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In the course of life everyone is likely to <strong>com</strong>e up against fund -amental questions to which he finds no clear answer. This publicationdeals w<strong>it</strong>h several important questions of life. These areanswered by lectures selected from the book “In the Light ofTruth”, The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin, about which thereis further information at the end of this booklet.W<strong>it</strong>h the help of that <strong>com</strong>prehensive Work the reader can obtainglimpses of the connections in Creation. The explanations arealso intended to stimulate the individual to delve for furtheranswers to life’s great questions. To the earnest reader the GrailMessage offers answers in rich abundance, so that w<strong>it</strong>h unbi<strong>as</strong>edexamining there finally arises for him a World-picture w<strong>it</strong>houtgaps.© 2002 by Stiftung Gralsbotschaft, Stuttgart, Germany1 st ed<strong>it</strong>ion 2002All rights reserved.5
while others adopt an unwholesome form of worship that be<strong>com</strong>es servile ordegenerates into fanaticism? Who can then still be <strong>as</strong>tonished if some peopledevelop a nervous fear, even terror and consternation?Away w<strong>it</strong>h all this! Why these torments? Break down this barrier whichhuman error sought to erect, but which never existed! Your p<strong>as</strong>t wrongatt<strong>it</strong>ude also gives you a false foundation, on which you vainly endeavourcontinually to build up the true belief, that is, inner conviction. You consequentlyencounter points, obstacles, which must make you waver and doubt,or <strong>com</strong>pel you to tear down the whole structure, perhaps abandoningeverything out of despair or resentment.The loss is then yours alone, because this is not progress for you, butstandstill or retrogression. The road which in any c<strong>as</strong>e you must follow oneday will only be lengthened thereby.When you have at l<strong>as</strong>t perceived Creation <strong>as</strong> a <strong>com</strong>plete whole, <strong>as</strong> <strong>it</strong> is, anddo not separate this world from the beyond, then you have found the directpath, the true goal draws nearer and the <strong>as</strong>cent gives you joy and satisfaction.You are then much better able to feel and understand the reciprocal actionspulsating warmly through this uniform whole, since all activ<strong>it</strong>y is driven andsustained by the one power. Then the Light of Truth will dawn upon you!You will soon realise that many who scoff only do so out of indifferenceand indolence, just because <strong>it</strong> would require a certain effort to throw overexisting ide<strong>as</strong> and learning and erect something new. Others would find <strong>it</strong>interferes w<strong>it</strong>h their customary mode of living and thus be<strong>com</strong>es un<strong>com</strong>fort -able for them.Leave all such alone, do not argue, but offer your knowledge helpfully tothose who are not satisfied w<strong>it</strong>h fleeting ple<strong>as</strong>ures, to those who seek forsomething more in their earthly lives than merely to fill their stomachs likeanimals. Do not then bury your talent, impart to them the recogn<strong>it</strong>ion youare granted; for in giving, your knowledge will in turn be enriched andstrengthened.An Eternal Law operates in the Universe: That only in giving can onereceive where l<strong>as</strong>ting values are concerned! Like a sacred legacy of <strong>it</strong>sCreator, this Law deeply permeates the whole of Creation. To give unself -ishly, to help where help is needed, and to understand both the suffering andthe weaknesses of your fellow-men, means to receive, because <strong>it</strong> is the simpleand true way to the Highest!And to will this seriously brings you immediate help and strength! By onesingle, honest and ardent wish to do good, the wall which your thoughtshave h<strong>it</strong>herto erected <strong>as</strong> a barrier is cleaved <strong>as</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h a flaming sword from theother side that is now still invisible to you; for you are indeed one w<strong>it</strong>h thebeyond which you so fear, deny or long for, you are closely and inextri cablylinked w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>.Try <strong>it</strong>, for your thoughts are the messengers you send forth, which returnheavily laden w<strong>it</strong>h similar thought-forms, good or evil <strong>as</strong> the c<strong>as</strong>e may be.This actually happens! Remember that your thoughts are real<strong>it</strong>ies that shapethemselves spir<strong>it</strong>ually, often be<strong>com</strong>ing forms outliving the earth-life of yourbody, then much will be<strong>com</strong>e clear to you.Thus <strong>it</strong> is qu<strong>it</strong>e rightly said: “For their works will pursue them!”Thought-creations are works which will one day awa<strong>it</strong> you! Which formlight or dark rings around you, which you must traverse in order to enter thespir<strong>it</strong>ual world. Ne<strong>it</strong>her protection nor intervention can help in this, be causethe decision lies w<strong>it</strong>h you. Therefore you yourself must take the first step ineverything. This is not difficult; <strong>it</strong> lies solely in the vol<strong>it</strong>ion, which expresses<strong>it</strong>self through thoughts. Thus you carry heaven or hell w<strong>it</strong>hin you.You are free to decide, but you are then irrevocably subject to the con -sequences of your thoughts, of your vol<strong>it</strong>ion! You yourselves create theseconsequences, and that is why I exhort you:Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure, by so doing you will bring peaceand be happy!Do not forget that every thought you produce and send out attracts allsimilar thoughts on <strong>it</strong>s way, or attaches <strong>it</strong>self to others, thus continuallyincre<strong>as</strong>ing in strength and finally also reaching a goal, a human brain whichis perhaps off <strong>it</strong>s guard just for a moment, thereby offering such floatingthought-forms the opportun<strong>it</strong>y to penetrate and operate.1213
Just consider what responsibil<strong>it</strong>y will fall upon you if at some time orother the thought be<strong>com</strong>es a deed through some person whom <strong>it</strong> w<strong>as</strong> able toinfluence! This responsibil<strong>it</strong>y already arises through the fact that everysingle thought keeps a constant link w<strong>it</strong>h you just <strong>as</strong> if by an unbreakablethread, so <strong>as</strong> to return w<strong>it</strong>h the strength gained on <strong>it</strong>s way, e<strong>it</strong>her to burdenyou or to bring you joy, according to the kind you produced.Thus you stand in the world of thoughts, and according to your way ofthinking at the time make room for similar thought-forms. Do not there forew<strong>as</strong>te the power of thinking, but gather <strong>it</strong> for defence and for keen thinking,which goes forth like spears and affects everything. Thus create out of yourthoughts the Holy Spear which fights for the good, heals wounds andfurthers the whole of Creation!Adjust your thinking, therefore, towards activ<strong>it</strong>y and progress! To do thisyou must shake many a pillar supporting trad<strong>it</strong>ional ide<strong>as</strong>.Often <strong>it</strong> is some concept wrongly understood that hinders man from find -ing the right way. He must return to the starting-point. One fl<strong>as</strong>h of lightwill destroy the whole structure so painfully erected over decades, and followinga shorter or longer period of stunned inertia, he will make a freshstart! He must do so, for there is no standing still in the Universe. Let us take,for instance, the concept of time:Time p<strong>as</strong>ses! Times change! We hear this said everywhere, and auto ma t -ically a picture arises in the spir<strong>it</strong>: We see changing times marching p<strong>as</strong>t us!This picture be<strong>com</strong>es so engrained that for many <strong>it</strong> also forms a solidfoundation on which they continue to build, adjusting their whole researchand speculation to <strong>it</strong>. Before long, however, they encounter obstacles whichcontradict each other. However hard they try, not everything will f<strong>it</strong> in.They lose their way, leaving gaps that can no longer be filled in sp<strong>it</strong>e of alltheir pondering.Many then believe that in such places fa<strong>it</strong>h must act <strong>as</strong> a subst<strong>it</strong>ute for thefailure of logical re<strong>as</strong>oning. But this is wrong! Man should not believe inthings he cannot gr<strong>as</strong>p! He must try to understand them; for otherwise heopens wide the door to errors, and w<strong>it</strong>h errors the Truth is always deb<strong>as</strong>ed.To believe w<strong>it</strong>hout understanding is just indolence, mental laziness! Itdoes not lead the spir<strong>it</strong> upwards, but presses <strong>it</strong> down. Look upward, therefore,we are to test and investigate. Not for nothing does the urge to do so liew<strong>it</strong>hin us.Time! Does <strong>it</strong> really p<strong>as</strong>s? Why does one encounter obstacles when think -ing more deeply about this axiom? Simply because the fundamental idea iswrong; for time stands still! We, however, hurry towards <strong>it</strong>! We rush intotime, which is eternal, and seek the Truth in <strong>it</strong>.Time stands still. It remains the same, today, yesterday and a thousandyears hence! Only the forms change. We plunge into time, to cull from herrecords for the purpose of enriching our knowledge from what h<strong>as</strong> beencollected there! For time h<strong>as</strong> lost nothing, <strong>it</strong> h<strong>as</strong> recorded all things. It h<strong>as</strong>not changed, because <strong>it</strong> is eternal.You too, O man, are always just the same, whether you appear young orold! You remain what you are! Have you not already sensed this yourself?Do you not clearly notice a difference between the form and your “ego”?Between the body that is subject to change and yourself, the spir<strong>it</strong>, which iseternal?You seek the Truth! What is Truth? What you still feel to be truth todayyou will recognise even tomorrow <strong>as</strong> error, in which, however, you willlater again discover grains of truth! For the manifestations also changetheir forms. Thus your seeking continues, yet amid these changes youmature!Truth, however, remains always the same, <strong>it</strong> does not change, for <strong>it</strong> iseternal! And being eternal <strong>it</strong> can never be clearly and truly gr<strong>as</strong>ped by theearthly senses, which are familiar only w<strong>it</strong>h the change of forms!Therefore be<strong>com</strong>e spir<strong>it</strong>ual! Free from all earthly thoughts, and then youwill possess the Truth, will stand in the Truth, and will bathe in <strong>it</strong>, constan tlysurrounded by <strong>it</strong>s pure Light, for <strong>it</strong> will envelop you <strong>com</strong>pletely. As soon <strong>as</strong>you be<strong>com</strong>e spir<strong>it</strong>ual, you will swim in <strong>it</strong>.Then you need no longer study so painstakingly what science h<strong>as</strong> to offer,nor need you fear errors, but you will already have the answer to every1415
quest ion in the Truth <strong>it</strong>self. Moreover, you will no longer have anyquestions, because w<strong>it</strong>hout thinking you will know all things, will embraceall things, because your spir<strong>it</strong> will live in the pure Light, in the Truth!Therefore be<strong>com</strong>e spir<strong>it</strong>ually free! Burst all the fetters that hold youdown! If obstacles present themselves wel<strong>com</strong>e them joyfully; for they showyou the way to freedom and strength! Look upon them <strong>as</strong> gifts from whichyou will benef<strong>it</strong>, and you will over<strong>com</strong>e them w<strong>it</strong>h e<strong>as</strong>e.E<strong>it</strong>her such obstacles are put in your way to teach and develop you, inwhich c<strong>as</strong>e you add to the means of your <strong>as</strong>cent, or they are the reaction tosome debt you have incurred, which you can redeem in this way and thusfree yourselves. In e<strong>it</strong>her c<strong>as</strong>e they help you to advance. Therefore set out tomeet them w<strong>it</strong>h a bold heart, <strong>it</strong> is for your own good!It is foolish to talk of reverses of fortune or of trials. Every conflict andevery sorrow means progress. Men are thus offered the chance to dispel theshadows of former misdeeds; for not a single farthing can be rem<strong>it</strong>ted to theindividual, because here also the cycle of the Eternal Laws in the Universe isinflexible. The Creative Father-Will reveals Himself in them, and therebyforgives us and dispels all Darkness.So clearly and wisely is everything arranged that the minutest swervingfrom this would have to plunge the world into ruins.But what of the man who h<strong>as</strong> very much to redeem from former times,must he not then despair, will he not tremble at the thought of the misdeedshe h<strong>as</strong> to atone for?As soon <strong>as</strong> he honestly wills he can hopefully and gladly begin w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>, freefrom all worry! For a balance can be brought about by the counter-currentof the power of good vol<strong>it</strong>ion, which like other thought-forms takes life inthe spir<strong>it</strong>ual, forging a strong weapon capable of removing every darkburden, every weight, and leading the “ego” towards the Light!Power of vol<strong>it</strong>ion! A mighty force, unsuspected by so many! Attractingsimilar powers like a never-failing magnet, <strong>it</strong> grows like an avalanche.Un<strong>it</strong>ing w<strong>it</strong>h similar spir<strong>it</strong>ual forces, <strong>it</strong> works backwards, again reaching thestarting-point, thus the origin, or rather, the producer, uplifting him high tothe Light, or pressing him deeper into the mud and filth! Exactly inaccordance w<strong>it</strong>h what the author himself originally willed.He who is acquainted w<strong>it</strong>h this steady, never-failing reciprocal effectinherent in all Creation, which manifests and unfolds <strong>it</strong>self w<strong>it</strong>h absolutecertainty, knows how to make use of <strong>it</strong>; he must love <strong>it</strong> and fear <strong>it</strong>! Graduallythe invisible world around him be<strong>com</strong>es alive to him; for he feels <strong>it</strong>s influ -ence so distinctly that <strong>it</strong> silences all doubt.If he only pays a l<strong>it</strong>tle attention to <strong>it</strong> he must intu<strong>it</strong>ively sense the strongwaves of ce<strong>as</strong>eless activ<strong>it</strong>y that affect him from out of the great Universe.Finally he feels himself the focal point of strong currents, like a lens thatabsorbs the rays of the sun, concentrating them on one point and producinga <strong>com</strong>bustive power which can burst forth to singe and destroy, but also toheal, animate and bring blessing; and likewise can start a blazing fire!And you, too, are such lenses, capable through your vol<strong>it</strong>ion of gatheringthese invisible power-currents that reach you, and sending them forth <strong>as</strong> aun<strong>it</strong>ed force for good or evil, to bring blessing or indeed destruction tomankind. Through this you can and should light a blazing fire in the souls ofmen, a fire of enthusi<strong>as</strong>m for the good, for the noble and for perfection!This only requires a strength of vol<strong>it</strong>ion, which in a certain sense makesman lord of Creation and m<strong>as</strong>ter of his own fate. It is man’s own vol<strong>it</strong>ionwhich brings him destruction or redemption, reward or retribution, w<strong>it</strong>hinexorable certainty!Do not fear then, that this knowledge will alienate you from the Creator,or weaken your present fa<strong>it</strong>h. On the contrary! The knowledge of theseEternal Laws, which you can put to use, makes the entire work of Creationappear even more sublime to you. Its magn<strong>it</strong>ude forces him who searchesmore deeply to his knees in veneration!Man will then never wish for evil things. He will joyfully gr<strong>as</strong>p at the bestsupport that exists for him: Love! Love for the whole wonderful Creation,and love for his neighbour, that he too may be led to the glory of this en -joyment, of this consciousness of power.1617
ody makes possible because … this earth-life is a school in which every “ego”is given the opportun<strong>it</strong>y of further development according to <strong>it</strong>s free will.Therefore rouse yourselves at l<strong>as</strong>t! The fru<strong>it</strong> of every thought will returnto you, here or there, and you have to t<strong>as</strong>te of <strong>it</strong>! No one can escape this fact!Of what use is <strong>it</strong> to try and bury your head timidly in the sand like anostrich, to evade this real<strong>it</strong>y? Face the facts boldly! You thereby make <strong>it</strong> e<strong>as</strong>yfor yourselves; for here progress is quicker.Make a start! But realise that all old debts must be settled. Do not expectblessings to rain down upon you immediately, <strong>as</strong> many fools do. Perhapssome of you still have a long chain to expiate. But he who despairs on thataccount only harms himself, because <strong>it</strong> cannot be spared and rem<strong>it</strong>ted him.Through hes<strong>it</strong>ation he only makes everything more difficult for himself,perhaps for a long time impossible.This should spur him on not to delay another hour; for he only begins tolive when he takes the first step! Happy is he who plucks up the courage todo so, for link by link he will be rele<strong>as</strong>ed. He can rush ahead w<strong>it</strong>h giantstrides, jubilantly and gratefully over<strong>com</strong>ing also the l<strong>as</strong>t obstacles; for hebe<strong>com</strong>es free!The stones that his previous wrong-doing had heaped up before him likea wall, inev<strong>it</strong>ably barring his advance, will indeed not be cleared away, buton the contrary will be carefully laid out before him so that he may recogniseand surmount them, because he must bring about the balance for all hiserrors. However, filled w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>as</strong>tonishment and admiration, he will soon seethe love that surrounds him <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> he only evidences his goodwill.W<strong>it</strong>h tender forbearance the way will be made <strong>as</strong> e<strong>as</strong>y for him <strong>as</strong> a child’sfirst steps, aided by <strong>it</strong>s mother. Should there be things in his former life thatwere a silent source of apprehension to him, and which he would rather letsleep forever … qu<strong>it</strong>e unexpectedly he will be placed directly before them!He must decide, must act. In a striking way he is urged to do so through theenchainments. If he then ventures to take the first step, trusting in the victoryof the good vol<strong>it</strong>ion, the fateful knot is severed, he p<strong>as</strong>ses through and isfreed from <strong>it</strong>.But hardly is this debt settled than already the next one in some form orother presents <strong>it</strong>self to him, requesting <strong>as</strong> <strong>it</strong> were also to be settled.Thus one by one the fetters that restricted and were bound to weigh himdown are burst. He feels so light! And the feeling of lightness which some ofyou have surely experienced at one time or another is no illusion, but theeffect of real<strong>it</strong>y. The spir<strong>it</strong> thus freed from pressure be<strong>com</strong>es light and, inaccordance w<strong>it</strong>h the Law of Spir<strong>it</strong>ual Grav<strong>it</strong>y, leaps upwards, to that regionto which in accordance w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>s lightness <strong>it</strong> now belongs.And so <strong>it</strong> must rise steadily upwards towards the longed-for Light. Anevil vol<strong>it</strong>ion presses the spir<strong>it</strong> down and makes <strong>it</strong> heavy, where<strong>as</strong> a goodvol<strong>it</strong>ion uplifts <strong>it</strong>.For this, too, Jesus h<strong>as</strong> already shown you the simple way leading uner -ringly to the goal; for deep truth lies in the simple words: “Love thy neighbour<strong>as</strong> thyself!”W<strong>it</strong>h these words He gave the key to freedom and <strong>as</strong>cent! Because <strong>it</strong> is anirrefutable fact: What you do for your neighbour you do in real<strong>it</strong>y only foryourselves! Solely for yourselves, since according to the Eternal Lawseverything returns to you w<strong>it</strong>hout fail, good or evil, e<strong>it</strong>her already here orthere. It will surely <strong>com</strong>e! Thus you are shown the simplest of ways in whichthis step to the good vol<strong>it</strong>ion is to be understood.You should give to your neighbour w<strong>it</strong>h your being, your nature! Notnecessarily w<strong>it</strong>h money and goods. For then those w<strong>it</strong>hout means would beexcluded from the possibil<strong>it</strong>y of giving. And in this being, in this “givingyourself” in the relation w<strong>it</strong>h your neighbour, in the consideration andrespect you voluntarily offer him, lies the “love” of which Jesus speaks; liesalso the help you give to your neighbour, because <strong>it</strong> enables him to changehimself or <strong>as</strong>cend further, and because he gains strength from <strong>it</strong>.The returning radiations of this, however, will quickly uplift you in theirreciprocal action. You will receive continually new strength through them.W<strong>it</strong>h a soaring flight you will then be able to strive towards the Light …Poor fools are they who can still <strong>as</strong>k: “What do I gain by giving up somany old hab<strong>it</strong>s and changing myself?”2021
Is <strong>it</strong> a question of a business deal? And were they only to gain <strong>as</strong> humanbeings, to be<strong>com</strong>e ennobled <strong>as</strong> such, that alone would be reward enough. Butthere is infin<strong>it</strong>ely more to <strong>it</strong>! I repeat: The moment a man begins to exert hisgood vol<strong>it</strong>ion he also marks the end of his obligation to make atonement,which he must fulfil and can never escape. In this respect no one else can takehis place.Thus w<strong>it</strong>h this resolution the end of the enforced atonement is in sight. Ofsuch great value is this that all the tre<strong>as</strong>ures of this world cannot outweigh <strong>it</strong>.He thus struggles free from the chains that fetter him, which he is constantlyforging for himself. Therefore rouse yourselves from your enervating sleep.Let the awakening <strong>com</strong>e at l<strong>as</strong>t!Away w<strong>it</strong>h the intoxication that brings the paralysing delusion thatredemption through the Saviour h<strong>as</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e a letter of safe conduct,enabling you to spend your whole life in careless selfishness, provided thatin the end you embrace the fa<strong>it</strong>h, turn back, and depart this earth believingin the Saviour and His Work! Fools to expect such miserable, defectivepiecework from the Godhead! That indeed would mean cultivating evil!Remember this, and free yourselves!WHAT IS TRUTH?You seek the Truth! What is Truth? What you still feel to be truth today youwill recognise even tomorrow <strong>as</strong> error, in which, however, you will lateragain discover grains of truth! For the manifestations also change theirforms. Thus your seeking continues, yet amid these changes you mature!Truth, however, remains always the same, <strong>it</strong> does not change, for <strong>it</strong> is eternal!And being eternal <strong>it</strong> can never be clearly and truly gr<strong>as</strong>ped by the earthlysenses, which are familiar only w<strong>it</strong>h the change of forms!Therefore be<strong>com</strong>e spir<strong>it</strong>ual! Free from all earthly thoughts, and then youwill possess the Truth, will stand in the Truth, and will bathe in <strong>it</strong>, constantlysurrounded by <strong>it</strong>s pure Light, for <strong>it</strong> will envelop you <strong>com</strong>pletely. As soon <strong>as</strong>you be<strong>com</strong>e spir<strong>it</strong>ual, you will swim in <strong>it</strong>.Truth is the Eternal-Unchangeable! Which never changes in <strong>it</strong>s form, but is<strong>as</strong> <strong>it</strong> h<strong>as</strong> been from etern<strong>it</strong>y and ever will remain, <strong>as</strong> <strong>it</strong> is now. Which thereforecan never be subjected to any development e<strong>it</strong>her, because <strong>it</strong> h<strong>as</strong> beenperfect from the beginning. Truth is real, <strong>it</strong> is “being”! Only being is trueLife. The entire Universe is “supported” by this Truth! –ABD-RU-SHIN2223
WHO ARE WE? WHERE DO WE COME FROM?WHERE ARE WE GOING?LECTURE: “ERRORS” – THE GRAIL MESSAGE, VOLUME IThere is many a man who lifts up his eyes seekingly for Light and Truth. Hislonging is great, but very often he lacks earnest vol<strong>it</strong>ion! More than half ofthe seekers are not genuine. They bring their own preconceived opinion.Should they have to change <strong>it</strong> in the slightest degree, then they would muchrather reject all that is new to them, even if <strong>it</strong> contains the Truth.Thus thousands must go under because, entangled <strong>as</strong> they are in erron -eous convictions, they have restricted the freedom of movement which theyneed to swing themselves upward to salvation.There are always some who imagine they have already gr<strong>as</strong>ped all that isright. They have no intention of subjecting themselves to a strict examina tionb<strong>as</strong>ed on what they have heard and read.I am naturally not addressing such <strong>as</strong> these!Nor do I speak to churches and pol<strong>it</strong>ical parties, to fratern<strong>it</strong>ies, sects andsocieties, but only in all simplic<strong>it</strong>y to man himself. Far be <strong>it</strong> from me to pulldown what exists; for I am building up and <strong>com</strong>pleting the answers toquestions <strong>as</strong> yet unsolved, questions that must arise in everyone <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong>he thinks just a l<strong>it</strong>tle.Only one b<strong>as</strong>ic cond<strong>it</strong>ion is essential for every listener: Earnest seekingfor the Truth. He should inwardly examine the words and let them <strong>com</strong>e tolife, but not heed the speaker. Otherwise he derives no benef<strong>it</strong>. All who donot strive to do this are simply w<strong>as</strong>ting their time from the start.It is incredible how naively the great major<strong>it</strong>y of people cling tenaciouslyto their ignorance on such questions <strong>as</strong> whence they <strong>com</strong>e, what they are,and wh<strong>it</strong>her they go!Birth and death, the inseparable poles of all life on earth, should not be <strong>as</strong>ecret to man.There is a great deal of contradiction in the views of what const<strong>it</strong>utes theinner core of man. This is the result of the morbid self-aggrandisement of theearth-dwellers, who presumptuously bo<strong>as</strong>t that their inner core is Divine!Look at human<strong>it</strong>y! Can you discover anything Divine in them? Such afoolish statement should be branded <strong>as</strong> bl<strong>as</strong>phemy, because <strong>it</strong> denotes adeb<strong>as</strong>ement of Divin<strong>it</strong>y.Man does not carry a grain of Divin<strong>it</strong>y w<strong>it</strong>hin him!This idea is just morbid presumption, the cause of which is simply theconsciousness of being unable to understand. Where is the man who canhonestly say that for him such a belief h<strong>as</strong> also be<strong>com</strong>e conviction? Whoeverexamines himself seriously must deny <strong>it</strong>. He will feel distinctly that <strong>it</strong> is onlya longing and a desire to harbour something Divine w<strong>it</strong>hin him, but not acertainty! It is qu<strong>it</strong>e right to say that man carries w<strong>it</strong>hin him a spark of God.But this spark of God is spir<strong>it</strong>! It is not a part of Divin<strong>it</strong>y.The term spark is a perfectly correct designation. A spark develops andflies out w<strong>it</strong>hout taking along or bearing w<strong>it</strong>hin <strong>it</strong> anything of the qual<strong>it</strong>y ofthe producer. It is the same here. A spark of God is not <strong>it</strong>self Divine.Where such mistakes can already be found in regard to the origin of abeing, there failure must ensue in the whole development! If I have built ona wrong foundation, then one day the whole structure must totter and fall.For <strong>it</strong> is the origin that provides the mainstay for everyone’s wholeexistence and development! Anyone who seeks to reach far beyond hisorigin, <strong>as</strong> usually happens, reaches for something he cannot gr<strong>as</strong>p, andthereby loses all support in the qu<strong>it</strong>e natural course of events.If, for instance, I reach for the branch of a tree which through <strong>it</strong>s mater ialconsistency is similar to my earthly body, I can gain a hold on this branchand thus swing myself up on <strong>it</strong>.But if I reach beyond this branch, then through the different consistencyof the air I can find no support, and … cannot therefore pull myself upe<strong>it</strong>her! Surely this is clear enough.It is exactly the same w<strong>it</strong>h the inner consistency of man, called the soul,and <strong>it</strong>s core, the spir<strong>it</strong>.2425
If this spir<strong>it</strong> wishes to have the essential support that <strong>it</strong> needs from <strong>it</strong>sorigin, then <strong>it</strong> must not of course seek to reach into the Divine. That wouldbe unnatural; for the Divine lies much too far above <strong>it</strong>, and is of an entirelydifferent consistency!And yet in his conce<strong>it</strong> man seeks contact w<strong>it</strong>h that sphere to which he cannever attain, and thus interrupts the natural order of things. His wrong desireis like a dam forming an obstruction between himself and his necessarysupply of power from the origin. He cuts himself off from <strong>it</strong>.Therefore away w<strong>it</strong>h such errors! Not until then can the human spir<strong>it</strong>develop <strong>it</strong>s full power, which <strong>it</strong> still heedlessly disregards today, and be<strong>com</strong>ewhat <strong>it</strong> can and should be, lord in Creation! But mark well, only in Creation,not standing above <strong>it</strong>.Only Divin<strong>it</strong>y stands above all Creation! –God Himself, the Origin of all being and life, is Divine, <strong>as</strong> the very wordimplies! Man w<strong>as</strong> created by His Spir<strong>it</strong>!Spir<strong>it</strong> is the Will of God. Now out of this Will the first Creation came intobeing. Do let us keep to this simple fact; <strong>it</strong> provides the possibil<strong>it</strong>y for abetter understanding.By way of <strong>com</strong>parison, just picture your own will. It is an act, but not partof man himself; otherwise man would in time dissolve in his many acts ofwill. There would be nothing whatever left of him.It is no different w<strong>it</strong>h God! His Will created Paradise! But His Will is theSpir<strong>it</strong>, designated <strong>as</strong> the “Holy Spir<strong>it</strong>”. Paradise, again, w<strong>as</strong> only the work ofthe Spir<strong>it</strong>, not part of the Spir<strong>it</strong> Itself. There is a gradation downwards in this.The Creative Holy Spir<strong>it</strong>, that is, the Living Will of God, w<strong>as</strong> not absorbedin His Creation. He did not even give one part of Himself to <strong>it</strong>; but HeHimself remained wholly outside Creation. The Bible already states thisqu<strong>it</strong>e clearly and plainly w<strong>it</strong>h the words: “And the Spir<strong>it</strong> of God moved uponthe face of the waters”, not God Himself! After all, that is different. Thusman does not carry w<strong>it</strong>hin him anything of the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> Itself e<strong>it</strong>her, butonly of the spir<strong>it</strong> which is a work of the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong>, an act.Instead of concerning himself w<strong>it</strong>h this fact, man already exerts all hisenergy to form a gap here! You have only to think of the prevalent con -ception of the First Creation, of Paradise! It absolutely had to be on thisearth. The small human intellect thereby <strong>com</strong>pressed the event requiringmillions of years w<strong>it</strong>hin <strong>it</strong>s own sphere, lim<strong>it</strong>ed by space and time, imagininghimself to be the centre and axis of all that happens in the world. As a resulthe immediately lost the way to the actual starting-point of life.In place of this clear path of which he could no longer <strong>com</strong>mand a view,a subst<strong>it</strong>ute had to be found in his religious conceptions, if he w<strong>as</strong> not todesignate himself <strong>as</strong> the creator of all being and life, and thus <strong>as</strong> God. Theterm “fa<strong>it</strong>h” h<strong>as</strong> given him this subst<strong>it</strong>ute until now! And all mankind h<strong>as</strong>suffered ever since from the word “fa<strong>it</strong>h”! What is more, this misunderstoodword, which w<strong>as</strong> meant to restore all that w<strong>as</strong> lost, became a cliff againstwhich everything w<strong>as</strong> wrecked!Only the indolent one is content w<strong>it</strong>h fa<strong>it</strong>h. It is also fa<strong>it</strong>h which canbe<strong>com</strong>e the butt of scoffers. And the word “fa<strong>it</strong>h”, wrongly interpreted, is thebarrier which today obstructs the road to mankind’s progress.Fa<strong>it</strong>h is not meant to be the cloak generously covering all slothfulthinking, which like a sleeping-sickness gradually steals over and paralysesthe spir<strong>it</strong> of man! Fa<strong>it</strong>h should really be<strong>com</strong>e conviction. Conviction how -ever demands life, the keenest examination!Where even one gap, one unsolved riddle remains, conviction be<strong>com</strong>esimpossible. Therefore no one can have genuine fa<strong>it</strong>h so long <strong>as</strong> he h<strong>as</strong> aquestion unanswered.Even the words “blind fa<strong>it</strong>h” show that there is something unsound!Fa<strong>it</strong>h must be alive, <strong>as</strong> Christ already once demanded, otherwise <strong>it</strong> servesno purpose. But to be alive means to bestir oneself, to weigh and also toexamine! Not dumbly accepting the thoughts of others. After all, blind fa<strong>it</strong>hplainly means lack of understanding. What a person does not understand,however, cannot bring him spir<strong>it</strong>ual benef<strong>it</strong> e<strong>it</strong>her, for through lack ofunderstanding <strong>it</strong> cannot <strong>com</strong>e to life w<strong>it</strong>hin him.But whatever he does not fully experience w<strong>it</strong>hin never be<strong>com</strong>es his owne<strong>it</strong>her! And only what is his own helps him to <strong>as</strong>cend.2627
After all, no one can walk and go forward along a road containing greatyawning clefts. Where man’s knowledge cannot take him any further hemust <strong>com</strong>e to a spir<strong>it</strong>ual standstill. This fact is irrefutable and no doubt alsoe<strong>as</strong>ily understood. Hence he who wishes to advance spir<strong>it</strong>ually shouldawaken!He can never proceed on his path to the Light of Truth in his sleep! Norw<strong>it</strong>h a bandage or a veil over his eyes.The Creator wants to have His human<strong>it</strong>y seeing in Creation. To be seeing,however, means to be knowing! And knowledge does not go w<strong>it</strong>h blindfa<strong>it</strong>h. Only indolence and slothful thinking lie in such a belief, not greatness!The privilege of being endowed w<strong>it</strong>h the abil<strong>it</strong>y to think also brings manthe duty to investigate!In order to avoid all this, man out of laziness h<strong>as</strong> simply so bel<strong>it</strong>tled thegreat Creator <strong>as</strong> to <strong>as</strong>cribe to Him arb<strong>it</strong>rary actions in proof of HisOmnipotence.He who will but think a l<strong>it</strong>tle must again find a great error therein. Anarb<strong>it</strong>rary act implies the possibil<strong>it</strong>y of diverting the existing Laws of Nature.However, where such a thing is possible, perfection is lacking. For wherethere is perfection there can be no alteration. Thus a large part of human<strong>it</strong>yerroneously represents the Omnipotence of God in such a way that thosewho think more deeply would have to regard <strong>it</strong> <strong>as</strong> a proof of imperfection.And therein lies the root of much evil.Give God the honour of perfection! Then you will find the key to theunsolved riddles of all life. –It shall be my endeavour to bring serious thinkers to this point. A sigh ofrelief shall go through the circles of all seekers for the Truth. Finally theywill joyfully recognise that there is no mystery, no gap in the entire courseof world events. And then … they will see clearly before them the road to<strong>as</strong>cent. They only need to follow <strong>it</strong>. -In all Creation there is no justification whatever for mysticism! There isno room for <strong>it</strong>, because everything should lie clearly and w<strong>it</strong>hout gaps beforethe human spir<strong>it</strong>, right back to <strong>it</strong>s origin. Only what is above that will haveto remain a most sacred mystery to every human spir<strong>it</strong>. Therefore <strong>it</strong> willnever be able to gr<strong>as</strong>p what is Divine. Not w<strong>it</strong>h the best will and the greatestknowledge. But in this inabil<strong>it</strong>y to gr<strong>as</strong>p what is Divine lies the most naturalthing for man that one can think of; for <strong>as</strong> everyone knows, <strong>it</strong> is not possiblefor anything to go beyond the <strong>com</strong>pos<strong>it</strong>ion of <strong>it</strong>s origin. Nor for the spir<strong>it</strong>of man e<strong>it</strong>her! A boundary is always set by the difference in <strong>com</strong>pos<strong>it</strong>ion.And the Divine is of an entirely different consistency from the spir<strong>it</strong>ual, inwhich man originates.*The animal, for instance, can never be<strong>com</strong>e a human being, however high -ly developed <strong>it</strong>s soul may be. From <strong>it</strong>s animistic substance there cannotpossibly blossom forth the spir<strong>it</strong>ual which brings forth the human spir<strong>it</strong>. Inthe <strong>com</strong>pos<strong>it</strong>ion of all animistic substance the spir<strong>it</strong>ual b<strong>as</strong>ic species ismissing. Man, who h<strong>as</strong> issued from the spir<strong>it</strong>ual part of Creation, can in turnnever be<strong>com</strong>e Divine e<strong>it</strong>her, because the spir<strong>it</strong>ual h<strong>as</strong> not the nature ofDivine substance. The human spir<strong>it</strong> may well be able to develop to thehighest degree of perfection, but must nevertheless always remain spir<strong>it</strong>ual.It can never go above <strong>it</strong>self into the Divine. Here again the different consis -tency naturally forms the ever imp<strong>as</strong>sable lim<strong>it</strong>ation upwards. The World ofMatter does not <strong>com</strong>e into <strong>it</strong> at all here since <strong>it</strong> h<strong>as</strong> no life of <strong>it</strong>s own, butserves <strong>as</strong> a covering, motivated and formed by the spir<strong>it</strong>ual and the animistic.The mighty field of the spir<strong>it</strong> extends through all Creation. Therefore mancan, should and must fully gr<strong>as</strong>p and recognise Creation! And through hisknowledge he will rule therein. But rightly understood, to rule, howeverseverely, simply means to serve! –At no point in the entire Creation, up to the highest spir<strong>it</strong>ual, is there anydeviation from the natural happening! This fact alone surely makes all thingsmuch more familiar to everyone. The unhealthy and secret fear, the re -luctance to face so many things <strong>as</strong> yet unknown, thus fall away of their ownaccord. W<strong>it</strong>h naturalness a fresh breeze blows through the sultry atmos phereformed by the morbid imaginings of those who like to cause a great stir.* A still more extensive breakdown in regard to this will be given in later lectures.2829
Their sickly fant<strong>as</strong>tic creations, which terrify the weak and are mocked bythe strong, have an absurd and childishly foolish effect on the sight that isbe<strong>com</strong>ing clear, and that finally, joyful and happy, takes in the gloriousnaturalness of every happening, which always moves only in simple straightlines that can be clearly recognised.It runs through everything uniformly, in the strictest regular<strong>it</strong>y and order.And this makes <strong>it</strong> e<strong>as</strong>ier for every seeker to obtain the broad, free view rightto the point of his actual origin!For this he needs ne<strong>it</strong>her painstaking research nor imagination. The mainthing is for him to stand aloof from all those who in their muddled sec -re tiveness try to make a scanty part-knowledge appear greater.It all lies so simply before men that owing to the very simplic<strong>it</strong>y they oftendo not <strong>com</strong>e to recogn<strong>it</strong>ion, because from the outset they <strong>as</strong>sume that thegreat work of Creation must be much more difficult and intricate.Here in sp<strong>it</strong>e of the best vol<strong>it</strong>ion thousands stumble, they raise their eyesseekingly to the heavens, not realising that w<strong>it</strong>hout effort they have only tolook before and around them. They will then see that through theirexistence on earth they are already standing on the right road, and need onlygo calmly ahead! W<strong>it</strong>hout h<strong>as</strong>te and w<strong>it</strong>hout effort, but w<strong>it</strong>h open eyes anda free, unprejudiced mind! Man must at l<strong>as</strong>t learn that true greatness liesonly in the most simple and natural happening. That greatness implies thissimplic<strong>it</strong>y.So is <strong>it</strong> in Creation, so also in himself, who belongs to Creation <strong>as</strong> a partof <strong>it</strong>!Only simple thinking and intu<strong>it</strong>ive perceiving can give him clar<strong>it</strong>y! Suchsimplic<strong>it</strong>y <strong>as</strong> children still possess! Calm reflection will show him that, in theabil<strong>it</strong>y to <strong>com</strong>prehend, simplic<strong>it</strong>y is identical w<strong>it</strong>h clar<strong>it</strong>y and also w<strong>it</strong>hnaturalness! The one simply cannot be thought of w<strong>it</strong>hout the others. Theyform a triad that expresses one concept! Whoever makes <strong>it</strong> the foundationstoneof his search will soon break through the nebulous confusion.Everything that h<strong>as</strong> been added artificially will then collapse into no -thingness.Man will realise that the natural order of events may nowhere be eliminated,and that at no place is <strong>it</strong> interrupted! And therein the greatness of Godalso reveals <strong>it</strong>self! The unchangeable v<strong>it</strong>al<strong>it</strong>y of the self-acting Creative Will!For the Laws of Nature are the inexorable Laws of God, continually visibleto all men, appealing to them, testifying to the Greatness of the Creator, ofan unshakeable regular<strong>it</strong>y, adm<strong>it</strong>ting of no exception! Of no exception! Fora grain of oats can again bring forth only oats, likewise a grain of wheat onlywheat, and so forth.So is <strong>it</strong> also in that first Creation, which <strong>as</strong> the Creator’s own Work standsnearest to His Perfection. There the fundamental Laws are anchored in sucha way that, driven by the v<strong>it</strong>al<strong>it</strong>y of the Will, they were bound in the mostnatural order of events to result in the <strong>com</strong>ing into being of the furtherCreation, right down finally to these celestial globes. Only be<strong>com</strong>ing coarserthe further Creation draws away in the process of development from thePerfection of the origin. –Let us first of all just consider Creation.Imagine that all life therein, no matter in what part <strong>it</strong> is found, is of twokinds only. The one kind is self-conscious and the other unconscious of<strong>it</strong>self. It is of the utmost value to observe these two different categories! Thisis connected w<strong>it</strong>h the “origin of man”. The differences also give the stimulusto further development, to the apparent struggle. The unconscious is theb<strong>as</strong>is of all the conscious, but <strong>it</strong>s <strong>com</strong>pos<strong>it</strong>ion is of exactly the same nature.To be<strong>com</strong>e conscious is progress and development for the unconscious,which through <strong>as</strong>sociation w<strong>it</strong>h the conscious is continually being stim -ulated also to attain to this consciousness.In the process of developing downwards, the first Creation <strong>it</strong>self broughtsuccessively three great b<strong>as</strong>ic divisions: As uppermost and highest is thespir<strong>it</strong>ual, the Primordial Creation, followed by the denser and thus also graduallyheavier Sphere of Animistic Substance. L<strong>as</strong>tly <strong>as</strong> the lowest, andbecause of <strong>it</strong>s greatest dens<strong>it</strong>y the heaviest, still follows the great Realm ofMatter which, severing <strong>it</strong>self from Primordial Creation, h<strong>as</strong> gradually sunkdown! Through this there finally remained <strong>as</strong> the uppermost only the3031
Primordial Spir<strong>it</strong>ual Substance, because in <strong>it</strong>s pure nature <strong>it</strong> embodies whatis lightest and most luminous. It is the oft-mentioned Paradise, the crown ofall Creation.W<strong>it</strong>h the sinking down of that which be<strong>com</strong>es denser we already touchupon the Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation, which is not only anchored in matter, but h<strong>as</strong>an effect in all Creation, from the so-called Paradise down to us.The Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation is of such decisive importance that everyoneshould hammer <strong>it</strong> into his mind; for <strong>it</strong> is the main lever in the whole evolu -tion and process of development of the human spir<strong>it</strong>.I have already said that this grav<strong>it</strong>ation applies not only to earthly consis -tencies, but also works uniformly in those parts of Creation which earthmencan no longer see, and which they therefore simply call the beyond.For a better understanding I must still divide the World of Matter into twosections. Into ethereal matter and gross matter. Ethereal matter is that matterwhich cannot be<strong>com</strong>e visible to the physical eye, owing to <strong>it</strong>s differentnature. And yet <strong>it</strong> still is matter.The so-called “beyond” must not be confused w<strong>it</strong>h the longed-forParadise, which is purely spir<strong>it</strong>ual. The spir<strong>it</strong>ual must not be taken <strong>as</strong> something“to do w<strong>it</strong>h thoughts”, but the spir<strong>it</strong>ual is a consistency, just <strong>as</strong> theanim istic and the material are each a consistency. Therefore now this etherealmatter is simply called the “beyond”, because <strong>it</strong> lies beyond earthly vision.Gross matter, however, is this side, all that is earthly, which on account of <strong>it</strong>ssimilar species be<strong>com</strong>es visible to our gross material eyes.Man should get rid of the hab<strong>it</strong> of regarding things that are invisible tohim <strong>as</strong> also in<strong>com</strong>prehensible and unnatural. Everything is natural, even theso-called beyond, and Paradise, which is still an immense distance from <strong>it</strong>.Now just <strong>as</strong> here our physical body is sens<strong>it</strong>ive to <strong>it</strong>s surroundings of ahomogeneous nature, which <strong>it</strong> can therefore see, hear and feel, so is <strong>it</strong> exactlythe same in those parts of Creation whose consistency is not like ours. Theethereal man in the so-called beyond feels, hears and sees only his homo -geneous ethereal environment; the higher spir<strong>it</strong>ual man again can only feelhis spir<strong>it</strong>ual environment.Thus <strong>it</strong> happens that many an earth-dweller now and then already seesand hears also the Ethereal World w<strong>it</strong>h his ethereal body, which he bearsw<strong>it</strong>hin, before the separation from the gross material earthly body takesplace through physical death. There is absolutely nothing unnatural in this.Side by side and co-operating w<strong>it</strong>h the Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation is also the noless valuable Law of Homogeneous Species.I have already touched upon this in saying that one species can onlyrecognise the same species. The proverbs: “Birds of a feather flock together”,and “like father, like son” seem to have been sensed from the PrimordialLaw. Together w<strong>it</strong>h the Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation <strong>it</strong> swings throughout Creation.In add<strong>it</strong>ion to those already mentioned there is a third Primordial Law inCreation: The Law of Reciprocal Action. The effect of this Law is that manmust reap what he h<strong>as</strong> once sown, uncond<strong>it</strong>ionally. He cannot reap wheatwhere he sowed rye, nor clover where he sowed thistles. In the EtherealWorld <strong>it</strong> is exactly the same. In the end he will not be able to reap kindnesswhere he felt hatred, nor joy where he nourished envy!These three fundamental Laws form the corner-stones of the Divine Will!They alone automatically work out reward or punishment for a humanspir<strong>it</strong>, w<strong>it</strong>h inexorable justice! So incorruptibly, in the most wonderfuldelicate gradations, that the thought of a slightest injustice in the giganticworld happening be<strong>com</strong>es impossible.The effect of these simple Laws brings every human spir<strong>it</strong> exactly to theplace where, according to his inner att<strong>it</strong>ude, he does belong. Any error hereis impossible, because the manifestation of these Laws can only be set inmotion by the inmost cond<strong>it</strong>ion of a human being, which will, however, set<strong>it</strong> in motion w<strong>it</strong>hout fail in every c<strong>as</strong>e! Thus to bring this about the spir<strong>it</strong>ualpower of the intu<strong>it</strong>ive perceptions which is in man is needed <strong>as</strong> the lever!Nothing else h<strong>as</strong> any effect. For this re<strong>as</strong>on only the real vol<strong>it</strong>ion, man’sintu<strong>it</strong>ive perception, is decisive for what develops for him in the world thatis invisible to him, and which he must enter after his earthly death.There ne<strong>it</strong>her pretence nor self-deception will help him. He must thenuncond<strong>it</strong>ionally reap what he h<strong>as</strong> sown through his vol<strong>it</strong>ion! What is more,3233
exactly according to the strength or weakness of his vol<strong>it</strong>ion, <strong>it</strong> sets in motionto a greater or lesser degree the homogeneous currents of the other worlds,no matter whether they are hatred, envy or love. An absolutely naturalprocess, of the greatest simplic<strong>it</strong>y, and yet w<strong>it</strong>h the inexorable effect ofadamantine justice!He who tries to go seriously and deeply into these happenings in thebeyond will recognise what incorruptible justice lies in this automaticworking, and will see in this alone the inconceivable Greatness of God. Hedoes not need to interfere, after having given His Will <strong>as</strong> Laws, thus perfect,into Creation.He who in the course of his <strong>as</strong>cent again enters the Spir<strong>it</strong>ual Realm ispurified; for he had first to p<strong>as</strong>s through the self-acting mills of the DivineWill. No other road leads to the proxim<strong>it</strong>y of God. And how these millswork on the human spir<strong>it</strong> depends on <strong>it</strong>s former inner life, <strong>it</strong>s own vol<strong>it</strong>ion.They can carry <strong>it</strong> blissfully into the Luminous Height; or on the other handthey can also pull <strong>it</strong> agonisingly down into the night of horror, indeed evendrag <strong>it</strong> to <strong>com</strong>plete destruction. –It should be realised that at the time of <strong>it</strong>s earthly birth the human spir<strong>it</strong>which h<strong>as</strong> matured to the point of incarnation already wears an etherealcloak or body, which <strong>it</strong> h<strong>as</strong> needed on <strong>it</strong>s journey through the EtherealWorld. During <strong>it</strong>s earthly existence this also remains w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong> <strong>as</strong> a connectinglink to the physical body. Now the Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation always exerts <strong>it</strong>smain effect upon the densest and coarsest part. Thus during life on earthupon the physical body. But when this dies and falls away, the ethereal bodyagain be<strong>com</strong>es free, and in this moment, being unprotected and now thecoarsest part, is subject to this Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation.When <strong>it</strong> is said that the spir<strong>it</strong> forms <strong>it</strong>s body, that is true <strong>as</strong> regards theethereal body. The inner qual<strong>it</strong>y of man, his desires and his actual vol<strong>it</strong>ionlay the foundation for <strong>it</strong>.In the vol<strong>it</strong>ion lies the power to form ethereal matter. Through the urgefor what is b<strong>as</strong>e or for mere earthly ple<strong>as</strong>ures the ethereal body be<strong>com</strong>esdense, and therew<strong>it</strong>h heavy and dark, because the fulfilment of such desireslies in the World of Gross Matter. Thereby man binds himself to what iscoarse and earthly. His desires draw along the ethereal body, that is to say,<strong>it</strong> is formed so densely that <strong>it</strong>s consistency resembles <strong>as</strong> nearly <strong>as</strong> possiblethat of the earthly body. This alone holds the prospect of being able toparticipate in earthly ple<strong>as</strong>ures or p<strong>as</strong>sions, <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> the physical body h<strong>as</strong>fallen away. Whoever strives after such things must sink through the Law ofGrav<strong>it</strong>ation.But <strong>it</strong> is different w<strong>it</strong>h those people whose minds are mainly directedtowards higher and nobler things. Here the vol<strong>it</strong>ion automatically makes theethereal body lighter and thus also more luminous, so that <strong>it</strong> can draw nearto what to these human beings is the goal of their earnest <strong>as</strong>pirations! Thatis, to the pur<strong>it</strong>y of the Luminous Height.Expressed in other words: Through the prevailing goal of the humanspir<strong>it</strong>, the ethereal body in earthman is at the same time so equipped thatafter the death of the physical body <strong>it</strong> can strive towards this goal, whateverkind <strong>it</strong> may be. Here the spir<strong>it</strong> really forms the body; for <strong>it</strong>s vol<strong>it</strong>ion, beingspir <strong>it</strong>ual, also bears w<strong>it</strong>hin <strong>it</strong> the power to make use of etherealsubstance.The spir<strong>it</strong> can never evade this natural process. It happens w<strong>it</strong>hevery vol<strong>it</strong>ion, no matter whether <strong>it</strong> is ple<strong>as</strong>ant or unple<strong>as</strong>ant for the spir<strong>it</strong>.And these forms remain clinging to <strong>it</strong> <strong>as</strong> long <strong>as</strong> the spir<strong>it</strong> nourishes themthrough <strong>it</strong>s vol<strong>it</strong>ion and intu<strong>it</strong>ion. They advance or retard the spir<strong>it</strong>according to their nature, which is subject to the Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation.Yet the moment the spir<strong>it</strong> changes <strong>it</strong>s vol<strong>it</strong>ion and intu<strong>it</strong>ion new formswill thereby immediately arise, where<strong>as</strong> the old ones, no longer receivingnourishment because of this change, must fade and dissolve. In this way manalso changes his fate.Now <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> the earthly anchorage falls away through the death of thephysical body, the ethereal body which is thereby rele<strong>as</strong>ed e<strong>it</strong>her sinks downor floats up like a cork in the Ethereal World, which is called the “beyond”.Through the Law of Grav<strong>it</strong>ation <strong>it</strong> will be held f<strong>as</strong>t exactly in that place whichcorresponds w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>s own weight; for then <strong>it</strong> cannot move further, e<strong>it</strong>her upor down. Here <strong>it</strong> will naturally also find all homogeneous species or all like-3435
minded people; for like nature implies like weight, and light weight of courselike nature. According to how man w<strong>as</strong> himself, so will he have to suffer orbe able to rejoice among those of like nature, until he changes anew in wardly,and w<strong>it</strong>h him his ethereal body, which under the effect of the altered weightmust e<strong>it</strong>her lead him further upwards or downwards.Therefore man can ne<strong>it</strong>her <strong>com</strong>plain nor need he give thanks; for if he israised towards the Light <strong>it</strong> is his own consistency that inev<strong>it</strong>ably causes himto be raised; if he falls into the Darkness, <strong>it</strong> is again his cond<strong>it</strong>ion that forceshim to do so.But every human being h<strong>as</strong> re<strong>as</strong>on to glorify and praise the Creator for theperfection that lies in the working of these three Laws. The human spir<strong>it</strong> isthereby unreservedly made the absolute m<strong>as</strong>ter of <strong>it</strong>s own fate! For <strong>it</strong>s truevol<strong>it</strong>ion, thus the genuine inner cond<strong>it</strong>ion, must cause <strong>it</strong> e<strong>it</strong>her to rise or tosink.If you try to get a true picture of the effect of these Laws, singly andworking together, you will find that they contain reward and punishment,mercy or also damnation, minutely weighed for each one according to hisinner state. It is the most simple process, and shows the lifeline provided byevery serious vol<strong>it</strong>ion of a human being, which can never break and neverfail. It is the greatness of such simplic<strong>it</strong>y that forcibly drives him whorecognises to his knees before the infin<strong>it</strong>e Sublim<strong>it</strong>y of the Creator!In every happening and in all my explanations we always again and againmeet clearly and distinctly the effect of these simple Laws, whose wonderfulinteraction I must yet describe especially.Once man knows this interaction he thus also h<strong>as</strong> the step-ladder to theLuminous Realm of the Spir<strong>it</strong>, to Paradise. But he then also sees the road thatleads down to the Darkness!He need not even tread these steps himself, but the automatic mechanismraises him on high or drags him down, entirely according to how he adjuststhe mechanism for himself through his inner life.Which way he wishes to let himself be borne along is always left to hisdecision.Man must not allow himself to be confused by scoffers.Rightly viewed, doubt and derision are nothing but the expression ofwish es. Qu<strong>it</strong>e unconsciously every doubter expresses what he wishes forhimself, thus exposing his inner self to the searching glance. For denial anddefence also harbour deeply hidden wishes which can be e<strong>as</strong>ily recognised.It is sad, or even revolting, to see what negligence or poverty of mind is thussometimes revealed, because just through this a man often drags himselfinwardly down below the level of any ignorant animal. One should have<strong>com</strong>p<strong>as</strong>sion for such people w<strong>it</strong>hout, however, being indulgent; for indulgencewould indeed mean cultivating indolence in serious investigation. Hewho seeks earnestly must be<strong>com</strong>e sparing w<strong>it</strong>h indulgence; otherwise he willultimately harm himself w<strong>it</strong>hout helping the other thereby.But w<strong>it</strong>h growing recogn<strong>it</strong>ion man will jubilantly stand before the wonderof such a Creation, and consciously let himself be borne aloft to theLuminous Heights which he may call his home!3637
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?LECTURE: “THE LANGUAGE OF THE LORD” – THE GRAIL MESSAGE, VOL. IIt is the sacred duty of the human spir<strong>it</strong> to investigate why <strong>it</strong> is living onearth, or in general in this Creation, in which <strong>it</strong> is suspended <strong>as</strong> if by athousand threads. No man considers himself so insignificant <strong>as</strong> to imaginethat his existence is w<strong>it</strong>hout purpose, unless he makes <strong>it</strong> purposeless. In anyc<strong>as</strong>e he deems himself too important. And yet there are only a few men onearth capable of laboriously detaching themselves from their spir<strong>it</strong>ualindolence, so far <strong>as</strong> seriously to concern themselves w<strong>it</strong>h the investigation oftheir t<strong>as</strong>k on earth.Again <strong>it</strong> is solely indolence of the spir<strong>it</strong> that makes them willing to acceptthe firmly-established doctrines of others. And <strong>it</strong> is indolence that lies in there<strong>as</strong>surance that <strong>com</strong>es from thinking that <strong>it</strong> is great to adhere to the fa<strong>it</strong>h oftheir parents, w<strong>it</strong>hout subm<strong>it</strong>ting <strong>it</strong>s underlying principles to keen, carefuland independent examination.In all these matters men are now eagerly supported by calculating andselfish organisations, which believe that the best way to extend and safe guardtheir influence, and thus to incre<strong>as</strong>e their power, is by adding to the numberof their adherents.They are far from true recogn<strong>it</strong>ion of God; for otherwise they would notbind the human spir<strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h the fetters of a firmly-established doctrine, butwould have to educate <strong>it</strong> for the personal responsibil<strong>it</strong>y ordained by God,which fundamentally stipulates full freedom of spir<strong>it</strong>ual decision! Only <strong>as</strong>pir<strong>it</strong> free in this respect can <strong>com</strong>e to the true recogn<strong>it</strong>ion of God thatmatures w<strong>it</strong>hin him to the <strong>com</strong>plete conviction which is essential for anyonewho wishes to be uplifted to Luminous Heights; for only free, sincereconviction can help him to achieve this. –But what have you done, you men! How have you suppressed this highestGrace of God and wantonly prevented <strong>it</strong> from developing, and from helpingall earthmen to open up that path which safely leads them to peace, to joy,and to the highest bliss!Consider this: that also in making a choice, in agreement or in obedience,which <strong>as</strong> a result of spir<strong>it</strong>ual indolence may be done only from hab<strong>it</strong> or ge -neral custom, a personal decision is involved, laying upon the individual whomakes <strong>it</strong> personal responsibil<strong>it</strong>ies according to the Laws of Creation!Those who influence a human spir<strong>it</strong> to do this naturally bear a personalresponsibil<strong>it</strong>y, which is inev<strong>it</strong>able and irrevocable. No thought or action,however trivial, can be er<strong>as</strong>ed from Creation w<strong>it</strong>hout similar consequences.In the web of Creation the threads both for the individual and for the m<strong>as</strong>sesare accurately spun, awa<strong>it</strong>ing redemptions, which in turn must even tually bereceived by the originators or producers, e<strong>it</strong>her <strong>as</strong> suffering or <strong>as</strong> joy, ac -cording to how they once issued from them; only now they have grown andare thus strengthened.You are caught in the web of your own vol<strong>it</strong>ions, of your actions, and arenot rele<strong>as</strong>ed from <strong>it</strong> until the threads can fall away from you in the re -demption.Among all creatures in Creation the human spir<strong>it</strong> is the only one to havefree will, which until today he could not explain and did not understand,because w<strong>it</strong>hin the narrow bounds of his intellectual pondering he found noessential facts to prove <strong>it</strong>.His free will lies solely in the decision, of which he may make many everyhour. In the independent weaving of the Laws of Creation, however, he isunswervingly subject to the consequences of every one of his personaldecisions! Therein lies his responsibil<strong>it</strong>y, which is inseparably connectedw<strong>it</strong>h the gift of free will to make decisions, which is peculiar to and anabsolute part of the human spir<strong>it</strong>.Otherwise what would be<strong>com</strong>e of Divine Justice, which is firmly an -chored in Creation <strong>as</strong> support, balance and maintenance of all the workingtherein?3839
In Its effects, however, It does not always take account of the short spanof only one earth-life for a human spir<strong>it</strong>; but here there are entirely differentcond<strong>it</strong>ions, <strong>as</strong> readers of my Message know.You have often brought harm upon yourselves, and sometimes force <strong>it</strong>upon your children, through many superficial decisions. Even though youyourselves have proved too indolent still to summon up the strength todecide for yourselves in your deepest intu<strong>it</strong>ive perception whether, regardlessof all you have learnt, each word to which you decided to adhere canhold Truth, at le<strong>as</strong>t you should not seek to force the consequences of yourindolence also upon your children, whom you thus plunge into misfortune.Thus what in one c<strong>as</strong>e is caused by spir<strong>it</strong>ual indolence, in others isbrought about by the calculating intellect.Through both these enemies of spir<strong>it</strong>ual freedom in decision mankind isnow bound, except for a few who still try to summon up the courage to burstthis bond w<strong>it</strong>hin them in order to be<strong>com</strong>e real human beings themselves, <strong>as</strong>follows from obedience to the Divine Laws.The Divine Laws are true friends in everything, they are helpful blessingsfrom the Will of God, Who thus opens the paths to salvation for everyonewho strives towards <strong>it</strong>.There is not a single other road to this than the one clearly shown by theLaws of God in Creation! The whole of Creation is the Language of God,which you should earnestly strive to read, and which is by no means <strong>as</strong>difficult <strong>as</strong> you may think.You belong to this Creation <strong>as</strong> a part of <strong>it</strong>, and therefore you must swingw<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>, work in <strong>it</strong>, and mature in learning from <strong>it</strong>; and thus through gainingin understanding you must rise ever higher, from one step to the next, draw -ing along through the radiation in order to ennoble everything that <strong>com</strong>es incontact w<strong>it</strong>h you on your way.There will then spontaneously develop around you one beautiful miracleafter another, which through reciprocal action will raise you ever higher.Learn to recognise your path in Creation, and you will also know thepurpose of your existence. Then you will be filled w<strong>it</strong>h grateful rejoicing,and the greatest happiness a human spir<strong>it</strong> is able to bear, which lies solely inthe recogn<strong>it</strong>ion of God!The supreme bliss of the true recogn<strong>it</strong>ion of God, however, can nevergrow out of an acquired blind fa<strong>it</strong>h, much less <strong>com</strong>e to flower; but con vincedknowledge, knowing conviction, alone gives to the spir<strong>it</strong> what is necessaryfor this.You earthmen are in this Creation to find supreme happiness! In theLiving Language which God speaks to you! And to understand thisLanguage, to learn <strong>it</strong>, and to sense inwardly the Will of God in <strong>it</strong>, that is yourgoal during your journey through Creation. In Creation <strong>it</strong>self, to which youbelong, lies the explanation of the purpose of your existence, and at the sametime also the recogn<strong>it</strong>ion of your goal! In no other way can you find e<strong>it</strong>her.This demands of you that you live Creation. But you are only able to liveor experience <strong>it</strong> when you really know <strong>it</strong>.W<strong>it</strong>h my Message I now open the Book of Creation for you! The Messageclearly shows you the Language of God in Creation, which you must learnto understand so that you can make <strong>it</strong> <strong>com</strong>pletely your own.Just imagine a child on earth who cannot understand his father or motherbecause he h<strong>as</strong> never learned the language they speak to him. Indeed, what isto be<strong>com</strong>e of such a child?He does not even know what is expected of him, and will thus fall into onedifficulty after the other, draw upon himself one sorrow after another, andprobably end up utterly useless for any purpose or enjoyment on earth.If he is to amount to anything, must not every child personally learn thelanguage of his parents for himself? Nobody can do <strong>it</strong> for him.Otherwise he would never adjust himself, nor would he ever be able tomature and work on earth, but he would remain a hindrance, a burden toothers, and would finally have to be segregated to prevent him from causingharm.Could you expect anything else then?You have of course inescapably to fulfil such a duty of the child towardsyour God, Whose Language you must learn to understand <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> you4041
desire His help. God, however, speaks to you in His Creation. If you wantto advance in <strong>it</strong>, you must first recognise this His Language. Should youneglect <strong>it</strong>, you will be cut off from those who know the Language and adjustthemselves to <strong>it</strong>, because you would otherwise cause harm and obstruction,w<strong>it</strong>hout necessarily wishing to do so!You must therefore do <strong>it</strong>! Do not forget this, and see that <strong>it</strong> is done now,otherwise you will be helplessly abandoned to whatever threatens you.My Message will be a fa<strong>it</strong>hful helper to you!CAN I EVADE RESPONSIBILITY IN LIFE?LECTURE: “RESPONSIBILITY” – THE GRAIL MESSAGE, VOLUME IIThis question is always one of the first, because the v<strong>as</strong>t major<strong>it</strong>y of peoplewould be only too glad to throw off all responsibil<strong>it</strong>y and c<strong>as</strong>t <strong>it</strong> on anythingrather than themselves. That this is in fact self-humiliation causes them noconcern here. In this respect they are really remarkably humble and modest,but only so that they can go on living all the more merrily andunscrupulously.It would indeed be so wonderful to be perm<strong>it</strong>ted to gratify all one’swishes and calmly to let all one’s desires run riot, even at other people’sexpense, w<strong>it</strong>hout having to atone for <strong>it</strong>. If necessary, the earthly laws can beevaded and conflicts avoided. Under their cover the more adept can evenrake in qu<strong>it</strong>e a successful haul, and do many a thing that would not stand upto any moral examination. In add<strong>it</strong>ion they often even enjoy the reputationof being especially capable people.Thus w<strong>it</strong>h a l<strong>it</strong>tle shrewdness one could really live very <strong>com</strong>fortablyaccording to one’s own ide<strong>as</strong>, if ... there were not something somewhere thatawakened an une<strong>as</strong>y feeling, if from time to time there did not appear a risingdisquiet that after all many a thing might be somewhat different from howone’s own wishes shape <strong>it</strong>.And indeed this is so! The real<strong>it</strong>y is serious and inexorable. The wishes ofmen can bring about no deviation whatsoever in this respect. Adamantinestands the Law: “What a man sows he will reap many times over!”These few words hold and convey much more than many a person thinks.They correspond minutely and exactly to the actual process of the reci procalaction resting in Creation. No more appropriate expression could be foundfor <strong>it</strong>. Just <strong>as</strong> the harvest yields a multiple of the seed, so man always receives4243
ack greatly multiplied what in his own intu<strong>it</strong>ive perceptions he awakensand sends forth, according to the nature of his vol<strong>it</strong>ion.Thus man bears spir<strong>it</strong>ually the responsibil<strong>it</strong>y for everything he does. Thisresponsibil<strong>it</strong>y begins already w<strong>it</strong>h the making of the resolution, not just w<strong>it</strong>hthe ac<strong>com</strong>plished deed, which is but a consequence of the resolution. Andthe resolution is the awakening of an earnest vol<strong>it</strong>ion!There is no division between this world and the so-called beyond, but allis only one single, immense existence. The whole mighty Creation, visibleand invisible to man, intermeshes like an amazingly ingenious, never-failingmechanism; <strong>it</strong> does not run side by side. Uniform Laws support the whole,penetrating everything like nerve-strands, holding <strong>it</strong> together and triggeringeach other in continuous interaction!When schools and churches speak of Heaven and Hell, of God and theDevil, this is right. It is wrong, however, to explain <strong>it</strong> <strong>as</strong> good and evilPowers. That must at once plunge every serious seeker into error and doubt,for where there are two Powers there must also logically be two Rulers,hence in this c<strong>as</strong>e two Gods, a good one and an evil one.And this is not the c<strong>as</strong>e!There is only one Creator, one God, and hence only one Power whichstreams through all that exists, animating and furthering <strong>it</strong>!This pure, creative Power of God flows constantly through the wholeCreation, lies in <strong>it</strong>, is inseparable from <strong>it</strong>. It is to be found everywhere: inthe air, in every drop of water, in the growing rock, the struggling plant,the animal, and naturally also in man. There is nothing where <strong>it</strong> would notbe.And just <strong>as</strong> <strong>it</strong> flows through everything, so <strong>it</strong> also streams unce<strong>as</strong>inglythrough man. Now the latter is so const<strong>it</strong>uted that he resembles a lens. Just<strong>as</strong> a lens collects the sun’s rays streaming through <strong>it</strong> and p<strong>as</strong>ses them on inconcentrated form, so that the heat-giving rays, un<strong>it</strong>ed on one spot, singeand set on fire, so man, by virtue of his specific nature, collects through hisintu<strong>it</strong>ive perception the Power of Creation streaming through him, andp<strong>as</strong>ses <strong>it</strong> on, concentrated through his thoughts.According to the nature of this intu<strong>it</strong>ive perceiving and the thoughtsconnected w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>, he thus directs the automatically acting creative Power ofGod to good or evil effect!And that is the responsibil<strong>it</strong>y man must bear! Therein also lies his free will!You who often seek so strenuously to find the right way, why do youmake <strong>it</strong> so hard for yourselves? In all simplic<strong>it</strong>y picture to yourselves howthe pure Power of the Creator flows through you, and how you guide <strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>hyour thoughts in a good or in an evil direction. There you have <strong>it</strong> all, w<strong>it</strong>houttrouble and w<strong>it</strong>hout racking your brain!Consider that <strong>it</strong> lies w<strong>it</strong>h your simple intu<strong>it</strong>ive perceiving and thinkingwhether this mighty Power will call forth good or evil. What a furthering ordestructive power is thus given to you!You need not exert yourselves till you perspire, you need not convulsi ve -ly cling to some so-called occult practice in order to reach, through everyconceivable and inconceivable physical and spir<strong>it</strong>ual contortion, some stagethat is <strong>com</strong>pletely worthless for your true spir<strong>it</strong>ual upswing!Ce<strong>as</strong>e this time-w<strong>as</strong>ting trifling, which h<strong>as</strong> so often be<strong>com</strong>e painfultorment, signifying nothing else than the former self-scourgings andmortifications practised in the mon<strong>as</strong>teries. It is only another form of thesame thing, which can bring you just <strong>as</strong> l<strong>it</strong>tle gain.The so-called occult m<strong>as</strong>ters and pupils are modern Pharisees! In thetruest sense of the word. They are the exact reflection of the Pharisees at thetime of Jesus of Nazareth.Realise in pure joy that through your simple, good-willing intu<strong>it</strong>iveperceiving and thinking you are able w<strong>it</strong>hout effort to guide the one andmighty Power of Creation. The Power will then take effect exactly accordingto the nature of your intu<strong>it</strong>ive perceiving and your thoughts. It works by<strong>it</strong>self, you need only guide <strong>it</strong>.This takes place in all simplic<strong>it</strong>y and naturalness! No erud<strong>it</strong>ion is requiredfor this, not even reading and wr<strong>it</strong>ing. It is given to each of you in the samedegree! In this no difference exists.Just <strong>as</strong> a child playing w<strong>it</strong>h a sw<strong>it</strong>ch can turn on an electric current that4445
produces tremendous effects, so is <strong>it</strong> given to you, through your simplethoughts, to guide Divine Power.You may rejoice over this, may be proud of <strong>it</strong>, <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> you use <strong>it</strong> for thegood! But tremble if you fr<strong>it</strong>ter <strong>it</strong> uselessly away, or even employ <strong>it</strong> for whatis impure! For you cannot escape the Laws of Reciprocal Action that rest inCreation. And if you had the wings of the morning, the Hand of the LordWhose Power you thus misuse would strike you through this automaticreciprocal action, no matter where you wished to hide.Evil is brought about w<strong>it</strong>h the same pure Divine Power <strong>as</strong> good!And <strong>it</strong> is the kind of use made of this uniform Power of God, left to thefree choice of each one, that bears w<strong>it</strong>hin <strong>it</strong> the responsibil<strong>it</strong>y which no onecan escape. Therefore I call out to every seeker:“Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure, by so doing you bring peace andare happy!”Rejoice, you ignorant and feeble ones, for to you is given the same Power <strong>as</strong>to the strong! So do not make <strong>it</strong> too hard for yourselves! Do not forget that thepure, self-creating Power of God also streams through you, and that you, too,<strong>as</strong> human beings, are enabled to give a defin<strong>it</strong>e direction to this Power throughthe nature of your intu<strong>it</strong>ive perceptions, that is, of your vol<strong>it</strong>ion, for the good<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> for evil, destructively or constructively, bringing joy or sorrow!Since there is only this one Power of God, the mystery of why in everycr<strong>it</strong>ical final battle the Darkness must retreat before the Light, evil beforegood, is also cleared up. If you guide the Power of God to the good, <strong>it</strong>remains undimmed in <strong>it</strong>s original pur<strong>it</strong>y and thereby develops a muchgreater force, where<strong>as</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h the dimming into the impure a weakening takesplace at the same time. Thus <strong>it</strong> is the pur<strong>it</strong>y of the Power that in any finalbattle will always work effectively and be decisive.Everyone feels to the very fingertips what is good and what is evil, w<strong>it</strong>houta word said. Brooding over <strong>it</strong> would only confuse. Dull brooding is aw<strong>as</strong>te of power, <strong>it</strong> is like a swamp, a clammy mire which paralysinglyclutches and suffocates all w<strong>it</strong>hin <strong>it</strong>s reach. But a brisk cheerfulness tearsapart the spell of brooding. You need not be sad and depressed!At any moment you can set out on your way to the Height and makegood the p<strong>as</strong>t, whatever <strong>it</strong> may be! Do nothing more than think of theprocess of the pure Power of God constantly streaming through you, thenyou yourselves will shrink from p<strong>as</strong>sing this pur<strong>it</strong>y into the unclean channelsof evil throughts, because w<strong>it</strong>hout any effort you can equally attain towhat is highest and noblest. You need only guide <strong>it</strong>, the Power then workson by <strong>it</strong>self in the direction you desire.Thus you have happiness or unhappiness in your own hand. Thereforehold your head up proudly, and face everything freely and courageously.Evil cannot approach unless you call <strong>it</strong>! As you wish <strong>it</strong>, so will <strong>it</strong> happen toyou!4647
WHAT IS FATE?IS THERE A GOD WHO ACTS ARBITRARILY?LECTURE: “FATE” – THE GRAIL MESSAGE, VOLUME IIMen speak of deserved and undeserved fate, of reward and punishment,retribution and karma.All these are only part-designations of a Law resting in Creation: TheLaw of Reciprocal Action!A Law which lies in the entire Creation from <strong>it</strong>s earliest beginning, whichh<strong>as</strong> been inseparably woven into the great, never-ce<strong>as</strong>ing evolution <strong>as</strong> anessential part of creating <strong>it</strong>self, and of development. Like a gigantic system ofthe finest nerve-strands, <strong>it</strong> supports and animates the mighty Universe, andpromotes continuous movement, an eternal giving and taking!Plainly and simply, and yet so aptly, Jesus Christ h<strong>as</strong> already expressed <strong>it</strong>:“What a man sows that shall he reap!”These few words render the picture of the activ<strong>it</strong>y and life in the wholeCreation so brilliantly that <strong>it</strong> can hardly be expressed differently. Themeaning of the words is inflexibly interwoven w<strong>it</strong>h life. Immovable,inviolable, incorruptible in <strong>it</strong>s perpetual operation.You can see <strong>it</strong> if you want to see! Begin by observing the surroundingsnow visible to you. What you call Laws of Nature are, of course, the DivineLaws, are the Creator’s Will. You will quickly recognise how unswervingthey are in constant activ<strong>it</strong>y, for if you sow wheat you will not reap rye, andif you scatter rye <strong>it</strong> cannot bring you rice!This is so obvious to every man that he simply never reflects on the actualprocess. Therefore he does not be<strong>com</strong>e at all conscious of the strict and greatLaw resting in <strong>it</strong>. And yet here he faces the answer to a riddle, which need beno riddle to him.Now the same Law that you are able to observe here takes effect w<strong>it</strong>hequal certainty and force also in the most delicate things, which you are onlyable to discern through magnifying gl<strong>as</strong>ses, and, going still further, in theethereal part of the whole Creation, which is by far the larger part. It liesimmutably in every happening, even in the most delicate development ofyour thoughts, which also still have a certain element of material substance.How could you imagine that <strong>it</strong> should be different just where you wouldlike to have <strong>it</strong> so? Your doubts are in real<strong>it</strong>y nothing more than the expressionof your inner wishes!In all existence, visible and invisible to you, <strong>it</strong> is no different, w<strong>it</strong>h eachkind producing <strong>it</strong>s own, no matter what the substance. Just <strong>as</strong> continuous arethe growing and developing, the bearing of fru<strong>it</strong> and reproduction of thesame kind. This process runs uniformly through everything, <strong>it</strong> makes nodistinctions, leaves no gap, <strong>it</strong> does not stop short of some other part ofCreation, but carries the effects through like an unbreakable thread, w<strong>it</strong>houtinterruption or cessation.Even though the greater part of mankind, in their lim<strong>it</strong>ation and conce<strong>it</strong>,have isolated themselves from the Universe, the Divine or Natural Lawshave not ce<strong>as</strong>ed on that account to regard them <strong>as</strong> belonging to <strong>it</strong>, and to goon working w<strong>it</strong>hout change, calmly and evenly.But the Law of Reciprocal Action also stipulates that whatever a mansows, thus where he causes an effect or consequence, he must also reap!Only at the beginning of every matter is man free to resolve, free to decidewhere the Omnipotent Power flowing through him is to be guided, in whatdirection. He must then bear the consequences arising from the Power thatw<strong>as</strong> set in motion in the direction willed by him. In sp<strong>it</strong>e of this, many persistin <strong>as</strong>serting that even so man h<strong>as</strong> no free will if he is subject to fate!This foolishness is only meant to serve <strong>as</strong> a narcotic, or to be a grudgingsubmission to something inev<strong>it</strong>able, a discontented resignation, but mainlya self-excuse, for each of these consequences falling back on him had abeginning, and at this beginning the cause of the subsequent effect lay in aprevious free decision by man.This free decision h<strong>as</strong> at some time or other preceded every reciprocalaction, thus every fate! W<strong>it</strong>h a first vol<strong>it</strong>ion man h<strong>as</strong> each time produced or4849
created something in which he himself h<strong>as</strong> to live afterwards, sooner or later.When this will happen, however, varies greatly. It can still be in the sameearth-life in which his first vol<strong>it</strong>ion made the beginning for <strong>it</strong>, but <strong>it</strong> canequally well happen in the Ethereal World, when the gross-material bodyh<strong>as</strong> been laid <strong>as</strong>ide, or later still in yet another gross-material earth-life.The variations are not important here, they do not free man from thecons equences. He carries the connecting threads w<strong>it</strong>h him continuouslyuntil he is redeemed from them, that is to say, “rele<strong>as</strong>ed” through the finaloutworking that ensues through the Law of Reciprocal Action.The one who forms is bound to his own work, even if he h<strong>as</strong> intended <strong>it</strong> forothers!If therefore a man today decides to do another an ill turn, e<strong>it</strong>her inthought, word or deed, he h<strong>as</strong> thereby “put something into the world”, qu<strong>it</strong>eirrespective of whether this is generally visible or not, thus whether grossmaterialor ethereal; <strong>it</strong> h<strong>as</strong> w<strong>it</strong>hin <strong>it</strong> power and therefore life, which conti n -ues to develop and work on in the desired direction.How <strong>it</strong> will affect the person for whom <strong>it</strong> is intended depends entirely onthe psychic cond<strong>it</strong>ion of the one concerned, to whom <strong>it</strong> may thereby bringe<strong>it</strong>her much or l<strong>it</strong>tle harm, perhaps also different from what w<strong>as</strong> intended, oreven none whatever, for again the psychic state of the one concerned is decisivefor himself alone. Hence no one is exposed to such things unprotected.It is different w<strong>it</strong>h him who through his decision and his vol<strong>it</strong>ion h<strong>as</strong>given rise to this movement, that is to say, who w<strong>as</strong> <strong>it</strong>s producer. His prod -uct remains uncond<strong>it</strong>ionally bound to him, and after a short or longjourneying in the Universe returns to him reinforced, laden like a bee,through the attraction of homogeneous species.Here the Law of Reciprocal Action takes effect in that every single productin <strong>it</strong>s movement through the Universe attracts, or is <strong>it</strong>self attracted by,various homogeneous species, through whose union a power-source then<strong>com</strong>es into being, which sends back, <strong>as</strong> from a power station, reinforcedpower of the same kind to all those who through their products are con -nected <strong>as</strong> if by cords w<strong>it</strong>h the <strong>as</strong>sembly-point of homogeneous species.Through this reinforcement an ever greater dens<strong>it</strong>y also occurs until therefinally arises from <strong>it</strong> a gross-material precip<strong>it</strong>ation, in which the one-timeproducer must now live and experience to the full what he once willed, inorder at l<strong>as</strong>t to be freed from <strong>it</strong>.That is the origin and development of the so dreaded and misunderstoodfate! It is just, down to the minutest and finest shading, because through theattraction of only homogeneous species <strong>it</strong> can never bring in the returningradiation anything other than what w<strong>as</strong> actually willed personally in thebeginning.Whether for a particular individual or in general makes no difference here,for <strong>it</strong> is naturally also the self-same process when man does not specificallydirect his vol<strong>it</strong>ion to another or to several persons, but lives generally insome kind of vol<strong>it</strong>ion.The kind of vol<strong>it</strong>ion upon which he decides determines the fru<strong>it</strong>s he musteventually reap. Thus countless ethereal threads cling to man, or he to them,all of which let whatever he once willed flow back to him. These currentsresult in a mixture that constantly h<strong>as</strong> a strong influence on the forming ofhis character.Thus in the mighty machinery of the Universe there are many thingswhich contribute to how man “fares”, but there is nothing to which man h<strong>as</strong>not himself first given cause.He furnishes the threads out of which in the untiring loom of life thecloak he h<strong>as</strong> to wear is made.Christ clearly and severely expressed the same when He said: “What aman sows, that shall he reap.” He did not say, “can” he reap, but he “shall”.That is the same <strong>as</strong> saying: he must reap what he sows.How often does one hear otherwise very sensible people say: “It is in<strong>com</strong>prehensibleto me that God should allow such a thing!”But <strong>it</strong> is in<strong>com</strong>prehensible that men can speak thus! How small theyimagine God to be w<strong>it</strong>h this remark. They prove thereby that they think ofHim <strong>as</strong> an “arb<strong>it</strong>rarily acting God”.But God does not at all directly intervene in all these small and great cares5051
of men, in wars, misery and other earthly matters! From the very beginningHe h<strong>as</strong> woven into Creation His perfect Laws, which automatically carryout their incorruptible work so that all is accurately fulfilled, forever takingeffect uniformly, thus preventing any preference <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> any discrimina -tion, an injustice being impossible.Hence God h<strong>as</strong> no need to trouble Himself especially about this. HisWork is flawless.But one of the principal mistakes so many people make is that they onlyjudge according to Gross Matter, regarding themselves <strong>as</strong> the centre therein,and taking into consideration one earth-life, where<strong>as</strong> in real<strong>it</strong>y they alreadyhave several earth-lives behind them. These, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the intervening timesin the Ethereal World, are equal to one uniform existence, through which thethreads are tightly stretched w<strong>it</strong>hout breaking, so that in the effects of aparticular earthly existence only a small part of these threads thereforebe<strong>com</strong>es visible.Hence <strong>it</strong> is a great mistake to believe that at birth an absolutely new lifebegins, that a child is thus “innocent”*, and that all happenings can beaccounted for in only the short life on earth. If this were true, then theexisting Justice would naturally require the <strong>com</strong>bined causes, effects andretroactions to occur during the span of one earth-life.Turn away from this error. You will then soon discover in everything thathappens the logic and justice that are now often missed!Many are alarmed at this and afraid of what they still have to expect fromthe p<strong>as</strong>t through the retroaction in accordance w<strong>it</strong>h these Laws.But such are unnecessary worries for those who are in earnest about thegood vol<strong>it</strong>ion, for in the self-acting Laws also lies at the same time the certainguarantee of mercy and forgiveness!Qu<strong>it</strong>e apart from the fact that, w<strong>it</strong>h the firm beginning of the good voli -tion, a lim<strong>it</strong> is immediately set for the point where the chain of evil retroac-tions must <strong>com</strong>e to an end, yet another process of immense importance<strong>com</strong>es into force:Through the continuing good vol<strong>it</strong>ion in every thought and deed, a constantreinforcement also flows retroactively from the homogeneous powersource,so that the good be<strong>com</strong>es more and more firmly established in manhimself, emerges from him, and first of all forms accordingly the etherealsurrounding that envelops him like a protective covering in much the sameway <strong>as</strong> the atmospheric layer around the earth affords <strong>it</strong> protection.Now when evil retroactions from the p<strong>as</strong>t return to this man to be re -deemed, they slide off the pur<strong>it</strong>y of his surrounding or covering, and are thusdeflected from him.But should they nevertheless penetrate this covering, the evil radiationsare e<strong>it</strong>her immediately disintegrated or at le<strong>as</strong>t appreciably weakened so thatthe harmful effect cannot manifest at all, or only to a very minor extent.In add<strong>it</strong>ion, through the resulting transformation, the actual inner man towhom the returning radiations are adjusted h<strong>as</strong> also be<strong>com</strong>e much more re -fined and lighter through the continuous striving for the good vol<strong>it</strong>ion, sothat he no longer h<strong>as</strong> any homogeneous affin<strong>it</strong>y w<strong>it</strong>h the greater dens<strong>it</strong>y ofevil or b<strong>as</strong>e currents. Similar to wireless telegraphy, when the receiver is nottuned in to the energy of the transm<strong>it</strong>ter.The natural consequence of this is that the denser currents, because theyare of a different species, cannot take hold of anything, and thus p<strong>as</strong>s harmlesslythrough w<strong>it</strong>hout evil effect, redeemed by some unconscious symbolicaction, the various kinds of which I will speak about at some later time.Therefore set to work w<strong>it</strong>hout delay! The Creator h<strong>as</strong> placed everythingin Creation into your hands. Make use of the time! Every moment holdsdis<strong>as</strong>ter or gain for you!* Lecture: “The Mystery of Birth”.5253
WHAT IS THE GRAIL MESSAGE?What is the Grail Message? This question is frequently <strong>as</strong>ked in view of thet<strong>it</strong>le of the work, which is un<strong>com</strong>mon for our time.The Grail Message is a <strong>com</strong>pilation of altogether 168 lectures in threevolumes concerning all the fundamental questions of our life. The lectureswere wr<strong>it</strong>ten in the twenties and thirties of the 20 th century and offer anexplanation of the World, a picture of Creation on the b<strong>as</strong>is of natural Laws.At the same time the lectures contain valuable b<strong>as</strong>ic elements, <strong>as</strong> a help in life,for through the knowledge mediated in the Grail Message the reader is againto be brought closer to Life, to be led back to God.In doing so the Grail Message addresses <strong>it</strong>self directly to the individual,w<strong>it</strong>hout regard for his denominational affiliation. It speaks to the innateexperiences of the individual human being, his strengths and also hisweaknesses. In this way each reader h<strong>as</strong> the opportun<strong>it</strong>y to rediscover in hisown life what is stated and subsequently to perceive <strong>it</strong> <strong>as</strong> true. Thus spir<strong>it</strong>ualexperiences, borne by the intu<strong>it</strong>ive perception, together w<strong>it</strong>h intellectuallyfamiliar, matter-of-fact logical re<strong>as</strong>oning, can <strong>com</strong>bine to form an allembracing and <strong>com</strong>plete World-picture in which there is no separationbetween the world that is visible and the great world “beyond the fivesenses” – nor any separation between scientific and religious striving forknowledge.The lectures of the Grail Message, which perm<strong>it</strong> an inexhaustibleknowledge on the part of their author to be discerned, often give in succinctwords only decisive hints for resolving important questions of life and areintended to be – <strong>as</strong> expressed in the Foreword – the “shining light and staff”for all human beings in quest of the Truth.Yet <strong>it</strong> is a very simple path that be<strong>com</strong>es discernible through the GrailMessage. It leads far away from any mysticism or esoteric abstraction, butmakes considerable demands on every human being who would follow <strong>it</strong>. Sofor instance, <strong>it</strong> is not only readiness for independent, objective, impartialthinking that is to be developed, but above all a “firm vol<strong>it</strong>ion for what isgood”, which also includes the endeavour to “give pur<strong>it</strong>y to one’s thoughts”.This work on oneself, that is to lead the human being to spir<strong>it</strong>ual matur<strong>it</strong>y,to develop him to be<strong>com</strong>e a strong, free personal<strong>it</strong>y, must be done by eachindividual for himself. Clinging to scientific or denominational dogmatismand the trad<strong>it</strong>ion-bound, customary or blind belief are against the verystriving towards true human<strong>it</strong>y which the Grail Message wishes to further.Instead the reader is to <strong>com</strong>e from belief to conviction. This possibil<strong>it</strong>y ispresented by the Grail Message, since the explanations are distinguished bya <strong>com</strong>plete, logical consistency. They are developed on the b<strong>as</strong>is of what aredesignated <strong>as</strong> “Primordial Creation-Laws”, whose activ<strong>it</strong>y can readily beexperienced and followed by every human being.But since experiencing and recognising constantly stimulate each other,furthering progress while encountering no inconsistencies whatsoever in theGrail Message, one also never <strong>com</strong>es to an end of reading the three volumesof this work ...WERNER HUEMER5455
WHO IS ABD-RU-SHIN, THE AUTHOR OF THE GRAIL MESSAGE?The author of the Grail Message w<strong>as</strong> born on 18th April 1875 inBischofswerda (near Dresden). He bore the name of Oskar Ernst Bernhardt,and from the beginning of the twentieth century he w<strong>as</strong>, among other things,a successful playwright and travel wr<strong>it</strong>er.He published his Grail Message under the name Abd-ru-shin. He beganhis wr<strong>it</strong>ings after his return from a Br<strong>it</strong>ish internment camp, where he w<strong>as</strong>held captive during the First World War. The deep desire had awakened inhim to p<strong>as</strong>s on his far-reaching recogn<strong>it</strong>ions about the meaning of life, birthand death, man’s t<strong>as</strong>k in Creation, or rather his relationship w<strong>it</strong>h theCreator, in order thereby to give help and show a way out of the spir<strong>it</strong>ualdistress. He chose the name Abd-ru-shin in fulfilment of a former earth-life,in which he had recognised the preparation for his present activ<strong>it</strong>y.The lectures <strong>com</strong>prising the Grail Message came into being in the yearsbetween 1923 and 1937. In the twenties Abd-ru-shin also held publiclectures, in which the new knowledge about Creation brought by him had inmany ways a revolutionary effect. To this day <strong>it</strong> h<strong>as</strong> lost nothing of <strong>it</strong>s<strong>com</strong>prehensive valid<strong>it</strong>y.From 1928 on, Abd-ru-shin lived w<strong>it</strong>h his family on Vomperberg in theTyrol (Austria). The seizure of power by Nazism, however, ended hisactiv<strong>it</strong>y forcibly; the Grail Settlement, which had <strong>com</strong>e into being in themeantime, w<strong>as</strong> expropriated w<strong>it</strong>hout <strong>com</strong>pensation. For Abd-ru-shin,forced residence in Kipsdorf (Erzgebirge) w<strong>as</strong> ordered, where he remainedunder constant surveillance of the Gestapo. As a consequence of theseme<strong>as</strong>ures he died on 6 th December 1941.Herbert Vollmann, <strong>as</strong> his contemporary, wrote about Abd-ru-shin: “Allwho met him were deeply impressed by his simple naturalness and his kindlyand at the same time majestic nature.” And in an article in a Munich newspaperin 1933 <strong>it</strong> is said of Abd-ru-shin: “There is something mysteriousabout him that speaks out of the clear, keen and yet kindly glance of his eyes,and is like a greeting from luminous distances.”Abd-ru-shin w<strong>as</strong>, however, strictly opposed to any personal cult. Hewanted his readers’ attention to focus on the content of his work, on theword and not on the author. The Grail Message <strong>it</strong>self, a living knowledgewhich Abd-ru-shin did not <strong>com</strong>pile from other teachings, but fromconviction drew out of himself, is at the same time valid proof of <strong>it</strong>s bringer.WERNER HUEMER5657
WHAT IS THE GRAIL?The earth is a great school for the spir<strong>it</strong> of man. Here he h<strong>as</strong> to develop tothat stage of consciousness which brings w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong> the final turning-point awayfrom the sway of earth, and a continuing <strong>as</strong>cent into Luminous Heights,until he is able to enter Paradise <strong>as</strong> a human spir<strong>it</strong>, conscious of <strong>it</strong>self.But the human spir<strong>it</strong>’s be<strong>com</strong>ing conscious of <strong>it</strong>self, which proceeds inmany stages, and the absorbing of the many-sided Knowledge of Creationnecessary for this, cannot be ac<strong>com</strong>plished in one earth-life.The human spir<strong>it</strong> must return to earth a number of times, and incarnate inhuman bodies.Human beings often meet each other again in the various earth-lives.Sometimes we fleetingly divine this when we meet some earthman who isunknown to us, and then intu<strong>it</strong>ively sense that we have known him for a longtime already. We find the same w<strong>it</strong>h certain places and regions. W<strong>it</strong>h regardto the development of earthman to spir<strong>it</strong>ual matur<strong>it</strong>y, we must however bearin mind that <strong>it</strong> cannot take just <strong>as</strong> long <strong>as</strong> we like, nor be interrupted andcontinued again <strong>as</strong> often <strong>as</strong> we ple<strong>as</strong>e.A plant does not ever again interrupt <strong>it</strong>s growth e<strong>it</strong>her, to continuegrowing afterwards, but <strong>it</strong> develops steadily towards matur<strong>it</strong>y in the span oftime set for <strong>it</strong> by the Creator.This Law of Nature applies also to the spir<strong>it</strong>ual growth of man, who likethe plant is a product of Creation.In the great school of mankind he too is given a period of time in whichhe must have reached the climax of his spir<strong>it</strong>ual development.This climax is now here! It is determined by the great Cosmic Turning-Point which is linked w<strong>it</strong>h the matur<strong>it</strong>y of Creation.W<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong> <strong>com</strong>es a final extension of the Knowledge of Creation, right to theKnowledge of the Holy Grail! Its actual existence is confirmed and ex -plained in the Grail Message “In the Light of Truth”, by Abd-ru-shin. In thecourse of thousands of years, tidings of the existence of the Grail in theSpir<strong>it</strong>ual have often <strong>com</strong>e down to earth, but the human intellect made <strong>it</strong> soearthly that the true origin remained unclear and hazy, and the genuinelonging for the lofty and pure which is contained in the Grail could not arisein the souls of men.At the time of Jesus men did not yet show themselves so far advanced <strong>as</strong>to be able to gr<strong>as</strong>p the Knowledge of the Grail. About this Jesus said: “I haveyet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbe<strong>it</strong>when he, the Spir<strong>it</strong> of truth, is <strong>com</strong>e, he will guide you into all truth” (John16, 12-13). Here Jesus calls the Son of Man proclaimed by Him the “Spir<strong>it</strong> oftruth”.Man must gradually make himself familiar w<strong>it</strong>h the thought that not onlyon earth, but also in the supra-earthly regions, everything is formed,although of finer, lighter species of Creation.Indeed the earth is simply the coarsest image of the already-existingsupra-earthly prototypes, which are far more perfect and beautiful than theforms visible to us. -The Holy Grail actually exists. It is a Chalice, which is to be found in theGrail C<strong>as</strong>tle in the highest Spir<strong>it</strong>ual Realm, the Primordial Creation, at theboundary to the Divine Realm.From the beginning of Creation, this stream of Spir<strong>it</strong>ual Power pours inprime-eternal rhythm, like pulse-beats, into Creation, to renew andmaintain <strong>it</strong>.Just <strong>as</strong> the heart allows the blood to pulsate through the body, so theSpir<strong>it</strong>ual Power streams into Creation anew at regular intervals once a year,on the Day of the Holy Dove. It is the Day of the Outpouring of Powerthrough the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong>!The human spir<strong>it</strong> also lives from this Power, but al<strong>as</strong>, he h<strong>as</strong> mainlyapplied <strong>it</strong> wrongly, and misused <strong>it</strong> for b<strong>as</strong>e ends. He h<strong>as</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e the mostdestructive element in the World!5859
At that time the disciples experienced in a special way this annual Renewalof Power, which Jesus had promised them. -In the Revelation (Apocalypse), given from a spir<strong>it</strong>ual <strong>as</strong>pect, John des -cribes in picture-language many happenings, local<strong>it</strong>ies and personal<strong>it</strong>iesconnected w<strong>it</strong>h the Grail. His spir<strong>it</strong>ual eye beheld pictorially tremendoushappenings that took place, and will yet take place, in the Divine Realm,down to the deepest depths of the Darkness!Thus he designated the Grail C<strong>as</strong>tle, standing in the Spir<strong>it</strong>ual, the “templeof God” (Rev. 11, 19; 15, 5).But the “fountain of the water of life”, mentioned in chapter 21, 6, is theHoly Grail! –However unusual to the seeking man this new Knowledge may be at first,he will have no choice but to occupy himself w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong> seriously, because thetime for this is ripe!The true Knowledge of the Grail will give the spir<strong>it</strong>ual character to thenew epoch that now dawns w<strong>it</strong>h the Cosmic Turning-Point, because thehuman spir<strong>it</strong> will then be able at the right time to receive consciously andgratefully, to the blessing and joy of all creatures in Creation, the Power, theWater of Life, streaming out of the Holy Grail.Full of promise, therefore, are the words of the Revelation of John: “I amAlpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him that is athirstof the fountain of the water of life freely.” (21, 6). “And let him that is athirst<strong>com</strong>e. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” (22, 17).To him who uses this Power out of the Holy Grail aright, the Gate toParadise will open, and he may receive the Crown of Life (Rev. 2, 10), thegift of being allowed to exist eternally! –At the present time we are in the midst of one of the most importantfulfilments of the Apocalypse, of the Revelation of John: in the CosmicTurning-Point, in the World Judgment!Revolutionary events that can no longer be stayed, an abundance of signs,inev<strong>it</strong>ably point us to this.Through the guilt of men that h<strong>as</strong> arisen over thousands of years, theworld is out of joint, and only for God alone is <strong>it</strong> yet possible to redress thebalance.But in all the confusion and distress, the Grail brings salvation and helpfrom out of Luminous Heights!Amid the downfall of all evil, It dispenses the Power for renewal andupbuilding!HERBERT VOLLMANN6061
Addresses to contact:AMERICA:GRAIL FOUNDATION IN AMERICAP.O. Box 1893, BinghamtonN.Y. 13902, USATel: +1 607 765 6981, Fax +1 734 468 4220e-mail: aolewis@yahoo.<strong>com</strong>AUSTRALIA:GRAIL MOVEMENT IN AUSTRALIA9 Falls Road, KaloramaVic. 3766, AustraliaTel: +61 3 9728 1185, Fax +61 3 9787 2284e-mail: info@<strong>grail</strong>.org.auCANADA:GRAIL MOVEMENT IN CANADA470, chemin des Hauteurs, Lac Simon (Chénéville)Québec J0V 1E0, CanadaTel: +1 819 428 7001, +1 877 762 3077e-mail: administration@<strong>grail</strong>.caGREAT BRITAIN:GRAIL MESSAGE FOUNDATIONSu<strong>it</strong>e F6, Flemington House, 110 Flemington StreetGl<strong>as</strong>gow, Scotland, G21 4BF, Great Br<strong>it</strong>ainTel: +44 141 558 7133e-mail: info@<strong>grail</strong>-uk.orgNEW ZEALAND:GRAIL MOVEMENT FOUNDATION IN NEW ZEALANDP.O. Box 32-006, Devonport, North ShoreAuckland 0744, New ZealandTel & Fax: +64 9 4451707e-mail: MOVEMENT IN NIGERIAPlot 22, Block 96, Babatunde Dabiri StreetLekki Ph<strong>as</strong>e I, Lekki, LagosTel: +234 1 471 324; +234 1 810 4699; +234 1 791 4991e-mail: seekers@the<strong>grail</strong>movementnigeria.<strong>com</strong>GERMANY:STIFTUNG GRALSBOTSCHAFTSchuckertstr. 8, 71254 D<strong>it</strong>zingen, GermanyTel.: +49 7156 95320, Fax: +49 7156 18663e-mail: info@gral.deOr vis<strong>it</strong> us on Internet:www.<strong>grail</strong><strong>message</strong>.<strong>com</strong>6667
The Grail MessageIn the years 1923 to 1938Abd-ru-shin published those168 lectures which, buildingone upon the other, he puttogether <strong>as</strong> his main Work“In the Light of Truth – theGrail Message”.In this Work the Authorgives a <strong>com</strong>prehensive ex -planation of Creation and <strong>it</strong>senduring Laws, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> ofwww.<strong>grail</strong><strong>message</strong>.<strong>com</strong>their meaning for each indi -vidual human being andevery sphere of life. Hethereby created a FoundationWork of Creation-Knowl -edge.The Grail Message is avail -able <strong>as</strong> a <strong>com</strong>pos<strong>it</strong>e volumeor in three volumes, w<strong>it</strong>hed<strong>it</strong>ions in paperback orhardback.