pp. '222′-' - WordPress – www.wordpress.com

pp. '222′-' - WordPress – www.wordpress.com

pp. '222′-' - WordPress – www.wordpress.com


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Crl. 7, ioo TTta z.Boofo. Fliqhwaiesi Highwaics, Thcz. Boofo.tcn Tuns of Iron, caudgu in tbe ff,iu Hrshwaves,.bethtccnc tbc r.ofiVlay, anD r z. of O{tirtt"rjn sinp pcre,ff allap oue Ioau of Sl,nderrGraucll,ltoneop Chalke fn plflres r0 tree nirpoinr-eU bp lndb gu,0ice, op els tllalt pap hlir0in eiqllf Df,ptE aftcvte,nanD, at euerpfucll Ironluolhe,iif. r,fop eueriefucbloaue, ro rbe lranus of fucll llu0ice. llirc tnonclefaultofpatrnsnr,{ljol leuie gs fsme lrp aittrefL,tbe farne mon eqes-tsbe lihehife tellonle u bp fucb3uftice lryon tbe fame Hiqh-waies, at bigoifcre'tion. 9nU {nc[.$nfircenrapyearelp(hirfin4c,athEng rgi pt*ces io3laie$ nepr afreq Mlr uap )befioning tlle faiD S r I r tlcr, ()rauel, S to1e,C halke,- 0ltl$nepss tlr?rgtblc, ?9.lilrz.t:11v. 1 r,iD{abbD fok 3n uefatrlt of t'rJs l).u.rllr',,,rcl.tnun (]lrrrxh_Dt3llo w;rr(lcns, tltnt OnU not trrpc tl)c N)nri0rioncro to,brrDgtlrerolicfe of I)rl.rblcrl Sorrklrcrs, {rnp Jlu.lliceoftlte penqs_DUrsllinS an tlrflt |,fiua0,,02 (ifuoneDcDgezb3ctber!.$eafaringlo9ltlDtu_el tle rf) itr t[e paurcr ncrc luio]rnru g, rirlrr aGfeffa tle frrmr I snU rnnp nllo ( tn Urfairlr of rlaChurclrrvart{cns {lll5 Ct'rrll.rlrlc ) Ierfie t[c fame[p uifitetfe to be lolu,4 3. f il,z. .',r1'.1,@ll g lllrrft ice o f lpence ubeus t (,c hc nilc oi palerblcnher,cutteu of copn o1 tuooD,robbrr uf Dlcbnrro3 O,rrDen,nnu frrcb lihe is atlulE[,f n DsD, o? ibe ofifenccts cornmirceu, nlflpugqn tbc rcfiiuronie ofouc frrffr cient hil n effc Dpotr otch, cntrfe tbg offsn,Dgr r0 pflp untn,tscs, o; to bc ur[ri<strong>pp</strong>eu lrp sbe @off,nHli;Ilh',1l?ri;.J,lt,.r,rp nccr.c rre prn ce,wbeteflt[ Sc,rJ.rrurg nrrur (lirltcring Siripwracke , anDn0tIIiI3or Can.7,nqrtFuins to rcl icu c biurfcl fe lromshf, r!es) Doth&nb, ma? Siue bin a'l' cf hn roni rl bnueu big lranUronrnining tlle cintr iuD placc of bis lanuin$,tuttbtfo place of bir lrititb 0I Ducllin[t, to htbicD be is to$fl$s,snD uith n couurnlcnt tittu fol bis paffagetlrttbcr. Sp nrbicb br mnp ncr0lDtnSIp pntTe in tbenfuall ont Dirrct tDnlcl tltttbcr, nnu afltc nuu tirhenllefi, ? I' lll'r;'q'.4's,bt lrrlhrr 0f fircscg, in op nctrc tbc phcc Sotlrerdor1qb[crt lnp lDltt lu0ltDling S,rulrhcr 01 Nl.rlitrer Sarucrgto(cotttttting t'rottt bir ().r1't;unc frotlt tltr fcf,E op beggc'frnrtt trcponn; Dotb lnttu,ouglt ( rpou re rlurtt,) t011luc biru a @eltirnorrat truueu lrig brruD, <strong>pp</strong>l0mu$erhcrrtrt tbr tinu rrru plnce of fucb bislnruirts,tuitlltbc plsce of bis utllcllirrs 0l trirtb, to tobicb be ig topo[fr,S hitl) fl c0nugnient time $erein limitcD fo<strong>pp</strong>affage tbitlter. Snt tlrg Iuftrce 0f pe acs, ltextUisSDiopnin$ to tltre placc, otr dileft r,va1', lolete nnltSouldier 01 M:rriner, ( cortutittg front,0t bcpottutbe Seas) lanuer! o; trsunilsrb, S rnakctb hnobur[rio pouerfie,mnp licencc $i1tt to palfe.qbe llcrt anDDrrpct trs!, [otbs plocs ttJl)itlrer l)0 irrroteprire, gttrap ltntte bim tinre. nect$aris ontlf3ftiprUis tua'Ir0 tl r tbitber I tubictr liceuce tf lle pu$Ic" bss msytflu nrru tnhe ( tuiclrour Dsn[er) fot bii nscctlariere ltctc in fucfi liitr tuauaile, tbac bbicb anP psrfoilSllmll tttll linglp Sim bim, 3 9.Eli.cap.r 7rOttr lrrllrcc of4epeAcs,oftbe Shirc ol Ridine po4bemellSIt nnl0l'llurg tO Onp crtic, Boio*rO1town. coo-- Clott,s9rl,(,retr, brporru tbe Eiueuof Trent bbgre Norilrcrrrcclot[ct bfs m&bs, msp 8[f0 iopne tuitb$emN\

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