Prior User Rights Study Report to Congress - America Invents Act

Prior User Rights Study Report to Congress - America Invents Act

Prior User Rights Study Report to Congress - America Invents Act


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and that prior user rights protected their “legitimate know-how [from being] taken away.” 193 Becausemany U.S. universities have a more direct involvement with the patent system, as often do their licenseestart-up companies, this example from Germany may have less relevance <strong>to</strong> the U.S. case.Commentary <strong>to</strong> the Federal Register Notice offered by several higher education associations 194 aswell as a university-linked patent management organization, 195 expressed concerns about possiblenegative effects that a future strengthening of prior user rights could have upon innovation at universitiesin the US. These respondents recognized that prior user rights may be important in particular technologysec<strong>to</strong>rs, particularly those in which “complex products and manufacturing processes” may make itdifficult <strong>to</strong> patent every component. However, they also expressed concern that extending prior user rightsin<strong>to</strong> the university arena could create disincentives for information disclosure and collaboration in theuniversity environment (for instance, through peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations). Sinceinnovations from universities tend <strong>to</strong> be basic research, early-stage, and highly risky, these respondingassociations expressed a concern that allowing prior use rights in the university environment could“expand the pool of trade secrets immune from assertion of patent rights,” thereby reducing the certaintyover what a patent excludes and discouraging private companies from licensing university patents. 196<strong>Congress</strong> mandated that all university and university-associated technology transfer organizations’patents will be exempted from the availability of a prior user rights defense (excepting non-Federallyfunded activities). 197 Accordingly, the associations’ joint comments assert that the <strong>Act</strong> “effectivelybalances the concerns and interests of universities and private sec<strong>to</strong>r companies … while inhibiting thedevelopment of a massive pool of trade secrets immune from the assertion of patent rights, as wellas … products that could be derived from early disclosures.” 198 In summation, because prior user rights(and the university exclusion) have only recently been permitted <strong>to</strong> be widely available here in the U.S.,there is insufficient evidence at this time <strong>to</strong> determine the impact on universities. 199193 Comments of Freischem, supra note 39.194 Comments from Various Higher Edu. Ass’n <strong>to</strong> the USPTO, Higher Educ. Comments on <strong>Prior</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> 2(Nov. 8, 2011) [hereinafter “Comments of Various Higher Educ. Ass’n”], http://www.usp<strong>to</strong>.gov/aia_implementation/pur-2011nov08-higher-education-associations.pdf.195 Comments from Carl E. Gulbrandsen, Managing Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Wis. Alumni Research Found., <strong>to</strong> Elizabeth Shaw, IPResearch Specialist Supervisor, USPTO, Office of Policy and External Affairs, In the Matter of Notice of PublicHearing and Request for Comments on <strong>Study</strong> of <strong>Prior</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> 5-6 (Nov. 3, 2011) [hereinafter “Comments ofWis. Alumni Research Found.”], http://www.usp<strong>to</strong>.gov/aia_implementation/pur-2011nov04-wisconsin_alumni_research_foundation.pdf.196 Comments of Various Higher Educ. Ass’n, supra note 194.197 § 5, 125 Stat. at 292, 297-299.198 Comments of Various Higher Educ. Ass’n, supra note 194.199 See Comments of AIPLA, supra note 164.37

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