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pp. '222′-' - WordPress – www.wordpress.com


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e ep.'2,$prlnp/fc.j3, Thc a.Bookg, lJailcment.![nu t[nt alfo <strong>com</strong>tustb 0f rbe dreeks B4]^6il, ibepItotlr [ittttifUittg, fo f)eliuer into hand. fol besrbnr i$ Bailcd, is raheu (op hept) our ofplifori,anuue liueueu (nn ft tuere) inta tb.e banus of lris frienuefls Srrerties fot bittt,bbsreof alfo tle holy IWawceptio(o7 MainpriG,tugf cll ir nlt one)giuerb S0ouertuence r tbe ons mentioning tbeueliuerie, tt eorr,bet t$e weduitt g o f fu cb a p I ifoner. $nu tn r [i e re'fpect, tlle booke of tlts NormanC*fomcs calletbRail crnent, I liue <strong>pp</strong>tfun I fot rbat rbs pa wietluewbp be<strong>com</strong>met! <strong>pp</strong>ifoncr e o lrig fuienos, rlrar ooe trnuertnte fo1 fiirtr.Sut Bailcrrrcnranu M.rinprilc baue beengtn'Iteu to uiffer in t[cplnctifeofdur conrrrrorr latulfolItc ubirb irptopcrlp ll,rrlcrl lrp ll;c Slu0iccn of onp(Iottrr,llltb birr ncucrtllelcfft ucputeu to trt n p1i[0.neu tUcrs lntl,nrrD bi[ fucrrico to Ue (no ic Urrc)lrisfp c c i o ll ga r n c ur g I o t l,c r tr, I fc r s h i t l, tr c c u e r b o r r t\ lr cof biru tbacig lct t0lv[,rrrr1'r'rli', nstnnpbcc (ccrtebpt0e Sookectfcg,tt.ll. l.& to,l'.. 1,. ooronaFrt. r z.& t 3.7.11. 6.42. 3 r . I I, o. r rr.'1 t'1. I l.t;.7 7.9. E.4. z.c\ z r .l-l an'.7. 73 . 1Llrrt at tblu unp,bohIonq 1ls 0r1 be auiuuqeu t0 lre fl pll[0n tt, tit in Cttloditt{m{tilfi lW,rifctlcit,1hc, tl,nt t$ l]ailedirrtltt hrrrss llcrrclr, tltecutloutc of tlp@ouut iCfclfc nrutl ruls t(,e tnstter I fo1 ir utttcrrb fomg'ullat (rl Jl be not uccctucD) frorrr rbolc opiniong'potubcic fol,tfrrrtrr$ nc ru our courfe(r0ncprniflSSultrccg of ii psacc) rt ia rror fo uecDful to fitp UBontlte uifferrncc lrcruccn rb0 tn0lus, ils t0 1rlocse[ t0litctofs c lre ufr tl ntsrcr 0f ii r[irrgl Ler trr ef sminctl.lcBailement. ThcJ.Bufo. 333 Cat'. z.ths xoluer oftbe Srrtticrg of pcnce in tlio bebalfe'-gi ieem*b,ibrc I u I tr, "'of tlte pcace migf t-(af'ftIibe Smsutc I 4. li' ?' (,rl)' I' tbflt illsDs-tlrsnr<strong>com</strong>ulsCe 3nufies) Unttc lcttcu to bnile fuc[, per'ionslg treic triuitiu o[ I . l.' r r y I'rcfo1 c rbem in tbeit5.ffiont, euen isttc'Jlrr0ics's of lbe ltrrlls l'cnchufs to tos .' but rrot lirrb fic urrc arrrlltu tbp fttfpt'tion of Fcl.'ttv , lllu llot inuitcu tltcrtof betcleitrnrr, bcc,rutc trctblc tltc cuuttgnlcllt tbcy uJrrc n03iulscc outr tUcut.' 0tto tb1 lclp llcrdn, it tuto o3'nainrU( 1.R.r,,,r1'.1.) tllnc crrcry lttlttec()l Pcaccltirsl,t i.t l' l,.rrlel .rrry lirti'c&ctl ol'lcloruc' l6ttcttrit l-slu benatc fonic incbnuenicnceo, nnu tlrc[e'iors isb$s fione ofter tepealer ( trt' I ' [lcnr' 7' )trirtcb t"ft dow.r to two lultrccs of'thc Pcacci ti'r. o". beineoftlre Qroyn) to lct arrl'prifo'irers lmainpcinablc bvinc law) to baile, to the,r.*t L.n.til fcffions,or the ncxt Gaotc delirrery':& wifieth that thev lhal th6 ccrtr{icfirch brttlc talccn.voonDain to iorfct fbr ctre 11'tlc{irrrlt (tl rclcvp6ricorJed)tcn pounds to tlttkrtrq'1' Il 7'c'3'' ltnu beus agarrre tllere fplfllrS bp litotlte u ittcon'uenisncs: fol rben llufiices of lpencc tuotilu tloc0icheto bolrdb one an ollrg[s nfrnle,(aomanp pet0ill uo) ant- np tbat meane usfrauus cbe So0u lllcf,snina o'f the fbtatute I KXbe usupon it uas lalllpuroiiiuer-bp r.& z. phil.& M. nsfollotuctlr.it l,., r ,,, iu{tice,nor Iuftices ofpeace,(hould let Sailsm:nt otto 6.rvlc ^,.,un.ifon contrary to the faid ftatutc Alifonerg'snDk ili, , ...11,'.'5. And that ho perfon,bcing 1': f;l$lli:"'ilrtlcftcd lbr ru.nrllaughtcrror t€lonyrot tor lulptutt-oauio. ' -

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