Cordell COMP ENTRY 08 PRINT - Literature Wales

Cordell COMP ENTRY 08 PRINT - Literature Wales

Cordell COMP ENTRY 08 PRINT - Literature Wales


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Alexander <strong>Cordell</strong> was one of <strong>Wales</strong>’ most popular writers, and he honed his skills by enteringa writing competition in 1957, run by the South <strong>Wales</strong> Argus, which offered a prize for ‘themost interesting literary project’. <strong>Cordell</strong>’s submission, ‘Life among the Ironworkers ofGarndyrus and Blaenavon’, contained extracts from a ‘novel in hand’ which was publishedtwo years later - the international best-seller Rape of the Fair Country. The research <strong>Cordell</strong>undertook for this competition shaped his literary career, so it seems only fitting that 50 years laterhe should be remembered through a competition which encourages a new generation ofwriters to look more closely at South <strong>Wales</strong>.Alexander <strong>Cordell</strong> <strong>Literature</strong> Competition 2009 -Travel Writing CompetitionEntries are invited for the 6th annual Alexander <strong>Cordell</strong> <strong>Literature</strong> Competition.It’s fifty years since Alexander <strong>Cordell</strong>’s international best seller – Rape of the Fair Country – waspublished in 1959, putting the tiny iron and coal town of Blaenavon on the international map.In this anniversary year, we invite aspiring and accomplished writers to submit a piece of travelwriting which will place <strong>Cordell</strong> Country on the world travel map.<strong>Cordell</strong> loved to tell stories about the Valleys of South <strong>Wales</strong>. Follow in his footsteps or findyour own forgotten landscape to write about. Tell us a travel story that will inspire people tovisit this special part of <strong>Wales</strong> - a story about people and places celebrating history and culture.Note for Entrants<strong>Cordell</strong> honed his own writing skills by entering a competition in 1957, run by the South <strong>Wales</strong>Argus, which offered a prize for 'the most interesting literary project'. His submission, 'Lifeamong the Ironworkers of Garndyrus and Blaenavon', was the basis of Rape of the Fair Country.It seems only fitting that 50 years later he should be remembered through a competition whichencourages a new generation of writers to look more closely at South <strong>Wales</strong>.For the purpose of this competition <strong>Cordell</strong> Country is defined as stretching across the South<strong>Wales</strong> Valleys from Monmouthshire in the East to the Neath Valley in the West, from Caerphillyin the South to the Brecon Beacons in the North.JudgesWe are delighted that this year the judges will include the Cardiff–based travel writer,photographer and painter Patricia Aithie. She is a member of the British Guild of Travel Writersand a fellow of The Royal Geographical Society. South <strong>Wales</strong> Argus journalist Mike Buckinghamcompletes the judging team.Closing date for entries is 31st May 2009The Alexander <strong>Cordell</strong>LITERATURE <strong>COMP</strong>ETITION20<strong>08</strong>Prizes1st Prize £500, 2nd Prize £300, 3rd Prize £150 (and publication)For information about <strong>Cordell</strong> Country, The <strong>Cordell</strong> Country Tours, The Blaenafon Heritage and <strong>Cordell</strong>Museum or the Blaenavon World Heritage Site call 01495 742333 or visit the <strong>Cordell</strong> Country web sitewww.cordellcountry.org.Entry1. Entries must be the original, unpublished work of the author and no more than 1500 words.2. Entries must be typed in double-spacing on one side of A4 paper only.3. Entries must be in English.4. All entries are judged anonymously. No covering letter or other material should be enclosed withyour entry. The name of the entrant must not appear on the manuscript which should be firmlyattached to the entry form.5. Entries will only be accepted when accompanied by an entry form (forms may be photocopied)and £3 entry fee.6. Cheques and postal orders in sterling only should be made payable to Torfaen County BoroughCouncil.7. No entries can be returned.8. Receipt of your entry will only be acknowledged if a SAE marked ACKNOWLEDGEMENT isenclosed.Judging1. The competition deadline is 31 May 2009.2. The winners will be decided by a panel of judges. Their decision is final and no correspondencecan be entered into regarding that decision. The organisers reserve the right to change the panel ofjudges without notice and not to award prizes if in the opinion of the judges such action is justified.3. The list of prize winners will be placed on the <strong>Cordell</strong> Country website www.cordellcountry.org. Ifyou wish to receive a list of prize winners enclose a separate stamped addressed envelope markedPRIZE WINNERS.4. Winners will be announced in July 2009. All winners will be personally notified in July 2009.Winning manuscripts will be published on the <strong>Cordell</strong> Country website www.cordellcountry.org andin other suitable tourist/ travel media as appropriate.CopyrightCopyright will remain with the competitor, but the authors of the winning entries will grant <strong>Cordell</strong>Country the right to publish or broadcast manuscripts for one year from 30th July 2009. Other use ofthe manuscript during this period will be subject to the permission of <strong>Cordell</strong> Country organisers.Submission of an entry implies the competitor’s acceptance of the conditions detailed here.Mini Saga CompetitionCheck out our mini saga comptition on line at www.cordellcountry.orgWrite a historical novel about the Valleys in just 50 words! Or a rewrite of Rape of the FairCountry in 50 words. Have fun!

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