Responding to Amniotic Fluid Embolism - AORN

Responding to Amniotic Fluid Embolism - AORN

Responding to Amniotic Fluid Embolism - AORN


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JUNE 2009, VOL 89, NO 6Dobbenga-RhodesSouth Med J. 2000;93(7):721-723.29. McDonnell NJ, Chan BO, Frengley RW. Rapidreversal of critical haemodynamic compromise withnitric oxide in a parturient with amniotic fluid embolism.Int J Obstet Anesth. 2007;16(3):269-273.30. Clark SL, Hankins GD, Dudley DA, Dildy GA,Porter TF. <strong>Amniotic</strong> fluid embolism: analysis of thenational registry. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1995;172(4 Pt1):1158-1167.31. Girard P, Mal H, Laine JF, Petitpretz P, Rain B,Duroux P. Left heart failure in amniotic fluid embolism.Anesthesiology. 1986;64(2):262-265.32. Gei G, Hankins GDV. <strong>Amniotic</strong> fluid embolism:an update. Contemp Ob/Gyn. 2000;45:53-66.33. Perozzi KJ, Englert NC. <strong>Amniotic</strong> fluid embolism:an obstetric emergency. Crit Care Nurse.2004;24(4):54-61.34. Martin PS, Lea<strong>to</strong>n MB. Emergency. <strong>Amniotic</strong>fluid embolism. Am J Nurs. 2001;101(3):43-44. Erratumin: Am J Nurs. 2001;101(5):14.35. 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MsDobbenga-Rhodes has no declared affiliationthat could be perceived as a potential conflict ofinterest in publishing this article.1088 • <strong>AORN</strong> JOURNAL

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