable, O admits local unstableand stable manifolds, denoted respectively by Wǫ,loc u (τ) and W ǫ,loc s (τ), see [30], [14].From Proposition 3 we know that, if Q u ∈ Wǫ,loc u (τ), then lim t→−∞x τ (Q u , t) = O andthe corresponding solution u(r) of (3) is a regular solution, while if Q s ∈ Wǫ,loc s (τ),then lim t→∞ x τ (Q s , t) = O and the corresponding solution v(r) of (3) is a solutionwith fast decay. Using the flow it is possible to extend the local manifolds to globalmanifolds Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s (τ). As usual we commit the following abuse of notation:we denote by Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s (τ) just the branches of the manifolds that depart fromthe origin and get into R 2 + . From [30] we also know that the leaves are C1 and varycontinuously in the C 1 topology with respect to τ and ǫ. Observe that for ǫ = 0, bothin the regular and in the singular perturbation case, the manifold Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s(τ)coincide and are the image of the homoclinic trajectory. We fix a segment L which istransversal to W0 u(τ) ≡ W 0 s (τ) and which intersects it in a point, say U. Using a continuityargument, we deduce that, for ǫ > 0 small enough, Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s (τ) continueto cross L transversally in points ξ s (τ,ǫ) and ξ u (τ,ǫ) close to U. We want to find intersectionsQ between Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s(τ); then the trajectory xτ (Q, t) corresponds toa regular solution u(r) having fast decay. Then it is easily proved that x τ (Q, t) ∈ R 2 +for any t so it is a monotone decreasing G.S. with fast decay.Let us rewrite (8) as ẋ = f(x,τ + t,ǫ). From now on we restrict our attentionto the singularly perturbed system since the other can be treated similarly, see [30] and[14]. We define a Melnikov function which measures the distance with sign betweenξ s (τ,ǫ) and ξ u (τ,ǫ) along L.M(τ) = d dǫ[ξ − (τ,ǫ) − ξ + (τ,ǫ) ] ⌊ ǫ=0 ∧f(U,τ)where “∧” denotes the standard wedge product in R 2 . Then define{M(τ) for ǫ = 0h(τ,ǫ) =ξ − (τ,ǫ)−ξ + (τ,ǫ)ǫ∧ f(U,τ) for ǫ ̸= 0.We point out that the vector ξ − (τ,ǫ) − ξ + (τ,ǫ) belongs to the transversal segment L,so we have h(τ,ǫ) = 0 ⇐⇒ ξ − (τ,ǫ) − ξ + (τ,ǫ) = 0 for ǫ ̸= 0.Suppose M(τ 0 ) = 0 and M ′ (τ 0 ) ̸= 0, then, using the implicit function theorem,we construct a C 1 function ǫ → τ(ǫ) defined on a neighborhood of ǫ = 0, suchthat τ(0) = τ 0 , for which we have ξ − (τ(ǫ),ǫ) = ξ + (τ(ǫ),ǫ). Therefore we have ahomoclinic solution of the system (8).Following [30] and [14] we find that(20) M(τ) = −φ ′ (τ)φ(τ) − n p∫ +∞−∞|x 1 (t)| σdt = −Cφ ′ (τ)φ(τ) − n pσwhere x 1 (t) = (x 1 (t), y 1 (t)) is a homoclinic trajectory of (8) where φ ≡ 1, so C > 0 isa computable positive constant. Note that M(τ) is closely related to the first term in the

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 73expansion in ǫ of the function Z(t) defined in (19). It follows that for any positive nondegenerate critical point of k(r) there is a crossing between Wǫ u(τ(ǫ)) and W ǫ s(τ(ǫ)),so we have a G.S. with fast decay.Introducing a further Mel’nikov function depending on two parameters, it canbe proved that such a crossing is transversal, see [30], [2], [14]. In order to use theSmale construction of the horseshoe, we need to prove that the functions ξ ± (ǫ,τ) areC 2 even if the system is just C 1 . This has been done in [4], using some fixed pointtheorems in weighted spaces, and observing that the first branch of Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s(τ)cannot cross the coordinate axes, where part of the regularity is lost.Now we assume that φ is periodic and admits a non-degenerate positive criticalpoint. Using the previous Lemma we find a point Q(ǫ) ∈ Wǫ u(τ(ǫ)) ∩ W ǫ s(τ(ǫ)).Then, using the Smale construction, we find a Cantor set close to the transversalcrossing Q(ǫ), such that the trajectories x τ (P, t), where P ∈ are bounded, and donot converge to the origin. With some elementary analysis on the phase portrait we canalso show that x τ (P, t) ∈ R 2 + for any t ∈ R. So we find the following, see [30], [2],[3], [4] [14] for the proof.THEOREM 9. Consider (3) where q = p ∗ , 2n/(n + 2) ≤ p ≤ 2, and k ∈ C 2 isa singular perturbation of a constant. Then there is a monotone decreasing G.S. withfast decay for each positive non-degenerate critical point of k(r).Moreover assume that k(e t ) is a periodic function and it admits a non degeneratepositive extremum. Then there is a Cantor-like set of monotone decreasing S.G.S.with slow decay v(r). Moreover if k(r) is strictly positive, the S.G.S. are monotonedecreasing.When k is a regular perturbation of a constant, we proceed in the same way butwe find a different Mel’nikov function:¯M(τ) =∫ +∞−∞φ ′ (t + τ) |x 1| p∗p ∗ dt , ¯M ′ (τ) =Then, arguing as above we find the following.∫ +∞−∞φ ′′ (t + τ) |x 1| p∗dtTHEOREM 10. Assume that k(r) = 1 + ǫK(r) is a C 2 function and ǫ > 0 is asufficiently small parameter. Then equation (3) admits a G.S. with fast decay for eachnon degenerate zero of M(τ). Assume in addition that K(e t ) is a periodic function.Then equation (3) admits a Cantor-like set of monotone decreasing S.G.S. with slowdecay.Following [14], we point out that now it is possible to get further informationon the structure of positive solutions, both regular and singular, with a careful analysisof the phase portrait. The idea is to construct a barrier set made up of branches of themanifolds Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s (τ). We illustrate it with an example, remanding to [14] fora detailed discussion. Let us assume that k(r) admits 9 positive non degenerate criticalpoints for r > 0, 5 maxima and 4 minima , see figure 3.p ∗

74 M. FrancaW u (τ)ON8XN 9ẋ=0E(τ)W s (τ)N 1N300000000000001111111111111000000000000011111111111110000000000000111111111111100000000000001111111111111000000000000011111111111110000000000000111111111111100000000000001111111111111N00000000000001111111111111600000000000001111111111111000000000000011111111111110000000000000111111111111100000000000001111111111111N4N7N 2U−N5U +ξ u (τ)sξ (τ)YFigure 3: A sketch of the set E(τ), when k(r) = K(r ǫ ) has 5 maxima and 4 minima.The solid line represents B(τ), and it is obtained joining segments of W u (τ) (dottedline), and of W s (τ) (dashed line).First observe that if Q τ ∈ Wǫ u(τ)∩W ǫ s(τ) then xτ (Q τ , t) ∈ Wǫ u(τ +t)∩W ǫ s(τ +t) for any t. So the number of intersection between Wǫ u(τ) and W ǫ s (τ) does not dependon τ. Therefore there are 9 functions τ i (ǫ) such that ξ u (τ(ǫ),ǫ) = ξ s (τ(ǫ),ǫ) fori = 1,··· , 9 and 9 points N i (τ) of intersection between stable and unstable manifolds.We denote by N 1 (τ), the first point met following Wǫ s(τ) from the origin towards R2 + ,by N 2 (τ) the second, and so on. Let us denote by B 0 (τ) the branch of Wǫ s (τ) betweenthe origin and N 1 (τ), by B 1 (τ) the branch of Wǫ u(τ) between N1 (τ) and N 2 (τ), byB 2 (τ) the branch of Wǫ s(τ) between N2 (τ) and N 3 (τ), and so on till the branch ofWǫ u(τ) between N9 (τ) and the origin which is denoted by B 9 (τ). Finally we denote byB(τ) = ∪i=0 9 Bi (τ), and by E(τ) the bounded open subset enclosed by B(τ). The keyobservation is that B(τ) is contained in R 2 + for any τ, and in {x| y < 0 < x} when φis uniformly positive, see [14] for a detailed proof.Observe that E(τ)\ (Wǫ u(τ) ∪ W ǫ s (τ)) contains uncountably many points andtake Q in it. The trajectory x τ (Q, t) is forced to stay in the interior of E(τ + t) forany t, therefore it corresponds to a S.G.S. with slow decay. With a careful analysison the phase portrait it is possible to find points Q ∈ B(τ)\ Wǫ s(τ) such that xτ (Q, t)is forced to stay in the interior of E(τ + t) for any t > 0, and P ∈ B(τ)\ Wǫ s(τ)such that x τ (P, t) has to cross the y axis for some t > 0. Therefore they correspondrespectively to G.S. with slow decay and to crossing solutions. Analogously we findQ, P ∈ B(τ)\ Wǫ u(τ) such that xτ (Q, t) ∈ E(τ + t) for any t < 0 and x τ (P, t) hasto cross the y axis for some t < 0, which correspond respectively to S.G.S. with fastdecay and to solutions of the Dirichlet problem in the exterior of a ball, see [14] for

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 75more details. The results can be summed up as follows. Let us introduce the followinghypotheses:M 1 there exists ρ > 0 such that k(ρ) > 0 is a non degenerate maximum and k(r) isuniformly positive and monotone increasing for 0 ≤ r ≤ ρ.M 2 there exists R > 0 such that k(R) > 0 is a non degenerate maximum and k(r) > 0is uniformly positive and monotone decreasing for r ≥ R.O 1 k(r) is oscillatory as r → 0 and admits infinitely many positive non degeneratecritical points.O 2 k(r) is oscillatory as r → ∞ and admits infinitely many positive non degeneratecritical points.Then we have the following result:THEOREM 11. Consider equation (3) and assume that k(r) = K(r ǫ ) is bounded.Then, for ǫ > 0 small enough, we have at least as many G.S. with fast decay as the nondegenerate critical points of k(r). Moreover1. Assume that either M 2 or O 2 is satisfied. Then the there are uncountably manyG.S. with slow decay and uncountably many crossing solutions.2. Assume that either M 1 or O 1 is satisfied. Then there are uncountably manyS.G.S. with fast decay and uncountably many solutions v(r) of Dirichlet problemin the exterior of a ball.3. Assume that both Hypotheses 1 and 2 are satisfied. Then the positive solutionsof equation (3) have a structure of type C.Furthermore, if k(r) is uniformly positive, then G.S. and S.G.S. are decreasing.REMARK 6. Note that when k(r) is decreasing for r small and increasing for rlarge, we are not able to state the existence of S.G.S. and of G.S. with slow decay. Thisis due to the fact that, in such a case it is not possible to construct a set B(τ) which iscontained in R 2 + for any τ, so our argument fails. However also in this case we are ableto prove the existence of G.S. with fast decay.Following [14] we can easily obtain an analogous result for the regularly perturbedproblem. The difference lies in the fact that the Melnikov condition is a bit morecomplicated, so we have to replace the assumption that k(r) has a positive critical pointby the condition that ¯M(τ) = 0 and ¯M ′ (τ) ̸= 0.Now we want to extend some of these results to the “in the large” case, so wewant to see what happens when ǫ → 1. This in fact will shed some light on the reasonfor which positive solutions exhibit the same structure, under two completely differenttypes of perturbation. The idea is to use our knowledge of the autonomous case tounderstand the non-autonomous one, replacing the Melnikov function by the energyfunction H. We will discuss the following Hypotheses

76 M. Franca¯M + 1k(r) is increasing for r small and k ′ (r)r −n/(p−1) ̸∈ L 1 (0, 1].¯M − 1k(r) is decreasing for r small and k ′ (r)r −n/(p−1) ̸∈ L 1 (0, 1].¯M + 2¯M − 2k(r) is increasing for r large and k ′ (r)r n ̸∈ L 1 [1,∞).k(r) is decreasing for r large and k ′ (r)r n ̸∈ L 1 [1,∞).Now we can state the following theorem, see [18], [15].THEOREM 12. Consider (3) where q = p ∗ and k(r) ∈ [a, b] for any r ≥ 0,for some b > a > 0. Assume that either hypotheses ¯M + 1 and ¯M − 2 , or ¯M − 1 and ¯M + 2 aresatisfied. Then there is a G.S. with fast decay. Moreover1. If ¯M − 2 is satisfied there are uncountably many G.S. with slow decay and uncountablymany crossing solutions.2. If ¯M + 1is satisfied, there are uncountably many S.G.S. with fast decay and uncountablymany solutions of Dirichlet problem in the exterior of a ball.3. If ¯M + 1 and ¯M − 2 are satisfied positive solutions have structure C.Proof. Consider the autonomous system (8) where q = p ∗ and φ ≡ a, or φ ≡ b respectively.Denote by x a (t) and x b (t) the trajectories of the former and the latter systemsuch that ẋ a (0) = 0 = ẋ b (0). Denote by A + = {x a (t)|t ≤ 0}, A − = {x a (t)|t ≥ 0},B + = {x b (t)|t ≤ 0}, B − = {x b (t)|t ≥ 0}, by A = (A x , A y ) = x a (0) and byB = (B x , B y ) = x b (0). Let us denote by E + (respectively E − ) the bounded subsetsenclosed by A + , B + (resp. A − , B − ) and the isocline ẋ = 0.Note that the flow of the non autonomous system (8) on A + ∪ B + points towardsthe interior of E + while on A − ∪ B − points towards the exterior of E − . So, usingWazewski’s principle, we can construct compact connected sets as follows, see [15].W u (τ) :={Q ∈ E + |W s (τ) :={Q ∈ E − |limt→−∞ xτ (Q, t) = O and x τ (Q, t) ∈ E + for t ≤ 0},limt→+∞ xτ (Q, t) = O and x τ (Q, t) ∈ E − for t ≥ 0}.We denote by ξ u (τ) and ξ s (τ) the intersection of the isocline ẋ = 0 respectivelywith W u (τ) and W s (τ). In analogy to what we have done in the perturbative case wewant to measure the distance with sign of the compact non-empty sets ξ u (τ) and ξ s (τ)evaluating the energy function H on these sets.We wish to stress that we have committed a mistake in [15] in such evaluation,but we can correct it as follows, see [18]. Let us denote by L the line x = B x , andby C + the intersection of L with A + ; finally let L + be the segment of L betweenC + and B. Denote by xa τ (t), the trajectory of the autonomous system where φ ≡ asuch that xa τ(0) = C+ , and by x τ b(t), the trajectory of the autonomous system whereφ ≡ b such that x τ b (0) = B. Recall that we have explicit formulas for xτ a (t) and xτ b (t)√pand that we can find C > c such that ∗ n−pce pt < x τ b (t) < xτ a (t) < p∗ √Cen−ppt for

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 77t ≤ 0. Consider a trajectory x τ (Q u (τ), t) of the non-autonomous system (8) such thatx τ (Q u (τ), 0) = Q u (τ) ∈ L + . It can be proved thatce nt < |x τ b (t)|p∗ ≤ |x τ (Q u (τ), t)| p∗ ≤ |x τ a (t)|p∗ < Ce ntfor any t ≤ 0, see [18]. Denote by ¯W u (τ) and ¯W s (τ) respectively the subset of W u (τ)and W s (τ) contained in {x | 0 < x < L x }. It can be shown easily that for any pointQ ∈ ¯W u (τ) we have c(Q)e nt ≤ |x τ (Q u (τ), t)| p∗ ≤ C(Q)e nt , where C(Q)/C =K(Q) = c(Q)/c > 0.Now assume that hypothesis ¯M + 2 is satisfied; then there is T 0 > 0 such that˙φ(t) > 0 for any t > T 0 . Hence for any Q ∈ ¯W u (τ) we have(21)H p ∗(Q,τ) =≥ e−nτ K(Q)σ∫ 0−∞˙φ(τ + t) |xτ (Q; t)| p∗dt ≥p ∗[C(φ(T 0 ) − b)e nT 0+ c∫ τT 0]˙φ(ζ)e nζ dζSince ˙φ(ζ)e nζ ̸∈ L 1[ [0,∞) ] , we can find N + > T 0 such that H p ∗(Q,τ) > 0 for anyQ ∈ ¯W u (τ) and τ > N + .We denote by τ,t (Q) the diffeomorphism defined by the flow of (8), precisely τ,t (Q) = x τ (Q; t). Note that for any Q ∈ ¯W u (τ), where τ > N + , and any t ≥ 0, wehave H( τ,t (Q), t + τ) > H(Q,τ) > 0 since ˙φ(s) > 0 for s > τ > N + .Observe that there is a unique t = T u (Q) > 0 such that x τ (Q; t) ∈ E + for anyt < T u (Q) and x τ (Q; T u (Q)) ∈ ξ u (T u (Q) + τ). We choose T + ω = min{T u (Q) +N + | Q ∈ ¯W u (N + )}; it follows that N + ,t[ ¯W u (N + )] ⊃ ˜W u (N + + t), for any t ≥T + ω − N+ . Hence H(Q,τ) > 0 for any Q ∈ ˜W u (τ) for any τ > T + ω .Moreover, for any P ∈ ˜W s (τ) we have∫ +∞H p ∗(P,τ) = − ˙φ(t + τ) |xτ (P, t)| p∗τp ∗ dt < 0,since ˙φ(t) > 0 for t + τ > T 0 . Therefore H p ∗(P,τ) < 0 < H p ∗(Q,τ) for anyP ∈ ˜W s (τ) and any Q ∈ ˜W u (τ). Analogously if ¯M − 1 is satisfied, we can find T − α < 0such that H p ∗(Q,τ) < 0 < H p ∗(P,τ) for any point P ∈ ˜W s (τ) and Q ∈ ˜W u (τ), forany τ < T − α . It follows that there is τ 0 ∈ (T − α , T + ω ) such that ξ s (τ 0 )∩ξ u (τ 0 ) ̸= ∅. So ifQ 0 ∈ ξ s (τ 0 ) ∩ ξ u (τ 0 ) we have that the solution u(r) of (3) corresponding to x τ 0(Q 0 , t)is a G.S. with fast decay.Then repeating the argument of the perturbative case we conclude the proof ofthe Theorem.This way we have proved structure results for positive solutions also in the casep > 2 and corrected the corresponding results in [15]. However we cannot correct theproof of the results concerning the existence of multiple G.S. with fast decay, publishedin [15].

78 M. FrancaNote that with this approach it is possible to prove the existence of G.S. withfast decay also when ¯M − 1 and ¯M + 2are satisfied, while the approach of [43], [32] failsin that case. However the latter article is able to deal also with the case q ̸= p ∗ . Wewish to stress that the condition on the integrability of k ′ (r)r n and k ′ (r)r −n/(p−1) is insome sense optimal, in view of Theorem 8. Moreover observe that we can combine theexistence results for G.S. with fast decay given in Theorem 6, 11, 12 with the structureresult of Theorem 5 to obtain uniqueness. Furthermore we have the following, see [18],[15].REMARK 7. Assume that hypotheses ¯M + 1 and ¯M − 2are satisfied. Then there areB ≥ A > 0 such that u(d, r) is a crossing solution for any d > B and it is a G.S. withslow decay for 0 < d < A.Assume that hypotheses ¯M − 1 and ¯M + 2are satisfied. Then there are B ≥ A > 0such that u(d, r) is a crossing solution for any d > B and any 0 < d < A. Moreoverthere are R ≥ ρ > 0 such that the Dirichlet problem in the ball of radius r admits 2solutions for r > R and 0 solutions for 0 < r < ρ.Roughly speaking, if k(r) ∈ C 1 is uniformly positive and bounded, admits justone critical point which is a maximum and it is not too flat for r small and r large,regular solutions have structure 3 of Theorem 5 (and positive solutions have structureC). But if the critical point is a minimum, the situation is more complicated. We knowfrom Theorem 12 a sufficient condition to have a G.S. with fast decay. However weconjecture, that, in such a case, we may have multiple G.S. with fast decay, perhapseven infinitely many.Theorem 12 also helps to understand what happens in the perturbative case.When we have a regular perturbation, the stripes E + and E − are very narrow. So,when we approximate the trajectory of the perturbed system with a trajectory of theunperturbed one, we commit a small mistake. In the singular perturbation case we havethat φ varies slowly, so ˙φ has constant sign in long intervals. Since the trajectory ofthe stable and unstable sets have an exponential decay, the sign of the energy functionH mainly depends on the sign of φ(ǫt + τ)x p∗ (t) evaluated when x(t) is far from theorigin. Choose Q either in ξ s (τ) or in ξ u (τ). The idea hidden in Theorem 11 is that,playing with the values of the parameters τ and ǫ, we can make the sign of H p∗ (Q,τ)depend just on the sign of ˙φ evaluated at t = τ.5. f subcritical for u small and supercritical for u largeIn this section we collect few results about an equation for which even some basicquestions are still unsolved. We consider Eq. (1) where f (u) = u|u| q 1−2 + u|u| q 2−2 ,and p ∗ < q 1 < p ∗ < q 2 . In fact as far as we are aware there are only two articles,[11] and [1], concerning the argument and they deal with the case p = 2. Recall that2 ∗ = 2n/(n − 2) and 2 ∗ = 2(n − 1)/(n − 2).Zhou in [44] established that G.S. for (2), in this case have to be radial. So wecan in fact consider directly an equation of the form (3) (with p = 2).

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 79Flores et al. in [11] and [1] use the classical Fowler transformation and changeequation (3) into a dynamical system of the form (5). Then they face the problem usingdynamical techniques such as invariant manifold theory. They set l = q 2 in (4) andobtain a system of the form (5) such that g q2 (x q2 , t) is bounded as t → −∞, for anyfixed x q2 . In fact they consider the 3-dimensional autonomous system obtained from(5) adding the extra variable z = e ξt , where ξ > 0. As usual this system admits 3critical points: the origin O, P(−∞) = (P x (−∞), P y (−∞) and −P(−∞), whereP y (−∞) < 0 < P x (−∞). In such a case regular solutions of the original problemcorrespond to trajectories of the 2−dimensional unstable manifold of the origin, whilethe singular solutions corresponds to the trajectory whose graph is the 1−dimensionalunstable manifold of P(−∞). Then they consider the system obtained from (5) withl = q 1 , adding the extra variable z = e ξt , where ξ < 0, which again have three criticalpoints: O, P(+∞) = (P x (+∞), P y (+∞) and −P(+∞), where P y (+∞) < 0 2 ∗ be fixed. Then, given an integer k ≥ 1, there isa number s k < 2 ∗ such that if s k < q 1 < 2 ∗ , then (2) has at least k radial G.S.with fast decay.b) Let 2 ∗ < q 1 < 2 ∗ be fixed. Then, given an integer k ≥ 1, there is a number S k < 2 ∗such that if 2 ∗ < q 2 < S k , then (2) has at least k radial G.S. with fast decay.They have also found a non-existence counterpart, which shows how sensitiveto the variations of the exponents these existence results are.THEOREM 14. Let q 2 > 2 ∗ be fixed. Then there is a number Q > 2 ∗ such thatif 1 < q 1 < Q, then (2) admits no G.S neither S.G.S.This non-existence result is in some sense optimal. In fact Lin and Ni in [36]have constructed explicitly a G.S. with slow decay of the form u(r) = A(B+r 2 ) −1/(p−1) ,where A and B are suitable positive constants, in the special case q 2 = 2(q 1 − 1) > 2 ∗(note that 2 ∗ = 2(2 ∗ − 1)). However the existence of G.S. with slow decay probablyis not a generic phenomenon. In fact it corresponds to the existence of 1 dimensionalintersection of a 2−dimensional object with a 1−dimensional object in 3 dimensions.Finally we have this result concerning S.G.S. and G.S. with slow decay.THEOREM 15. a) Given q 2 > 2 ∗ , there is an increasing sequence of numbersQ k → 2 ∗ such that if q 1 = Q k then there is a radial S.G.S. of (2) with eitherslow or fast decay.b) Given 2 ∗ < q 1 < 2 ∗ , there is a decreasing sequence of numbers S k → 2 ∗ such thatif q 2 = S k then (2) admits either a radial S.G.S. with slow decay or a radial G.S.

80 M. Francawith slow decay.Moreover, exploiting the existence of the G.S. with slow decay in the case q 2 =2(q 1 − 1) > 2 ∗ , Flores was able to prove the following result in [1].THEOREM 16. Assume that 2 ∗ < q 1 < 2 ∗ < q 2 and q 1 > 2 N+2√ N−1−2N+2 √ N−1−4 . Then,given any integer k ≥ 1, there is a number ǫ k > 0 such that, if |q 2 − 2(q 1 − 1)| < ǫ k ,then there are at least k radial G.S. with fast decay for (2). In particular if q 2 =2(q 1 − 1) there are infinitely many G.S. with fast decay.The condition q 1 > 2 N+2√ N−1−2N+2 √ guarantees that P(+∞) is a focus and thisN−1−4point is crucial for the proof.We think that all the Theorems of this section could be generalized to the casep ̸= 2 using the new change of coordinates (4). Moreover we think that these techniquescould be adapted to generalize Theorems 13, 14, 15 also to the spatial dependentcase, that is when f (u, r) = k 1 (r)u|u| q1−2 + k k (r)u|u| q2−2 , where k 1 and k 2 are actuallyfunctions. The last Theorem 16 crucially depends on the existence of the G.S. withslow decay, that seems to be structurally unstable. However we have been able to computethis solution also for the corresponding equation (1). So perhaps also Theorem 16can be extended to the case p ̸= 2.(q 1 −1)pp−1REMARK 8. Consider (1) where f (u, r) = u|u| q1−1 + u|u| q2−1 , where q 2 =and p ∗ < q 1 < p ∗ < q 2 . Then there is a radial G.S. with slow decaywhere A = [∣ ∣ pq 1 −pu(r) = A(∣ p−1 (n −p(q 1 −1))] 1q 1 −p1B + r pp−16. f negative for u small and positive for u large) p−1q 1 −pq 1 −pand B = ( n − p(q 1−1)q 1 −p)Aq 1 −1p−1 .In this section we will consider (3), assuming that f (u, r) is negative for u small andpositive for u large and r small. The prototypical non-linearity we are interested in isthe following(22) f (u, r) = −k 1 (r)u|u| q 1−2 + k 2 (r)u|u| q 2−2where the functions k i (r) are nonnegative and continuous. When p = q 1 = 2 (2)describes a Bose-Einstein condensate, and the G.S., if it exists, is the least energysolution. In order to have G.S. we need to have a balance between the gain of energydue to the negative terms and the loss of energy due to the positive terms. The strengthof the contribution is proportional to the corresponding value of |Ji+ (r)|, so it dependsstrongly on the exponent q i . When f is as in (22) and q 1 < p ∗ ≤ q 2 the contribution

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 81given by the positive term is not strong enough, while when q 1 ≥ p ∗ the contributionof the positive term is too strong. When q 1 < q 2 < p ∗ we expect to find a richerscenario, similar to the one depicted in Theorem 5 (3), where G.S. with slow decay arereplaced by oscillatory solutions.Also in this situation, roughly speaking, solutions u(r) which are positive forr large can have two different behaviour: either they converge to 0, usually with fastdecay (see Proposition 1 and Corollary 1), or they are uniformly positive, and typicallythey oscillate indefinitely between two values c 2 , c 1 where 0 < c 1 < c 2 < ∞.Also in this case radial solutions are particularly important, since in many casesG.S. in the whole R n , S.G.S. and solutions of the Dirichlet problem in the ball for(1) have to be radial. This fact was proved when p = 2 and f is as in (22) and thefunctions −k 1 (r) and k 2 (r) are decreasing by Gidas, Ni, Nirenberg in [24], [25] usingthe moving plane method and the maximum principle. Afterwards this results havebeen extended to the case 1 < p ≤ 2 in [9], [10], and finally in [42] to the case p > 1,and to more general spatial independent nonlinearities f (u): they simply assume thatf (0) = 0, f is negative in a right neighborhood of u = 0 and it is positive for u large.Once again the Pohozaev identity proves to be an important tool to face theproblem of looking for positive solutions. In fact it was used by Ni and Serrin in [38]to construct obstructions for the existence of G.S. in the spatial independent case.THEOREM 17. Consider (3) where f has the following form(23) f (u) = −N∑k i u|u| qi−2 +i=1M∑i=N+1k i u|u| q i−2q i < q i+1where k i > 0 are constants for any i = 1,..., M, q N+1 ≥ p ∗ , M > N ≥ 1. Thenthere are no crossing solutions neither G.S.Note that when N = 1 and M = 2 (23) reduces to (22). Recall that in such acase all the G.S. of (1) and also all the solutions of the Dirichlet problem in a ball haveto be radial. Therefore the non existence result holds globally for the PDE (1).When k i (r) behave like powers at r = 0 or at r = ∞, using the concept ofnatural dimension explained in the appendix (see [20] and [17]), it is possible to reducethe problem to an equivalent one in which the functions are uniformly positive andbounded either for r small, or for r large, or for both.In [13] we have discussed a problem similar to the one of Theorem 17, but inthe spatial dependent framework, using again dynamical techniques combined with thePohozaev identity. In [13] we have analyzed functions f of the form (22), but theproofs work also when f is as in (23) and satisfies:F0 q N ≤ p ∗ ≤ q N+1 ; k i (r) is a positive, continuous function for r > 0, for anyi ≤ M. Jj + (t) ≤ 0 ≤ Ji + (t) for any t and j ≤ N < i and ∑ Mi=1 |Ji + (t)| ̸≡ 0.REMARK 9. Assume that F0 holds and that there is s ≥ p ∗ such that the limitslim t→−∞ φ i (t)e α s(p ∗ −q i )t= A i ≥ 0 exists and are finite for i ≤ M, and that

82 M. Franca∑ Mi=N+1A i > 0. Then there is at least one singular solution v(r) of (3).THEOREM 18. Consider (3) where f satisfies F0. Moreover assume that thereare positive constants C i and c j such that k i (r) > C i and k j (r) < C j for r large andi ≤ N and j > N. Then all the regular and singular solutions are defined and positivefor any r ≥ 0 and lim sup r→∞ u(d, r) > 0 for any d > 0.Assume further that −k i (r) and k j (r) are decreasing and bounded for r largeand i ≤ N and j > N, then there is is a computable constant b ∗ , such that all theregular solutions u(r) (and the singular, if they exist) are such that0 < lim infr→∞u(r) ≤ lim inf u(r) < b∗r→∞REMARK 10. The Hypotheses of Theorem 18 are satisfied for example if wetake f as in (22), q 1 ≤ p ∗ ≤ q 2 , q 1 < q 2 , and the functions k i (r) uniformly positive,bounded and −k 1 (r) and k 2 (r) are decreasing.It is possible to give some ad hoc condition for the existence of G.S. even in the caseq 1 ≤ p ∗ ≤ q 2 and q 2 > q 1 . In fact we have to lower the contribution given by thenegative term −k 1 (r)u|u| q 1−2 , taking a strongly decreasing function k 1 (r), see [13].More preciselyTHEOREM 19. Assume F0, and that the limits lim t→∞ φ i (t)e α p ∗(p∗ −q i )t = B i ≥0 exist and are finite for i ≤ M, and that ∑ Mi=N+1 B i > 0.Then all the regular solutions u(r) are G.S. with slow decay. Finally, if there is asingular solution it is a S.G.S. with slow decay.REMARK 11. The Hypotheses of Theorem 19 and Remark 9 are satisfied forexample if we take f as in (22), q 1 = p ∗ < q 2 , k 1 (r) uniformly positive, bounded andincreasing, k 2 (r) = a + br α p ∗(q 2−p ∗) where a, b > 0; or if we take q 1 < p ∗ = q 2 ,k 2 (r) uniformly positive, bounded and increasing, and k 1 (r) = a/(1 + br α p ∗(p∗ −q 1 ) ),where a, b > 0.As we said at the beginning of the section, the situation becomes more interestingwhen f is subcritical both as u → 0 and as u → ∞. A first important stepto understand equation (2) in this setting was made in [25], where the authors provedthe existence of a G.S. in the case p = 2 and assuming that f (u, r) is as in (22),q 1 = 2 < q 2 < 2 ∗ and −k 1 (r) and k 2 (r) non-increasing. These results have beenextended to more general operators, including the p-Laplacian for p > 1, in [19] andto a wider class of nonlinearities f . They just require that there is A > 0 such thatF(u) < 0 for 0 < u < A, F(A) = 0 and f (A) > 0, where F(u) := ∫ u0 f (s)ds.In [19] the non-linearity f is assumed to be spatially independent and subhalflinear,namely either there is b > A such that f (b) = 0, or lim inf u→∞ u p < ∞.F(u)If we consider the prototypical case (22) the assumptions of [19] reduce to 1 < q 1

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 83of this survey. Roughly speaking radial G.S. for the spatial independent equation areunique. This is usually proved with an argument involving the moving plane methodor the maximum principle. We think that G.S. are unique also when −k 1 (r) and k 2 (r)are decreasing, but we believe that a clever choice of the functions k i (r) could producemultiple G.S. However the question is still open as far as we are aware.Gazzola, Serrin and Tang in [22] managed to extend the existence results to awider class of spatial independent non-linearities. In particular, when f is as in (22),they proved that there is a G.S. when, either n ≤ p and q 1 > 0, or n > p and0 < q 1 < q 2 < p ∗ , moreover the G.S. is always positive if and only if q 1 > p. Theyhave also found out that if n = p, there are functions f with exponential growth in theu variable for which (3) admits G.S.However, also in [22], f does not depend explicitly on r. In [16] we haveextended the existence result to the spatial dependent case, under suitable Hypotheseson the functions k i (r), and assuming 1 < p ≤ 2, q 1 ≥ 2 and p ∗ < q 1 < q 2 < p ∗ .But the main contribution of that paper was the proof of the existence of uncountablymany S.G.S., which as far as we are aware had not been detected previously even inthe original problem with p = 2 and k 1 ≡ 1 ≡ k 2 . Then in [17] we have been able todiscuss also the case p > 2, and to prove the existence of G.S. and S.G.S. for differenttype of non-linearity f , satisfying some of the following hypotheses:F1⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩• The function f (u, r) is continuous in R 2 and locally Lipschitz inthe u variable for any u, r > 0; f (0, r) = 0 for any r ≥ 0.• There are ν > 0 and p < q < p ∗ such that, for any 0 ≤ r ≤ νlim u→∞f (u,r)|u| q−1= a 0 (r) > 0 and a 0 (r) is continuous.F2 There are positive constants A ≥ a > 0 and ρ > 0 such thatf (u, r) < 0for r > ρ and 0 < u < aF(A, 0) = 0 and f (u, 0) > 0 for u ≥ A.F3 f (u, 0) ≥ f (u, r) for any 0 < u ≤ A and any r ≥ 0.F4 The exponent q in Hyp. F1 is such that q > p ∗ .THEOREM 20. Assume that Hyp. F1, F2, F3 are satisfied. Then there existsD > A such that u(D, r) is a monotone decreasing G.S.REMARK 12. Note that if f is as in (22) and q 1 ≥ p, G.S. and S.G.S. arepositive for any r > 0, while if q 1 < p their support is bounded, see Proposition 1.This means that there is R > 0 such that u(r) > 0 for 0 < r < R, u(R) = u ′ (R) = 0and u(r) ≡ 0 for r > R. Also note that if lim r→∞ u(r) = 0, u has fast decay, in viewof Corollary 1.Using a standard continuity argument we can also prove the following.COROLLARY 5. Assume that Hyp. F1, F2, F3 are satisfied. Then u(d, r) is acrossing solution for any d > D and its first zero R 1 (d) is such that lim d→∞ R 1 (d) =

84 M. Franca0. Furthermore assume that we are in the Hypotheses of Proposition 1 B, then we alsohave that lim d→D R 1 (d) = ∞. Therefore the Dirichlet problem in the ball of radiusR > 0 for equation (3) admits at least one solution for any R > 0.THEOREM 21. Assume that Hyp. F1, F2 and F4 are satisfied, then (3) admitsuncountably many S.G.S.REMARK 13. Assume that f is as in (23), that the functions k i (r) are uniformlypositive and bounded for any r ≥ 0 and p < q M < p ∗ . Then hypotheses F1 and F2are satisfied. Moreover if −k i (r) and k j (r) are decreasing for any r > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ Nand N < j ≤ M, hypothesis F3 is satisfied; finally if q M > p ∗ F4 holds.The proof of Theorem 20 can be found in [17] and follows, with some minorchanges, the scheme introduced in [25] and then used in [19], [22] and [16].When Hyp. F1 and F2 are satisfied the initial value problem (3), with u(0) =d > 0, u ′ (0) = 0 admits at least a solution. Moreover such a solution, denoted byu(d, r) is unique for any d ≥ A and u ′ (r) ≤ 0 for r small. All these solutions can becontinued in J(d) = (0, R d ) = {r > 0|u ′ (r) < 0 < u(r)}, where R d can also beinfinite. This was proved for the spatial independent problem in [19] and then adaptedwith some trivial changes to the spatial dependent problem in [17]. Since u(d, r) ispositive and decreasing for r < R d , the limit lim r→Rd u(d, r) exists and is nonnegative,so we can define the following set:I := {d ≥ A | limr→R du ′ (d, r) < 0}Using an energy analysis we can prove that A ̸∈ I , when F1, F2 and F3 are satisfied.Moreover using a continuity argument on the auxiliary system (5), we prove that I isopen in [A,∞) whenever F1 and F2 hold, see [17]. The difficult part of the proof is toshow that I ̸= ∅. In fact we show that, if F1 and F2 are satisfied there is D ̸∈ I suchthat (D,∞) ⊂ I .For this purpose we introduce a dynamical system of the form (5), using (4)with l = q, where q is the parameter defined in [12]. Then we show that for r smalland u large we can approximate our system with an autonomous subcritical system oftype (8). Through a careful analysis of the phase portrait we are able to construct abarrier set E τ ⊂ {(x, y) ∈ R 2 | y ≤ 0 ≤ x}. Then, using Wazewski’s principle, weshow that there are M > 0 and δ > 0 such that, for any τ < −M, there is an unstableset ˜W u (τ) ⊂ E τ , which intersects the y negative semi-axis in a compact connectedset, say ζ(τ). It follows that the trajectories x τ q (Qu (τ), t) ∈ E τ for any t < 0 and thatlim t→−∞ x τ q (Qu (τ), t) = O. So they correspond to regular solutions u(d(τ), r), thatare positive and decreasing for r ≤ exp(τ) and they become null with nonzero slope atr = exp(τ), so they are crossing solutions.It follows that if F1, F2 and F3 hold there is D > A, such that (D,∞) ∈ I , butD ̸∈ I . Then we show that u(D, r) is a monotone decreasing G.S. using a continuityargument on (5), and Theorem 20 and Corollary 5 follow.To prove the existence of S.G.S. we have to consider system (7) and to construct

Radial solutions for p-Laplace equation 85a stable set ˜W s (τ) through Proposition 2. We choose τ < −M, so that ˜W u (τ) crossesthe y negative semi-axis, in view of Corollary 5. We denote by B(τ) the bounded setenclosed by ˜W u (τ) and the y negative semi-axis. We choose one of the uncountablymany points in ˜W s (τ) ∩ B(τ), say Q s , and we follow backwards in t the trajectoriesx τ q (Qs , t) where Q s ∈ ˜W s (τ). We show that x τ q (Qs , t) is forced to stay in B(t + τ)for any t < 0 and we conclude that x τ q (Qs , t) is uniformly positive as t → −∞.Then, from Proposition 3 we deduce that the corresponding solutions v(r) of (3) aremonotone decreasing S.G.S.7. Appendix: reduction of div(g(|x|)∇u|∇u| p−2 ) + f (u,|x|) = 0 and natural dimensionIn this subsection we want to show how we can pass from the analysis of radial solutionsof an equation of the following class(24) div(g(|x|)∇u|∇u| p−2 ) + ¯ f (u,|x|) = 0to the analysis of solutions of an equation of the form (3). Here again x ∈ R n andg(|x|) ≥ 0 for |x| ≥ 0.We repeat the argument developed in Appendix B of [17]. In fact we exploithere an idea already used in [33] and [20], and we follow quite closely the latter paper,in which the concept of natural dimension is introduced. First of all observe that aradial solutions u(r) of (24) satisfy the following ODE:(25) (r n−1 g(r)u ′ |u ′ | p−2 ) ′ + r n−1 ¯ f (u, r) = 0.Set a(r) = r n−1 g(r) and assume that one of the Hypotheses below is satisfiedH1 a −1/(p−1) ∈ L 1 [1,∞]\ L 1 [0, 1]H2 a −1/(p−1) ∈ L 1 [0, 1]\L 1 [1,∞)Then we make the following change of variables borrowed from [20]. Let N > p be aconstant and assume that Hyp. H1 is satisfied; we define s(r) =(∫ ∞ra(τ) −1/(p−1) dτ ) −p+1N−p. Obviously s : R + 0→ R+ 0, s(0) = 0, s(∞) = ∞ ands(r) is a diffeomorphism of R + 0into itself with inverse r = r(s) for s ≥ 0. If u(r) is asolution of (25), v(s) = u(r(s)) is a solution of the following transformed equation(26) (s N−1 v s |v s | p−2 ) s + s N−1 h(s) f (v, s) = 0,where f (v, s) = ¯ f (v, r(s)) andh(s) =( ) ( )N − pp p/(p−1)g(r(s)) 1/p r(s) n−1p − 1s N−1 .If we replace Hyp. H1 by Hyp. H2 we can define s(r) as follows s(r) =(∫ r0 a(τ)−1/(p−1) dτ ) p−1N−pand obtain again (26) from (25), with the same expression for

86 M. Francah. We denote by f (v, s) = h(s) ¯ f (v, r(s)) and obtain (3) from (26), with r replacedby s.REMARK 14. Note that, if for any fixed v > 0, f ¯(v, r) grows like either apositive or a negative power in r for r small, we can play with the parameter N in orderto have that, for any fixed u > 0, f (u, 0) is positive and bounded. E.g., if g(r) ≡ 1and f ¯(u, r) = r l u|u| q−1 , we can set N = p(n+l)−np+l−1, so that, switching from r to s asindependent variable (26) takes the form(27) [s N−1 v s |v s | p−2 ] s + Cs N−1 v|v| q−1 = 0,where C = ∣ N−p∣ ∣ p n−1p−1N−pp−1 ∣N−1∣p > 0. So we can directly study the spatial independentequation (27), recalling that the natural dimension is N and this changes the values ofthe critical exponents and the asymptotic behaviors of positive solutions as r → 0 andas r → ∞.Observe that N does not need to be an integer and that in literature such an assumptionis not really used to prove the results. Thus all the theorems obtained for (3) can betrivially extended to an equation of the form (25), where g satisfies either H1 or H2.8. AcknowledgementThis survey is based on a seminar delivered by prof. R. Johnson at the Workshops onDynamics held in Torino in September 2005 and organized by prof. G. Zampieri. Theauthor wishes to thank prof. Johnson for having introduced him to the study of thistopic.References[1] BAMON R., FLORES I. AND <strong>DEL</strong> PINO M., Ground states of semilinear elliptic equations: ageometrical approach, Ann. Inst. Poincare 17 (2000), 551-581.[2] BATTELLI F. AND JOHNSON R., Singular ground states of the scalar curvature equation in R n ,Diff. Int. Eq. 14 (2000), 123–139.[3] BATTELLI F. AND JOHNSON R., On positive solutions of the scalar curvature equation when thecurvature has variable sign, Nonlinear Analysis 47 (2001), 1029–1037.[4] BATTELLI F. AND JOHNSON R., On transversal smoothness of invariant manifold, Comm. Appl.Anal. 5 (2001), 383–401.[5] BIANCHI G., The scalar curvature equation on R n and S n , Advances in Diff. Eq. 1 (5) (1996),857–880.[6] BIANCHI G., Non-existence of positive solutions to semi-linear elliptic equations on R n or R n +through the method of moving planes, Comm. Part. Diff. Eq. 22 (1997), 1671–1690.[7] BIANCHI G. AND EGNELL H., An ODE approach to the equation u + K u n+2n−2 = 0, in R n , Math.Zeit. 210 (1992), 137–166.[8] CITTI G. AND UGUZZONI F., Positive solutions of − p u + u p−2 − q(x)u α = 0, NonlinearDifferential Equations Appl. 9 (2002), 1–14.

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Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino - Vol. 65, 1 (2007)Subalpine Rhapsody in DynamicsH. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. CoomesSHADOWING IN ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSAbstract. Shadowing deals with the existence of true orbits of dynamical systems nearapproximate orbits with sufficiently small local errors. Although it has roots in abstractdynamical systems, recent developments have made shadowing into a new effective tool forrigorous computer-assisted analysis of specific dynamical systems, especially chaotic ones.For instance, using shadowing it is possible to prove the existence of various unstable periodicorbits, transversal heteroclinic or homoclinic orbits of arguably the most prominent chaoticsystem—the Lorenz Equations. In this paper we review the current state of the theory andapplications of shadowing for ordinary differential equations, with particular emphasis onour own work.1. IntroductionIn this extended introductory section we give a narrative overview of shadowing. Precisemathematical statements of relevant definitions and theorems are presented in thefollowing sections.Shadowing? An approximate orbit of a dynamical system with small local errors iscalled a pseudo orbit. The subject of shadowing concerns itself with the existenceof true orbits near pseudo orbits; in particular, the initial data of the trueorbit are near the initial data of the pseudo orbit. Shadowing is a property ofhyperbolic sets of dynamical systems. It is akin to a classical result from thetheory of ordinary differential equations [23]: if a non-autonomous system hasa bounded solution, the variational equation of which admits an exponential dichotomy,then the perturbed system has a bounded solution nearby.Origins? In its contemporary setting, the first significant result in shadowing, the celebratedShadowing Lemma, was proved by Bowen [7] for the nonwandering setsof Axiom A diffeomorphisms. A similar result for Anosov diffeomorphismswas stated by Anosov [2], which was made more explicit by Sinai [57]. TheShadowing Lemma proved to be a useful tool in the abstract theory of uniformlyhyperbolic sets of diffeomorphisms. For example, in [8] Markov partitions forbasic sets of Axiom A diffeomorphisms were constructed using the ShadowingLemma. Also shadowing can be used to give a simple proof of Smale’s theorem[59] that the shift can be embedded in the neighbourhood of a transversalhomoclinic point as in [47] and [39].Discrete systems? Since Anosov and Bowen, the Shadowing Lemma has been reprovedmany times with a multitude of variants. A noteworthy recent development,initiated by Hammel et al. [28], [29], has been a shadowing theory forfinite pseudo orbits of non-uniformly hyperbolic sets of diffeomorphisms which89

90 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomesproved to be a powerful new paradigm for extracting rigorous results from numericalsimulations of discrete chaotic systems. This development also providednew tools for establishing the existence of, for example, transversal homoclinicorbits in specific systems [21], [37]. For these recent shadowing results for discretedynamical systems, we recommend our review article [18] followed by [21]and the references therein.ODEs? Developing a useful notion of a pseudo orbit and establishing an appropriateShadowing Lemma for ordinary differential equations proved to be more difficultbecause of the lack of hyperbolicity in the direction of the vector field. Thefirst successful attempt in this pursuit and an accompanying Shadowing Lemmawas given by Franke and Selgrade [26]. Here we will present our formulationof pseudo orbits and shadowing for ordinary differential equations as initiatedin [14], [16]. Our formulation has the advantage that pseudo orbits are taken tobe sequences of points and thus can be generated numerically. This permits oneto garner rigorous mathematical results with the assistance of numerical simulations.Such computer-assisted shadowing techniques make an attractive complementto classical numerical analysis, especially in the investigation of specificchaotic systems.Chaotic numerics? The key signature of chaotic systems is the sensitivity of theirsolutions to initial data. This poses a major challenge in numerical analysis ofchaotic systems because such systems tend to amplify, often exponentially, smallalgorithmic or floating point errors. Here is a gloomy account of this difficultyas given by Hairer et al. [30]:“The solution (of the Salzman-Lorenz equations with constants andinitial values σ = 10, r = 28, b = 8/3; x(0) = −8, y(0) = 8,z(0) = 27) is, for large values of t, extremely sensitive to the errorsof the first integration steps. For example, at t = 50 the solutionbecomes totally wrong, even if the computations are performed inquadruple precision with T ol = 10 −20 . Hence the numerical resultsof all methods would be equally useless and no comparison makesany sense. Therefore, we choose t end = 16 and check the numericalsolution at this point. Even here, all computations with T ol > 10 −7 ,say, fall into a chaotic cloud of meaningless results.”Shadowing reveals a striking silver lining of this “chaotic cloud.” While it istrue that this chaotic cloud has little to do with the solution having the specifiedinitial data, it is not meaningless: the chaotic cloud is an exceedingly good approximationof another solution whose initial data is very close to the specifiedinitial data. More generally, using the finite-time shadowing theorem in [17],it is possible to shadow numerically generated pseudo orbits of (non-uniformlyhyperbolic) chaotic ordinary differential equations for long time intervals.Chaos? There are many ways chaos can arise in a dynamical system. A commoncause, as first observed by Poincaré [51] over a century ago while studying the

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 91restricted three-body problem, is the presence of transversal homoclinic points.He called such points “doubly asymptotic” because they are asymptotic bothin forward and backward times to a fixed point or a periodic orbit. Birkhoff[4] proved that every homoclinic point of a two-dimensional diffeomorphism isaccumulated by periodic orbits. Smale [59] confirmed Poincaré’s observation byproving that a transversal homoclinic point of a diffeomorphism in dimensiontwo and higher is contained in a hyperbolic set in which the periodic orbits areinfinitely many and dense. Sil’nikov [55] showed that a similar result holds forflows. Recently, it has been conjectured by Palis and Takens [45] that genericallychaotic orbits occur if and only if there is a transversal homoclinic orbit. This isindeed the case for continuous interval maps as shown in [6].In spite of the remarkable mathematical results above, transversal homoclinicorbits are quite difficult to exhibit in specific chaotic flows. Even the periodicorbits, to which the homoclinic orbits are to be doubly asymptotic, are hard tocome by. Recently in [22], we have formulated a practical notion of a pseudohomoclinic, more generally pseudo connecting, orbit and proved a shadowingtheorem that guarantees the existence of transversal homoclinic, or heteroclinic,orbits to periodic orbits of differential equations. The hypotheses of this theoremcan be verified for specific flows with the aid of a computer, thus enabling usto prove the existence of a multitude of periodic orbits and transversal orbitsconnecting them in, for example, yet again, the chaotic Lorenz Equations.Contents? Here is a section-by-section description of the contents of the remainder ofthis paper:• In Section 2, we first give definitions of an infinite pseudo orbit and itsshadowing by a true orbit. Then we present two infinite-time shadowingresults, one for pseudo orbits lying in hyperbolic invariant sets, and anotherfor a single pseudo orbit in terms of a certain operator.• In Section 3, shadowing definitions for finite pseudo orbits and a FinitetimeShadowing Theorem for non-uniformly hyperbolic systems are formulated.This theorem is significant in proving the existence of true orbitsnear numerically computed ones for long time intervals.• In Section 4, the shadowing of pseudo periodic orbits is considered. ThePeriodic Shadowing Theorem stated here is very effective in establishingthe existence of periodic orbits, including unstable ones in dimensions threeand higher.• In Section 5, the notion of a pseudo connecting orbit connecting two pseudoperiodic orbits is formulated. Then a Connection Orbit Shadowing Theoremthat guarantees the existence and transversality of a true connectingorbit between true periodic orbits is stated. In the particular case when thetwo periodic orbits coincide we have a Homoclinic Shadowing Theorem,with the aid of which existence of chaos, in the sense of Poincaré, can berigorously established in specific systems.

92 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomes• In Section 6, some of the key computational issues such as constructionof good pseudo orbits, rigorous bounds on quantities that appear in thehypotheses of the shadowing theorems, and floating point computationsare addressed.• In Section 7, we present several examples to demonstrate the effectivenessof the shadowing results above as a new computer-assisted technique forestablishing rigorously finite, periodic, and transversal homoclinic orbitsin the quintessential chaotic system—the Lorenz Equations.• In Section 8, we conclude our review with some parting thoughts.Acknowledgments. The work of H.K. and B.C. was in part supported by the NSFgrant DUE-0230612. H.K. was also supported by the NSF grant CMG-0417425. Thework of K.P. was supported by the National Research Council of Taiwan under grantno. 92-2115-M-002-022. Furthermore, H.K. acknowledges the financial support ofthe National Center for Theoretical Sciences at Taipei and the hospitality of the NationalTaiwan University where part of this work was performed. H.K. thanks ProfessorG. Zampieri for the invitation and the hospitality at the Università di Torino wherethis paper was delivered.2. Infinite-time shadowingIn this section we first introduce notions of an infinite pseudo orbit and its shadowingby a true orbit of a system of autonomous differential equations. Then we state twogeneral results that guarantee the shadowing of infinite pseudo orbits. The first result,Theorem 1, in the spirit of the classical Shadowing Lemma, is a shadowing theorem forpseudo orbits lying in a compact hyperbolic set. The second result, Lemma 1, replacesthe hyperbolicity assumption with the invertibility of a certain linear operator. The secondresult is more general; in fact, the classical theorem follows from it. Moreover, thesecond result has practical applicability in numerical simulations as we shall demonstratein later sections. Whilst the hyperbolicity assumption on a compact invariant setis not possible to verify in any realistic example (strange attractors are not usually uniformlyhyperbolic), the invertibility of the operator associated with a particular pseudoorbit can frequently be established.Consider a continuous dynamical system(1) ẋ = f (x),where f : U → IR n is a C 2 vector field defined in an open convex subset U of IR n .Let φ t be the associated flow. Throughout this paper we use the Euclidean norm forvectors and the corresponding operator norm for matrices and linear operators, and inproduct spaces we use the maximum norm.DEFINITION 1. Definition of infinite pseudo orbit. For a given positive numberδ, a sequence of points {y k } +∞k=−∞ in U, with f (y k) ̸= 0 for all k, is said to be

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 93a δ pseudo orbit of Eq. (1) if there is an associated bounded sequence {h k } +∞k=−∞ ofpositive times with positive inf k∈ZZ h k such that‖y k+1 − ϕ h k(y k )‖ ≤ δf or k ∈ ZZ.orbit.Next, we introduce the notion of shadowing an infinite pseudo orbit by a trueDEFINITION 2. Definition of infinite-time shadowing. For a given positivenumber ε, a δ pseudo orbit {y k } +∞k=−∞ of Eq. (1) with associated times {h k} +∞said to be ε-shadowed by a true orbit of Eq. (1) if there are points {x k } +∞k=−∞true orbit and positive times {t k } +∞k=−∞ with ϕt k(x k ) = x k+1 such that‖x k − y k ‖ ≤ ε and |t k − h k | ≤ ε f or k ∈ ZZ.k=−∞ ison theIn our first Shadowing Theorem we will assume that pseudo orbits lie in a compacthyperbolic set. For completeness, we recall the definition of a hyperbolic set asgiven in, for example, [47].DEFINITION 3. Definition of hyperbolic set. A set S ⊂ U is said to be hyperbolicfor Eq. (1) if(i) f (x) ̸= 0 for all x in S;(ii) S is invariant under the flow, that is, φ t (S) = S for all t;(ii) there is a continuous splittingIR n = E 0 (x) ⊕ E s (x) ⊕ E u (x)f or x ∈ Ssuch that E 0 (x) is the one-dimensional subspace spanned by { f (x)}, and the subspacesE s (x) and E u (x) have constant dimensions; moreover, these subspaceshave the invariance propertyDφ t (x)(E s (x)) = E s (φ t (x)),Dφ t (x)(E u (x)) = E u (φ t (x))under the linearized flow and the inequalities‖Dφ t (x)ξ‖ ≤ K 1 e −α 1t ‖ξ‖‖Dφ t (x)ξ‖ ≤ K 2 e α 2t ‖ξ‖f or t ≥ 0, ξ ∈ E s (x),f or t ≤ 0, ξ ∈ E u (x)are satisfied for some positive constants K 1 , K 2 , α 1 , and α 2 .Now, we can state our first shadowing theorem for infinite pseudo orbits ofordinary differential equations.THEOREM 1. Infinite-time Shadowing Theorem. Let S be a compact hyperbolicset for Eq. (1). For a given sufficiently small ε > 0, there is a δ > 0 such that any

94 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomesδ pseudo orbit {y k } +∞k=−∞ of Eq. (1) lying in S is ε-shadowed by a true orbit {x k} +∞Moreover, there is only one such orbit satisfyingk=−∞ .f (y k ) ∗ (x k − y k ) = 0f or k ∈ ZZ.In preparation for our second infinite shadowing result, we next introduce variousmathematical entities. Take a fixed pseudo orbit {y k } +∞k=−∞with associated times{h k } +∞k=−∞ . Let Y k be the subspace of IR n consisting of the vectors orthogonal to f (y k ).Then let Y be the Banach space of bounded sequences v = {v k } k∈ ZZ with v k ∈ Y k , andequip Y with the norm‖v‖ = sup ‖v k ‖.k∈ ZZAlso, let Ỹ be a similar Banach space except that v k ∈ Y k+1 . Then letbe the linear operator defined byL y : Y → Ỹ(L y v) k = v k+1 − P k+1 Dφ h k(y k )v k ,where P k : IR n → IR n is the orthogonal projection defined byP k v = v − f (y k) ∗ v‖ f (y k )‖ 2 f (y k).So L y is a linear operator associated with the derivative of the flow along the pseudoorbit, but restricted to the subspaces orthogonal to the vector field. This operator playsa key role in what follows. We assume that the operator is invertible with a boundedinverse:‖L −1y ‖ ≤ K.Next we define various constants. We begin withandM 0 = sup ‖ f (x)‖,x∈UM 1 = sup ‖D f (x)‖,x∈Uh min = infk∈ ZZ h k,h max = sup h k .k∈ ZZM 2 = sup ‖D 2 f (x)‖,x∈UNext, we choose a positive number ε 0 ≤ h min such that for all k and ‖x − y k ‖ ≤ ε 0 thesolution ϕ t (x) is defined and remains in U for 0 ≤ t ≤ h k + ε 0 . Continuing, we define = infk∈ ZZ ‖ f (y k)‖,¯M 0 = sup ‖ f (y k )‖,k∈ ZZ¯M 1 = sup ‖D f (y k )‖.k∈ ZZNow, we define the following constants in terms of the ones already given:{}C = max K, −1 (e M 1h maxK + 1) ,C = (1 − M 1 δC) −1 C,

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 95and[]N 1 =8 M 0 M 1 + 2M 1 e M 1(h max +ε 0 ) + M 2 (h max + ε 0 )e 2M 1(h max +ε 0 ),[ ()] [ ]N 2 =8 1 + 4C M 0 + e M 1(h max +ε 0 )M 1 M 1 + M 2 M 0 + 2M 2 e M 1(h max +ε 0 ),N 3 =8[1 + 4C(M 0 + e M 1(h max +ε 0 ) )] 2M1 M 2 .Now, we can state our second shadowing result for an infinite pseudo orbit interms of the associated operator L y and the constants introduced above.LEMMA 1. Infinite-time Shadowing Lemma. Let {y k } +∞k=−∞be a bounded δpseudo orbit of Eq. (1) with associated times {h k } +∞k=−∞ such that L y is invertible with‖L −1y‖ ≤ K . Then if4Cδ < ε 0 , 2M 1 Cδ ≤ 1, C 2 (N 1 δ + N 2 δ 2 + N 3 δ 3 ) < 1,the pseudo orbit {y k } +∞k=−∞ is ε-shadowed by a true orbit {x k} +∞k=−∞of Eq. (1) withassociated times {t k } +∞k=−∞and withε≤ 2 ¯Cδ.Moreover this is the unique such orbit satisfyingf (y k ) ∗ (x k − y k ) = 0f or k ∈ ZZ.Notes on infinite-time shadowing: The details of the proof of the Infinite-time ShadowingLemma are given in [22]. The idea of the proof is to set up the problem of findinga true orbit near the pseudo orbit as the solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banachspace of sequences. The invertibility of the linear operator L y implies the invertibilityof another linear operator associated with the abstract problem and this enables one toapply a Newton-Kantorovich type theorem [33] to obtain the existence and uniquenessof the true orbit.One uses the Infinite-time Shadowing Lemma to prove the Infinite-time ShadowingTheorem. The main problem is to show that hyperbolicity implies that the operatorL y : Y → Ỹ is invertible with a uniform bound on its inverse. A slightly differentproof of the Infinite-time Shadowing Theorem is in an earlier publication [16].For flows, unlike diffeomorphisms, there are various alternatives for the definitionof a pseudo orbit. Should it be a sequence of points or solution segments that arefunctions of time? Here we have elected to use sequences of points. These choices ofdefinitions have obvious advantages when we consider finite pseudo orbits that comefrom numerical computations. With such considerations in mind, the definitions of apseudo orbit and shadowing for ordinary differential equations as given here first appearedin [14] and [16]. The problem in proving the shadowing theorem for flows isthe lack of hyperbolicity in the direction of the vector field. To compensate for this, weallow a rescaling of time in our definition of shadowing.

96 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. CoomesA shadowing theorem for flows, with a somewhat different notion of shadowing,was first proved in [26]. Different versions of the shadowing theorem have been provedin [42], [34], [35], [16], and [49]. For a “continuous” shadowing theorem, see [47] andalso [49]. In the latter book the author also proves a shadowing theorem for structurallystable systems, which includes that for hyperbolic systems.3. Finite-time shadowingSince chaotic systems exhibit sensitive dependence on initial conditions, a numericallygenerated orbit will diverge quickly from the true orbit with the same initial condition.However, we observe that a computed orbit is a pseudo orbit and so, according to ourInfinite-time Shadowing Lemma, would be shadowed by a true orbit in the presenceof hyperbolicity, albeit with slightly different initial condition. It turns out chaoticsystems are seldom uniformly hyperbolic but still exhibit enough hyperbolicity thatpseudo orbits can still be shadowed for long times. To this end, we formulate a finitetimeshadowing theorem in this section. As in the Infinite-time Shadowing Lemma,our condition involves a linear operator associated with the pseudo orbit but now theaim is to choose a right inverse with small norm. First we recall a precise notion ofshadowing of a finite pseudo orbit by an associated nearby true orbit. Then we presentthe Finite-time Shadowing Theorem.DEFINITION 4. Definition of finite pseudo orbit. For a given positive numberδ, a sequence of points {y k }k=0 N is said to be a δ pseudo orbit of Eq. (1) if f (y k) ̸= 0and there is an associated sequence {h k } N−1k=0of positive times such that‖y k+1 − ϕ h k(y k )‖ ≤ δ f or k = 0,..., N − 1.DEFINITION 5. Definition of finite-time shadowing. For a given positivenumber ε, an orbit of Eq. (1) is said to ε-shadow a δ pseudo orbit {y k }k=0 N with associatedtimes {h k } N−1k=0 if there are points {x k}k=0 N on the true orbit and times {t k} N−1k=0with ϕ t k(x k ) = x k+1 such that‖x k − y k ‖ ≤ ε f or k = 0,..., N and |t k − h k | ≤ ε f or k = 0,..., N − 1.To state our theorem we need to develop a bit of notation and introduce certainrelevant mathematical constructs. Let {y k }k=0 N be a δ pseudo orbit of Eq. (1) withassociated times {h k } N−1k=0 . With the subspaces Y k and the projections P k defined as inSection 2, we define a linear operatorL y : Y 0 × ··· × Y N → Y 1 × ··· × Y Nin the following way: If v = {v k }k=0 N is in Y 0 × ··· × Y N , then we take L y v ={[L y v] k } N−1k=0to be[L y v] k = v k+1 − P k+1 Dφ h k(y k )v k f or k = 0,..., N − 1.

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 97The operator L y has right inverses and we choose one such right inverse L −1y‖L −1y ‖ ≤ K.withAlso we define constants as before Lemma 1 with the range of k being appropriatelyadjusted. Now we can state our theorem.THEOREM 2. Finite-time Shadowing Theorem. Let {y k }k=0 N be a δ pseudoorbit of Eq. (1) with associated times {h k } N−1k=0and let L−1 y be a right inverse of theoperator L y with ‖L −1y ‖ ≤ K . Then if4Cδ < ε 0 , 2M 1 Cδ ≤ 1, C 2 (N 1 δ + N 2 δ 2 + N 3 δ 3 ) < 1,the pseudo orbit {y k } N k=0 is ε-shadowed by a true orbit {x k} N k=0 withε ≤ 2 ¯Cδ.Notes on finite-time shadowing: The proof of the Finite-time Shadowing Theoremabove is quite similar to that of Lemma 1 except that here we use Brouwer’s fixedpoint theorem rather than the contraction mapping principle.It was first observed in [28], [29] that pseudo orbits of certain chaotic mapscould be shadowed for long times by true orbits, despite the lack of uniform hyperbolicity.Others, [9], [10], and [52] realized that these observations could be generalizedusing shadowing techniques. Here the key idea is the construction of a right inverseof small norm for a linear operator similar to the one used for infinite-time shadowing.The choice of this right inverse is guided by the infinite-time case—one takes the formulafor the inverse in the infinite-time case and truncates it appropriately (see [18]).However, the ordinary differential equation case is somewhat more complicated. It isnot simply a matter of looking at the time-one map and applying the theory for the mapcase. One must somehow “quotient-out” the direction of the vector field and allow forrescaling of time as is done in Theorem 2; this needs to be done because of lack ofhyperbolicity in the direction of the vector field. That this leads to much better shadowingresults is shown in [17]. For other finite-time shadowing theorems in the contextof autonomous ordinary differential equations, see [11], [12], [32], [62].4. Periodic shadowingIn simulations of differential equations apparent periodic orbits, usually asymptoticallystable, are often calculated. In this section we show how shadowing can be used toverify that there do indeed exist true periodic orbits near the computed orbits. Ourmethod can be applied even to unstable periodic orbits which are ubiquitous in chaoticsystems. We first recall the notions of pseudo periodic orbit and periodic shadowingfor autonomous ordinary differential equations. Then, we state a Periodic ShadowingTheorem which guarantees the existence of a true periodic orbit near a pseudo periodicorbit.

98 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. CoomesDEFINITION 6. Definition of pseudo periodic orbit. For a given positive numberδ, a sequence of points {y k }k=0 N , with f (y k) ̸= 0 for all k, is said to be a δ pseudoperiodic orbit of Eq. (1) if there is an associated sequence {h k }k=0 N of positive timessuch that‖y k+1 − ϕ h k(y k )‖ ≤ δ f or k = 0,..., N − 1,and‖y 0 − ϕ h N(y N )‖ ≤ δ.DEFINITION 7. Definition of periodic shadowing. For a given positive numberε, a δ pseudo periodic orbit {y k }k=0 N with associated times {h k}k=0 N is said to be ε-shadowed by a true periodic orbit if there are points {x k }k=0 N and positive times {t k}k=0Nwith ϕ t k(x k ) = x k+1 for k = 0,..., N − 1, and x 0 = ϕ t N(x N ) such that‖x k − y k ‖ ≤ ε and |t k − h k | ≤ ε f or k = 0,..., N.To decide if a pseudo periodic orbit is shadowed by a true periodic orbit weneed to compute certain other quantities. Let {y k }k=0 N be a δ pseudo periodic orbit ofEq. (1) with associated times {h k }k=0 N . With the subspaces Y k and the projections P kdefined as in Section 2, we define a linear operatoras follows: if v = {v k } N k=0 thenL y : Y 0 × Y 1 × ··· × Y N → Y 1 × ··· × Y N × Y 0(L y v) k = v k+1 − P k+1 Dφ h k(y k )v k , f or k = 0,..., N − 1(L y v) N = v 0 − P N Dφ h N(y N )v N .We assume the operator L y is invertible with ‖L −1y ‖ ≤ K . Also we defineconstants as before Lemma 1 with the range of k being appropriately adjusted. Now,we can state our main theorem.THEOREM 3. Periodic Shadowing Theorem. Let {y k }k=0 N be a δ pseudo periodicorbit of the autonomous system Eq. (1) such that the operator L y is invertible with‖ ≤ K . Then if‖L −1y4Cδ < ε 0 , 2M 1 Cδ ≤ 1, C 2 (N 1 δ + N 2 δ 2 + N 3 δ 3 ) < 1,the pseudo periodic orbit {y k }k=0 N is ε-shadowed by a true periodic orbit {x k}k=0 N ofEq. (1) with associated times {t k }k=0 N and withε ≤ 2 ¯Cδ.Moreover, this is the unique such orbit satisfyingf (y k ) ∗ (x k − y k ) = 0 f or 0 ≤ k ≤ N.

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 99Notes on periodic shadowing: The proof of the Periodic Shadowing Theorem aboveis in [15]. Computation of periodic orbits with long periods requires special care; thissituation is addressed in [19].Normally one expects periodic orbits to be plentiful in chaotic invariant sets.One would like to be able to prove that periodic orbits are dense in attractors like thosefor the Lorenz Equations. This we have not been able to do. However, in [15], [19] wewere able to use shadowing techniques to prove the existence of various periodic orbitsof the Lorenz Equations, including orbits with long periods. We will display some ofthese periodic orbits in Section 7.The idea of using computer assistance for rigorously establishing the existenceof periodic orbits occurred to other people before us. For instance, Franke and Selgrade[27] gave a computer-assisted method to rigorously prove the existence of aperiodic orbit of a two-dimensional autonomous system. Other relevant studies are [1],[43], [44], [54], [58], and [61].Using periodic shadowing techniques, one can also provide rigorous estimatesfor the Lyapunov exponents of periodic orbits. Details of such computations, alongwith the Lyapunov exponents of several periodic orbits of the Lorenz Equations, aregiven in [19].5. Homoclinic shadowingGeneral theorems proving the existence of a transversal homoclinic orbit to a hyperbolicperiodic orbit, or a transversal heteroclinic orbit connecting one periodic orbit toanother periodic orbit, of a flow are few. In this section we present two such theorems.In Section 7 we will show the effective use of these theorems on specific systems.We first introduce the definition of an infinite pseudo periodic orbit, which isjust the finite pseudo periodic orbit in Definition 6 extended periodically. This is moreconvenient for our purposes in this section.DEFINITION 8. Definition of infinite pseudo periodic orbit. A sequence{y k } +∞k=−∞ with associated times {l k} +∞k=−∞is said to be a δ pseudo periodic orbit ofperiod N ≥ 1 of Eq. (1) if inf k∈ ZZ l k > 0, f (y k ) ̸= 0 for all k and‖y k+1 − φ l k(y k )‖ ≤ δ and y k+N = y k , l k+N = l k f or k ∈ ZZ.Now we define shadowing of such a pseudo periodic orbit.DEFINITION 9. Definition of periodic shadowing. For a given positive numberε, an infinite δ pseudo periodic orbit {y k } +∞k=−∞ with associated times {l k} +∞k=−∞ issaid to be ε-shadowed by a true periodic orbit if there are points {x k } +∞k=−∞and positivetimes {t k } +∞k=−∞ such that x k+N = x k and t k+N = t k and ϕ t k(x k ) = x k+1 for allk ∈ ZZ and‖x k − y k ‖ ≤ ε and |t k − h k | ≤ ε f or k ∈ ZZ.

100 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. CoomesWe next formalize the definition of a pseudo connecting orbit, homoclinic orheteroclinic, connecting one pseudo periodic orbit to another.DEFINITION 10. Definition of pseudo connecting orbit. Consider two δ pseudoperiodic orbits {y k } +∞k=−∞ and {y k} +∞k=−∞ with associated times {l k} +∞k=−∞ and {l k} +∞k=−∞ .An infinite sequence {w k } +∞k=−∞ with associated times {h k} +∞k=−∞is said to be a δpseudo connecting orbit connecting {y k } +∞k=−∞ to {y k} +∞k=−∞ if f (w k) ̸= 0 for all kand(i) ‖w k+1 − φ h k(w k )‖ ≤ δ for k ∈ ZZ,(ii) w k = y k , h k = ¯l k for k ≤ p and w k = y k , h k = l k for k ≥ q for some integersp < q.In particular, {w k } +∞k=−∞is said to be a pseudo homoclinic orbit if there exists τ, 0 ≤τ < N, such that ȳ k = y k+τ and ¯l k = l k+τ for all k.Shadowing of a pseudo connecting orbit is defined as in Definition 2 for infinitetimeshadowing.Let L w : Y → Ỹ be the linear operator defined by(L w v) k = v k+1 − P k+1 Dφ h k(w k )v k ,where P k , Y and Ỹ are defined as in Section 2 with w replacing y. We assume the operatoris invertible and that ‖L −1w ‖ ≤ K . Also we define constants as before Lemma 1with y replaced by w.With the definitions and notations above, here we state our main shadowingtheorems for connecting pseudo orbits. The first theorem guarantees the existence of atrue hyperbolic connecting orbit near a pseudo connecting orbit. Note that an orbit ishyperbolic if and only if the invariant set defined by it is hyperbolic as in Definition 3.THEOREM 4. Connecting Orbit Shadowing Theorem. Suppose that{y k } +∞k=−∞ and {y k} +∞k=−∞ are two δ pseudo periodic orbits with periods ¯N and N, respectively,of Eq. (1). Let {w k } +∞k=−∞be a δ pseudo connecting orbit of Eq. (1) withassociated times {h k } +∞k=−∞ connecting {y k} +∞k=−∞ to {y k} +∞k=−∞. Suppose that the operatorL w is invertible with‖L −1w ‖ ≤ K.Then if4Cδ < ε 0 , 4M 1 Cδ ≤ min{2, }, C 2 ( N 1 δ + N 2 δ 2 + N 3 δ 3) < 1,(i) the pseudo periodic orbits {y k } +∞k=−∞ and {y k} +∞k=−∞are ε-shadowed by trueperiodic orbits {¯x k } ∞ k=−∞ of period ¯N and {x k } ∞ k=−∞of period N whereε ≤ 2 ¯Cδ,moreover, φ t (¯x 0 ) and φ t (x 0 ) are hyperbolic (non-equilibrium) periodic orbits;

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 101(ii) the pseudo connecting orbit {w k } +∞k=−∞above is also ε-shadowed by a true orbit{z k } ∞ k=−∞ . Moreover, φt (z 0 ) is hyperbolic and there are real numbers ᾱ and αsuch that ‖φ t (z 0 )−φ t+ᾱ (x 0 )‖ → 0 as k → −∞ and ‖φ t (z 0 )−φ t+α (x 0 )‖ → 0as t → ∞.In the special case of the theorem above when the two periodic orbits coincide,we obtain a transversal homoclinic orbit as hyperbolicity of the connecting orbitimplies its transversality. Now, an additional condition is required to ensure that theconnecting orbit does not coincide with the periodic orbit. The condition given in thetheorem below is that there be a point on the pseudo homoclinic orbit sufficiently distantfrom the pseudo periodic orbit. With the setting as in the previous theorem, westate the following theorem.THEOREM 5. Homoclinic Orbit Shadowing Theorem. Suppose that {y k } +∞k=−∞is a δ pseudo periodic orbit with period N of Eq. (1). Let {w k } +∞k=−∞be a δ pseudohomoclinic orbit of Eq. (1) with associated times {h k } +∞k=−∞ connecting {y k} +∞k=−∞ ={y k+τ } +∞k=−∞ to {y k} +∞k=−∞ , where 0 ≤ τ < N. Suppose that the operator L w is invertiblewithThen if‖L −1w ‖ ≤ K.4Cδ < ε 0 , 4M 1 Cδ ≤ min{2, }, C 2 ( N 1 δ + N 2 δ 2 + N 3 δ 3) < 1,(i) the pseudo periodic orbit {y k } +∞k=−∞above is ε-shadowed by a true periodic orbit{x k } ∞ k=−∞ of period N where ε ≤ 2 ¯Cδ,moreover, φ t (x 0 ) is a hyperbolic (non-equilibrium) periodic orbit;(ii) the pseudo homoclinic orbit {w k } +∞k=−∞above is also ε-shadowed by a true orbit{z k } ∞ k=−∞ . Moreover, φt (z 0 ) is hyperbolic and there are real numbers ᾱ and αsuch that ‖φ t (z 0 )−φ t+ᾱ (x 0 )‖ → 0 as k → −∞ and ‖φ t (z 0 )−φ t+α (x 0 )‖ → 0as t → ∞. Furthermore, provided there exists r with p < r < q such that‖w r − y k ‖ > (‖ f (y k )‖ + 2M 1 ¯Cδ) eM 1(h max +ε 0 )−1+ 4 ¯Cδfor 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1, then z r does not lie on the orbit of x 0 and so we mayconclude that z 0 is a transversal homoclinic point associated with the periodicorbit φ t (x 0 ).Notes on homoclinic shadowing: We prove the theorems above partly using earliertheorems. First we prove the existence of the periodic orbits using the Periodic ShadowingTheorem. Then we use the Infinite-time Shadowing Lemma to show the existenceof a unique orbit shadowing the pseudo homoclinic orbit. However, here weM 1

102 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomeshave to show this orbit is asymptotic to the periodic orbits. It turns out that this canbe proved by a compactness argument using the uniqueness. Moreover, we need toshow the transversality as well. This follows from the hyperbolicity which is provedby a rather involved argument. Detailed proofs of these theorems are available in ourforthcoming paper [22].Examples of flows with transversal connecting orbits are scarce. The papers[36], [38], and [64] have examples of connecting orbits in celestial mechanics. Notethat [36] also employs shadowing methods but applies a theorem for a sequence ofmaps (see also [49] for such a theorem) rather than a theorem specifically for differentialequations. There are also studies using shooting methods combined with intervalarithmetic that attempt to establish the existence of connecting orbits; see, for example,[60] where such orbits in the Lorenz Equations are computed. In Section 7 we willexhibit the existence of a transversal homoclinic orbit in the Lorenz Equations for theclassical parameter values.There are a number of studies for effectively computing accurate approximationsto finite segments of orbits of flows connecting two periodic orbits. For example,[25] and [48], inspired by [3], approximate a connecting orbit by the solution of a certainboundary value problem and they derive estimates for the error in the approximation.However, all existing work is carried out on the assumption that a true connectingorbit exists. In contrast, our Connecting and Homoclinic Shadowing Theorems providea new computer-assisted method for rigorously establishing the existence of suchorbits.According to Sil’nikov’s theorem [55], [56], and [46], the existence of a transversalhomoclinic orbit implies chaos. A single transversal heteroclinic orbit does notimply chaos. However, a cycle of transversal heteroclinic orbits does imply chaos.Our Connecting Orbit Shadowing Theorem can be used to prove the existence of suchcycles in, for example, the Lorenz Equations, as demonstrated in [22].6. Implementation issuesThere are two main computational issues in applying the shadowing theorems we havepresented in the previous sections:(i) Small δ: finding a suitable pseudo orbit with sufficiently small rigorous local errorbound;(ii) ||L −1 || ≤ K : verifying the invertibility of the operator L (or finding a suitable rightinverse) and calculating a rigorous upper bound K on the norm of the inverse.In this section we highlight certain key ideas regarding these computational considerations,at suitable points directing the reader to references where further details can befound.(i) Finding a suitable pseudo orbit: In the case of finite-time shadowing, onecould be tempted to use a sophisticated numerical integration method with local error

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 103tolerance control to generate a good pseudo orbit. However, in order to claim theexistence of a true orbit near the computed approximate orbit, we need a rigorousbound on the local discretization error δ. We have found a high-order Taylor Method tobe the most effective numerical integration method for this purpose. To get a rigorous δ,one must also account for the floating point errors in the calculation of φ h k(y k ), whichwe handle using the techniques of Wilkinson [65]. Details of the implementation of theTaylor Method with floating error estimates for the Lorenz Equations are given in [17].In the case of periodic or homoclinic shadowing, it is very difficult to find apseudo periodic orbit or pseudo homoclinic orbit with δ small enough by a routine useof a numerical integrator using simple shooting, that is, various initial conditions aretried until one is found with a small δ. Usually the δ found in this way is not smallenough to apply our theorems. To get a pseudo orbit with a smaller δ, we refine the“crude” pseudo orbit with a suitable global Newton’s method. “Global” means we workwith the whole pseudo orbit, not just its initial point since it turns out that working withjust the initial point is not effective.Now we describe what we do in the periodic case. Let {y k }k=0 N be a δ pseudoperiodic orbit of Eq. (1), found perhaps by simple shooting, or by concatenating segmentsof several orbits. In general, the δ associated with such a crude pseudo orbit willnot be sufficiently small to apply our Periodic Orbit Shadowing Theorem. We want toreplace this pseudo periodic orbit by a nearby one with a smaller δ. Ideally there wouldbe a nearby sequence of points {x k }k=0 N and a sequence of times {t k}k=0 N such thatx k+1 = φ t k(x k ) for k = 0, ..., N − 1x 0 = ϕ t N(x N ).We write x k = y k + z k , where z k is orthogonal to f (y k ), and t k = h k + s k . Sowe need to solve the equationsz k+1 = φ h k+s k(y k + z k ) − y k+1 for k = 0, ..., N − 1z 0 = ϕ h N+s N(y N + z N ) − y 0 .As in Newton’s method, we linearize:φ h k+s k(y k + z k ) − y k+1 ≈ f (φ h k(y k ))s k + Dφ h k(y k )z k + φ h k(y k ) − y k+1 .Next we writez k = S k u k ,where u k ∈ IR n−1 and {S k }k=0 N is a sequence of n × (n − 1) matrices chosen so that[ f (y k )/‖ f (y k )‖ S k ] is orthogonal. So now we solve the linear equationsS k+1 u k+1 = f (y k+1 )s k + Dφ h k(y k )S k u k + g k for k = 0, ..., N − 1S 0 u 0 = f (y N )s N + Dφ h N(y N )S N u N + g Nfor s k and u k , where g k = φ h k(y k ) − y k+1 . Multiplying each equation in the first setby S ∗ k+1 and f (y k+1) ∗ and multiplying the last equation by S ∗ 0 and f (y 0), under the

104 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomesassumption of no floating point errors, we obtain(2)u k+1 − A k u k = S ∗ k+1 g k for k = 0,..., N − 1u 0 − A N z N = S ∗ 0 g Nands k = −‖ f (y k+1 )‖ −2 f (y k+1 ) ∗ {Dφ h k(y k )S k u k + g k } for k = 0,..., N − 1s N = −‖ f (y 0 )‖ −2 f (y 0 ) ∗ {Dφ h N(y N )S N u N + g N },where A k = Sk+1 ∗ Dφh k(y k )S k for k = 0,..., N − 1 and A N = S0 ∗ Dφh N(y N )S N . Sothe main problem is to solve Eq. (2). This is solved by exploiting the local hyperbolicityalong the pseudo orbit which implies the existence of contracting and expanding directions.We use a triangularization procedure which enables us to solve forward firstalong the contracting directions and then backwards along the expanding directions.Note that it is numerically impossible to solve the whole system forwards because ofthe expanding directions.Once the new pseudo periodic orbit {y k + z k }k=0 N with associated times {h k +s k }k=0 N is found, we check if its delta is small enough. If it is not, we repeat the procedurefor further refinement. For complete details see [19]. A similar method to refine acrude pseudo homoclinic orbit is given in [22].(ii) Verifying the invertibility of the operator (or finding a suitable right inverse)and calculating an upper bound on the norm of the inverse: Again we just look atthe periodic case. A similar procedure is used in the finite-time and homoclinic casesbut in the homoclinic case it is rather more complicated since the sequence spaces areinfinite-dimensional; however, we can handle it due to the periodicity at both ends.First we outline the procedure which would be used in the case of exact computations.To construct L −1y , we need to find the unique solution z k ∈ Y k ofz k+1 = P k+1 Dφ h k(y k )z k + g k , for k = 0,..., N − 1z 0 = P N Dφ h k(y k )z N + g N .whenever g k is in Y k+1 for k = 0,..., N−1 and in Y 0 for k = N. We use the n×(n−1)matrices S k as defined in (i) and make the transformationz k = S k u k ,where u k is in IR n−1 . Making this transformation, our equations becomeu k+1 − A k u k = S ∗ k+1 g k, for k = 0,..., N − 1u 0 − A N u N = S ∗ 0 g N,where A k is the (n − 1)×(n − 1) matrix A k = S ∗ k+1 Dφh k(y k )S k for k = 0,..., N − 1and A N = S ∗ 0 Dφh N(y N )S N .As in (i), these equations are solved by exploiting the hyperbolicity which impliesthe existence of contracting and expanding directions.

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 105We use a triangularization procedure which enables us to solve forward firstalong the contracting directions and then backwards along the expanding directions.Thus we are able to obtain a computable criterion for invertibility and a formula for theinverse from which an upper bound for the inverse can be obtained.Of course, we have to take into account round-off and discretization error. Forexample, we have to work with a computed approximation to Dφ h k(y k ). However,this only induces a small perturbation in the operator. Another problem is that thecolumns of S k , as computed, are not exactly orthonormal. Next A k cannot be computedprecisely. Finally the difference equation cannot be solved exactly but we are still ableto obtain rigorous upper bounds, using standard perturbation theory of linear operatorsand the techniques in [65] to obtain rigorous upper bounds on the error due to floatingpoint operations. The necessary interval arithmetic can be implemented by using IEEE-754 compliant hardware with a compiler that supports rounding mode control. Formore details of these and other issues see [19] and for the finite-time and homocliniccases see [17] and [22], respectively.3020100-10-20-30-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20Figure 1: A pseudo orbit, with δ ≤ 1.978 × 10 −12 , of the Lorenz Equations for theclassical parameter values σ = 10, β = 8/3, ρ = 28 and initial data (0, 1, 0) projectedonto the (x, y)-plane. There exists a true orbit within ε ≤ 2.562×10 −9 of this pseudoorbit. For clarity, we have plotted only the first 120 time units of the pseudo orbit.Shadowing of this pseudo orbit for much longer time is possible.

106 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomes25252020151510105500-5-5-10-10-15-15-20-20-25-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20(a)-25-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20(b)Figure 2: Two short pseudo periodic orbits of the Lorenz Equations for the classicalparameter values projected onto the (x, y)-plane. The pseudo orbit in (a) hasapproximate period 1.559 time units; it is shadowed by a true periodic orbit withinε ≤ 1.800 × 10 −12 . It is interesting to observe that these periodic orbits coexist withthe nonperiodic orbit in Fig. 1.7. ExamplesIn this section, we offer representative applications of the shadowing theorems fromSections 3, 4, and 5, using the Lorenz Equations [41]ẋ = σ(y − x)ẏ = ρx − y − xzż = xy − βzwith the classical parameter values σ = 10, ρ = 28, β = 8/3. Using the Lyapunovfunction V(x, y, z) = ρx 2 + σ y 2 + σ(z − 2ρ) 2 , it is not difficult to establish that thesetU = {(x, y, z) : ρx 2 + σ y 2 + σ(z − 2ρ) 2 ≤ σρ 2 β 2 /(β − 1)}is forward invariant under the flow of the Lorenz Equations for σ ≥ 1, ρ > 0, andβ > 1. Each pseudo orbit {y k }k=0 N of the Lorenz Equations we calculate below liesinside this forward invariant ellipsoid U.First we give an example of finite-time shadowing for the initial data (0, 1, 0)used by Lorenz. The pseudo orbit {y k }k=0 N of the Lorenz Equations in Fig. 1 and thesequence of matrices approximating Dφ h k(y k ) are generated by applying a Taylor seriesmethod of order 31 with initial value y 0 at t = 0 and with constant time step h k .The Taylor method has the advantages that a bound for the local discretization error iseasily calculated and it also allows us to use relatively large step sizes h k . This pseudoorbit is depicted in Fig.1. It is a δ pseudo orbit with δ ≤ 1.978 × 10 −13 and we areable to show that it is ε-shadowed by a true orbit with ε ≤ 2.562 × 10 −9 for at least850, 000 time units. This example is taken from [17] where all the implementation detailscan be found. A pseudo orbit from almost all initial data of the Lorenz Equations

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 10720151050-5-10-15-20-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15(X)20151050-5-10-15-20-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15(Y)Figure 3: “X” and “Y” pieces of a crude pseudo periodic orbit of the Lorenz Equationsfor the classical parameter values projected onto the (x, y)-plane. Concatenated copiesin the order XY and XYY are used as initial guesses for the Global Newton’s methodto generate the refined pseudo periodic orbits in Fig. 2.are shadowable for reasonably long time intervals. In the same reference shadowingtimes of many other pseudo orbits are tabulated.2520151050-5-10-15-20-25-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20(a)3020100-10-20-30-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20(b)Figure 4: Two long pseudo periodic orbits of the Lorenz Equations for the classicalparameter values projected onto the (x, y)-plane. The pseudo periodic orbit in (a)is of type XXYYXXXYYYXYXYXXXYY. The pseudo periodic orbit in (b) has approximateperiod 1100.787 time units; it is shadowed by a true periodic orbit withinε ≤ 5.239 × 10 −12 .Next, we present examples of periodic shadowing. Periodic orbits of the LorenzEquations exhibit a great deal of geometric variations and they have been the subjectof many publications; see, for example, [1], [5], [63]. Most of these works are either ofnumerical nature or pertain to a model system which is believed to capture the essentialfeatures of the actual equations. One of the first rigorous demonstrations of a specificperiodic orbit of the Lorenz Equations was given in [15] using the Periodic Shadowing

108 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomes2520151050-5-10-15-20-25-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20Figure 5: The pseudo periodic orbit of the Lorenz Equations from Fig. 2(a) (plotted insmall circles) and a pseudo homoclinic orbit (plotted in dots) doubly asymptotic to thispseudo periodic orbit with δ ≤ 2.012 × 10 −12 . There exist a true hyperbolic periodicorbit and a true transversal homoclinic orbit within ε ≤ 2.266 × 10 −9 of the pseudoones.Theorem of Section 4.In Fig. 2 two short pseudo periodic orbits of the Lorenz Equations are plotted.The pseudo periodic orbit in Fig. 2(a) has approximate period 1.559 and is readilyvisible on the computer screen by following the solution from the initial data(−12.78619065852397642, −19.36418793711800464, 24.0)with a decent integrator. We found the periodic orbit in Fig. 2(a) as follows: first wecomputed the two orbit segments X and Y in Fig. 3 whose endpoints were fairly closeand concatenated them together to form a pseudo periodic orbit XY with a quite largeδ. Then we used the global Newton’s method as outlined in Section 6 to find a refinedpseudo periodic orbit with sufficiently small δ to apply the Periodic ShadowingTheorem. With a similar concatenation method, it is possible to generate pseudo periodicorbits with various geometries. Additional pseudo periodic orbits are depicted inFigs. 2 and 4. Further computational and mathematical details of the analysis of thesepseudo periodic orbits are available in [15], [19], [22].Lastly, we give an example of homoclinic shadowing. First we took the pseudoperiodic orbit in Fig. 2(a). Using our concatenation technique followed by a globalNewton’s method, we next found a pseudo homoclinic orbit connecting the pseudoperiodic orbit to itself. This pseudo connecting orbit, which is pictured in Fig. 5, hasδ ≤ 2.012 × 10 −12 . The values of the significant constants associated with this pseudoconnecting orbit and the requisite inequalities for the Homoclinic Orbit Shadowing

Shadowing in ordinary differential equations 109Parameters:σ = 10.0, β = 8.0/3.0, ρ = 28.0Convex set:U = {(x, y, z) : ρx 2 + σ y 2 + σ(z − 2ρ) 2 ≤ σρ 2 β 2 /(β − 1)}Significant quantities:M 0 ≤ 5546.1807694948548 K = 567.89771838622869M 1 ≤ 87.040362193445489 ≥ 37.640569857537358M 2 ≤ 1.4142135623730951 M 0 ≤ 243.91779884309116h max = 0.011826110602228697 M 1 ≤ 28.802758744306345h min = 0.0019715050733614117 C ≤ 567.89771838622869ε 0 = 1.0000000000000001 × 10 −5 C ≤ 567.89777438966746N = 168 N 1 ≤ 57496.233185753386p = 167 N 2 ≤ 2.8839060646841870 × 10 11q = 3940 N 3 ≤ 1.5646336856150979 × 10 17τ = 76ε = 2.2659685392584887 × 10 −9δ = 2.0118772701071166 × 10 −12 r = 3277Inequalities:4Cδ ≤ 4.5701620454677841 × 10 −9 < ǫ 04M 1 Cδ ≤ 3.9778855972025359 × 10 −7 ≤ min(2,) = 2C 2 ((N 3 δ + N 2 )δ + N 1 )δ ≤ 3.7306585982472891 × 10 −2 < 1Figure 6: Significant constants and the requisite inequalities for the pseudo homoclinicorbit in Fig. 5. From the Homoclinic Shadowing Theorem, there exist a true hyperbolicperiodic orbit and a true transversal homoclinic orbit within ε ≤ 2.266 × 10 −9 of thepseudo ones.Theorem in Section 5 are tabulated in Fig. 6. It is evident from these numbers that thehypotheses of our Homoclinic Orbit Shadowing Theorem are fulfilled.Thus we conclude: there exists a true transversal homoclinic orbit within ε ≤ 2.266 ×10 −9 of this pseudo one. As outlined in the Introduction, the existence of such an orbitimplies chaotic behavior in the vicinity.

110 H. Koçak - K. Palmer - B. Coomes8. Closing remarksIn the preceding pages, we have tried to demonstrate the utility and the promise of shadowingas a new development in the rigorous computer-assisted analysis of ordinary differentialequations. Shadowing can be used to show that certain computer simulationsof chaotic systems do indeed represent true states of the system. Moreover, shadowingis able to establish the existence of orbits with various dynamical properties such ashyperbolic periodic orbits and transversal homoclinic or heteroclinic orbits. In contrastto classical numerical analysis which tries to compute known orbits as accurately aspossible, shadowing can show their existence rigorously.One limitation of the shadowing methods presented here is that they will onlywork with systems which display some hyperbolicity, even if not uniform. Limits toshadowing due to fluctuating Lyapunov exponents or unstable dimension variabilityhave been investigated in [24], [53].In this review article we tried to give the highlights of our work in shadowingduring the past decade. Due to the inevitable time and space constraints, we could notinclude many other developments in shadowing; we apologize to the authors of numerousexcellent publications to which we could not refer. We hope we have convincedyou of the utility of shadowing and that you will be interested enough to look at thedetails of our work and the works of the others listed in the references.References[1] ADAMS E., The reliability question for discretization of evolution equations, in: “Scientific computingwith automatic result verification”, (Eds. Adams E. and Kulisch U.), Academic Press, San Diego 1993,423–526.[2] ANOSOV D.V., Geodesic flows on closed Riemann manifolds with negative curvature, Proc. SteklovInst. Math. 90 (1967).[3] BEYN W.-J., On well-posed problems for connecting orbits in dynamical systems, in “Chaotic Dynamics”,(Eds. Kloeden P. and Palmer K.), Contemporary Mathematics 172, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence,R.I. 1994, 131–168.[4] BIRKHOFF G., Nouvelles recherches sur les systèmes dynamiques, Mem. Pont. Acad. Sci. Novi. Lyncaei1 (1935), 85–216.[5] BIRMAN J. AND WILLIAMS R.F., Knotted periodic orbits in dynamical systems - I: Lorenz’s equations,Topology 22 (1983), 47–82.[6] BLOCK L. AND COPPEL W.A., Dynamics in one dimension, Lec. Notes in Math. 1513, SpringerVerlag, Berlin 1992.[7] BOWEN R., ω-limit sets for Axiom A diffeomorphisms, J. Diff. Equations 18 (1975), 333–339.[8] BOWEN R., Equilibrium states and the ergodic theory of Anosov Diffeomorphisms, Lec. Notes in Math.470, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1975.[9] CHOW S.N. AND PALMER K.J., On the numerical computation of orbits of dynamical systems: theone dimensional case, J. Dynamics Diff. Eqns. 3 (1991), 361–380.[10] CHOW S.N. AND PALMER K.J., On the numerical computation of orbits of dynamical systems: thehigher-dimensional case, J. Complexity 8 (1992), 398–423.[11] CHOW S.N. AND VAN VLECK E.S., A shadowing lemma approach to global error analysis for initialvalue ODEs, SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 15 (1994), 959–976.

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Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino - Vol. 65, 1 (2007)Subalpine Rhapsody in DynamicsD. Papini - F. Zanolin ∗SOME RESULTS ON PERIODIC POINTS AND CHAOTICDYNAMICS ARISING FROM THE STUDY OF THENONLINEAR HILL EQUATIONSAbstract. We study fixed point theorems for maps which satisfy a property of stretchinga suitably oriented topological space Z along the paths connecting two disjoint subsets Zl−and Zr− of Z. Our results reconsider and extend previous theorems in [56, 59, 60] where thecase of two-dimensional cells (that is topological spaces homeomorphic to a rectangle of theplane) was analyzed. Applications are given to topological horseshoes and to the study of theperiodic points and the symbolic dynamics associated to discrete (semi)dynamical systems.1. Introduction1.1. A motivation from the theory of ODEsIn the study of boundary value problems for nonlinear ODEs, the shooting method,in spite of being sometimes considered as an old fashioned technique, is still a quitepowerful and effective tool in various different situations. For instance, as a samplemodel, let us consider the generalized Sturm−Liouville problem for a second orderequation of the formu ′′ + f (t, u, u ′ ) = 0, (u(t 0 ), u ′ (t 0 )) ∈ Ŵ 0 , (u(t 1 ), u ′ (t 1 )) ∈ Ŵ 1 ,where f = f (t, x, y) : [t 0 , t 1 ] × R 2 → R is a continuous function satisfying a locallyLipschitz condition with respect to (x, y) and Ŵ 0 and Ŵ 1 are two unbounded closedconnected subsets of the plane R 2 . Using the shooting method, one can start from theCauchy problem (for which we have the uniqueness of the solutions and their continuousdependence upon the initial values)u ′′ + f (t, u, u ′ ) = 0, (u(t 0 ), u ′ (t 0 )) = (x 0 , y 0 ) := z 0 ,with z 0 ∈ Ŵ 0 and, having denoted by ζ(·;t 0 , z 0 ) the corresponding solution of theequivalent first order system in the phase-plane(1) x ′ = y, y ′ = − f (t, x, y),with ζ(t 0 ) = z 0 , look for the intersections between Ŵ 1 and the set Ŵ0 ′ := {ζ(t 1; t 0 , z 0 ) :z 0 ∈ Ŵ 0 }. Clearly, any point z 1 ∈ Ŵ0 ′ ∩ Ŵ 1 is the value (u(t 1 ), u ′ (t 1 )) correspondingto a solution u(·) of the original Sturm−Liouville problem and different points in theintersection of Ŵ 1 with Ŵ0 ′ are associated to different solutions as well. In the simpler∗ Supported by the MIUR project ”Equazioni Differenziali Ordinarie e Applicazioni” (PRIN 2005).115

116 D. Papini - F. Zanolincase in which Ŵ 0 is the image of a continuous curve θ 0 : [0, 1[ → R 2 , the set Ŵ ′ 0 cansometimes be described as the image of a continuous curve too, by means of the mapθ 1 : [0, 1[ ∋ s ↦→ ζ(t 1 ; t 0 ,θ 0 (s)) (this, of course, is not always guaranteed, in factwe are not assuming in this example that all the solutions of the Cauchy problems canbe defined on [t 0 , t 1 ] and therefore, without further assumptions on f, it could happenthat θ 1 may be not defined on the whole interval [0, 1[ ). See also [9, 10, 13, 23] fordifferent topological approaches where the uniqueness of the solutions for the Cauchyproblem is not assumed.In [55], dealing with some boundary value problems associated to the nonlinearscalar ODE(2) u ′′ + q(t)g(u) = 0and assuming that q : [t 0 , t 1 ] → R is a continuous and piece-wise monotone functionand g : R → R, withg(s)s > 0, for s ̸= 0,a locally Lipschitz continuous mapping satisfying a condition of superlinear growth atinfinity, we considered the case in which there is τ ∈]t 0 , t 1 [ such thatq(t) > 0 for t ∈]t 0 ,τ[ and q(t) < 0 for t ∈]τ, t 1 [and then we found in the phase-plane two conical shells W(+) := W(r, R) and W(−):= −W(r, R), with(3) W(r, R) := {(x, y) ∈ R 2 : x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, r 2 ≤ x 2 + y 2 ≤ R 2 },such that the following path-stretching property holds:(H ± ) for every path σ(±) contained in W(±) and meeting the inner and the outercircumferences at the boundary of W(±) there are sub-paths γ i (±) (i = 1, 2)contained in the domain D ϕ of the map ϕ : R 2 ∋ z 0 ↦→ ζ(t 1 ; t 0 , z 0 ) ∈ R 2 andsuch that ϕ(γ 1 (±)) is contained in W(±) and meets both the inner and the outercircumferences, as well as ϕ(γ 2 (±)) is contained in W(∓) and meets both theinner and the outer circumferences. ∗The points z 0 = (x 0 , y 0 ) belonging to each of the sub-paths γ i (±) (i = 2, 1) are initialpoints of system(4) x ′ = y, y ′ = −q(t)g(x),for t = t 0 for which the corresponding solution ζ(·;t 0 , z 0 ) = (u(·), u ′ (·)) is such thatu(t) has a sufficiently large (but fixed in advance) number of zeros in the interval ]t 0 ,τ[and then, either exactly one zero or no zeros at all (and a zero for its derivative) in theinterval ]τ, t 1 [ .∗ In [55] we used a definition of path which is slightly different from the one considered here in Section1.5; however, this does not effect the validity of property (H ± ). Actually, for the moment, as long as we arein the introductory part of this work and also for the sake of simplicity in the exposition, we prefer to be alittle vague about the precise concept of path we are going to use.

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 117Figure 1: An illustration of the situation which occurs in [55]. Any path σ = σ(+)contained in the first quadrant and meeting the inner and the outer circumferences ofthe conical shell W(+) (like the one drawn with a thinner line) contains (at least) twosub-paths γ 1 = γ 1 (+) and γ 2 = γ 2 (+) (like those drawn with a thicker line) satisfyingthe following property: through the map ϕ, one of the two sub-paths (namely, γ 1 ) istransformed to a path (drawn with a thicker line) contained in the first quadrant andcrossing the set W(+), while the other sub-path (that is, γ 2 ) is transformed to a path(drawn with a thicker line) contained in the third quadrant and crossing the set W(−).The same happens with respect to any path σ(−) contained in W(−) and intersectingthe inner and the outer circumferences at the boundary of W(−).

118 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 2: An illustration of the possible behavior of a solution u(t) of (2) for t ∈[t 0 , t 1 ], with (u(t 0 ), u ′ (t 0 )) belonging to γ 1 (+). The solution oscillates a certain (large)number of times in ]t 0 ,τ[ . At the time τ of switching from q > 0 to q < 0 the point(u(τ), u ′ (τ)) lies in the interior of the fourth quadrant of the phase-plane. Then, in theinterval [τ, t 1 ] we have u(t) > 0 with u ′ (t) vanishing exactly once.Figure 3: An illustration of the possible behavior of a solution u(t) of (2) for t ∈[t 0 , t 1 ], with (u(t 0 ), u ′ (t 0 )) belonging to γ 2 (+). The solution oscillates a certain (large)number of times in ]t 0 ,τ[ . At the time τ of switching from q > 0 to q < 0 the point(u(τ), u ′ (τ)) lies in the interior of the fourth quadrant of the phase-plane. Then, in theinterval [τ, t 1 ] we have u ′ (t) < 0 with u(t) vanishing exactly once.

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 119Figure 4: An illustration of the possible behavior of a solution u(t) of (2) along aninterval made by two subintervals where q > 0 which are separated by a subintervalwhere q < 0. In this latter subinterval u ′ < 0 and u vanishes exactly once.If there are several adjacent intervals like [t 0 , t 1 ] in which the weight function q(t)changes its sign, we can repeat the same argument for each of such intervals and obtainsolutions which have a large number of zeros in each interval when q(t) > 0 and eitherexactly one zero, or no zeros at all (according to any finite sequence in {0, 1} which isfixed in advance). Figure 4 and Figure 5, below, describe the situation of two positiveintervals for the weight which are separated by an interval where q < 0. Accordingto [55] there exist solutions with a large number of oscillations in the intervals whenq > 0 and vanishing either once or never in the interval when the weight is negative.Both kind of solutions coexist for the same equation, the different outcome dependingby small differences in the initial conditions. The graphs drawn in Figures 2-5 (usingMaple software) represent an idealized situation that we use as a description of themain result in [55] and do not concern a specific equation like (2).In [55], using a key lemma involving the path-stretching property (H ± ), andsome results adapted from Hartman [28] and Struwe [69] (which allow to find infinitelymany solutions for generalized Sturm−Liouville superlinear problems whenthe weight function is positive), we obtained the existence of (infinitely many) solutionsfor various boundary value problems associated to equation (2) in the case of anonlinear function g satisfying a condition of superlinear growth at infinity. A possiblechoice of g is given by g(s) = |s| α−1 s with α > 1, which makes equation (2)a nonlinear analogue of Hill’s equation (cf. [5]). Our results in [55] allow to obtainsolutions having an arbitrarily large number of zeros in the intervals when q > 0 andeither no zeros or exactly one zero (following any prescribed rule) in the intervals whenq < 0. In some related works (see, e.g., [14, 58, 59]) it was then proved that similar resultshold also with respect to other kinds of nonlinear ODEs or under different growthassumptions for g(s) in (2). The interested reader can find in [4, 6, 70] as well as in[8, 14, 24, 45, 52, 53, 54, 57, 59] and the references therein further information and

120 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 5: An illustration of the possible behavior of another solution u(t) of (2) alongan interval made by two subintervals where q > 0 which are separated by a subintervalwhere q < 0. In this latter subinterval u > 0 and u ′ vanishes exactly once.results about the rich structure and the complex dynamics of the solutions of the nonlinearequation (2) with a sign changing weight q(t).In the case when q(t) is a periodic function such that its interval of periodicitycan be decomposed into a finite number of adjacent subintervals where q(t) alternatesits sign, a natural problem turns out to be that of the search of periodic (harmonic andsubharmonic) solutions to (2). Results about the existence of infinitely many periodicsolutions for the superlinear case were obtained by Butler in his pioneering work [6].For a nonlinearity having superlinear growth at infinity, Terracini and Verzini in [70]proved the existence of periodic solutions which have an arbitrarily large (but possiblyfixed in advance) number of zeros in the intervals when q > 0 and precisely onezero in the intervals when q < 0. At the best of our knowledge, this is the first resultgiving evidence of a very complicated behavior for the solutions of the nonlinear Hill’sequations with a sign changing weight.In view of the path-stretching property (H ± ) and the above quoted results forthe periodic problem, as a next step, one can raise the question whether it is possible toobtain fixed points (as well as periodic points) for a map like the ϕ considered in (H ± ).This goal was achieved in [56] where we obtained a fixed point theorem for planarmaps (subsequently reconsidered and generalized in [59, 60]) that, when applied tothe case of a periodic weight function, shows that the path-stretching condition (H ± )implies the existence of infinitely many periodic solutions (harmonic and subharmonic)as well as the presence of a chaotic-like dynamics for the solutions of (2).1.2. Fixed points and periodic points for planar mappingsIn order to present the results in [56, 59, 60], first of all we put in a more abstract formthe situation described in (H ± ). For sake of simplicity, we give here only some of the

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 121main features of our approach, with a few comments. The interested reader is referredto [59, 60] for all the details, as well as for some remarks and comments [61] relatingour results to some developments of the Conley−Ważewski theory [17, 25, 26, 47, 49,65, 66, 67, 68, 79, 80, 81, 82]. We also notice that the terminology here is a littledifferent than in [56, 59, 60]. The different choice in the presentation is made in orderto employ some terms that can be easily adapted to the higher dimensional case, that isthe scope of the second part of this article.Let X be a Hausdorff topological space. A subset R ⊆ X is called a generalizedrectangle or a two-dimensional cell if there is a homeomorphism η of [0, 1] 2 ⊆ R 2 ontoR ⊆ X. Given η, we put in evidence the setsR − l:= η({0} × [0, 1]), R − r := η({1} × [0, 1]), and R − := R − l∪ R − r .We define also the pair̂R := (R,R − )as a (generalized) oriented rectangle or oriented cell. The indexes “ l ” and “ r ” standfor “ left ” and “ right ”, respectively. Clearly, any other way of labelling two objects(like “ 0 ” and “ 1 ”) fits well. By settingR + b := η([0, 1] × {0}) and R+ t := η([0, 1] × {1}),one can also define in a dual manner the “ base ” and the “ top ” of the generalizedrectangle R. By convention, we take the orientation through the [ ·] − -set.As an example, the conical shell R := W(+) = W(r, R) defined in (3) is ageneralized rectangle and we can take the homeomorphism η in order to haveR − l:= W(+) ∩ {x 2 + y 2 = r 2 }, R − r := W(+) ∩ {x 2 + y 2 = R 2 }.Next, we present a fixed point theorem for continuous maps which stretch anoriented rectangle. The main feature of our result is that we look for fixed points whichbelong to a given subset D of the domain of the map ψ under consideration. By reasonof this requirement, we consider pairs (D,ψ).Let  = (A,A − ) and ̂B = (B,B − ) be two oriented rectangles (in the same Hausdorfftopological space X), let ψ : X ⊇ D ψ → X be a continuous map and let D ⊆ D ψ ∩A.We say that (D,ψ) stretches  to ̂B along the paths and write(D,ψ) : Â⊳̂B,if there is a compact set K ⊆ D such that the following conditions are satisfied:ψ(K) ⊆ B,for every path σ ⊆ A with σ ∩ A − l̸= ∅ and σ ∩ A − r ̸= ∅, there is a sub-pathγ ⊆ σ ∩ K with ψ(γ) ∩ B − l̸= ∅ and ψ(γ) ∩ B − r ̸= ∅.

122 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 6: Suppose that a continuous mapping ψ transforms the generalized rectangleR (the “fat” cheese-like object) to the worm-like set ψ(R). The two components of the[ ·] − -set of R as well as their images under ψ are represented by segments (arcs) witha darker color at the contour of the corresponding figures. The stretching property isvisualized by the fact that there is a “crossing” of the “worm” through the “cheese”.To put emphasis on the role of the compact set K in the stretching definition, sometimeswe also write(D,K,ψ) : Â⊳̂B.Using a result about plane continua previously applied in a different context also byConley [11] and Butler [6] (for a proof, see [63] as well as [59, 60]), the followingfixed point theorem was obtained.THEOREM 1. Let ̂R = (R,R − ) be an oriented rectangle in X. If (D,K,ψ): ̂R⊳̂R, then there is w ∈ D (actually w ∈ K) such that ψ(w) = w.An illustration of Theorem 1 is given in Figure 6.Of course, not all the crossings fit to our purposes. For instance, Figure 7 showsan example of nonexistence of fixed points.

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 123Figure 7: An example showing a case in which the stretching property is not satisfied.The white region is moved to the white one and the darker to the darker one by ahomeomorphism which does not have fixed points.In order to better understand which are the good crossings between R and ψ(R)that permit to apply our fixed point theorem, we considered the following definitionsof slabs of an oriented rectangle (called “ slices ” in [60]).Let ̂M = (M,M − ) and ̂N = (N,N − ) be two oriented cells in X. We say that̂M is a horizontal slab of ̂N and writêM ⊆ h ̂N,if M ⊆ N and, eitherorM − l⊆ N − land M − r ⊆ N − r ,M − l⊆ N − r and M − r ⊆ N − l.Similarly, we say that ̂M is a vertical slab of ̂N and writêM ⊆ v ̂N,if M ⊆ N and, eitherorM + b ⊆ N+ band M + t ⊆ N + t ,M + b ⊆ N+ t and M + t ⊆ N + b .

124 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 8: (taken from [60]). Example of oriented cells ˜R (white) and ψ(˜R) (light color)with crossings into three slabs (darker color). The [ ·] − -sets are indicated with a boldline. Among the five cells which are the connected components of the intersectionψ(R) ∩ R, only the three painted with darker color are suitable to play the role of theM’s for the application of Theorem 2.Now, given three oriented rectangles (cells) in X, which are denoted by  = (A,A − ),̂B = (B,B − ) and ̂M = (M,M − ), we say that ̂B crosses  in ̂M and writêM ∈ { ⋔ ̂B},if̂M ⊆ h  and ̂M ⊆ v ̂B.The symbol ⋔ is borrowed from the case of transversal intersections, however we pointout that in our situation (although confined to sets which are two-dimensional in nature)we don’t need any smoothness assumption. In fact, our setting is that of topologicalspaces. From the above definitions and by Theorem 1 the following result easily follows.THEOREM 2. Let  = (A,A − ) and ̂B = (B,B − ) be oriented cells in X. If(D,K,ψ) : Â⊳̂B and there is an oriented cell ̂M such that ̂M ∈ { ⋔ ̂B}, thenthere exists w ∈ K ∩ M such that ψ(w) = w.A situation like that depicted in Figure 8 in which we have more than one goodintersection between the domain and the image of a homeomorphism is typical of thehorseshoe maps and thus, as a next step, we can look for the existence of a completedynamics on m symbols, where m ≥ 2 is the number of the crossings. With thisrespect, we have to recall that a very general topological theory has been developed in

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 125the recent years by Kennedy, Yorke and their collaborators in a series of fundamentalpapers in this area (see [33, 35, 36, 37, 38]). Our goal instead is to take advantage ofour simplified framework in which we consider only sets which are homeomorphic toa square and prove the existence of periodic points of any order. To this aim, we haveto apply Theorem 1 to the iterates of the map ψ and select carefully some subset ofthe domain D in order to find “true” periodic points (for instance those with a longminimal period). First, however, we need a further definition, taken from [39].We say that ψ : X ⊇ D ψ → X has a chaotic dynamics of coin-tossing typeon k symbols if k ≥ 2 and there is a metrizable space Z ⊆ X and k pairwise disjointcompact sets W 1 ,... , W k ⊆ Z ∩ D ψ such that, for each two-sided sequence (s n ) n∈Zwiths n ∈ {1,...,k}, ∀ n ∈ Z,there is a sequence of points (z n ) n∈Z withz n ∈ W sn and z n+1 = ψ(z n ), ∀ n ∈ Z.In other words, any possible itinerary on the sets W 1 ..., W k is followed by somepoint.As an auxiliary tool in order to obtain at the same time the existence of suchkind of chaotic trajectories and also the fact that all the periodic itineraries can befollowed by some periodic point, we have the following theorem (see [59]), which isalso reminiscent of some results in [34] and [73].THEOREM 3. Assume that there is a (double) sequence of oriented rectangles( k ) k∈Z and maps ((D k ,ψ k )) k∈Z , with D k ⊆ A k , such that (D k ,ψ k ) :  k ⊳ k+1for each k ∈ Z. Then the following conclusions hold:(a 1 ) There is a sequence (w k ) k∈Z with w k ∈ D k and ψ k (w k ) = w k+1 for all k ∈ Z;(a 2 ) For each j ∈ Z there is a compact and connected set C j ⊆ D j satisfyingC j ∩ (A j ) + b ̸= ∅, C j ∩ (A j ) + t ̸= ∅and such that for each w ∈ C j there is a sequence (y l ) l≥ j , with y l ∈ D l andy j = w, y l+1 = ψ l (y l ) for each l ≥ j;(a 3 ) If there are integers h, k with h < k such that  h =  k , then there is a finitesequence (z i ) h≤i≤k , with z i ∈ D i and ψ i (z i ) = z i+1 for each i = h,...,k − 1,such that z h = z k , that is, z h is a fixed point of ψ k−1 ◦ ··· ◦ ψ h .The proof of (a 1 ) and partially also that of (a 2 ) could be given by adapting toour setting the argument in [33, Lemma 3 and Proposition 5]. As to (a 3 ), we applyTheorem 1. The existence of the continuum (compact connected set) C j in (a 2 ) is abyproduct of the topological lemma that we employ also in the proof of Theorem 1.We give all the main details along the proof of Theorem 11 in Section 3.2 and refer to[59] for more information.

126 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFrom Theorem 3 several corollaries can be obtained. Now we just recall a fewof them which are taken from [59] and [60]. Due to space limitation, we don’t givehere other applications to ODEs. We just mention the recent thesis by Covolan [12]which contains a detailed description of the results in [33] and those in [59, 60] andwhere it is shown that our theorem, when applied to the search of fixed points forthe iterates of a two-dimensional map, may add some useful information (about theexistence of periodic points) to the conclusions obtained in some recent articles (like,e.g., [30, 75, 76, 77]), where the theory of topological horseshoes was applied to provethe existence of a chaotic dynamics in various different models.THEOREM 4. Suppose that  = (A,A − ) and ̂B = (B,B − ) are oriented cellsin X. If (D,K,ψ) : Â⊳̂B and there are k ≥ 2 oriented cells ̂M 1 ..., ̂M k such thatwitĥM i ∈ { ⋔ ̂B}, for i = 1,...,k,M i ∩ M j ∩ K = ∅, for all i ̸= j, with i, j ∈ {1,...,k},then the following conclusion holds:(b 1 ) ψ has a chaotic dynamics of coin-tossing type on k symbols (with respect to thesets W i = K i = K ∩ M i );(b 2 ) For each one-sided infinite sequence s = (s 0 , s 1 ,...,s n ,...) ∈ {1,...,k} Nthere is a continuum C s ⊆ K s0 withC s ∩ (M s0 ) + l̸= ∅, and C s ∩ (M s0 ) + r ̸= ∅,such that for each point w ∈ C s , the sequencez j+1 = ψ(z j ), z 0 = w, for j = 0, 1,...,n,...satisfiesz j ∈ K s j, ∀ j = 0, 1,...,n,... ;(b 3 ) ψ has a fixed point in each set K i := M i ∩ K and, for each finite sequence(s 0 , s 1 ,...,s m ) ∈ {1,...,k} m+1 , with m ≥ 1, there is at least one point z ∗ ∈K s0 such that the positionz j+1 = ψ(z j ), z 0 = z ∗ , for j = 0, 1,...,mdefines a sequence of points withz j ∈ K s j, ∀ j = 0, 1,...,m and z m+1 = z ∗ .As a comment to this result, we look again at Figure 8 and observe that, besideshaving a coin-tossing dynamics on three symbols, we have also the existence of fixedpoints in each of the three darker regions and, moreover, once we have labelled these

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 127Figure 9: (compare to Figure 6). Now the worm crosses nicely the cheese for two timesand we obtain a complete dynamics on two symbols (as well as periodic points of anyperiod).three regions with corresponding symbols, say 1, 2, 3, we have also that to any periodicsequence in {1, 2, 3} we can find a corresponding periodic point for the map ψ whichfollows (along ψ) the itinerary described by the periodic sequence. Figure 8 illustratesthe case in which ψ is a homeomorphism and the three good intersections are pairwisedisjoint. Actually, our Theorem 3 is more flexible (cf. Corollary 2 below) and it allowsto come to the same conclusion by a careful selection of disjoint subsets of the domainof the map (which is not necessarily a homeomorphism). As an illustration of thisremark, let us consider Figure 9.In this direction, two possible corollaries of Theorem 3 are the following. They correspond,respectively: (a) to the property (H ± ) which holds with respect to thesolutions of system (1) and the two conical shells W(+) and W(−), and (b) to theexample depicted in Figure 9. We refer to [59] for the proof of both the corollaries, aswell as for the proof of a more general result from which they both come.COROLLARY 1. Let ̂R 0 = (R 0 ,R − 0 ) and ̂R 1 = (R 1 ,R − 1), be two orientedrectangles with R 0 ∩ R 1 = ∅ and such thatThen the following conclusions hold:ψ : ̂R i ⊳̂R j , ∀ i, j ∈ {0, 1}.(c 1 ) ψ has a dynamics of coin-tossing type with respect to the pair (R 0 ,R 1 ).;(c 2 ) For every sequence s = (s n ) n , with s n ∈ {0, 1} for each n ≥ 0, there is acontinuum C s ⊆ R s0 satisfyingC s ∩ (R s0 ) + b ̸= ∅, Cs ∩ (R s0 ) + t ̸= ∅

128 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 10: (compare to Figure 9). The two good crossings come from two disjointsubregions (those painted with a darker color) of the domain.and such that for each w ∈ C s there is a sequence (y n ) n , with y n ∈ R sn andy 0 = w, y n+1 = ψ(y n ) for each n ≥ 0;(c 3 ) For each finite sequence (s 0 , s 1 ,...,s k ) ∈ {0, 1} k+1 with s k = s 0 , there is aw 0 ∈ R s0 which generates a finite sequence (w l ) 0≤l≤k such thatand w k = w 0 .ψ(w l ) = w l+1 ∈ R sl , ∀l = 0,...,k − 1COROLLARY 2. Let ̂R = (R,R − ) be an oriented cell and suppose that thereare two disjoint compact sets D 0 ,D 1 ⊆ R ∩ D ψ such thatThen the following conclusions hold:(D i ,ψ) : ̂R⊳̂R, ∀ i ∈ {0, 1}.(d 1 ) ψ has a dynamics of coin-tossing type with respect to the pair (D 0 ,D 1 );(d 2 ) For every sequence s = (s n ) n , with s n ∈ {0, 1} for each n ≥ 0, there is acontinuum C s ⊆ D s0 satisfyingC s ∩ (R) + b ̸= ∅, Cs ∩ (R) + t ̸= ∅and such that for each w ∈ C s there is a sequence (y n ) n , with y n ∈ D sn andy 0 = w, y n+1 = ψ(y n ) for each n ≥ 0;(d 3 ) For each finite sequence (s 0 , s 1 ,...,s k ) ∈ {0, 1} k+1 with s k = s 0 , there is aw ∈ D s0 which generates a finite sequence (w l ) 0≤l≤k such thatand w k = w 0 .ψ(w l ) = w l+1 ∈ D sl , ∀l = 0,...,k − 1

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 1291.3. Extensions to higher dimensionsSuppose now that we have a (non-autonomous) nonlinear differential system in R N(with N possibly strictly larger than 2)(5) x ′ = F(t, x)with F : R× → R N a continuous vector field (more general Carathéodory hypothesiscould be considered as well) which satisfies a local Lipschitz condition with respect tox ∈ , where is an open subset of R N . Assume also that there is T > 0 such thatF(t + T, x) = F(t, x) for every (t, x) ∈ R × . Then we can define the Poincaré’soperatorQ : ⊇ D Q → R N , z 0 ↦→ ζ(t 0 + T;t 0 , z 0 ),where ζ(·;t 0 , z 0 ) is the solution of (5) satisfying the initial condition x(t 0 ) = z 0 . Fromthe fundamental theory of ODEs we know that D Q is an open subset of and Q is ahomeomorphism of D Q onto its image Q(D Q ). The problems that we want to discussconcern:(A) the search of T -periodic solutions of equation (5),(B) the existence of “true” subharmonic solutions (that is, mT -periodic solutions of(5), for some m ≥ 2, that are not jT -periodic for every j = 1,...,m − 1),(C) the evidence of a complex behavior of the solutions of (5). For instance, theexistence of two sets like the sets W(+) and W(−) found in [55] for the systemsx ′ 1 = x 2 , x ′ 2 = −q(t)g(x 1), where the trajectories can arbitrarily get in andout respecting any a priori fixed coin-tossing sequence of indexes (say 0 or 1 or“left” and “right”) labelling the two sets.For these goals, following a classical method [40] we rely on the study of the Poincaré’smap Q and its iterates, or, in other words, we investigate the discrete dynamical systemassociated to Q. Actually, we study general maps ψ which are not necessarily homeomorphisms(even continuity on their whole domain will be not assumed; of course,we’ll need continuity on some “interesting” subsets of their domain) for which wediscuss the existence of fixed points, periodic points and chaotic-like dynamics. Ourmain assumption is a stretching condition along the paths that extends to a broadersetting the property (H ± ) recalled above as well as it generalizes to higher dimensionthe previous treatment for the two-dimensional case considered in [56, 59, 60].Maps which act on a topological rectangle as an expansion along some directionsand a compression along the remaining ones have been widely studied in theliterature. They appear, for instance, in the construction of Markov partitions (cf. [51,Appendix 2, pp.169–177]) and therefore they are crucial in the study of the multidimensionalchaos. Another area in which such maps are involved concerns the searchof periodic solutions for periodic non-autonomous differential systems which are partiallydissipative (cf. [2, 3, 41]). In order to set a suitable list of hypotheses for afixed point theorem concerning a continuous mapping ψ = (ψ u ,ψ s ) defined on a N-dimensional rectangle R = B u [0, 1] × B s [0, 1] ⊆ R N = R u × R s (where we think

130 D. Papini - F. Zanolinat the u-components and the s-components as the unstable-expansive and the stablecompressiveones, respectively), a reasonable choice of assumptions to put on the mapψ along the s-component will be that of taking conditions that reduce to those of theBrouwer or of the Rothe fixed point theorems (or to analogous ones) in the special casewhen u = 0 and s = N. On the other hand, it seems perhaps less evident which could bethe best choice of assumptions to express the expansive effect along the s-components.With this respect, both conditions on the norm (like in [2, 3]) and componentwise conditions(like in [80, 81]) have been assumed. As we have already explained with somedetails in the first part of this Introduction, motivated by the stretching property (H ± )discovered in [55] for equation (2) we obtained in [56] a fixed point theorem for planarmappings where the main hypothesis requires that the map expands the paths connectingtwo opposite sides of a topological rectangle. Further generalizations were thengiven in [59, 60], but still for a setting which is basically two-dimensional in nature.We recall that an expansive condition for paths connecting the opposite faces of a N-dimensional rectangle was also considered by Kampen in [32], allowing an arbitrarynumber of expansive directions (see [32, Corollary 4]). However, when reduced to thespecial case N = 2, Kampen’s result and ours seem to differ in some relevant points.In particular, a crucial assumption of our fixed point theorem in [56] allows the mapto be defined only on some subsets of the rectangle and, moreover, even when the themapping is defined on the whole rectangle, the assumptions in [32] and those in [56]about the compressing direction are basically different. One of the main features thatwe ask to a fixed point theorem for expansive-compressive mappings is to depend onhypotheses that can be easily reproduced for compositions of maps. This, in turns,permits to apply the theorem to the iterates of ψ and thus obtain results about the existenceof nontrivial periodic points. Since our path-stretching property well fits alsowith respect to this requirement (of course, it is not the only one; in fact, nice alternativeapproaches are available in literature), we want to address our investigations toward asuitable extension of such property to the case N > 2.1.4. ContentsAfter such a long introduction in which we surveyed some of our preceding resultsfor the two-dimensional case, we are ready to present some new developments in thehigher dimensional setting. Then the rest of this paper is organized as follows. InSection 2 we present our main result (Theorem 6) which is a fixed point for a compactmap defined on a subset of a cylinder in a normed space. In order to simplifythe exposition, we confine ourselves to the idealized situation in which we split ourspace as a product R× X and indicate its elements as pairs (t, x), so that we can easilyexpress our main assumption as an hypothesis of expansion of the paths contained inthe cylinder B[a, R] = [−a, a] × B[0, R] along the t-direction. The principal tool forthe proof of our basic fixed point theorem is the Leray−Schauder continuation theoremin its strongest form asserting the existence of a continuum of solution-pairs fora nonlinear operator equation depending on a real parameter (Théorème Fondamental[42]). Such result, with its variants and extensions, is one of the main theorems of theLeray−Schauder topological degree theory and it has found several important applica-

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 131tions to bifurcation (and co-bifurcation) theory [20, 21, 22, 62], to the investigation ofthe structure of the solution set for parameter dependent equations [19, 31, 43] and tothe study of nonlinear problems in absence of a priori bounds [7, 10, 44, 46]. Thus, asa byproduct of our proof of Theorem 6 we also provide a new proof of the main fixedpoint result for planar maps in [57], without the need to rely on properties of planetopology.Then, we give some variants of Theorem 6 which are analogous to the differentforms in which the Schauder fixed point theorem is usually presented. In Section 3 weinvestigate an abstract fixed point property for topological spaces which express in amore abstract fashion the content of Theorem 6 and its variants. An analysis of such anew fixed point property allows (like in the case of the classical fixed point property)to prove that it is invariant under homeomorphisms as well as it is preserved undercontinuous retractions. This in turns, permits to obtain some general results in whichwe produce fixed points for maps defined on topological cylinders. By topologicalcylinders we mean sets which are obtained from a cylinder like B[a, R] after a deformationgiven by a homeomorphism. For instance, the following result (see Corollary 3of Section 3.1) is obtained.THEOREM 5. Let K ̸= ∅ be a compact convex subset of a normed space. LetZ be a compact topological space which is homeomorphic to [0, 1] × K, via a homeomorphismh : Z → [0, 1] × K. DefineZ − l:= h −1 ({0} × K), Z − r := h −1 ({1} × K).Suppose that ψ : Z ⊇ D ψ → Z is a map which is continuous on a set D ⊆ D ψ andassume the following property is satisfied:there is a closed set W ⊆ D such that for every path σ ⊆ Z with σ ∩ Zl− ̸= ∅and σ ∩ Zr − ̸= ∅, there is a sub-path γ ⊆ σ ∩ W with φ(γ) ∩ Zl − ̸= ∅,φ(γ) ∩ Zr − ̸= ∅.Then there exists a fixed point ˜z of ψ with ˜z ∈ D (actually, ˜z ∈ W).The possibility of studying topological cylinders (instead of topological rectangleslike in [59, 60]) open the way toward an extension of the results about orientedrectangles presented in Section 1.3 to higher dimensional objects possessing a privilegeddirection. Thus we conclude the paper with a list of possible applications tomaps which stretch the paths along a direction in a (1, N − 1)-rectangular cell (seeSection 4.1 for the corresponding definition).1.5. NotationThroughout the paper, the following notation is used. Let Z be a topological space andlet A ⊆ B ⊆ Z. By cl B A and int B A we mean, respectively, the closure and the interiorof A relatively to B (that is, as a subset of the topological space B with the topology

132 D. Papini - F. Zanolininherited by Z). When no confusion may occur, we also set clA and intA for cl Z A andint Z A, respectively.For a metric space (X, d), we denote by B(x 0 , R) := {x ∈ X : d(x, x 0 ) < r}the open ball of center x 0 ∈ X and radius r > 0 and by B[x 0 , R] := {x ∈ X :d(x, x 0 ) ≤ r} the corresponding closed ball. Given a map ψ : X ⊇ D ψ → Y, withX, Y metric spaces and a given subset D of the domain D ψ of ψ, we say that ψ iscompact on D if it is continuous on D and ψ(D) is relatively compact in Y, that is,cl(ψ(D)) is compact.Let Z be a topological space, let θ 1 : [a 1 , b 1 ] → Z and θ 2 : [a 2 , b 2 ] → Zbe two continuous mappings (parameterized curves). We write θ 1 ∼ θ 2 if there is ahomeomorphism h of [a 1 , b 1 ] onto [a 2 , b 2 ] (a change of variable in the parameter) suchthat θ 2 (h(t)) = θ 1 (t), ∀ t ∈ [a 1 , b 1 ]. It is easy to check that ∼ is in fact an equivalencerelation and that θ 1 ([a 1 , b 1 ]) = θ 2 ([a 2 , b 2 ]) whenever θ 1 ∼ θ 2 . By a path γ in Z wemean (formally) the equivalence class γ = [θ] of a continuous parameterized curveθ : [a, b] → Z. In this case, with small abuse in the notation, we write γ ⊆ Z. Sincethe image set θ([a, b]) is the same for each θ : [a, b] → Z with γ = [θ], the set¯γ := {θ([a, b]) : θ ∈ γ}is well defined. Given a set A ⊆ Z and a path γ ⊆ Z, we write γ ∩ A ̸= ∅ to meanthat ¯γ ∩ A ̸= ∅, that is, for every parameterized curve θ representing γ we have thatθ(t) ∈ A for some t in the interval-domain of θ. Given a path σ ⊆ Z, we say thatγ ⊆ Z is a sub-path of σ and write γ ⊆ σ if there is θ : [a, b] → Z with [θ] = σsuch that the restriction θ| [c,d] , for some [c, d] ⊆ [a, b], represents γ. According tothese positions, given the paths γ,σ ⊆ Z and a set W ⊂ Z, the condition γ ⊆ σ ∩ W,means that γ is a sub-path of σ with values in W. If Z, Y are topological spaces andφ : Z ⊇ D φ → Y is a continuous map, then for any path γ ⊆ D φ and θ : [a, b] → D φsuch that [θ] = γ, we have that φ ◦ θ : [a, b] → Y is a continuous map. It is easy tocheck that φ ◦ θ 1 ∼ φ ◦ θ 2 when θ 1 ∼ θ 2 and therefore φ(γ) := [φ ◦ θ] is well defined.At last we recall a known definition. Let Z be a topological space. We say thatZ is arcwise connected if, given any two points P, Q ∈ Z with P ̸= Q, there is acontinuous map θ : [a, b] → Z such that θ(a) = P and θ(b) = Q. In such a situation,we’ll also write P, Q ∈ γ, where γ = [θ]. In the case of a Hausdorff topologicalspace Z, the image set θ([a, b]) turns out to be a locally connected metric continuum(a Peano space according to [29]). Then, the above definition of arcwise connectednessis equivalent to the fact that, given any two points P, Q ∈ Z with P ̸= Q, there existsan arc (that is the homeomorphic image of a compact interval) contained in Z andhaving P and Q as extreme points (see, e.g., [18, p.29], [29, pp.115–131] or [71]).2. A fixed point theorem in normed spaces and its variants2.1. Main resultsLet (X,‖ · ‖) be a normed space and suppose thatφ = (φ 1 ,φ 2 ) : R × X ⊇ D φ → R × X

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 133is a map (not necessarily continuous on its whole domain D φ even if, in the sequel, weassume the continuity of φ on some relevant subset D of D φ ).Let D ⊆ D φ be a given set (in our applications we’ll usually take D closed, forinstance, D = W of Theorem 6 below, but such an assumption for the moment is notrequired). We are looking for fixed points of φ belonging to D, i.e., we want to provethe existence of a pair ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ D which solves the equation{ t = φ1 (t, x)Our first result is the following.x = φ 2 (t, x).THEOREM 6. Let B[a, R] := [−a, a] × B[0, R] and defineB l := {(−a, x) : ‖x‖ ≤ R}, B r := {(a, x) : ‖x‖ ≤ R}the left and the right bases of the cylinder B[a, R]. Assume thatφ is compact on D ∩ B[a, R]and there is a closed subset W ⊆ D ∩ B[a, R] such that the assumption(H) for every path σ ⊆ B[a, R] with σ ∩ B l ̸= ∅ and σ ∩ B r ̸= ∅, there is asub-path γ ⊆ σ ∩W with φ(γ) ⊆ B[a, R] and φ(γ)∩B l ̸= ∅, φ(γ)∩B r ̸= ∅,holds. Then there exists ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ⊆ D, with φ(˜z) = ˜z.Proof. First of all we observe that, as a consequence of Dugundji Extension Theoremand Mazur’s Lemma (see, e.g., [64, p.22] in the case of Banach spaces or [16, Th.2.5,p.56] for a general situation), there exists a compact operator ˜φ defined on R× X whichextends φ restricted to W, i.e.Consider also the projectionand define the compact operator˜φ : R × X → R × X, ˜φ| W = φ| W .P R : X → B[0, R], P R (x) := x min{1, R ‖x‖ −1 }ψ = (ψ 1 ,ψ 2 ), ψ 1 (t, x) := ˜φ 1 (t, x), ψ 2 (t, x) := P R ( ˜φ 2 (t, x))Note that if ¯z = (¯t, ¯x) is a fixed point of ψ with(6) ¯z ∈ W and φ 2 (¯t, ¯x) ∈ B[0, R],then ¯t = ψ 1 (¯z) = ˜φ 1 (¯z) = φ 1 (¯z) and ¯x = ψ 2 (¯z) = P R ( ˜φ 2 (¯z)) = P R (φ 2 (¯z)) =φ 2 (¯t, ¯x), so that ¯z ∈ W is a fixed point of φ.

134 D. Papini - F. ZanolinWe study now the auxiliary fixed point problem(7) x = ψ 2 (t, x), x ∈ Xwhere we take, for a moment, t ∈ [−a, a] as a parameter.Observe that, by definition, ψ 2 (t, x) ∈ B[0, R] for every (t, x) and therefore,for any r > R, it follows thatx − ψ 2 (t, x) ̸= 0,∀ t ∈ [−a, a], ∀ x ∈ ∂ B(0, r).Thus the Leray−Schauder topological degreed 0 := deg(I − ψ 2 (t,·), B(0, r), 0)is well defined and is constant with respect to t ∈ [−a, a]. Using the compact homotopyh λ (x) defined by(λ, x) ↦→ x − λψ 2 (t, x), with λ ∈ [0, 1] and x ∈ B[0, r]we find that h λ (x) ̸= 0 for every λ ∈ [0, 1] and x ∈ ∂ B(0, r) and therefore d 0 =deg(I, B(0, r), 0) = 1. Hence, the Leray−Schauder Théorème Fondamental [42] impliesthat the solution set := {(t, x) ∈ [−a, a] × B(0, r) : x = ψ 2 (t, x)}is nonempty and contains a continuum (compact and connected set) S such thatp 1 (S) = [−a, a],where we have denoted by p 1 : R× X → R, p 1 (t, x) = t, the projection of the productspace onto its first factor (see also [44] for more information about this fundamentalresult). Since the projection of S onto the t-axis covers the interval [−a, a], we obtainBy the definition of P R it is clear also thatS ∩ B l ̸= ∅, S ∩ B r ̸= ∅.(8) p 2 (S) ⊆ B[0, R] ⊆ B(0, r),where we have denoted by p 2 : R × X → X, p 2 (t, x) = x, the projection of theproduct space onto its second factor.Let now ε ∈]0, r − R[ be a fixed number and consider a covering of S by a finitenumber of open balls of the form ]t i − ε, t i + ε[ ×B(x i ,ε), with (t i , x i ) ∈ S. Withoutloss of generality, we can suppose that −a ≤ t 1 < t 2 ...t i−1 < t i ...t N ≤ a, where Nis the number of the balls required for the covering. The setU ε :=N⋃]t i − ε, t i + ε[ ×B(x i ,ε) ⊆] − a − ε, a + ε[ ×B(0, r),i=1

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 135is open and connected. Hence, it is arcwise connected as well. Therefore, there is acontinuous map θ : [0, 1] → U ε with θ(0) ∈ B l and θ(1) ∈ B r and, without lossof generality (i.e., possibly cutting off some points of the interval and changing theparameter for the curve) we can also assume thatθ 1 (s) := p 1 (θ(s)) ∈ [−a, a], ∀ s ∈ [0, 1].Next, we define the new curve ζ(s) = (ζ 1 (s),ζ 2 (s)), withζ 1 (s) := p 1 (θ(s)) = θ 1 (s),ζ 2 (s) := P R (p 2 (θ(s))) = P R (θ 2 (s))and observe that ζ(·) satisfies the following properties:(I 1 ) ζ(s) ∈ V ε ∩ B[a, R], ∀ s ∈ [0, 1] ;(I 2 ) ζ(0) ∈ B l and ζ(1) ∈ B r ;where we have setV ε :=N⋃]t i − ε, t i + ε[ ×B(x i , 2ε).i=1To check (I 1 ), let us set x := ζ 2 (s) and assume that ‖x‖ > R as well as x ∈ B(x i ,ε),for some i. Then,Rx∥‖x‖ − x i∥ = ‖Rx − ‖x‖ x i‖/‖x‖≤ R‖x‖ ‖x − x i‖ + (‖x‖ − R ) ‖x i‖‖x‖ < 2ε.The proofs of all the remaining cases for the verification of (I 1 ) are obvious.From (I 1 ) and (I 2 ), it follows that the path σ := [ζ] is contained in the cylinder B[a, R]and it has a nonempty intersection with the left and the right bases of B[a, R]. Then,by hypothesis (H), we know that there exists a sub-path γ of σ, such that γ ⊆ W withφ(γ) ⊆ B[a, R] and φ(γ)∩B l ̸= ∅, φ(γ)∩B r ̸= ∅. Let ξ = (ξ 1 ,ξ 2 ) : [0, 1] → R×Xbe a continuous map such that [ξ] = γ. By the above assumptions, we have that(J 1 ) ξ(s) ∈ V ε ∩ W, ∀ s ∈ [0, 1] ;(J 2 ) φ(ξ(0)) ∈ B l and φ(ξ(1)) ∈ B r ;(J 3 ) φ(ξ(s)) ∈ B[a, R], ∀ s ∈ [0, 1] ;

136 D. Papini - F. Zanolinare satisfied.We consider now the continuous map g : [0, 1] ∋ s ↦→ ξ 1 (s) − φ 1 (ξ(s)), whereξ 1 (s) = p 1 (ξ(s)). Since ξ(s) ∈ ¯γ ⊆ ¯σ, we have that ξ 1 (0) ≥ −a and thereforeg(0) ≥ −a −(−a) = 0. Similarly, one can check that g(1) ≤ a −a = 0. By Bolzano’sTheorem, we conclude that there exists some ŝ = ŝ ε ∈ [0, 1] such that, settingwe find thatˆt = ˆt ε := ξ 1 (ŝ), ˆx = ˆx ε := ξ 2 (ŝ), ẑ = ẑ ε := (ˆt, ˆx),ẑ ∈ V ε ∩ W, ˆt = φ 1 (ẑ), φ 2 (ẑ) ∈ B[0, R].By the definition of ˜φ and ψ, it is clear thatẑ ∈ V ε ∩ W, ˆt = ψ 1 (ẑ), φ 2 (ẑ) ∈ B[0, R].Moreover, for each ẑ ∈ V ε ∩ W, there is ẑ i ∈ S such that ||ẑ − ẑ i || < 2ε.Then, letting ε = ε n ց 0 and passing to a subsequence on the corresponding ẑ n ’s(thanks to the compactness of S), we can find a point¯z = (¯t, ¯x) ∈ Ssuch that (by the continuity of φ and ψ and the closure of W)¯z ∈ S ∩ W, ¯t = ψ 1 (¯z), φ 2 (¯z) ∈ B[0, R],follows. The fact that S is contained in the solution set of (7) implies that¯x = ψ 2 (¯t, ¯x)and therefore ¯z ∈ W is a fixed point of ψ (since we have already proved that ¯t =ψ 1 (¯t, ¯x)). The fact that φ 2 (¯t, ¯x) ∈ B[0, R], implies (in view of (6) and the remarks atthe beginning of the proof) that ¯z ∈ W is a fixed point of φ.REMARK 1. The first part of the proof of Theorem 6 can be used to obtainthe following result where we use a slightly different expansive condition which isinspired from [33, 36, 37]. We recall that here by a continuum we mean a compact andconnected set.THEOREM 7. With the notation of Theorem 6, assume that φ is compact on D∩ B[a, R] and there is a closed subset W ⊆ D ∩ B[a, R] such that the assumption(H ′ ) for every continuum σ ⊆ B[a, R] with σ ∩B l ̸= ∅ and σ ∩B r ̸= ∅, there is acontinuum Ŵ ⊆ σ∩W with φ(Ŵ) ⊆ B[a, R] and φ(Ŵ)∩B l ̸= ∅, φ(Ŵ)∩B r ̸= ∅,holds. Then there exists ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ⊆ D, with φ(˜z) = ˜z.Proof. We follow the proof of Theorem 6 till to (8). Now, assumption (H ′ ) guaranteesthe existence of a continuum Ŵ ⊆ S ∩ W with φ(Ŵ) ⊆ B[a, R] and φ(Ŵ) ∩ B l ̸= ∅,

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 137φ(Ŵ) ∩ B r ̸= ∅. This means that there are points Q 1 = (q1 1, q1 2 ), Q 2 = (q1 2, q2 2 ) ∈ Ŵsuch that φ 1 (Q 1 ) = −a and φ 1 (Q 2 ) = a. This implies that p 1 (Q 1 ) − φ 1 (Q 1 ) =q1 1 + a ≥ −a + a = 0 and p 1(Q 2 )−φ 1 (Q 2 ) = q1 2 − a ≤ a − a = 0. By the Bolzano’sTheorem we can conclude that there exists a point ¯z = (¯t, ¯x) ∈ Ŵ ⊆ S ∩ W such that¯t = ψ 1 (¯z) and, by (8), φ 2 (¯z) ∈ B[0, R]. At this point, we can complete our argumentas in the proof of Theorem 6. Indeed, the fact that S is contained in the solution set of (7) implies that¯x = ψ 2 (¯t, ¯x)and therefore ¯z ∈ W is a fixed point of ψ. The fact that φ 2 (¯t, ¯x) ∈ B[0, R], implies (inview of (6) and the remarks at the beginning of the proof of Theorem 6) that ¯z ∈ W isa fixed point of φ.REMARK 2. In our theorems we have confined ourselves to the case of compactmaps. Extensions can be given to more general operators like, locally compact, k-contractive, etc., provided that a decent degree theory is available (see [15, 27, 50] forthe corresponding definitions).2.2. Results related to Theorem 6Like in the case of the Schauder fixed point theorem, we give now some variants ofTheorem 6 (see Theorem 8 and Theorem 9 below). As in Theorem 6 we assume thatX is a normed space andφ : R × X ⊇ D φ → R × Xis a map which is continuous on a set D ⊆ D φ . For the subsequent proofs, we systematicallycheck condition (H) by taking as a representation of the path σ a continuouscurve θ(s) which is parameterized on the interval [0, 1] and look for a suitable restrictionof θ(s) with s ∈ [s 0 , s 1 ] ⊆ [0, 1], as a representation of a sub-path γ ⊆ σ.We start with a preliminary lemma.LEMMA 1. Let ρ = (ρ 1 ,ρ 2 ) : B[a, R] := [−a, a] × B[0, R] → B[a, R] be acontinuous map such that, for each t ∈ [−a, a], ρ 1 (t, x) = t and ρ 2 (t,·) is a retractionof B[0, R] onto its image. DefineandAssume thatR := ∪ t∈[−a,a] {ρ(t, x) : x ∈ B[0, R]} = ρ(B[a, R])R l := ρ(B l ), R r := ρ(B r ).φ is compact on D ∩ Rand there is a closed subset W ⊆ D ∩ R such that the assumption(H) for every path σ ⊆ R with σ ∩ R l ̸= ∅ and σ ∩ R r ̸= ∅, there is a sub-pathγ ⊆ σ ∩ W with φ(γ) ⊆ R and φ(γ) ∩ R l ̸= ∅, φ(γ) ∩ R r ̸= ∅,

138 D. Papini - F. Zanolinholds. Then there exists ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ⊆ D ∩ R, with φ(˜z) = ˜z.Proof. Given the compact operator φ : D ∩ R → R × X we defineψ(t, x) := φ(ρ(t, x)) = φ(t,ρ 2 (t, x)),for (t, x) ∈ D ′ := ρ −1 (D ∩ R).Clearly, ψ is compact on D ′ = D ′ ∩ B[a, R]. We also defineW ′ := ρ −1 (W) ⊆ B[a, R] =: B.Consider now a continuous parameterized curve θ = (θ 1 ,θ 2 ) : [0, 1] → B[a, R] suchthat θ(0) ∈ B l (that is, θ 1 (0) = −a) and θ(1) ∈ B r (that is, θ 1 (1) = a). Then for thecurve ϑ : [0, 1] ∋ s ↦→ ρ(θ(s)), it holds thatϑ(s) ∈ R, ∀ s ∈ [0, 1] and ϑ(0) ∈ R l , ϑ(1) ∈ R r .By assumption (H) referred to R, there exists a restriction of ϑ to an interval [s 0 , s 1 ] ⊆[0, 1] such that ϑ(s) ∈ W for every s ∈ [s 0 , s 1 ] and, moreover,as well asφ(ϑ(s)) ∈ R, ∀ s ∈ [s 0 , s 1 ],φ(ϑ(s 0 )) ∈ R l and φ(ϑ(s 1 )) ∈ R r , or φ(ϑ(s 1 )) ∈ R l and φ(ϑ(s 0 )) ∈ R r .Just to fix one of the two possible cases for the rest of the proof, suppose that the firstpossibility occurs (the treatment of the other case is exactly the same, modulo minorchanges in the role of s 0 and s 1 ). Then, by the definition of ϑ, W ′ and ψ, we can alsowrite thatθ(s) ∈ W ′ , ∀ s ∈ [s 0 , s 1 ],andψ(θ(s)) ∈ R ⊆ B, ∀ s ∈ [s 0 , s 1 ]ψ(θ(s 0 )) ∈ R l ⊆ B l , ψ(θ(s 1 )) ∈ R l ⊆ B r .We have thus proved that assumption (H) of Theorem 6 is satisfied with respect tothe operator ψ and the cylinder B[a, R] and therefore Theorem 6 guarantees that thereexists for ψ a fixed point ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ′ ⊆ D ′ , with ψ(˜z) = ˜z. As a last step, wejust recall that the range of ψ coincides with the range of φ and that ρ (as a retraction)is the identity on R. This implies that ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ⊆ D ∩ R with φ(˜z) = ˜z.THEOREM 8. Let C ̸= ∅ be a closed convex subset of the normed space X. LetC := [−a, a] × C and defineC l := {(−a, x) : x ∈ C},C r := {(a, x) : x ∈ C}.Assume thatφ is compact on D ∩ Cand there is a closed subset W ⊆ D ∩ C such that the assumption

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 139(H) for every path σ ⊆ C with σ ∩ C l ̸= ∅ and σ ∩ C r ̸= ∅, there is a sub-pathγ ⊆ σ ∩ W with φ(γ) ⊆ C and φ(γ) ∩ C l ̸= ∅, φ(γ) ∩ C r ̸= ∅,holds. Then there exists ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ⊆ D ∩ C, with φ(˜z) = ˜z.Proof. By assumption, the operator φ = (φ 1 ,φ 2 ) is compact on D∩C, hence, φ(D∩C)is bounded in R × X. In particular, there is R > 0 such that,||φ 2 (t, x)|| < R, ∀ z = (t, x) ∈ D ∩ C.As a consequence of the Dugundji Extension Theorem, the closed convex set C ′ :=C ∩ B[0, R] is a retract of B[0, R] (actually, it is a retract of the whole space X,but for us it is more convenient to restrict the retraction to B[0, R]). We denote by̺ : B[0, R] → C ′ such a continuous retraction.If we define now C ′ := [−a, a] × C ′ andC ′ l := {(−a, x) : x ∈ C′ }, C ′ r := {(a, x) : x ∈ C′ },as well as D ′ := D ∩ C ′ and W ′ := W ∩ C ′ , we find that(H) for every path σ ⊆ C ′ with σ ∩ Cl ′ ̸= ∅ and σ ∩ C r ′ ̸= ∅, there is a sub-pathγ ⊆ σ ∩ W ′ with φ(γ) ⊆ C ′ and φ(γ) ∩ Cl ′ ̸= ∅, φ(γ) ∩ C r ′ ̸= ∅,holds. At last, we define the continuous retractionρ = (ρ 1 ,ρ 2 ) : B[a, R] := [−a, a] × B[0, R] → B[a, R],ρ 1 (t, x) = t, ρ 2 (t, x) = ̺(x)and easily check that now the set C ′ plays here the same role as the set R in Lemma 1.Then, according to Lemma 1, there exists ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ′ ⊆ W, with φ(˜z) = ˜z. Theproof is complete.THEOREM 9. Let K ̸= ∅ be a compact convex subset of the normed space X.Let K := [−a, a] × K and defineK l := {(−a, x) : x ∈ K},K r := {(a, x) : x ∈ K}.Suppose that there is a closed subset W ⊆ D ∩ K such that φ is continuous on W andthe assumption(H) for every path σ ⊆ K with σ ∩ K l ̸= ∅ and σ ∩ K r ̸= ∅, there is a sub-pathγ ⊆ σ ∩ W with φ(γ) ⊆ K and φ(γ) ∩ K l ̸= ∅, φ(γ) ∩ K r ̸= ∅,holds. Then there exists ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ⊆ D ∩ K, with φ(˜z) = ˜z.Proof. This result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 8, with the position C :=K .

140 D. Papini - F. ZanolinREMARK 3. Variants of Theorem 8 and Theorem 9 can be obtained, as a consequenceof Theorem 7, using condition (H ′ ) instead of condition (H). For instance,Theorem 9 could be accompanied by the following.THEOREM 10. Under the same positions of Theorem 9, suppose that there is aclosed subset W ⊆ D ∩ K such that φ is continuous on W and the assumption(H ′ ) for every continuum σ ⊆ K with σ ∩ K l ̸= ∅ and σ ∩ K r ̸= ∅, there is acontinuum Ŵ ⊆ σ ∩ W with φ(Ŵ) ⊆ K and φ(Ŵ) ∩ K l ̸= ∅, φ(Ŵ) ∩ K r ̸= ∅,holds. Then there exists ˜z = (˜t, ˜x) ∈ W ⊆ D ∩ K, with φ(˜z) = ˜z.3. Extensions, remarks and consequences3.1. The “stretching along the paths” fixed point propertyLet Z be a topological space. According to a well known definition, Z has the fixedpoint property (FPP) if every continuous map of Z into itself has at least a fixed point.The FPP is invariant by homeomorphisms and it is preserved under continuous retractions.Thus, by the Brouwer fixed point theorem, we know that any topological spacewhich is homeomorphic to (a retract of) a closed ball of a finite dimensional normedspace has the FPP. It is the aim of this section to show that something similar (evenif not exactly the same) holds with respect to the assumption of “stretching along thepaths” (H) and the corresponding fixed point result in Theorem 6.We consider now the following situation.DEFINITION 1. Assume that Z is a topological space and Z − l, Z − r are twononempty disjoint subsets of Z. We setand defineZ − := Z − l∪ Z − r˜Z := (Z, Z − ).We call ˜Z a two-sided oriented space or simply an oriented space. In view of ourapplications below which concern the case of arcwise connected spaces and where thefamily of paths connecting Z − lto Z − r is involved, we call ˜Z a path-oriented space whenZ is arcwise connected.We say that ˜Z has the fixed point property for maps stretching along the paths (inthe sequel referred as FPP-γ ) if Z is arcwise connected and, for every pair (D,ψ),satisfying the following conditions:(i 1 ) D ⊆ Z;(i 2 ) ψ : D → Z is continuous;(i 3 ) there is a closed set W ⊆ D such that, for every path σ ⊆ Z with σ ∩ Z − l̸= ∅and σ ∩ Z − r ̸= ∅, there is a sub-path γ ⊆ σ ∩ W with ψ(γ) ∩ Z − l̸= ∅ andφ(γ) ∩ Z − r ̸= ∅;

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 141there exists at least a fixed point of ψ in D.DEFINITION 2. Suppose we have two arcwise connected topological spacesZ, Y and assume that Zl − , Zr − are two nonempty disjoint subsets of Z with Z − =Zl− ∪ Zr − −, as well as Yl, Yr − are two nonempty disjoint subsets of Y, with Y − =Yl− ∪ Yr− . Defining, as above ˜Z = (Z, Z − ) and Ỹ = (Y, Y − ) the correspondingpath-oriented spaces, we say that the pair (D,ψ) stretches ˜Z to Ỹ along the paths andwrite(D,ψ) : ˜Z⊳Ỹ,if the conditions( j 1 ) D ⊆ Z;( j 2 ) ψ : D → Y is continuous;( j 3 ) there is a closed set W ⊆ D such that, for every path σ ⊆ Z with σ ∩ Zl − ̸= ∅and σ ∩ Zr− ̸= ∅, there is a path γ ⊆ σ ∩ W with ψ(γ) ∩ Yl− ̸= ∅ andφ(γ) ∩ Yr − ̸= ∅;hold.Accordingly, we have that ˜Z has the FPP-γ if and only if for every pair (D,ψ) with(D,ψ) : ˜Z⊳˜Z, there is at least a fixed point of ψ in D.REMARK 4. The definition of a map stretching along the paths was introducedin [56, 57] and refined in [59, 60] in the case of two-dimensional oriented cells. OurDefinition 2 above is a generalization of the previous cited one as it reduces to [60]in the situation considered therein. We note that in [60], as well as in the other precedingpapers, the map ψ was allowed to be defined possibly on some larger domains.However, up to a restriction, we can always enter in the case of Definition 2 when weconsider the situation described in [60].In the definition of path-oriented space, as well as in the subsequent stretching condition,the order in which we label the two sets Zl − and Zr − (or Yl− and Yr − ) has no effectat all.We also point out that given two nonempty disjoint sets W l and W r of a topologicalspace W, the condition that there exists a path σ ⊆ W with σ ∩ W l ̸= ∅ andσ ∩ W r ̸= ∅ is equivalent to the existence of a continuous map θ : [0, 1] → W withθ(0) ∈ W l and θ(1) ∈ W r .The choice of the notation ˜Z instead of Ẑ (previously considered in Section 1.2 andnext again in Section 4.1) comes from the fact that, even if all the applications wepresent here are for the ̂[ ·]-sets, nonetheless, the oriented spaces ˜[ ·] are, in principle,more general. Thus we prefer to think to the ̂[ ·]-sets as some particular cases of the˜[ ·]-sets.Finally, we mention that some analogous definitions, previously introduced in the literature(see, for instance, the concept of quadrilateral set given in [36]) also fit with ourdefinition of oriented space.

142 D. Papini - F. ZanolinThe next two lemmas extend to the case of the FPP-γ two corresponding classicalresults about the usual fixed point property. Their proof is quite standard andtherefore it is omitted.LEMMA 2. Let Z, Y be two arcwise connected topological spaces and let h :Z → Y be a homeomorphism. Suppose Zl − and Zr − are nonempty disjoint subsets ofZ and set Yl− = h(Zl − ), Yr− = h(Zr −). Then ˜Z has the FPP-γ if and only if Ỹ has theFPP-γ.Proof. We leave the proof as an exercise.LEMMA 3. Let Z, Y be two arcwise connected topological spaces with Y ⊆ Zand let r : Z → Y be a continuous retraction. Suppose Yl− and Yr− are nonemptydisjoint subsets of Y and set Zl− = r −1 (Yl − ), Zr − = r −1 (Yr − ). Then Ỹ has the FPP-γif ˜Z has the FPP-γ.Proof. The proof follows the same argument (mutatis mutandis) of that of Lemma 1and therefore it is omitted.COROLLARY 3. Let K ̸= ∅ be a compact convex subset of a normed space.Let Z be a compact topological space which is homeomorphic to [−1, 1] × K, via ahomeomorphism h : Z → [−1, 1] × K. DefineThen ˜Z has the FPP-γ.Z − l:= h −1 ({−1} × K), Z − r := h −1 ({1} × K).Lemma 2 and Lemma 3 together with Theorem 6 (or its variants) permit to givesome straightforward examples with some geometrical meaning. For simplicity, weconfine ourselves to subsets of a finite dimensional space E.EXAMPLE 1. Let Z ⊆ E be a compact set which is homeomorphic to the closedunit ball B[0, 1] ⊆ R N , with N ≥ 1. Let P, Q ∈ Z with P ̸= Q be two given points.Let ψ : E ⊇ D ψ → E be a continuous map and suppose that E ⊆ D ψ is a closed setsuch that for every path σ ⊆ Z, with P, Q ∈ σ, there is a sub-path γ ⊆ σ ∩ E withψ(σ) ⊆ Z and P, Q ∈ ψ(γ). Then ψ has at least a fixed point in E ∩ Z.Proof. We discuss only the case N ≥ 2, since for N = 1, the result is obvious. Let usconsider the cylinderC := {(x 1 ,..., x N−1 , x N ) : ||(x 1 ,..., x N−1)|| ≤ 1, |x N | ≤ 1}on which we select as a right and left sides the south and the north bases respectively:C l := {x = (x 1 ,...,, x N ) ∈ C : x N = −1},C r := {x = (x 1 ,...,, x N ) ∈ C : x N = 1}

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 143and we also set C − := C l ∪ C r . Theorem 6 implies that the path-oriented space˜C = (C,C − ) has the FPP-γ and therefore Lemma 3 ensures that the same fixed pointproperty holds also with respect to retracts of˜C. The closed unit ball B[0, 1] is a retractof the cylinder C through the continuous map ̺ defined by̺(x) = (x 1 min {1,δ(x)} ,..., x N−1 min {1,δ(x)} , x N ),where√1 − xN2δ(x) = δ(x 1 ,..., x N−1 , x N ) := √.x1 2 + ··· + x2 N−1Hence, the path oriented space ˜B = (B, B − ), with B = B[0, 1], B − = B − l∪ B − r ,B − l= {South pole} and B − r = {North pole} has the FPP-γ. Finally, Lemma 2 impliesthe the FFP-γ holds for every oriented space in which the base space Z is homeomorphicto a closed ball and we select as Z − land Z − r two different points of Z. Thisconcludes the proof.EXAMPLE 2. Consider the coneK = {(x 1 ,..., x k , x k+1 ) : ||(x 1 ,..., x k )|| ≤ x k+1 ≤ 1} ⊆ R k+1and select the point 0 = (0,...,0, 0) ∈ K and the base K l = {(x 1 ,..., x k , 1) :||(x 1 ,..., x k )|| ≤ 1} ⊆ K. Let Z ⊆ E be a compact set which is homeomorphic to K,by a homeomorphism h : Z → K. Define Z − r = h −1 ({0}) and Z − l= h −1 (K l ). Then˜Z has the FPP-γ.Proof. It is possible to obtain our claim by suitably adapting the argument employedin the proof of Example 1. We omit the details.REMARK 5. We observe that one could define a fixed point property (say FPP-Ŵ) for maps satisfying a condition which extends property (H ′ ) to general (oriented)topological spaces. Then, after having obtained from Theorem 7 a result analogous toLemma 2, the following corollary can be proved.COROLLARY 4. Let K ̸= ∅ be a compact convex subset of a normed space.Let Z be a compact topological space which is homeomorphic to [−1, 1] × K, via ahomeomorphism h : Z → [−1, 1] × K. DefineZ − l:= h −1 ({−1} × K), Z − r := h −1 ({1} × K).Then, for every pair (D,ψ), satisfying the following conditions:(i 1 ) D ⊆ Z;(i 2 ) ψ : D → Z is continuous;

144 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 11: A possible illustration of Example 2 in R 3 , where we have denoted by Pthe point h −1 ({0}) and by A the surface h −1 (K l ) of the deformed cone Z. Accordingto our result there exists at least a fixed point z = ψ(z) ∈ W, for any continuous mapψ defined on a closed subset W of Z and with values in Z having the property that anypath σ in Z and joining P to A contains a sub-path γ ⊆ σ ∩ W with ψ(γ) ⊆ Z andψ(γ) joining P to A.(i3 ′ ) there is a closed set W ⊆ D such that, for every continuum σ ⊆ Z withσ∩Zl − ̸= ∅ and σ∩Zr − ̸= ∅, there is a continuum Ŵ ⊆ σ∩W with ψ(Ŵ)∩Zl − ̸=∅ and φ(Ŵ) ∩ Zr − ̸= ∅;there exists at least a fixed point of ψ in D.In the present paper we do not further pursue the research in this direction andconfine ourselves to the study of the stretching condition along the paths. Investigationstoward the fixed point properties for maps satisfying an expansive conditions withrespect to other kind of connected sets will be considered elsewhere.3.2. Further definitions and consequencesAs a next step, we give now some simple (but nevertheless useful) properties about thestretching along the paths condition. Unless otherwise specified, all the spaces involvedare arcwise connected topological spaces. When we consider a triple (Z, Zl − , Zr − ), wealways assume that Zl − and Zr − are nonempty disjoint subsets of Z. First of all, weconsider two further definitions.DEFINITION 3. Let ˜Z = (Z, Z − ) and Ỹ = (Y, Y − ) be two path-orientedspaces with Y a subspace of Z. We say that Ỹ is a horizontal slab of ˜Z and writeif every path γ ⊆ Y with γ ∩ Y −lỸ ⊆ h˜Z,̸= ∅ and γ ∩ Y −r ̸= ∅ is such that γ ∩ Z − l̸= ∅ and

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 145γ ∩ Z − r ̸= ∅.Similarly, we say that Ỹ is a vertical slab of ˜Z and writeỸ ⊆ v ˜Z,if every path σ ⊆ Z with σ ∩ Zl − ̸= ∅ and σ ∩ Zr − ̸= ∅ contains a sub-path γ ⊆ Ysuch that γ ∩ Yl− ̸= ∅ and γ ∩ Yr − ̸= ∅.REMARK 6. The definition of slabs generalizes the case of rectangles with horizontaland vertical sides parallel to the contracting and expanding directions in theSmale horseshoe (see, for instance, [72, Section 2.3]). In our general setting of atopological space Z oriented by the paths connecting two disjoint subsets Zl− and Zr−and in view of Theorem 6, we consider as horizontal-expanding the “direction” along(Zl − , Zr − ) (of course, in a very vague sense and taking also into account the fact thatin our setting “horizontal” and “vertical” are merely conventional terms). Definition3 generalizes the analogous concepts of “slices” considered in [60] in the setting oforiented two-dimensional cells and recalled in Section 1.2 as well as some possibilitiesconsidered in [61] for N-dimensional cells (namely, the case in which there is a onedimensionalexpansive direction). Note that our definitions are purely topological innature and therefore we do not need (like in [72, Section 2.3]) the slabs to be describedby means of graphs of Lipschitz functions. We refer to Figure 14 as a possible pictureof horizontal and vertical slabs in a simple situation.Having available in the general setting the definition of slabs, we can now borrowfrom [60] and [61] the next definition (compare also to the corresponding definitionin Section 1.2).DEFINITION 4. Let ˜Z = (Z, Z − ), Ỹ = (Y, Y − ) and ˜X = (X, X − ) be threepath-oriented spaces with X, Y, Z subspaces of the same topological space W andX ⊆ Y ∩ Z.We say that Ỹ crosses ˜Z in ˜X and write˜X ∈ {˜Z ⋔ Ỹ},if˜X ⊆ h ˜Z and ˜X ⊆ v Ỹ.REMARK 7. As already remarked in [60] and [61], in our setting, the definitionof ˜X ∈ {˜Z ⋔ Ỹ}, covers very general situations, in particular also when there is no wayto define any kind of transversal intersection. A possible illustration is given in Figure15 of Section 4.LEMMA 4. The following properties hold:(e 1 ) if (D,ψ) : ˜Z⊳Ỹ and (E,φ) : Ỹ⊳˜X, then (F,φ ◦ ψ) : ˜Z⊳˜X for F =D ∩ ψ −1 (E);

146 D. Papini - F. Zanolin(e 2 ) if φ : Z → Y is a homeomorphism such that φ(Zl − ) = Yl−(or φ(Zl − ) = Yr− and φ(Zr −) = Y l − ), then (Z,φ) : ˜Z⊳Ỹ ;and φ(Z − r ) = Y −r(e 3 ) if (D,ψ) : ˜Z⊳Ỹ, then (D ∩ X ∩ ψ −1 (W),ψ) : ˜X⊳ ˜W, for every ˜X ⊆ h ˜Zand every ˜W ⊆ v Ỹ ;(e 4 ) if (D,ψ) : ˜Z⊳Ỹ, then ψ has a fixed point in D∩ X, for every ˜X ∈ {˜Z ⋔ Ỹ},having the FPP-γ .Proof. The above properties follow immediately by the corresponding definitions.Now we are in position to consider a sequence of spaces and maps and obtain aresult which is in line with [34] and [73] and extend to a general setting some results[59, Theorem 2.2], [60, Theorem 4.2] previously obtained in the two-dimensional setting.For simplicity, we confine ourselves to the framework of compact metric spaces.This simplifies somehow our proofs. We point out, however, that some of the propertiesexposed in the next Theorem 11 would be still true in some more general situations.THEOREM 11. Suppose that there is a (double) sequence of path-oriented spaces(˜X k ) k∈Z = ((X k , X − k )) k∈Z ,where, for each k ∈ Z, X k is a compact and arcwise connected metric space. Denoteby (Xk − ) l and (Xk − ) r the two sides of Xk − . Assume that there is a sequence of maps((D k ,ψ k )) k∈Z , such thatThen the following conclusions hold:(D k ,ψ k ) : ˜X k ⊳˜X k+1 , ∀ k ∈ Z.(a 1 ) There is a sequence (w k ) k∈Z with w k ∈ D k and ψ k (w k ) = w k+1 for all k ∈ Z;(a 2 ) For each j ∈ Z there is a compact set C j ⊆ D j such that for each w ∈ C jthere exists a sequence (y l ) l≥ j , with y l ∈ D l and y j = w, y l+1 = ψ l (y l ) foreach l ≥ j.The compact set C j satisfies the following separation property:C j ∩σ ̸= ∅, for each path σ ⊆ X j with σ ∩(X − k ) l ̸= ∅ and σ ∩(X − k ) r ̸= ∅;(a 3 ) If there are integers h, k with h < k such that ˜X h = ˜X k and ˜X h possessesthe FPP-γ, then there is a finite sequence (z i ) h≤i≤k , with z i ∈ D i and ψ i (z i ) =z i+1 for each i = h,...,k − 1, such that z h = z k .Proof. As in [59, Theorem 2.2] we prove the three properties in the reverse order.First of all we observe that, for each i ∈ Z, there is a closed (and hence compact)set W i ⊆ D i ⊆ X i such that, for every path σ ⊆ X i with σ ∩ (X i ) − l̸= ∅ andσ ∩ (X i ) − r ̸= ∅, there is a sub-path γ ⊆ σ ∩ W i with ψ i (γ) ∩ (X i+1 ) − l̸= ∅ andψ i (γ) ∩ (X i+1 ) − r ̸= ∅.

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 147Proof of (a 3 ). Let k = h + s for some s ≥ 1. Let us also set ˜Z = ˜X h = ˜X k , andψ = ψ k−1 ◦ ··· ◦ ψ h . By property (e 1 ) of Lemma 4 we have that (D,ψ) : ˜Z⊳˜Z,withD := {z ∈ W h : ψ j ◦ ··· ◦ ψ h+1 ◦ ψ h (z) ∈ W j+1 , for j = h,...,k − 1}.Then the assumption about the FPP-γ for X h implies the existence of a fixed pointz ∗ ∈ D for ψ. Moreover, z h := z ∗ ∈ D h and, setting z i = ψ i−1 ◦ ··· ◦ ψ h (z h ), fori = h + 1,...,k, the verification of the properties in (a 3 ) is straightforward.Proof of (a 2 ). The situation described here is similar to that considered in [33, TheExpander Lemma, p.417]. Without loss of generality, assume j = 0. Define the closedsetS = {x ∈ W 0 : ψ l ◦ ··· ◦ ψ 0 (x) ∈ W l+1 , ∀l = 0, 1, 2,...}.Let γ 0 ⊆ X 0 be a path intersecting both the components of X − 0. By the stretchingassumption between ˜X 0 and ˜X 1 , there is a sub-path γ 1 ⊆ W 0 ⊆ D 0 such that ψ 0 (γ 1 ) ⊆X 1 and with ψ 0 (γ 1 ) meeting both the components of X − 1. On the other hand, the pathψ 0 (γ 1 ) = σ 1 contains a sub-path σ 2 ⊆ W 1 ⊆ D 1 such that ψ 1 (σ 2 ) ⊆ X 2 and withψ 1 (σ 2 ) intersecting both the components of X − 2 . We also define γ 2 = {x ∈ γ 1 :ψ 0 (x) ∈ σ 2 }. Then, by induction, we can find a sequence of nonempty compact setscontained in X 0W 0 ⊇ γ 0 ⊇ γ 1 ⊇ γ 2 ⊇ ...γ n ⊇ γ n+1 ⊇ ...with ψ i (γ i ) ⊆ W i+1 ⊆ D i+1 and such that ψ i ◦ ··· ◦ ψ 0 (γ i+1 ) is a path in X i+1meeting both the components of X − i+1 . Taking a point w ∈ ∩∞ n=0 γ n we have thatψ l ◦ ··· ◦ ψ 0 (w) ∈ W l+1 ⊆ D l+1 for each l ≥ 0. Thus, any path γ 0 ∈ X 0 intersectingboth the components of X − 0contains a point of S which generates a sequence as in(a 2 ).Proof of (a 1 ). A diagonal argument (see, e.g., [33, Proposition 5] or [56, Theorem 2,(w 4 )]) allows to prove (a 1 ) as a consequence of (a 2 ). We give a sketch of it for thereader’s convenience. By (a 2 ) we have that for each n = 1, 2,... there is a compactset C −n ⊆ W −n ⊆ D −n such thatK j+1,n := ψ j ◦ ··· ◦ ψ −n (C −n ) ⊆ W j+1 ⊆ D j+1 .We take a point y j,n ∈ K j,n , for each j ≥ −n + 1, in order to form the infinite matrixy 0,1 y 1,1 ... y j,1 ...y −1,2 y 0,2 y 1,2 ... y j,2 ...y −2,3 y −1,3 y 0,3 y 1,3 ... y j,3 ......y −n+1,n ... y −2,n y −1,n y 0,n y 1,n ... y j,n ......where, for each n and j, we have that ψ j (y j,n ) = y j+1,n . Now, a standard compactnessand diagonal argument (or, from another point of view, the fact that the product ofcountably many sequentially compact spaces is sequentially compact) allows to pass to

148 D. Papini - F. Zanolinthe limit on each “column” along a common subsequence of indexes in order to find,for each j ∈ Z, a point w j ∈ W j ⊆ D j and the continuity of ψ j implies also thatψ(w j ) = w j+1 , ∀ j ∈ Z.3.3. A final remark about sub-pathsWe conclude this section with a remark about the stretching condition that we havechosen for property (H) and its variants and consequences. As pointed out in the Introduction,our definition is mainly motivated by our previous applications to ODEsand, more precisely, to our paper [55] where we obtained the stretching property (H ± )in a concrete example of the planar system (1). In that specific example, the proofwas carried on by considering a continuous parameterized curve defined in the interval[0, 1[ and with an unbounded image in R 2 . Subsequently, in our search of fixed pointsfor general continuous mappings defined on two-dimensional cells we used a definitionof path as the continuous image of an interval. As shown in [60] as long as weare concerned with fixed points of a single mapping defined on a topological rectangle,there is no effect on the possible different choices in the definitions. With this respect,consider also Theorem 6 and Theorem 7 which show how, as long as we are looking forthe existence of a fixed point, the stretching condition for paths and that for continuaare both sufficient to obtain the desired result. Things, however, seem to be somehowmore complicated when we focus our attention on the search of fixed points for thecomposition of maps (and thus, in particular, for the iterations of a given map). In sucha case, the possibility of considering parameterized curves (modulo some equivalentrelation like in Section 1.5) instead of images of curves as sets embedded in a space,looks simpler from the point of view of stating some hypotheses which are easily verifiablethrough the composition of maps. In the next example we try now to expressbetter our point of view which lead to the choice of definition for a path considered inSection 1.5.EXAMPLE 3. We define the functiong : [0, 3π] → R,g(t) := max{t − 4π, min{t,π − t}}and the continuous curveθ = (θ 1 ,θ 2 ) : [0, 3π] → R 2 ,θ 1 (t) := cos(g(t)), θ 2 (t) := sin(g(t)) = sin(t).Observe that for the path γ = [θ], the image set is¯γ = {θ(t) : t ∈ [0, 3π]} = S 1 := {(x, y) ∈ R 2 : x 2 + y 2 = 1}.The motion of the point θ(t) along the circumference S 1 can be described as follows:we start for t = 0 at the point P = (1, 0), we move on S 1 in the counterclockwisesense till to the point P ′ = (0, 1) for t = π/2. At this moment, the point θ(t) startsmoving to the reverse direction (clockwise sense) till it reaches again the point P ′ at

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 149Figure 12: The bold line viewed from a suitably chosen point of perspective representsthe arc in R 3 parameterized by t ↦→ (t,θ 1 (t),θ 2 (t)), for t ∈ [0, 3π].The plot has been performed by Maple software.the time t = 5π/2. Finally, the motion switches again to the counterclockwise senseand the point Q = (−1, 0) is reached at the time t = 3π.Let us set now Z = S 1 and Zl − = {P}, Zr − = {Q} (we intentionally take this choiceto show that the terms “left” and “right” are merely conventional and their order isnot important). According to our definitions, γ is a path in Z with γ ∩ Zl− ̸= ∅ andγ ∩ Zr− ̸= ∅. If we consider now the arcs Ŵ upper := {(x, y) ∈ S 1 : y ≥ 0} andŴ lower := {(x, y) ∈ S 1 : y ≤ 0} which are contained in ¯γ, we see that while Ŵ lower isthe image set of a sub-path of γ, Ŵ upper is not the image of any sub-path of γ.4. Applications to topological cells in finite dimensional spaces, periodic pointsand topological dynamicsIn this section we propose an application of the results in Section 3 to the setting of[26, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 82].4.1. DefinitionsLet X be a Hausdorff topological space. We define a (1, N − 1)-rectangular cell of Xas a pair̂N = (N, c N ),where N ⊆ X is a compact set and c N : N → [−1, 1] N ⊆ R N is a homeomorphismof N onto its image [−1, 1] N . Sometimes, it will be convenient to put in evidence theHausdorff topological space X containing a given cell N and the dimension N of thecodomain of the homeomorphism. In such a situation, we’ll writêN = (N, c N ; X, N).

150 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 13: A possible picture of a (1, 2)-rectangular cell ̂N, where we have put inevidence the two components of the N − set which are painted with a darker color.Our definition of (1, N − 1)-rectangular cell is borrowed from that of h-set given byZgliczyński and Gidea [82, Definition 1] and considered also by Pireddu and Zanolinin [61]. However, we point out that, differently than in [82] and [61], we don’t assumehere N to be a subset of R N and moreover in the present case the homeomorphism c Nis defined only on N whence in the above cited articles c N was defined on the wholespace X. We also define the setsN − l:= c N −1 ({−1} × [−1, 1] N−1 ), N − r := c N −1 ({1} × [−1, 1] N−1 ),conventionally called the left and the right faces of ̂N, as well as the setIf we define nowN − := N − l∪ N − r .Ñ := (N,N − ),we have that Ñ is a path-oriented spaces which possesses the FPP-γ.Our definition of oriented cell ̂N fits with that of (1, N − 1)-window considered byGidea and Robinson in [25] and, in the special case N = 2, is equivalent to that oftwo-dimensional oriented cell by Papini and Zanolin in [60].For completeness we also recall the form that the stretching condition takes withrespect to the path-oriented spaces determined by the rectangular cells that we have justdefined.Let  = (A, c A ; X, N 1 ) and ̂B = (B, c B ; Y, N 2 ) be two rectangular cells containedin the Hausdorff topological spaces X and Y, respectively. Let φ : X ⊇ D φ → Y bea map (not necessarily continuous on its whole domain D φ ) and let us consider a setD ⊆ D φ .

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 151DEFINITION 5. We say that the pair (D,φ) stretches  to ̂B along the pathsand write(D,φ) : Â⊳̂B,if φ is continuous on D∩A and, moreover, there is a compact set W ⊆ D∩A such that,for every path σ ⊆ A with σ ∩ A − l̸= ∅ and σ ∩ A − r ̸= ∅, there is a path γ ⊆ σ ∩ Wwith ψ(γ) ∩ B − l̸= ∅ and φ(γ) ∩ B − r ̸= ∅.Observe that this definition coincides withaccording to Definition 2, for(D ′ ,φ) : Ã⊳˜B,D ′ = D ∩ A ∩ φ −1 (B).As in [60] we introduce now some special subsets of a cell which are crucial for ourapplications.DEFINITION 6. Let ̂M = (M, c M ; X, d 1 ) and ̂N = (N, c N ; X, d 2 ) be tworectangular cells of the same topological space X and let ˜M = (M,M − ) and Ñ =(N,N − ) be the corresponding path-oriented spaces. We say that ̂M is a horizontalslab of ̂N and writêM ⊆ h ̂N,if ˜M ⊆ h Ñ, that is, if M ⊆ N and if every path γ ⊆ M with γ ∩ M − l̸= ∅ andγ ∩ M − r ̸= ∅ is such that γ ∩ N − l̸= ∅ and γ ∩ N − r ̸= ∅.Similarly, we say that ̂M is a vertical slab of ̂N and writêM ⊆ v ̂N,if ˜M ⊆ v Ñ, that is, if M ⊆ N and if every path σ ⊆ N with σ ∩ N − l̸= ∅ andσ ∩ N − r ̸= ∅ contains a sub-path γ ⊆ M such that γ ∩ M − l̸= ∅ and γ ∩ M − r ̸= ∅.REMARK 8. Note that in order to have ̂M ⊆ h ̂N it is equivalent to require thatM ⊆ N and either̂M − l⊆ ̂N − l, ̂M − r ⊆ ̂N − ror̂M − l⊆ ̂N − r , ̂M − r ⊆ ̂N − l.In this manner, our definition of horizontal slab reduces to the one of horizontal slicein [60, Def.1.2]As in Section 3, we can now borrow from [60] and [61] the next definition.

152 D. Papini - F. ZanolinFigure 14: Examples of ̂M ⊆ ĥN and of ̂M ⊆ v̂N (the left and the right figures,respectively). The painted areas represent ̂M as embedded in ̂N. The contours of [ ·] − -sets for the oriented cells ̂M and ̂N are indicated with a bold line.DEFINITION 7. Let Â, ̂B and ̂M be three rectangular cells with A,B,M subspacesof the same topological space X and suppose that M ⊆ A ∩ B.We say that ̂B crosses  in ̂M and writêM ∈ { ⋔ ̂B},if̂M ⊆ h  and ̂M ⊆ v ̂B.4.2. ApplicationsAt this step, we can just reconsider the same main results from [59, 60] already provedfor the stretching property in the case of generalized two-dimensional cells and extendthem to (1, N − 1)-rectangular cells. For instance, we have the following (compare toTheorem 4).THEOREM 12. Suppose that  = (A,A − ) and ̂B = (B,B − ) are oriented cellsin X. If (D,ψ) : Â⊳̂B and there are k ≥ 2 oriented cells ̂M 1 ..., ̂M k such that̂M i ∈ { ⋔ ̂B}, for i = 1,...,k,withM i ∩ M j ∩ D = ∅, for all i ̸= j, with i, j ∈ {1,...,k},

Periodic points and chaotic dynamics 153Figure 15: In R 3 , the (1, 2)-rectangular cell ̂N (the cheese shaped set) is crossed bythe (1, 2)-rectangular cell ̂M (the snake-like set). Among the four intersections of Mwith N, the first two (counting from the left and painted by a darker color) belong to{̂N ⋔ ̂M}.then the following conclusion holds:• ψ has a chaotic dynamics of coin-tossing type on k symbols (with respect to thesets K i := D ∩ M i ).• ψ has a fixed point in each set K i := D ∩ M i and, for each finite sequence(s 0 , s 1 ,...,s m ) ∈ {1,...,k} m+1 , with m ≥ 1, there is at least one point z ∗ ∈K s0 such that the positionz j+1 = ψ(z j ), z 0 = z ∗ , for j = 0, 1,...,mdefines a sequence of points withz j ∈ K s j, ∀ j = 0, 1,...,m and z m+1 = z ∗ .REMARK 9. The two conclusions in Theorem 12 corresponds to (a 1 ) and (a 3 )of Theorem 11. We could derive from (a 2 ) also a conclusion about the existence of acontinuum of initial points which generate any (fixed) forward itinerary and thus obtainan extension of the conclusion (b 2 ) of Theorem 4. This one as well as some relatedtopics, which require a more careful treatment, will be discussed elsewhere.As shown by this example, from Theorem 11 and the definitions of stretching,slabs and crossings adapted to the case of (1, N − 1)-rectangular cells, we have now

154 D. Papini - F. Zanolinavailable all the tools which are needed in order to achieve a full extension of thetopological results contained in [59, 60] and partially recalled in Section 1.2, to mapswhich expand the arcs along one direction. A more complete investigation on thissubject will appear in a future work.5. AcknowledgmentF. Zanolin gratefully thanks professor Gaetano Zampieri and professor Hisao FujitaYashima for the kind invitation.References[1] ALEXANDER J.C., A primer on connectivity, in: “Fixed point theory, Proc. Conf., Sherbrooke/Can.1980”, (Eds. Fadell E. and Fournier G.), Lect. Notes Math. 886, Springer - Verlag, Berlin New York1981, 455–483.[2] ANDRES J., GAUDENZI M. AND ZANOLIN F., A transformation theorem for periodic solutions ofnondissipative systems, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino 48 (1990), 171–186 (1992).[3] ANDRES J., GÓRNIEWICZ L. AND LEWICKA M., Partially dissipative periodic processes, in: “Topologyin nonlinear analysis (Warsaw 1994)”, Banach Center Publ. 35, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw 1996,109–118.[4] BONHEURE D., GOMES J.M. AND HABETS P., Multiple positive solutions of superlinear ellipticproblems with sign-changing weight, J. Differential Equations 214 (2005), 36–64.[5] BUTLER G.J., Oscillation theorems for a nonlinear analogue of Hill’s equation, Quart. J. Math. Oxford,Ser. 27 (2) (1976), 159–171.[6] BUTLER G.J., Rapid oscillation, nonextendability, and the existence of periodic solutions to secondorder nonlinear differential equations, J. Differential Equations 22 (1976), 467–477.[7] CAPIETTO A., Continuation results for operator equations in metric ANRs, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital.,VII. Ser. B 8 (1994), 135–150.[8] CAPIETTO A., DAMBROSIO W. AND PAPINI D., Superlinear indefinite equations on the real line andchaotic dynamics, J. Differential Equations 181 (2002), 419–438.[9] CAPIETTO A., HENRARD M., MAWHIN J. AND ZANOLIN F., A continuation approach to some forcedsuperlinear Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 3 (1994), 81–100.[10] CAPIETTO A., MAWHIN J. AND ZANOLIN F., A continuation approach to superlinear periodic boundaryvalue problems, J. Differential Equations 88 (1990), 347–395.[11] CONLEY C., An application of Wazewski’s method to a non–linear boundary value problem whicharises in population genetics, J. Math. Biol. 2 (1975), 241–249.[12] COVOLAN D., Dinamiche di tipo caotico: un approccio topologico, Tesi di laurea magistrale, Universitàdi Udine, Udine 2005.[13] DALBONO F. AND ZANOLIN F., Multiplicity results for asymptotically linear equations, using therotation number approach, to appear on Med. J. Math.[14] DAMBROSIO W. AND PAPINI D., Periodic solutions of asymptotically linear second order equationswith indefinite weight, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 183 (2004), 537–554.[15] DEIMLING K., Nonlinear functional analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin–Heidelberg 1985.[16] DUGUNDJI J. AND GRANAS A., Fixed point theory. I, Monografie Matematyczne [MathematicalMonographs] 61, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (PWN), Warsaw 1982.[17] EASTON R.W., Isolating blocks and symbolic dynamics, J. Differential Equations 17 (1975), 96–118.

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