snbts management board - Scottish National Blood Transfusion ...

snbts management board - Scottish National Blood Transfusion ...

snbts management board - Scottish National Blood Transfusion ...


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APPROVED VERSION2.5 Core System Replacement – Ref Item 5.3The possibility of using suppliers to provide interface rather than develop this inhouse will be discussed in more detail at the April meeting.LL, MB2.6 MHRA INSPECTIONSDr Cuthbertson reported that a strategy had been agreed with the MHRA inresponse to their recent inspection of the USA plasma supplier. Themanufacturer would continue to supply product until the end of the contract.Two shipments were due and it was noted that a two week extension to thecontract may be required.3 NATIONAL DIRECTOR’S REPORTB 10.47 3.1 MONTHLY UPDATEIn presenting the <strong>National</strong> Director’s report Mr Thompson covered the followingmeetings:- SNBTS Partnership – 12th February• The Partnership Working template had been deferred for furtherdiscussion. NSS Partnership – 16th February• Every member of staff in the pension scheme should have receivedinformation regarding the Pensions Choice Action Plan from the<strong>Scottish</strong> Public Pensions Agency and workshops were beingarranged by NSS to assist decision making• The Business Case in respect of Meridian Court had been revisitedand would be submitted to the NSS Board on 7th May. It wasproposed that Meridian Court would house PSD, HPS and HFS. Apolicy of desk sharing had been included in the revised plans• The following policies had been approved:-o NSS Fire Safety Policyo NSS Recruitment and Selectiono NSS Reserve Forces Training and Mobilisation Policyo Lone Working EMT – 23rd February• An SNBTS local delivery plan which would allow for some serviceimprovement had been discussed at NSS and it was important thatif the work is to be completed in the financial year that there shouldbe no delays in implementing this• NSS Environmental Strategy had been approved• NSS Governance Arrangements are to be circulated to SNBTSManagement Board members• The SNBTS Extracorporeal Photopheresis (ECP) Programme hadbeen discussed and the method of approving funding for this andsimilar projects. This had gone forward to the <strong>National</strong>Commissioning Group for review UK Forum – 26th February• JPAC has been asked to prepare a Business Plan and MrThompson will write to Dr Sheila MacLennan and Dr Mike Murphy.• It had been agreed that the Prion Assay Working Group (PAWG)and the Prion Reduction Working Group (PRWG) should be mergedand the combined prion group will be chaired by Professor Turner• Professor Franklin is to continue representing the UK on the EBAuntil the end of 2010• SNBTS had been invited by the Department of Health to participatein a UK short life working group on Stem Cell provision General Issues – 3rd MarchMS2

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