Section 10.6: The Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Ostts.org

Section 10.6: The Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Ostts.org

Section 10.6: The Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Ostts.org


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828 Foundations of Trigonometry<strong>The</strong>orem 10.28. Properties of the Arcsecant and Arccosecant <strong>Functions</strong> a• Properties of F (x) = arcsec(x)– Domain: {x : |x| ≥ 1} = (−∞, −1] ∪ [1, ∞)– Range: [ 0, π ) (2 ∪ π2 , π]– as x → −∞, arcsec(x) → π + 2; as x → ∞, arcsec(x) → π −2– arcsec(x) = t if and only if 0 ≤ t < π 2 or π 2< t ≤ π and sec(t) = x– arcsec(x) = arccos ( 1x)provided |x| ≥ 1– sec (arcsec(x)) = x provided |x| ≥ 1– arcsec(sec(x)) = x provided 0 ≤ x < π 2 or π 2 < x ≤ π• Properties of G(x) = arccsc(x)– Domain: {x : |x| ≥ 1} = (−∞, −1] ∪ [1, ∞)– Range: [ − π 2 , 0) ∪ ( 0, π ]2– as x → −∞, arccsc(x) → 0 − ; as x → ∞, arccsc(x) → 0 +– arccsc(x) = t if and only if − π 2 ≤ t < 0 or 0 < t ≤ π 2and csc(t) = x– arccsc(x) = arcsin ( 1x)provided |x| ≥ 1– csc (arccsc(x)) = x provided |x| ≥ 1– arccsc(csc(x)) = x provided − π 2 ≤ x < 0 or 0 < x ≤ π 2– additionally, arccosecant is odda . . . assuming the “Trigonometry Friendly” ranges are used.Example <strong>10.6</strong>.3.1. Find the exact values of the following.(a) arcsec(2) (b) arccsc(−2) (c) arcsec ( sec ( ))5π4(d) cot (arccsc (−3))2. Rewrite the following as algebraic expressions of x and state the domain on which the equivalenceis valid.(a) tan(arcsec(x))(b) cos(arccsc(4x))

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